A James Spero adaptation of Arthur Rackham’s illustration for Grimm’s The Lady and the Lion, Dover Pub. Co. This RAYS 03 RAYS (Grimm Fairy Tales), a princess is Tales), (Grimm Fairy The Raven All-consciousness is separated from the rest of In could not wake him. However, on the third night could not wake him. However, that she was in the sleeping chamber he had not taken the sleeping potion and thus he heard her story and remembered his promises to her and returned Note that the lion-turned-prince (self- to live with her. consciousness) was separated from his wife (All- consciousness) by both sleep and forgetfulness, but the reunification still was managed in the end. under a spell which put her in the form of a raven (the Athe world by the raven skin). prince (self-con- sciousness) wanted to help free her from the spell, and he was warned not to eat or drink anything and he to wait for her behind the house. However, drank a tiny sip of wine and that was enough to put him to sleep when the raven came for him. This shows that when happened three days in a row. All-consciousness is active (as in sleep or after the death of the physical body), the self-consciousness - (Grimm the All-con- MYSTIC LIGHT LINDNESS B ground world at AND (Grimm Fairy Tales), (Grimm Fairy , When she eventually YTHOLOGY Part 2 Truths M scious state we are in contact with God and know everything there is to know about Cosmic Laws, the purpose of life on HEN WE ARE IN HEN WE This myth is showing that more IN ORGETFULNESS welve Dancing Princesses F , , the prince got separated from his wife LEEP The T The Lady and the Lion S Mythology and Esoteric In In W before bedtime they were given wine with a sleep the princesses danced in an under where the princesses danced at night because just soldier avoided the wine, and thus discovered that of the princesses. asleep) than most people remember. Fairy Tales), most princes could not discover Tales), Fairy The ing potion in it, so they slept the night through. This earned him the hand in marriage of one night. goes on at night time (when the physical body is because he had been given a sleeping potion, she search for her husband. her way into his bed chamber for three nights, but represented in various ways in mythology. However The wife went on a long supposed to happen). The wife bought about to be married to a princess. very far in the time direction. These limitations are very far in the time direction. a girl married a lion who turned into a prince. because a ray of light fell upon him (which was not all about her and was found him he had forgotten Also, in the self-conscious state we cannot see we tend to forget much of our previous knowledge. we tend to forget However, when we enter the self-conscious state, However, earth, our own past lifetimes on earth, etc. 4 sleeps. As the story progresses, the prince goes through many more trials and does eventually break the spell on the princess and marry her. So eventually the self-consciousness and All-con- sciousness are able to function together. In The Girl Who Met the Witch of the Woods (from Sweden, in Midsummer Magic, compiled by Ellin Greene), a girl was waylaid by the Witch of I l l u s t r the Woods. The witch held the girl under the water a t i o n of a stream until she forgot all her previous life and f o r thought that the witch was her caretaker. However, G r i m m she retained her feelings about what was good and ’ s H a bad, and when the witch tried to get her to kidnap n s e l a baby, she resisted. This led to her eventual escape a n d from the witch and return home. G r e t e l In The King’s Son (ldries Shah, Tales of the b y A Dervishes), a prince (self-consciousness) went on r t h u r a journey to a far country in order to obtain a jewel R a c k (All-consciousness) guarded by a fearsome mon- h a m , ster (the Dweller on the Threshold). When in the D o v e far country, the air and food of the country caused r P u b him to forget that he was a prince and that he was l i c a t i to obtain the jewel (as many people on earth have o n s , I forgotten where they came from and why they are n c here). But one day a message came to him through . the air which re-awoke him to his mission, and he very far and could run into almost anything (such went on to obtain the jewel and return home. as a witch’s cottage or castle) without much warn- Sometimes the hero in search of his mystic bride ing. To add to the image, the wandering in the for- will temporarily forget his search and maybe even est is often at night time, which restricts the vision court and take on another bride. But usually in the even farther. The two children in Hansel and end he finds his true bride. In Sweetheart Roland Gretel (a Grimm Fairy Tale) were lost in a forest and (Grimm Fairy Tales), Sweetheart Roland (self-con- eventually ran into a witch’s gingerbread cottage. sciousness) saves a maiden (All-consciousness) Joringa and Joringel (in a Grimm Fairy Tale) ran from a wicked witch, and Roland and the maiden into a witch’s castle while wandering in a forest. Snow- agree to marry. However, when Sweetheart Roland White (in a Grimm Fairy Tale) ran into the Dwarf’s goes home to get permission from his father, he house while she was wandering in the woods. becomes subject to the wiles of another woman and forgets his true sweetheart. But just before he weds WISHING IN MYTHOLOGY the false bride, he hears his true sweetheart sing and In mythology, wishes are taken seriously. Some this reawakens him to his promises to his original wishes (wise or foolish) are immediately fulfilled, sweetheart. He then marries his true sweetheart. others may take longer. But the important point is This story shows that humans sometimes get side- that because wishes may be fulfilled, we need to be tracked from the Truth, and for a time follow some careful what we wish for. falsehood, but eventually the return to the Truth. In The Seven Ravens (Grimm Fairy Tales), the The lack of time vision of the self-consciousness seven sons of a king were sent to get water to bap- is often symbolically represented by a character tize their baby sister, but they dropped the pitcher wandering through a forest, where one cannot see in the water and so did not return. The king became RAYS 03 5 impatient and wished that the boys would turn into ravens, which immediately happened. In The Fairies’Two Gifts (Grimm Fairy Tales), a fairy was kindly lodged by a poor couple and as a reward the fairy granted them three wishes. Thus the couple was granted that they would have health and strength throughout their life, would have their simple daily wants provided and would have a new house. When a rich man, who had originally refused lodging to the fairy, found out what she had granted to the poor couple, he rode after the A r t fairy on his horse and apologized for his treatment h u r of her and asked if he could have three wishes also, R a c k h which she granted. For some time he could not a m i l l think of what he wanted to wish for. On the way u s t r a home his horse was misbehaving and without t i o n f thinking what he was doing he wished the horse’s o r G r i neck was broken. This happened immediately. m m ’ s Carrying the saddle on his back, he became jealous F a i r of his wife sitting comfortably at home and the y T a l e wish arose in his mind that she were sitting on the T h e saddle and not able to get off. This also happened W a t e immediately. Then, of course, he had to use his last r o f L wish to get her off the saddle. i f e In The Pink (Grimm Fairy Tales), a prince has the power of wishing when he is born. Anything he to do, or may need a dress to wear to a ball. wishes for he gets immediately. The prince repre- Sometimes there is a prince who has set out on a sents the self-consciousness. The prince’s power of quest but does not know where to go or how to wishing represents the ability of all who have self- overcome the monsters that he will meet. In both consciousness to attain what they wish to attain. In cases, they are in need of help. In myths, help the story the wishes are fulfilled immediately; in always comes at the right time to those who need real life time is required for wishes to come to and deserve it.
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