-- - o -- 5 ywips-- isrip&v-'fr "" .'y rSfSBWlWIPfS THE 310BJTIKG TIMES, FBI DAT, JANUARY 17, 1896. LAIM1MED T bOA.OCk1 KI.NO'S I'ALACK. a CURFEW HERE LAN3 LURCH &. BRO I . --aL .rs,.s oJl Silk Waists. HG s January Sale Ilj What You Save We are sailing our S6, S7.SO and S3 SILK WAISTS, In Women's Clubs Draft a Bill to stripes, figures and shades, OF... 2 That Tells. Protect Young People. V At $4.95. Muslin Underwear On Fridays our Remnant On tables first floor. 9 Fioor (3d f.oor) is filled with MUST BE HOME AT TEN Odds and Ends and Rem- nants of trcocl, rollab o mer- chandise from a I over tho Bon Marche, and Embroideries. hou:c, on which you some- 314-3- 1 6 Seventh St. N. W They Will Endeavor to Secure Its times save hat It's worth I'ussukb by Congress ut Thin Ses- f considering and as there 13 sion Meusure Also Unified to Give no extra effort to reach this IVonien Property Hlulits In the Dis- t floor (our olevator takos you Northern tour, afler which they will reside It certain- at 530 Sixth street southeast, and will be trict ot Columbia. d.rtcttothisfloor). at home to their friends after January 28. We have the finest selec- f ly saem.3 Incomprehensible an Investigation tion of Muslin Underwear in not to make i Mrs. Isaac Gans and Miss Rlckie Guns One of floor. These 720 home of the most Interesting features this city. of this famous of Fifth street northwest, at session Uie Our low prices fc'e among many you palms nnrt flowers. Miisla'was furnished by Fridays. the ot Federation of Women's will the CrMTKHr ArUIlcry Clubs jeslerday prop- are simply c;n expect to find this week. the Fourtli Rind. atleruoou was the an evidence of ' AmonK Hie kucsIk bre. Miss Cecil Miles, The Aldinc Literary Society will cele- osition that the women unite in support Miss Sherman, Qen. Mrs. our business enterprise, not -- - ' L - Miss and brate its first anniversary Bunday evening, ot a curlew bill meusurc that is to be H Lietier. MaJ. and Mrs.' Jacobs, Miss January 20. This popular society has urged in Congress. at all of poor qualities. t -- bllOyd. I yd wldcUnbleneli-ui- l passed an extremely succtssfutycnr'sexlBt-ence- . Miss Beuueil of the Excelsior Literary P und Mrs. Hjinpson. Miss Lleber. Dr. Francis Examine the goods l.ruouWlle A. A. Cutliiu: The exercises of the" anniversary yourself. LletxT, Mr. Will Llelier, Miss Marlon Leecli, Society announced that her organization Wurtli o yd. for 5 yd. will be social In character and will take had decided to step its usual field You cannot find Mr. and Miss Wtiitmar. iMiss Fitch, Miss place club rooms In Society Temple, outside better. ' Mr. Norton, at the aud prepare a bill forbidding ail persons : ' Ktnily Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Fifth and G streets north west. 4M yd, extra lifmy White Kaymond, the Misses Ujyiuoud and otliurs. under sixteen years of age from being on Absorbent Ciunti. the streets of the city alter 10 o'clock at Muslin Underwear. Do yd. - Mrs. Walcott and Miss Walcott will be at J Worth I yd. For Ge Chase a supper night. 50 dozen ladles' good quality MUSLIN v-'- Mrs. cave last evening home to their friends Fridays iu January The trainers of the bill which will be DRAWERS, wide hems, tucks above; all noo Washington uud after the at Uarrucks. nnd February from 3 to Oat 7C4 Twentieth presented iu Congress soon, uim particu- sizes. RegularpriceSScsaiepriccXTc. 1,500 yd. Light Dark street north west. Iduiii.iClotli.Sutlne.SlIkolluo, i larly at the protection of young girls, but, 25. dozen MUS- D. Wine, Q ladles' excellent quality - Mrs. Louis 1717 street, as believers In perfect equality of LIN!) two-inc- h 3l-l- wide, Miltiible lor com- iri? the the KAWERS, with embroidery lias as her guest Mrs. Lewis II. Bjughcr of The Ladles' Aid Society of the North sexes, they will Insist upon having the ruffle, headed with tucks. Regular price 8 fort h. Gettysburg, Pa.. Capitol M.E. Church, met Monday eyeningat curfew restrictions apply to both boys and 30c, sale price SBc. Worth 12 the home ofthe treasurer, Mrs. Robert girls. K Among those One lot ladles' muslin MOTHER HUB- Mrs. nnd Mrs. Cummlngs of Connecticut Brltt, 33 street northwest. The ladies consider the idea entirely BARD GOWNS, yokes trimmed wlthherrlng 8 500 yd. Uurk Figured Princ- are at 017 Sixteenth street northwest for present were Rev. Charles L. Pate aud feasible. Tney point to the apparent suc- bone braid, cambric ruffle around neck, e.-. CiiKlimere ltemiiuutHtlu the winter. wife, Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, Mr. nnd Mrs. cess of similar methods in several of the do wn front and sleeves. RegularprlceSOc., length 4 yds. Fisher, Mrs. King, Mrs. Bunch, Mrs. Lahig, Northwestern Stales, where curfew rings sale price from to" Mrs. Hodes, Mrs. Creecy and Mr. Robert 31c. Worth 10c yd. For yo yd. Mrs. R. 0. Cooiey of New Dorp. 8. 1., is at a certain hour every evening f warn LADIES' EMPIRE GOWNS, excellent visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. Lynn Davis, at Brltt. young people of the time to return to their muslin, with embroidered front, wide em- wide Wench- - 18 M street northwest. Mrs. Davis and homes. pire collar, edged with raffle, full length, 2,700 yds The Star Social Club or East Washington, large sleeves. Regular price sale ed X. Y. Mill-- i' Cotton Hom-luint- s. Mrs. Cooiey will be at home Tuesday even- PLACE TO KEEP THEM. 79c 2 V- ings In January. recently gave their third annual banquet Price SOc. or will urge special truant at the residence Mr. Padgett, 333 They that a CORDED BAND CHEMISE, eoutlieast. Vocal Instru- home be provided, so that persons arrested excellent Worth lloyd. Forr Simpson Sixth street and muslin, pearl buttons. Regular price 39c, Mrs. 0. Warfield will not be at mental solos were rendered by Mr. G. I. on the streets after the curfew hour need sale price ., 7-- home today, but will be the remaining 000 yds 8 wide Scotch Kosack nnd Miss E. Padgett, after which not be taken to the police station. ..ZSo 1'lafd.. (lood KtylcH. berthe of point lace, tiara and necklace of Fridays during the season. supper was served. Among those present This isprobably the first serious endeavor DIPLOMATS DINED diamonds, added toiler loveliness. were members of club, Messrs. F. to secure suth legislation for a city as 12 yd. yd. the the - Worth For So The charge d'affaires of Costa Itlca and The ladles of Ihe Washington Seminary Padgett, F. Pyles, W. Padgett, C. Goodall, large as Washington. Corsets- HOUSE Senora de Cairo, lu satin and diamonds. will be at home today and February 7, G. Boyd and G. Green. Theguests were the Tbepresidentsofthevariousorganlzatlons Black Ratteen corsets, full boned, double 800 jiK Gray and Ilrunn AT TEE WHITE The charge d'affaires of Argentine and rmm 4 G, 1C38 B. In made reports - to ut Seventeenth street. Misses Kate and Loretto Gallagher, included the Federation side steels, extra long and medium waists. Mixture Coidcd Xoelty Sut- Madame Dominguez, del blue velvet and Woodward, M. Padgett, Lulu and Lottie that Indicated a great deal, both in amount Regular 75c. quality, sale price dia- 480 IllO.. Flemish lace, tiara uud necklace of Mrs. James 11. Eckels will not be at Little, M. Sweeney, M. Cooper, I. Awkard, and lu variety, of "woman'work" doue Worth l8o yd. For sc yd. monds. home today, Imt will be ou the remaining Maggie and Mamie Asthans, M. Smith, during the last three months. The presi- Brilliant State Dinner Given by the The Turkish minister,' the minister of Vienstein. F. Summers, Belle Inddley dents, with ttic societies they represented, Nur-wa- Fridays iu January. E. yd-i'5- Belgium, Sweden 1(00 Illcuchcd Tcii-lieri- ll the minister of and and Messrs. W. W. Gates, G. Johnson, L. were as follows: Embroideries. Pillow President. the minister of Russia, the Japanese Mrs. John W. Clarke aud Mrs. Moncure Smith, C. Hackett, II. Green, E. Tripp and Mrs. llauuah U. Sperry, Woman's Na- We have captured a lot of Embroideries Cnie Cotton. minister, Danish minister, the minister U. AVorth 12 F.Irs the Hurke will be at home Wednesdays, Jan- J. Muloy.' tional Press Association; Mrs. E. which will prove a great treat to our of Ecuador, the Dumincean charge, the uary 22 and 29. Coues, Pro Re Nata Club; Mrs. Fannie customers. 7,000 yards of Hamburg, S win Korean charge, the charge of Portugal. IX GAY ATTIHE. Pomeroy, Leglou of Loyal Women; Mrs. and Nainsook in beautiful designs, from 1 500yd.-0-- S Hleuclicd Wain-.iitt- n to 9 inches wide, of prices! Splendid Uniforms und Flushing Senator and Mrs. Sherman, Senator Mr. Ellen P. Thompson, District Woman's at unheard Cotton nrul Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Ollverl have Issued We have divided them up into 3 lots, as iteintianth. JeneLs Made the Function and Miss Morgan, Representative iuvtlnll'ins for the marriage of their daugh- l'uplLs of Miss Clara Stevens Hold a Suffrage Association; Mrs. M. B. Piatt, follows: Worth 14e yd. For Qo ya. McCreary, Representative and Mrs. Draper, to Mr. George Carols al. District W. C T. U.; Mrs. A. Jf. Hamilton, A Guy One. rote-pin- k ter Mamie Franklin Lewis, Miss Julia Stevenson, Miss Miles, in Wednesday evening, January 22, 8 The pupils of Miss Clara Stevens held Woman's Relief Con's; Mrs.
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