voi. Lin-NO. 4 WOOpBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1961 Kntered u 2nd Clam Mill On Tlmridnj At P. O. WooObridit, N. J. PRICE TEN Cl WOOmHntirVr: — Somebody (roofed I ««nm«o»m«nt, Some Board members mentioned there *•»,.* coflld U considerably damage to the grounds^ind there night be a "great Oral of expense involved." There Is a circus coming to town on June 18 and no on* i, " •' .... 4 is quite certain wherr It will e»mn. Tnctilay night, iw if there was no problem at all. the Need A Circus? Town GnrnoUttst nasaed a rewhitlon permlUIni the Elks The Elks of Woodhrldge, of which Mayor Frederick M. ';tb hoM a Circui on June IK on the premises of the Wood- Adams I* exalted ruler. i« «pons'orlnit the Clyde Beatty brMge high School" provided the Elks submit proof of Town, Count Cireut on .Tune 18. Tickets were printed annonndnt the Workman's Compensation coverage. circus ground* will W the area In the rear of Woodbridfe i. • > • • We Already Hi»h School, wtthont first obtaining Board of Education Commlttecman Robert Jacks noted there "may be con- consent. flict of Interest" In the vote a» Commltteeman Maynard 1 * • # # • VWhttBlty Charles Molnar, John Kvanko and John Hughe!! Mondtty night the matter wan brought up before the < are members of the Elks Lodge at is the mayor, Hoard. Superintendent of Schooli Patrick A. Boylan noted * • * • i .lune 18 It* In WoodbridRe HIRH School graduation week and Although Monday night It appeared an if the answer of In Tax Fig Have A Circus the Board of Education In A definite, "No", the request was might "seriously Interfere" with graduation preparations. It wan noted tents would have to be erected »bd animals and taken under advisement, « • 4 • O ;, trucks would be damaging the area at a time when school officials try to have everything looking splc and span for One thing Is certain— a circus has been honked. Nursing ServiceP>*olesI 11 Move N'w'Code'Jncome-Earning Clubs Taxable ^ DriveWOODBRIDQE — Mostot WorkinOpe/ijOg hard and long n Ratio ]s Called All Groups On School Reverend George W. Ahr, hours the Sisters have been Pressed Bishop of the Trenton Dio- existing on a vei*y close bud- cese, will come to Wood- cet. Last year the receipts WOODBRIDQE - Wood* bridge tomorrow night to total $12,805.81 and expendi- bridge Township officials f^ ** - <&t$M Included Building open the annual campaign tures amounted to $13,761.89, appear before the MiddleMi Watered' for the Mt. Carmel Guild in, WOODBRIDCIF, — A direc- so at the end of the year the : WOODBRIDGE - Resolu- Nursing Service conducted by County Board of Taxation wiiMDRKIDGE -- A code of i *t % tive from the Middlesex County-ttong setting In motion the In- budget was overexpended by > <( *r the Uttle Servant 8i»ters of morrow afternoon to contert :, Hilcli the Democratic Board of Taxation received fay itial steps for new school con- $866.08. That sum, plus a 12.33flt ratio ol revalued .-.iiitv culled a "watered- the Immaculate Conception. local Assessors this Week i. •• ^'"'uctlon authorized by the The meeting will be held at sufficient amount to take ship property. ,u>, •.. i>mn '. VMU- MdopUid by *±ll w carp of this year's expenses, ft-- it mandator/for the Townahlpl^" ™YWl " *** St. Joseph's Convent on Realty Appraisal Coi , inn On mini Her Tuesday :> > must be raised. I •,) weeks aso. the Demo-1 £., until Monday byv tht e Board of, strawberry Hill and will be recently completed revalual iiiti-mptpd to introduce a to assess §M tax property Education, attended bv the various A house-to-house r.anvasR of the Township an* the chairmen of'he drive. is being planned and the Sis- ,,i, in ordinance form but oiuied by frattrnal orders, cfvlc! one resolution named archi- Committee decided upon 15 During the put year the ters hope that the residents cent of true value as a •i imi with opposition .by the: clnbs. women ^ orsanizatlbni. itects as follows: Emil Schmid- i ;iiihl:cfln malorlty. j lln East 1 for nuns, calling at the homes of of Uie area will be generous. for taxation, rhe dlreoCp* came about'.{men't of gohooO'" **l I-i Murray the bed-riddsa reggrdlet*. of They must pay for auto ex- !' MI dues n't no farj when the CCuhty received However, the County ,,ii:ir rimunltteeman Rob-i new list of exempt- property!ibowltz, Perth Amooy, for re- race, color or creed, took care penses, printing, the upkeep using a formula based on .IIMT.-. Third Ward, com-' Tom the Totouhlp. Noting a placement of School 6; Fred-1 of 692 patients and made (,- of their convent, fuel, tele- ratio has insisted on the i.'-ni "I'1.* mi I'xprpnalon! :iew»cxemptien for the Elks erick P. Weidersun Associates, 7fiO visits which took up i,« phone, medications, auto in- ratio. n Mand Ior d ltlons to 365 hours. Of the 69jW«k- surance, insurance on the ,ii'.i •.;[; nuiliiivi more." \ Club, the Cotfcly Board inves- <*Jf « * ? Township Attorney 1 Scll00ls 2 n d tirnts, 152 were non-Cafi||)Uc, convent and last, year had. to •,!iiiiiii"ii''iniin .John Evanko.i tl«ated and found that all fra- ? 1«-Colonia and M Hutt said he and rwovatlfm of nine were Jewish, and 18 buy a new car to make house i • :i \V,i;d ii'plied ternal onranbatloitt are ex-! Woodbrldge Jun- David F. Gerity, Victor1 lor HlRh Scho l Negro, calls. ,IIII. in;,i • ;>n i'xoii's»loiv •mpt from taxation. The dlrec-| ° and Joseph Sumons and •Roy F. Muncjy, new board ,•.••: ,-ni ;:• II wise thing." ] w*- ;lve followed. Josephine Swartz, chief member, said he yrants to know .i!:i!n,n 'lie Hepubllean' of the Assessors' office, will The assessors also have in- more about the architects be- .! :•> j'.iv.itil! thr <•(«!(» ln| pear. structions to assess all church fore voting. He said he also' ,i; :.i;m. Mayor Fred ^ Politicians Pondering 71 property not actually in use for rms ideas for construction of a I don't have too much taltlff; \t Xcl.urif. eluimed the' chtirch purposes and all ceme- two-story building for Sehool I that the County Board of Tait|.-. • II: ,iir,!iii'd the passages' 1 tery property not in use as on the Mawticy tract. Mr. Mul- atlon will change its position, !. I n:tiiH)sed ordinance1 burial Kroullds. Decisions on Slates MAKING A GOOD BKfORU: *t>«ve are some of thr Woodbrldrc Iliith School debaters len feels the architect* should Mr. Hutt said yesterday, "bttfc, -, . ui•!•! obvloiifclv improper who have ntabll<ihrd an envlablr record thin yrar. Seated, Dorothy Schill and Ruth Ann The directive means tHat not come from Woodbridge or, at' VVOODBRIDQE — Both Democrats and Republicans will I am sure the State Board -ofa' I, ' 'l1 ,' Sorenton: itUlidinr Richard Vatk.is. James Mundv. coach and Martin Weinman. The only the Elks must pay taxes least. Middlesex County. meet, foment In an effort to come up with slate for the Town Taxation will side with us I.I pointed out tin loral debaters will mrri Seton Hall Preparatory School March t. but the Knights of Columbus, we take an appeal." • <!.d not contain any On the suggestion of John T,| Committee. Deadline for filtni! petitions for the primary is Masonic Temple and organiza- Pi1!?,, action was postponed. Committeemaii John nlffl ':> for violations of the just two weeks away—March 9. tion such as the Colonia Civic resolution authorizing lashed out at the County Board ii,ii CuiiimitU'i'Dian Tliom-1 From outward appear*ncea. the Democrats are rower to a ; Improvement Club will receive pi amis ojey, Board counsel, declaring that it has taken % i icllo. Fourth Ward, re- solution of their problems than the Republicans and they are School Debaters to Argue if UN tax > fantastic position." • \ Hi'- resolution "be the TownOommlttee|jhopinhoplRn Rththee fintaUhiK 1 Asked ii,;the rllrrcjive town^ i. ,n nrdmam * farm". Mr.I convey munlcipally-ownedlBnrt party wort«(**n«;' "By lowering the-ratio," Mr. pos9t home! oil 1 v amendment in 4#-l ed on H\t 2) • i Evanko continyedt."^,w^fl(M* 'Significantly Strengthened * ih.e Township Between PO0 ?' IIIK at Stanley's ( |lector Michael J. Trainer s«idj . fJt'ino As announced last week, 000 and $500,000 in County -.place In the Morristown High it "is a possibility, as the law their ordir«n»#' — Wood- Walter Zirpolo, Colonia, Is ap- Tuxes. I feel tliat, the County IntrodueUon -Widge High School AJumrU As- JBchool pebate Tournament, states all property that is reve-| of Tags parently the Democrats choice Board of Taxation is being &r- y\ The Alumni Association, thejnue-produclrw is taxable," 1 for mayor. bltniry. In effect they are teU- us our entire revaluation lMnlh tM th was formally organized in A meeting of assessors and Lawrence Weiss, Crocus Drive f ™* th?>haiSyihatee betwwbetweenn SetoSetonn Hall Prt- program is wrong." ) .ni itir lewlutlon un-i October of last year, and mem- Woodbridge, has the lead for inmnirv before the pitraiory School and woofl- bership is open to all Wood- cemetery lauck and it was esti- l 1 o Aid r und First Ward choice and un- Wanning up on the sub- lhcv became iudlg- brldp' High School debating Scheduled bridge High School graduates.; mated approximately 70 acres doubtedly has the backing of ject, Mr. Evauko noted; can be returned to tax rolls. WOODBRIDGE —Dr. LeRoy leaders. Mr. 'imit'd on Page 2> team*, Martb 2 at 8 P.
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