SR.No. FIRM NAME 1 Apollo Tyres Ltd. 2 24/7 Customer 3 24/7 Learning Solutions Private Limited 4 24X7Learning.Com / Avagma Online S" ool # 24X7Learning.Com / Avagma Online S" ool $ 24X7Learning.Com / Avagma Online S" ool 7 3 % &ndia ' 3& &n(ote" ) 3& &n(ote" Limited 1* 3Leads +esour"es &ndia Private Limited 11 3% &ndia Limited 12 3% &ndia Limited 13 A A A People Solutions 14 A , C Consultants 1# A & % A 1$ A.T. -earney 17 A.aris So(te" Ltd 1' &ndia 1) &ndia Limited 2* A." Consultant 21 A.ea"on Consulting Pvt. Ltd. 22 A.einsa 23 A.einsa ,usiness Development 24 A.einsa ,usiness Development Pvt Ltd 2# A.g Group 2$ A.g Group (A.g S ipyard Ltd.2 27 A.g S ipyard Limited 2' A.solute So(t3are Te" nologies 2) A"" Con"rete Limited 3* A"" Limited 31 A""el Partners 32 A""el Partners 33 A""enture 34 A""enture 3# A""enture 3$ A""enture Pte Limited 37 A""enture Services Private Limited 3' A""ess Corporate Solutions Pvt Ltd 3) A""man &nsti.!( %gt. 4* A""or Hotels &ndia 41 A""or Services Private Limited 42 A""urate Trans(ormers Ltd 43 A""utest &ndia 44 A"d Pla"ements Private Limited 4# A"g 5orld3ide 4$ A" ievements 47 A"me Solar 6nergy 4' A"nielsen Org - %arg 4) A"reaty #* A"ro Hr Solutions #1 A"ro Paints Ltd #2 A"ropolis Group #3 A"tion 8inan"ial &ndia Ltd #4 A"tion 8or 8ood Produ"tion (A(pro2 ## A"tis ,iologics Private Limited #$ A"tis Te" nologies #7 A"tive Consultants #' Adani 6nterprises Ltd #) Adani 6nterprises Ltd $* Adani Group $1 Adani Port Ltd $2 Adani Po3er Limited $3 Adars Consulting $4 Adde"o $# Ade""o $$ Ade""o &ndia $7 Ade""o &ndia $' Ade""o &ndia Pvt Ltd $) Adept Solutions &ndia Private Limited 7* Adidas &ndia 71 Adidas &ndia %ar9eting Private Limited 72 Aditi Te" nologies Aditya ,irla %anagement Corporation Private 73 Limited 74 Aditya ,irla Group 7# Aditya ,irla Group ( :ltrate" Cement 2 7$ Ado.e Systems &ndia Pvt Ltd 77 Ado.e Systems &ndia Pvt Ltd. 7' Adp 7) Adp '* Adp '1 Adp / %a 8oi Consulting Solutions Ltd '2 Adp / %a 8oi Consulting Solutions Ltd '3 Adp &ndia Pvt Ltd '4 Adp &ndia Pvt Ltd '# Adp Private Limited '$ Adp Pvt. Ltd '7 Adrenalin 6systems Limited '' Advan"e &mage %anagement ') Advent &n(oso(t (P) Ltd )* Advinus T erapeutics Private Limited )1 Aegis A"ademy )2 Aegis Hr. Services )3 Aegis Limited )4 Aeren + 6nterprises )# Aero 5orld )$ Aerte; 6le"trovoice Corporation )7 Affinia &ndia Pvt Ltd )' A= Limited )) A(oo>o 1** Agilent Te" nologies 1*1 Agilent Te" nologies &n". 1*2 Agilis &nternational 1*3 Agility Logistics Private Limited 1*4 Agro Te" 8oods Limited 1*# Aiese" &ndia 1*$ Aiese" ?avi 1*7 Aiese" ?avi 1*' Aims &nternational 1*) Air 8or"e Asso"iation - Pla"ement Cell 11* Air Liquide &ndia 111 112 Air"el ,usiness Solutions 113 Air"el Limited 114 Air"el Limited 11# Air"el LimitedA 11$ Air"el Ltd 117 Air"om &nternational 11' Airports Aut ority o( &ndia 11) Airtel ,usiness 12* Ais 121 Ais Computers 122 Ais Computers 123 Aistom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 124 Ajel Te" nologies &n" 12# A9iko Callnet 12$ A9s So(t3are Limited 127 A9s Opti 8ibre 12' A9>o ?o.el C emicals 12) Al 8araa Constru"tion And &ndustrial Group 13* Alcatel 131 Alcatel - Lu"ent &ndia Limited 132 Alcatel-Lu"ent 133 Alcatel-Lu"ent &ndia Limited 134 Alc emist Hr Services Private Limited 13# Alc emist Ltd 13$ Alc emy Capital %anagement Pvt. Ltd. 137 Alem.ic Limited 13' Alem.ic P arma 13) Alert Se"urity 14* Aliens Group 141 All &ndia Coun"il 8or Te" nical 6du"ation 142 All &ndia %anagement Asso"iation 143 Alla ,an9 144 Allcargo Logistics Ltd 14# Allcargo Logistics 14$ Allegis Services &ndia 147 Allian"e 8ranCaise De Delhi 14' Allied ,lenders & Distillers Pvt Ltd 14) Allied Lemuir 1#* Allied Lemuir %overs Pvt. Ltd 1#1 Allied 5orld3ide 1#2 Allse" Te" nologies Limited 1#3 Allse" Te" nologies Ltd. 1#4 Alo9 &ndustries Limited 1## Alp %anagement Consultants Private Limited 1#$ Alpine Healt Llc 1#7 Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 1#' Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 1#) Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 1$* Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 1$1 Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 1$2 Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 1$3 Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 1$4 Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 1$# Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 1$$ Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 1$7 Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 1$' Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 1$) Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 17* Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 171 Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd 172 Alstom Proje"ts &ndia Ltd. 173 Altisour"e 174 Altura Consulting Pvt Ltd 17# Amadeus &ndia Pvt. Ltd 17$ Aman %a" ine Tools Private Limited 177 Amar :jal Pu.lications Ltd 17' Amar" and %angaldas 17) Ama>on .Com Am.ien"e Developers & &n(rastru"ture Private 1'* Limited 1'1 Am.uja Cement Ltd 1'2 Am.uja Cements Ltd. 1'3 Am" em Produ"ts Pvt Ltd 1'4 American 6;press 1'# American 6;press 1'$ American 6;press &ndia Pvt Limited 1'7 American 6;press &ndia Pvt Ltd 1'' Americian 6;press 1') Amity ,usiness S" ool 1)* Amity :niversity 1)1 Amity :nivesity :p 1)2 Amron Asso"iates Private Limited 1)3 Amrop &nternational 1)4 Ams &n(orm 1)# Amte9 Auto Group 1)$ Am3ay &ndia 6nterprises 1)7 Am3ay &ndia 6nterprises 1)' Am3ay &ndia 6nterprises Pvt. Ltd 1)) Am3ay &ndia Ltd 2** Anand Group 2*1 Anant +aj Cons & Dev Pvt Ltd 2*2 An" or Healt And ,eauty Care Pvt Ltd 2*3 And ra ,an9 2*4 And ra Prades Paper %ills Limited And ra Prades Po3er Generation Corporation 2*# Limited 2*$ Aneja Asso"iate 2*7 Angel ,ro9ing 2*' Angel Group !( Companies 2*) Angelique &nternational Limited 21* Anglo 6astern S ip %anagement &ndia Pvt Ltd 211 Anglo78ren" Drugs & &ndustries Limited 212 Anlage 213 Anlage 214 Anmol ,is"uits ?oida 21# Annik Te" nology Services Pvt Ltd 21$ Annik Te" nology Services Pvt Ltd 217 Ansa 1&ndia) Ltd. 21' Ansal Api 21) Ansal Housing & Constru"tion Limited 22* Ansal Properties & &n(rastru"ture Ltd 221 Ansal Properties & &n(rastru"ture Ltd 222 Antal &nternational ?et3or9 223 Ant ropla"e 224 Ant> Attitude Hr Pvt Ltd 22# Anu9ool Air"on Pvt. Ltd 22$ Anuraag Eentures 227 Anyt ing 4+ Solution 22' An> Operations & Te" nology Pvt. Ltd 22) Aon He3itt 23* Aon He3itt 231 Aon He3itt 232 Aon He3itt 233 Aon He3itt 234 Aon He3itt 23# Aon He3itt Asso"iates 1&ndia) Pvt. Ltd. 23$ Apar &ndustries Ltd 237 Aparajit a Corporate Services (P) Ltd 23' Aparajit a Corporate Services Limited 23) Apeejay Surrendra Group 24* AP6X C!?S:LTA?TS 241 Apollo Hospitals 242 Apollo Hospitals 243 Apollo Hospitals 6nterprise Ltd.:nit 244 Apollo &nternational 24# Apollo &nternational Ltd 24$ Apollo %unic Healt &nsuran"e Company Ltd Apollo P arma"y 1:nit !( Apollo Hospitals 6nterprise 247 Ltd.2 24' Apollo Tyres Ltd 24) Appla.s Te" nologies &ndia Limited 2#* Applied %aterials &ndia Pvt. Ltd 2#1 Appnetix Te" no Pvt Ltd 2#2 Approa" &nternational Limited 2#3 Apra Auto &ndia Private Limited 2#4 Apt Te" nologies &ndia Private Limited 2## Apte" Ltd. 2#$ Apte" &nternet Ltd 2#7 Apte" Limited 2#' Apte" Ltd 2#) A@uon 4+ Consulting 1&ndia) Pvt. Ltd. 2$* Ara Hospitality Pvt Ltd 2$1 Ar.itron Te" nology Services &ndia Pvt. Ltd 2$2 Ar"elormittal &nda Limited 2$3 Ar"elormittal &ndia Ltd 2$4 Ar" elons Consulting 2$# Ar" ies 2$$ Ar" ite"t Ha(ee> Contra"tor 2$7 Ar"is %gmnt Services 2$' Ar"tern Private Limited 2$) Areva 27* Aricent 271 Aricent 272 Aricent Te" . Ltd. 273 Aricent Te" nologies 274 Aricent Te" nologies Holdings Ltd 27# Aricent Te nologies 27$ Aries Agro Limited 277 Arihant Superstru"ture Ltd 27' Arihant Superstru"ture Ltd 27) Arihant Superstru"ture Ltd 2'* Arora Asso"iates 2'1 Ars iya &nternational Ltd. 2'2 Art ur Anderson &ndia 2'3 Arup &ndia Pvt. Ltd. 2'4 Arvato Services &ndia Private Limited 2'# Arvind ,rands Limited 2'$ Arvind ,rands Limited 2'7 Arvind ,rands Limited 2'' Arvind Ltd 2') Arvind %ills Limited 2)* Arvind +emedies Limited 2)1 Arya Offs ore Services Pvt. Ltd. 2)2 Aryan - Hr 2)3 Asa i &ndia Glass Ltd 2)4 As"ent Consulting Services Pvt Ltd 2)# As"ent Consulting Services Pvt Ltd 2)$ As"ent Consulting Services Pvt Ltd 2)7 As"ent Consulting Services Pvt Ltd 2)' As"ent Consulting Services Pvt Ltd 2)) As"ent Consulting Services Pvt Ltd 3** As"ent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. 3*1 As"ent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. 3*2 As"ent Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. 3*3 As"ent Consulting Services Pvt.Ltd 3*4 As"ent Payroll 3*# As apura Group !( &ndustries 3*$ As o9 Leyland Limited 3*7 As o9 Piramal Group 3*' As o9a ,uild"on Ltd 3*) Asian Colour Coated &spat Ltd(A""il) 31* Asian Development ,an9 311 Asian Paints 312 Asian Paints Limited 313 Asia-Pa"ifi" &nstitute !( %anagement 314 As9 Group 31# As9 &nvestment Holdings Private Limited 31$ As9 &nvestments Holdings Pvt Ltd 317 Assign Corp 31' Asso" am 31) Asso"iate 8a"ulty 32* Asteor So(t3are Private Limited 321 Aster Private Ltd 322 Aster Private Ltd 323 Astra ,usiness Service Pvt Ltd 324 At&T Communications 32# At" Tele"on To3er Corp Pvt Ltd 32$ At arva &nstitute !( %anagement Studies 327 Atiitya Training & 4+ Consultants Pvt.
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