Full Local Coverage. 3-QLWNSHIP Complete Ne^ws, Pictures A Newspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly To the Community Interest And Impartially Eacli Week VOL. XIII—NO. 21 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' Startling Increase in Raritan School PopulationHalt Order by-'B.ofE. in Urging Bond Issue Approval Kirkpatriek to Quit KABITAN TOWNSHIP—In support of the are on a four hour school session. It is hot difficult Is Issued referendum for $325,000 school bond issue, the. to realize that these boys and girls are nc't receiv- f nraship board of education has issued the fol- ing: their proper share of the instructional school \nvrn% statement which is being sent to parents day. Even the normal school day of five hours of children attending' schools: ser.tns insufficient to achieve the many demands On Building Tax Post on June 30; "A rccfzit letter outlined the enrollment status made upon the school in this day and age. in oar StcHon, Oak Tree and Clara Barton Schools. Space Released Stephenville Project By CHARLES E. GREGORY In th*\;e 'bnildrngs .he pressure of increased pupil "Our first grade classes at Clara Barton School enrollment 'will be greatest next year, and the and our first, and second grades at Stelton will Hit by Commission i think there is just about yr-irs pftcsri. The total pupil enrollment in the have to be organized on a four hour session basis Action; VA is Target Has Served 23 Years enough room left for me to townrhip schools at Che end of March was 2,528.; in September. Moreover, as the ninth grade be- toss in my two cents worth an i^n-ra-e of 513 pupi's over the corresponding; comes larger each year, less and less space will be RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Build- on the Traman-MacArttmr psrlo-d last year. By June of this year, pupil en- available for the lower grades at Clara Barton ing operations will be halted at. the r«15ment is rxpected to reach 2,700 to 2,800. When School unless additional facilities are provided controversy. schools reopen in September, the 'total enrollment somewhere. There is a partial solution in the con- 250-home Stephenville ranch com- Engel Again Democrats' Leader;Costa, O'Hara It seems to me that on the may be considerably higher than 2 800 due to the struction of a nine room elementary school in the munity as a result of action taker basis of character alone you occupation of many of the new houses now under Nixon Park Area of Stelton to relieve the over- earlier this week by the Town have to side with MacArthur. construe ion. Most of these homes will have two or crowding- at the Stelton School e.o that seventh Commission, following a report by Johnson Heads GOP Organization I am inclined to the belief more cihldren. and eighth grade classes can be organized in that the State Board of Health that RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Mayor it was MacArthur's tremen- "Some of our classes have as'many as 44 or school. This vitally needed space at Clara Barton inadequate sewage disposal con- Julius C Engel was renamed mu- As Eyeing.Job dous character which led to 45 pupils per teacher. This is much too large a School will be. released since the pupils of the tributes to a health nuisance. licipal Democratic chairman dur- Toivnship Eyed by Two this historic episode in the group for effective instruction, especially at the seventh and eighth grade levels from Stelton are ng the week, while the township 'Good-Sized Industries' beginning, that it it was his lower elementary grades. Add to this the fact that currently assigned to Clara Barton. The action of the commission Republican organization elected By MICHAEL j. GEEMAK overpowering integrity which at least 16 classes, many with a large enrollment, (Continued on v<».ze 8^ at the final meeting before elec- Sigvaard Johnson to head their RARITAN TOWNSHIP—The RARITAN TOWNSHIP—James tion followed months of persistent party. potential advantages of this mu- Sirkpatrick, township tax collsctor compelled him to stand on protests by residents alarmed over Mr. Johnson was chosen after principle so /firmly he refused to nicipality are being studied "by. for the past 23 years, will resign Fishing in Park Lake tte aggravated sewage situation. 3race Eggert, Fusion candidate for two good-sized industries" con- his post effective June 30th, move even under the lash of et Garbage Dumping By resolution, the commission di- Town Commission and for the past Charges of insubordination. I, of Costly to Rosette Man sidering location in ths are in This, was revealed yesterday 'ected Township Attorney Thomas iwo years Township Republican the near future. course, firmly believe it takes a chairman, issued a statement in when Mr. Kirkpatriek in an inter- For Fusion Ticket RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Pines Whetted as Issue L. Hanson to taka legal action at Mayor Julius C. Eng'el has an- view, stated he was planning a trip soldier of the greatest magnitude of $20 were paid by three fisher- once against the Terra Nova Con- vhich he declined a third term. to take such punishmsnt without nounced he has been in confer- abroad to his native Scotland be- men this week in magistrate's struction Company to refrain from Declared Mr. Eggert, "As a can- ences with officials of the indus^ ginning sometime in the middle of* flinching. RARITAN TOWNSHIP—A rally •RARITAN TOWNSHIP — In further building. The commission- iidate for the township commis- supporting the candidates of the court before Magistrate Chris- answer to the statement issued tries, but would not disclose their August. Personally, I think Truman is tian Jorgensen for fish and game ers also declared that occupancj sion, I feel it is only fair that I names. From another source, Fusion group won are running for by the three incumbent candidates permits would be denied for com- tquestmy name not be considered Said the tax collector; "For the an honest man according to his Town Commission under the law violations. however,-it. has been learned past six months, I have been plan- lights. I also think he is utterly Joseph Messek of Roselle was dumped in this township on land pleted homes so that new families .n the selection of the Republican that one of the firms might be a slogan, "experienced executives" on the Fusion Ticket in reference ',ould not move in. .nunicipal chairman." ning a visit abroad, and if I can incompetent in essential things. I will be staged Monday night in the charged with possession of a subsidiary of Johnson and John- secure passenger' accommodations think he is phenomenally inept in Piscatawaytown firehou.se. large mouth bass allegedly caugh to "garbage from Milltown being The state health department'? Then expressing confidence he son. in mid-summer, I plan to embai'k the selection of men, insolently The candidates include three in Roosevelt Park, on a day not owned by an incumbent politician's report, which followed a survey of would be elected, Mr.; Eggert Commissioner Walter C. Chris- sometime in August. But regardless immodest in self-appraisal and incumbents, Mayor Julius C. Engel, in season for that type of fish. wife" as stated at an independent sewage conditions here, indicatec added: "Aside from the incom- tensen, director of revenues and of the trip, I plan to retire from hopelessly entangled in cynical Commissioners James C. Forgione John L. Sullivan and Robert rally, Commissioner William P. that the sewage problem had patibility of the two offices, there finance, who has been instru- my job on Jung 30th." political intrigue. A man in this and Russell Walker, and Martin J. Bradley, both of Plainfield, were Clarke stated today: grown to the extent that only a is the element of time needed to mental in bringing into the position is hardly capable of fair charged with failure to have permanent sanitary sewer in ths do a good job as chairman. As township some of the nation's Mr. Kirkpatriek, who was given O'Hara Sr and Brace Eggert. "I have no control over what tenure status for his post by town- judgment, of unobstructed vision Joseph R. Costa and Warren state fishing licenses. Each paid jommunity would be the solution. 3ommissioner, the necessary time biggest industralists, has stated $3 costs. remarks are made by Mr. Mille- would not be available. To me this ship voters in a 1848 election, was of realities, of growth in moral Voorhees are co-chairmen of the mann or any^ of the other candi- It was indicated that a sewer in- some time ago that Johnson and stature. Harry Truman is no ex- arrangements committee which is Mr. Messek was arraigned on stallation project and associated is important because I feel that a Johnson, which not too long ago first appointed tax collector in charges preferred by Edward dates, independent or or the Fu- good job has been done in re- built a large shipping center in 1928 by the late Mayor Edwin ception. comprised of Henry Mete, Clayton sion Ticket. I find myself in no disposal facilities might approxi- White, Adolph Bush, Mrs. Charles Linke, deputy fish and game mate $200,000 in costs. organizing the Republican party Stelton, was considering further Meeker. At that time, there having warden of Jamesburg. position to go around with a lie- :n the township." expansion here. been no municipal building, the I can understand the importance Cranendonk, John Ellmyer Sr., detecting device questioning the Mr. Tufaro, protesting the ac- of discipline, but I know that our Louis Pastor, Mrs.
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