Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis Friedrich Georg Wilhelm 2001 Ph.D. thesis University of Twente Twente University Press Also available in print: www.tup.utwente.nl/uk/catalogue/technical/electrodialysis Bipolar Membrane Electrodialysis Twente University Press Publisher: Twente University Press, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, the Netherlands, www.tup.utwente.nl Cover design: Jo Molenaar, [deel 4] ontwerpers, Enschede Print: Grafisch Centrum Twente, Enschede © F.G. Wilhelm, Enschede, 2001 No part of this work may be reproduced by print, photocopy or any other means without the permission in writing from the publisher. ISBN 9036515270 BIPOLAR MEMBRANE ELECTRODIALYSIS MEMBRANE DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSPORT CHARACTERISTICS PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit Twente, op gezag van de rector magnificus, prof.dr. F.A. van Vught, volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties in het openbaar te verdedigen op vrijdag 19 januari 2001 te 13.15 uur door Friedrich Georg Wilhelm geboren op 20 mei 1969 te Maulbronn (D.) Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotoren Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Strathmann Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Wessling en de assistent-promotor dr.ir. N.F.A. van der Vegt To my parents For their sense of justice and their challenging views on technology, for passing on the ability and courage to ask differently. Contents I Electrodialysis with Bipolar Membranes - Possibilities and Limita- tons 9 1. Introduction 10 2. Background 11 2.1 Membrane technology 11 2.2 Bipolar membrane electrodialysis 12 2.3 Bipolar membrane function 16 2.4 Limitations 17 2.5 Economics considerations 17 3. Approaching some Challenges 18 3.1 Long term operation 18 3.2 Product purity 19 3.3 Energy usage 19 4. Conclusions and Outlook 20 5. References 20 II Bipolar Membrane Preparation 23 1. Introduction 24 2. Bipolar Membrane Components 26 2.1 Ion permeable layers 27 2.2 Contact region 31 2.3 Other multi-layered ion permeable membranes 37 2.4 Components of commercial bipolar membranes 41 3. Bipolar Membrane Preparation Procedures 42 3.1 Processing steps 42 3.2 Integration of processing steps 44 3.3 Applied preparation techniques 46 4. Summary and Outlook 47 5. References 49 III Cation Permeable Membranes from Blends of Sulphonated Poly(ether ether ketone), S-PEEK and Poly(ether sulphone), PES 53 1. Introduction 54 2. Methods 55 2.1 Polymer modification 55 2.2 Film formation 56 2.3 Membrane characterisation 56 3. Results and Discussion 59 3.1 Blend ratio 59 3.2 Time dependence of transport properties 64 3.3 Degree of sulphonation 66 4. Conclusions and Recommendations 68 5. Nomenclature 69 6. References 69 III APPENDIX Fibres from S-PEEK 71 1. Introduction 72 2. Experimental 72 3. Results and Discussion 73 4. Conclusions and Recommendations 75 5. References 76 IV Stability of Ion Permeable Membranes in Concentrated Sodium Hydroxide Solutions 77 1. Introduction 78 2. Experimental 79 3. Results and Discussion 80 3.1 Anion permeable membranes 80 3.2 Cation permeable membranes 83 4. Conclusions and Recommendations 86 5. Nomenclature 87 6. References 87 V Optimisation Strategies for the Preparation of Bipolar Membranes with Reduced Salt Ion Leakage in Acid-Base Electrodialysis 89 1. Introduction 90 2. Theory 93 2.1 Acid compartment mass balance 96 2.2 Limiting current density calculation 99 2.3 Calculation of the required layer parameters 102 3. Experimental 103 3.1 Bipolar membrane characterisation method 103 3.2 Membrane preparation 106 4. Results and Discussion 107 5. Conclusions 111 6. Nomenclature 112 7. References 113 VI Simulation of Salt Ion Transport across Asymmetric Bipolar Mem- branes 115 1. Introduction 116 2. Theory 116 2.1 Background 116 2.2 Salt ion transport model up to the limiting current density 118 2.3 Ion transport at the limiting current density 121 2.4 Current-voltage curve below the limiting current density 122 3. Simulations 123 3.1 Current-voltage curves 123 3.2 Increasing the cation permeable layer thickness 127 3.3 Parameter studies 127 4. Conclusions and Outlook 130 5. Nomenclature 131 6. References 132 VII Asymmetric Bipolar Membranes in Acid-Base Electrodialysis 135 1. Introduction 136 2. Theory 138 2.1 Salt ion fluxes in bipolar membrane electrodialysis 139 2.2 Current-voltage curves of electrodialysis repeat units 140 3. Experimental 142 3.1 Electrodialysis unit and membranes 142 3.2 Recording current-voltage curves 143 3.3 Procedures for electrodialysis experiments 144 4. Results and Discussion 145 4.1 Current-voltage curves 145 4.2 Acid / base electrodialysis 149 5. Conclusions and Recommendations 151 6. Nomenclature 152 7. References 152 VIII Chronopotentiometry for the Advanced Current-Voltage Charateri- sation of Bipolar Membranes 155 1. Introduction 156 2. Theory 157 2.1 Chronopotentiometry Principle 157 2.2 Time development of concentration profiles 159 2.3 Electric circuit elements model 162 3. Experimental 164 3.1 Apparatus 166 3.2 Experiments 168 4. Results and Discussion 169 4.1 Low current chronopotentiometry 169 4.2 High current chronopotentiometry 170 4.3 Steady state 172 4.4 Characteristic electric potentials 174 4.5 Ohmic resistances 175 4.6 Reversible and irreversible potential 176 5. Conclusions and Recommendations 177 6. Nomenclature 178 7. References 179 IX Current-Voltage Behaviour of Bipolar Membranes in Concentrated Salt Solutions Investigated with Chronopotentiometry 181 1. Introduction 182 2. Theory 183 2.1 BPM chronopotentiometry: principle and characteristic values 183 2.2 Transition times 184 2.3 Membrane selectivity 186 3. Experimental 186 4. Results and Discussion 188 4.1 Steady state current-voltage curves 188 4.2 Chronopotentiometric response curves 189 4.3 Transition time 191 4.4 Discharging time 194 4.5 Ohmic resistances 195 4.6 Reversible and irreversible potential 196 5. Conclusions and recommendations 198 6. Nomenclature 199 7. References 200 X Comparison of Bipolar Membranes by Means of Chronopotentiometry 203 1. Introduction 204 2. Theory 204 3. Experimental 206 3. 1 Commercial membranes 206 3.2 Apparatus and Procedures 207 4. Results and Discussion 208 4.1 Current voltage curves 208 4.2 Chronopotentiometric response curves 209 4.3 Characteristic times with different membranes 212 4.4 Contribution to steady state potential 213 4.5 Characteristic resistances 216 5. Conclusions 218 6. References 219 XI Extended Summary and Outlook 221 English summary 227 Dutch summary 228 German summary 229 Glossary 231 Curriculum vitae 235 List of publications 235 Preface When I arrived in Twente about four years ago, I did not intend to write the thickest thesis in the history of the Membrane Technology Group, but rather to work out how membranes could be applied for advanced separations in chemical processes. Ap- parently I have achieved the earlier, but I hope the reader can agree that this book also contributes to the latter. Thanks to Professor Heiner Strathmann, head of the Membrane Technology Group, and Matthias Wessling, now succeeding him as professor and head of this group. Because of them I was able to work on an interesting and challenging project on the development of bipolar membrane technology in an integrating research environ- ment. These few words implicitly include all I want to say about the last four years and three months of work resulting in this book. However, I want to be a little more explicit. The project was granted funding by the Dutch Science Foundation NWO through the STW/CW program. The support and interest of the research departments of Akzo Nobel, DSM, and Solvay Pharmaceuticals ensured and enforced the industrial relevance of the project. Nevertheless, with three different companies involved, the project could keep a broad and fundamental scope and did not have to focus on a single application issue or problem. During the project and discussion with many people (whom to name would go too far here), it became clear that indeed the devel- opment of a basic understanding was required for the improvement of this technol- ogy. In that respect it must be understood that I did not include the work of the stu- dents I was able to supervise during their independent projects. Nonetheless, these projects on the use of bipolar membranes and/or electrodialysis for operation at low electrolyte conductivity (Karin Nordland), with electrolytes of high fouling tendency (Elsbeth Roelofs) or in methanolic environments (Armand van Daalen) and the lit- erature survey on bipolar membrane applications (Christiaan Zeilstra and Marius Biewenga) increased the chances for discussion on more fundamental issues. Simi- larly, the chance to work together with fellow researchers Antonio Alcaraz, Ninel Berezina, Elena Komkova, Robert Gärtner, and Sebastien Chirié from other back- grounds helped to foster better understanding of electro-membrane processes as well. One of the issues was the translation of known research results between the English, German and Dutch literature but more importantly between the different scientific and engineering disciplines. The many discussions, especially with Nico van der Vegt, helped to work out the important points and to bring the text into a comprehensible form. In that sense, this book may give interface scientists insights into why transport properties are important and process engineers may be able to see the importance of material science in membrane applications. In that respect, it may be worthwhile mentioning that the chapters are rather independent of one another and the reader may select the interesting topics with the help of the introductory Chapter I and the summary in Chapter XI. Furthermore, if this preface is the only part a (future) membrane scientist reads, the message should be that the technical feasibility need no longer be a problem as long as the known challenges of bipolar membrane elec- trodialysis are treated appropriately. This technology, integrating separation and reaction in a unique manner, is on its way towards a mature unit operation.
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