•FSM Congress Special Issue FEATURING SIXTH CONGRESS MEMBERS & BIOGRAPHIES FRITZ, Jack (Truk States: 2-year incumbent Senator JulioAkapito as March 23, I960, on Kuttu Islands, term) - In the Sixth FSM" Congress representative of the Southern Mortlocks, served as an interpreter leadership, the two-year term Namoneas in the Truk Lagoon, the in the -I975 Micronesian Speaker Jack Fritz, of Truk State states' Third Congressional District. Constitutional Convention and re- was elected to the Second FSM Fritz, who also was the speaker in ceived a BA degree in political sci- Congress in 1981 when he defeated the Fifth FSM Congress, was born (Please see BIOGRAPHIES, Page 3) THE NATIONAL UNION PEACE • UNITY'LIBERTY AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PEOPLE OF FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA PresidentVolume 10 Kolonia,attends Pohnpei, July 20th15, 1989 forumNumber 7 TARAWA, Kiribati July 12, 1989 (FSM 11 with the signing of the Tarawa Declara- Jackson who writes for PACNEWS. INFORMATION SERVICE) - The 20th tion which expresses profound concern of The Tarawa Declaration, was signed by South Pacific Forum, which was held in the the Forum countries over the driftnet fishing heads of Governments of Australia, the conference center of the newly opened activities by Japanese and Taiwanese fish- Cook Islands, FSM, Kiribati, New Zealand, Otintaai Hotel, in Tarawa, Republic of Ki- ing fleets, according to FSM Congress Nauru, Niue, Republic of the Marshall Is- ribati, was officially close the evening of July Assistant Public Information Officer Robert lands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands were represented by their Deputy Prime Minis- ters, Tonga by its Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence and Western Samoa by its Minister of Justice and Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Tarawa Declaration commends the Republic of Korea for its decision to cease drift net fishing in the Pacific waters and calls on Japan and Taiwan to follow Korea and abandon immediately their damaging driftnet operations. Provisions in the Declaration calls for an urgent meeting of regional diplomatic, legal and fisheries experts to develop a Conven- tion to give effect to its common resolve to U.S. REP OFFICE CELEBRA TES INDEPENDENCE DA Y - FSM Vice President Hirosi H. create a zone free of drift net fishing, and Ismael, second form left, joined U.S. Representative to FSM, the Honorable Michael G. Wygant, far left, in toasting to the health and well-being of their Presidents and the warm calls on the international community to diplomatic relationship between their two countries and the 213th Anniversary of United support, and cooperate in the urgent con- States Independence during the July-4th get together at the Office of the U.S. Representative clusion of Convention establishing the in Kolonia. Rep. Wygant, citing President George Bush Independence Day Message, told zone. the packed reception room that "July 4th is a day to pause and thank God that men such as Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin had the strength, courage and insight to forge a nation The Forum also adopted a Communique predicated upon the noble ideal "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by inviting South Pacific countries to partici- their creator with certain unalienable rights.'" (Please see FORUM, Page 2) O5 oo Forum 10 (Continued from Page 1) communication to New Caledonia, stating According to a spokesman for the Forum, pate in a post-Forum Dialogue with repre- that the Forum had reviewed recent devel- the new division within the Secretariat will sentative panel of Forum leaders, and ac- opments there and expressed deep sad- have the capacity-to assist Forum countries cepted with pleasure the invitation by the ness over the assassination of the Kanak in economic analysis and development Prime Minister of Vanuatu to host the 21 st Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS) planning. South Pacific Forum. It also noted the leaders Jeana Marie Tjibaon and Yeiwene A unanimous decision by the Forum •z. generous offer of the FSM to host the 22nd Yeiwene. countries expressed that every effort should ZD South Pacific Forum in 1991. The Forum Governments, as the com- be made to establish cooperative effort in Two issues which dominated the two-<Jay munication further stated, expressed the the area of fisheries surveillance. 20th South Pacific Forum Meeting in the tiny hope that consideration of New Caledonia It was also announced by Prime Minister independent island Nation of Kiribati with by the United Nations committee on De- Hawke during the press conference this population of 65,000, are the rising of the colonization and the United Nations Gen- afternoon (July 12) that it was agreed to that sea levels as a result of the Green House eral Assembly would continue to be charac- the next South Pacific Forum Meeting will •z. effects and driftnet fishing, Jackson who terized by the consensus approach adopted be held in Vanuatu. UJ writes for PACNEWS, reported. X in 1988 by the Forum, and restated their President Haglelgam was accompanied Prime Minister Bob Hawke of Australia strong support for an act of self-determina- to the Forum by Foreign Service Officer announced during the closing day's meet- tion by the New Caledonians. David Panuelo and were met by other ing that Australia will oversee the establish- The Forum, during its second and final members of their delegation, the External ment of a network of stations throughout the day also discussed the establishment of an Affairs Deputy Secretary Asterio Takesy Pacific region to monitor climatic changes. Economic Service Division within the Sec- and FSM Ambassador to Suva, Mr. Alik L To be funded by the government of Aus- retariat and the initiation of an integrated Alik, who were in Tarawa earlier to repre- tralia as part of its program of aids to South program of Regional fisheries surveillance, sent the FSM to the Pre-Forum Meetings. Pacific nations, the network will collect data on sea levels, water temperature, rainfall Yamase appointed LC and atmospheric pressure, Prime Minister Hawke said during a press conference, KOLONIA, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMA- Code in 1985 and the first publication of Yap adding that if a prospect of a worst scenario TION SERVICE) - Dennis K. Yamase of State Code in 1987. Pearl City, Hawaii, was recently appointed Yamase also previously served as Legislative occurs for the smaller islands nations, Aus- by the Sixth FSM Congress as its Legisla- Counsel for the Senate in the Palau National tralia and New Zealand are willing to accom- Congress (Olbiil Era Kelulau) while concurrently modate the relocation of the people from tive Counsel. Yamase, who replaces Seth Forman of serving as legal counsel for the Republic of Palau those small islands. Stamford, New York, previously served as Reapportionment Commission in 1985. On the issue of driftnet fishing, the forum counsel for the Fifth FSM Congress Com- He also served as a Law clerk for the FSM has unanimously adopted a declaration to Supreme Court Associate ban it in the South Pacific region and to mittee on Health, Educa- tion and Social Affairs Justice Richard Benson, in eventually extend it worldwide. Truk in 1983; law clerk for Driftnet fleets use the most destructive of (HESA) while working on Republic of Palau Su- fishing techniques. They suspend from the re-codification of the FSM preme Court Chief Justice sea surface huge fishing nets (about 30 Code; served as an asso- Mamoru Nakamura in thousand miles of netsdaily) that indiscrimi- ciate with Dandar, 1983, and worked on ap- nately trapping fish, dolphins, whales, Manuia and Castroverde pellate cases and drafted seals, turtles and seabirds, according to as- law firm of Honolulu, Republic of Palau Court sertions by some Forum countries. Hawaii, with an emphasis rules fo civil, criminal, and With fishing being the single most impor- in public utilities commis- appellate procedures. sion, worker's compensa- During his second year tant economic resource to most of the Fo- in law school, Yamase rum countries, the declaration expresses a tion, and general corporate forceful view in support of the long-held view work; also previously served as a Special Assis- served as a legal intern for the FSM Congress of the Forum opposing the driftnet fishing. tant to Republic of Palau Supreme Court Chief and FSM Supreme Court in 1981 when he Countries who usually conducted driftnet Justice in 1986 for special assignments while he drafted the rules of procedure for the Yap State fishing in the Pacific waters are Japan, Tai- completed the Republic of Palau Reporter and Court- wan and South Korea. first and second supplements to the Palau Na- He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in tional Code. Secondary Education and Psychology from the During a press conference with Geoffrey Yamase, who previously served as executive University of Hawaii in 1979, and Juris Doctor Henry, Prime Minister of the Cook Islands, it secretary for the Palau National Code Commis- from the Richardson School of Law, University of was learned that the Forum has sent a sion, also completed the first Palau National Hawaii in 1982. H BIOGRAPHIES I m (Continued from Page 1) Kosrae. the Pohnpei State Scholarship ence in I974 and law degree in 1979 Vice Speaker Phillip served as Board and a member of the FSM o from the University of Hawaii. He member of the Kosrae State Politi- Task Force on cholera. z was admitted to the T.T. Bar Asso- cal Status Commission, Kosrae He is married to former Martha ciation and worked as a legislative Transportation authority Board of Elnei and they have five children. I— counsel in Truk, before being Directors and member of the Col- c elected to the Congress where he lege of Micronesia (COM) Board of Chairman Christian z served as Judiciary and Govern- Regents from I970 to I985.
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