American Buddhists Jr. JACL constitution drafted: text, notes on Page 4 Los An~.lc . Th. proposed constitution, delegates at the forthcoming dlrecUy from a district youth use at the convention, Youdl Dra(t of the .o-called Jr. drafted by the National JACL convenldon at San Diego, July council and obhers from a va- chapters aT! abo urged to JACL notlanal conslltution and Interim Youth CouncU repre­ ~ ~~~- ~~~~~~ by.laws onnolaled with com­ sentativ. Rlcohard Kawasaki ment. I. being publlshcd tn from lhe Pacific Southwest The commenbs are supplied OWcial youbh delegates are pared for hamm.!1!ng out the can help end war thJ s week's Pacific CItizen Isce DIstrict, Is the prIncipal docu­ through lbe offlce of the Na- expected to retain thJs partlcu- bailie law. to operate the DI· in Vietnam: Sparky Page 4). mont (or adoption by tile youth tlonal Youth Director , some lar issue as • reference lor tional organi:oation. HONOLULU - Buddhists In he said, Gov. John A. Burns, Sen. Dan­ Hawaii might be able to play "Attempls at government Iel K. Ioouye and Rep. How­ a role in bringing about an levels have failed. But we ard Y. Mi,)'ake, majority lead­ early end to the war tn Viet­ should not just sit back in er o( the House frustration and accept wbat nam, Rep. Spark M. Matsuna­ Eas!,.Wesl Cenler ga said last week. may appear to be inevitable. H "They could work through Matsunaga addressed the Matsunaga a1:;o urged Hono­ their counterparts j.) Japan, 24tb anniversary banquet o( lulu residents to undertake a Thailand and Laos, as well as the Club 100 ." June 18. project designed at enlarging tn North and South Vietnam," Among tlhe 700 gues Is were the scope of the East-West Center at the Univ. of HawaU. VOL. 62 NO. 25 Friday, June 24, 1966 TEN CENTS He suggested the creaUc" of Fiesta en Sa n Diego: Tad Imoto a special committee to work with Center authorities to set \lP a program ~ hrou g h which 'Other' Attractions of San Diego students from the Center would be invited Into homes here, Redevelopment kills Salt Lake's Nihonmachi Sa.n Diego Mexican counterpart with Its He r eminded the Nisei vct­ With just four weeks until ~10 betting, dog racing in the erans of the hospitality shown BY TUBBER T. OlHlDA a few dedicated persons took mlttee, and had " real estate means that with every square to be secured- and in talking The Week That Will Be, all evening, alld Jai Alai at the them while lbey were traintng the ~esponsiblli\ly. man check available sites and foot of buildtng there must be to various Japanese busi· the San Diego JACL Conven­ Fronton Palace to Tijuana. Al­ at Camp McCoy, Wis., during SALT LAKE CITY -Evacua- Of the ten committeemen, their costs. 3 square leet of parking spac<! nesses, only one or two indi­ tion co1l'lnuttees and the SUD so on Sunday are bull fight.s World War 11 . tion: May 15, 1966, This was eight were presidents or past Conoluslons provided. cated any i" terest tn this type are warming up to the task, in the afternoon. He said the people of Wis­ the day set by the clty lor re- presidents of either Mt. Olym- 3-With the cost of land close of project. t.l;ng up loose ends, and in Although there are myrIads consin made a deep impression mo"",1 of all residents an pus or Salt Lake JACL Chap- Finally the Committee oon- to tow.n betng $250,000 to 51,- Backing Necessary order to be categorized as be­ of dirung places from Chinese c,-, them with their kindness. boonesses from our Japanese ters. eluded that: 000,000 for a quarter of a ing buman, we are JEoa\'ing to Mexic2n cuisine, for at· " We can accomplish the town to. make way for the There were two distinct prob- 1-The only thing the Salt block, a mulU-story bV-iJdlng 6-ln studies of other cities .some to the last m.;nute. n)osphere Ball Hai with its same effect at the internation­ new C1V1C auditorium. Gems which arose: Lake Downtown Planning Com- would be necessary. on the West Coast with simi­ We have assumed all along Pol3'nesian floor show on Shel­ al level," he said. While it was a great day l-Need of a cultural center mittee could do was to lend 4-A large anchor lease to lar projects-the costs were that you will be taking the ter Island, Anthony's and the He said the war in Vietnam for the city, it was a black and housing for the elderly its moral support and would tremendous and the financial week to attend this convention, tHal"bor House on the embar· is "provtng beyond rebuttal day for all the J aanese in Issei. assist us If zontng became a cal1ry the bull< of tlhe m atn backing is the prime essential. but have corne to the realiza­ cadero, Miyako's with its sa­ tne importance 01 winning the area and to many others 2-Relocotion 01 Nibonmachi. problem. space and financing would be 7-Full-time, paid employees tion that so many San Diegans anisen and koto players are a men's rniinds to a common \Vho have acquired a tnste for The committee met lailbful- 2-The ordinance genel'ally requi:red. would be required for monlbs will be taking leave on the must. cause. the Oriental lood and cultu!'c. ly every Wednesday morning' requires 3 to 1 parktng which S-Many leas es would have just to make the voatlious con­ €ame week of the month here I One may also visit the now "We are learning by pay'og This removal 01 Japanese lor nearly a year to investigate tacts on lbe preliminary work seeing the sights and sounds famous Mickey Finn's on Uni­ a hig.h cost in blood and lives shops may be the end for all the ",arious possibilities, to see if the project was even of this Border City, which we versity Avenue in its natural tlhat peace in Southeast Asia, many of the businesses a"d listened to speakers with dif­ feasible, and the hiring 01 usually take for granted, some habitat for wholesome enter­ or anywhere else in the world, any future concentration for a Ierc01t ideas, met with the Salt Requiem for a Nihonmachi many experts would also be of which we haVE11't seen for tainment. and although not is not going to be won by Nibonmachi. Lake Down1x>w.n Planntng Com- required. military victory alone," he BY TOlI10 KO YANO dawn to dusk and always the some time ourselves. professing to have a North Relocatioll Sought . 8--<Poosibility of relocating in Although lbe Booster Activi­ Beach, San Diego does bave said. NewsleUer Editor pungent yet unmlstakable odor the county where property is ties lofficially planned) will ils share of silicone entertain­ It's really a sad occasion of shoyu in the air. not near as expensive was also lin Li 'l Tokio - Salt Lake City The two Japanese churches cover some of the major at· ment centers for good meas­ and many persons wdl Bsk- At best it was a shabby investigated, as were ma.ny tractions. some of the other ure. what has JACL, or what has then as now were the sceoes other ideas, such as remodel­ P d street-not genteelly Shabby of varied Japanese activities­ offerings you may be able to anyone done about this dis- ing established buildtngs, bav· Across the Border rl'orl'ty uppe nor picturesquely shabby-jus1 the Rev. C. Terakawa at the cover 10 your spare time will tasteful situation? When this ing someone build and lease shabby. But within this narrow Buddhist Churcoh and lbe Rev. be the lbeater. The Shakes­ Naturally one of the "musts" was [lrst apparent nearly two LOS ANGELES - Little To­ periphery, a way of life existed the store space. You Dame it, years ago. {lotices and adver~ T. Ota at the Christian Church, peare Festival at the Old will have to be a visit to kio's redevelopment, already aud for those 01 us who lived and I believe it was disC'USsed_ tisements were prominenUy and I remember the cherry Globe Theatre m Balboa Park Tiju'ana to purohase memen· changtng the skyltne, was I3way from the street, it was 9-Finally, since great sums circulated through all the Ja· tree bloomtng tn its full r adi­ will be presenttng: Two Gen­ tos of Old Mexico in the shops, given Sf official boost Monday. sometimes the only glimpse o! of money are required, it def. panese media for over 8 month ant glory in front of tile Chris­ Uemen of Verona, Romeo and some of which are O\\"ed by Tile city's Board of Public the city that became fam.iJjoa~ initely becomes a hig business before a meeting was called tian Churob <it was aut down Juliet, and the Tempest during Japanese Melcicans. To those Works gave a special priority to us and it was our Nihon­ venture >and would also require for all tntere.;ted parties. Ap­ later by vandals.) the week with m..atinees on who have never crossed the rating to a plantled street machi and it remained un­ strong community support. Wednesday a.ro Saturday. The border. we recommend that prox:imately 40 people attended widening and beautification changed unW the War .... Pre-\Var Scenes It was the sentiment of the Starlight Opera will be pre­ this is the Maxwell Street of the meeting.
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