'426 CONGRESSIONAL RECOR~HOUSE. DECEl\ffiER 19' William B. Jones to be postmaster at Delawure, Delaware California; John M. Nelson, Wisconsin; Adam M. Byrd, Missis County, Ohio. sippi; William E. Tou Velie, Ohio; James A. Hamill, New William E. Moulton to be postmaster at Canal Fulton, ~tark Jersey. County, Ohio. Committee on Ele_ctions No. 3.-l\Iessrs. Michael El Driscoll, William H. Surles to be postmaster at East Liverpool, Colum­ New York; William E. Humphrey, Washington; Henry T. biana County, Ohio. Bannon, Ohio; John F. Boyd, Nebraska; Jay Ford Laning, Philip Zeigler to be postmaster at Strasburg, in the county Ohio; ---, ---; Claude Kitchin, North Carolina; Harry of Tuscarawas and State of Ohio. B. Wolf, Maryland; Charles C. Carlin, Virginia. OKLAHO:MA. Committee on lVays and Means.-Messrs. Sereno E. Payne, C. S. Gillette to be postmaster at Hobart, in the county of New York; John Dalzell, Pennsylvania; Samuel W. McCall, Kiowa ·and State of Oklahoma. Massachusetts; Ebenezer J. Hill, Connecticut; Henry S. Bontell, OREGO:Y. Illinois; James E. Watson, Indiana; James C. Needham, Cali­ Wallace W. Smead to be postmaster at Heppner, Morrow fornia; William A. Calderhead, Kansas; Joseph W. Fordney, County, Oreg. Michigan; Joseph H. Gaines, West Virginia; Robert W. Bonynge, Colorado; Nicholas Longworth, Ohio; Champ Clark, VE.RMOXT. Missouri; William Bourke Cockran, New York; Oscar · W. Martha W. Arnold to be postmaster at Bethel, Windsor Underwood, Alabama ; Daniel L. D. Granger, Rhode Island; County; Vt. James 1\I. Grig\s, Georgia; Edward W. Pou, North Carolina; VIRGINIA. Choice B. Randell, Texas. Thad T. Huffman to be postmaster at Keyser, Mineral County, Committee on the Judicimv.-Messrs. John J. Jenkins, Wis­ W.Va. consin; Richard Wayne Parker, New Jersey; De Alva S. Alex­ WISCO:YSIN. ander, New York; Charles E. Littlefield, Maine; Charles• Q. Edwin F. Ganz to be postmaster at Alma, Buffalo County, Tirrell, Massachusetts; John A. Sterling, Illinois; John H. Fos­ Wis. ter, Indiana; Henry T. Bannon, Ohio; Reuben 0. 1\Ioon, Penn­ Thomas McKinney to be postmaster at Berlin, Green · Lake sylvania; Gerrit J. Diekema, Michigan; George R. 1\Ialby, New County, Wis. York; Henry S. Caulfield, Missouri, David A. De Armond, Mis­ souri; Henry D. Clayton, Alabama; Robert L. Henry, 'texas; William G. Brantley, Georgia; Charles C. Reid, Arkansas; Ed­ ll~TERNATIONAL WIRELESS TELEGRAPH. win Y. Webb, North Carolina. The injunction of secrecy was remo•ed December 18, 1907, Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measwres.-Messrs. Wil­ from the message from the President of the United States, liam B. McKinley, Illinois; Ira W. Wood, New Jersey; William transmitting an international wireless telegraph convention, C. Lovering, 1\Iassachusetts; Joseph R. Knowland, California; with service regulations annexed thereto, a supplementary George A. Pearre, Maryland;· Charles A. Kennedy, Iowa; Joel agreement, and a final protocol, all signed at- Berlin on Noyem­ Cook, Pennsylvania; Samuel McMillan, New York; Joseph G. ber 3, 1906, by delegates of the United States and those of sev­ Beale, Pennsylmnia; Addison D. James, Kentucky; Peter A. eral other powers. Porter, New York; John W. Gaines, Tennessee; Thomas W. Hardwick, Georgia; Robert M. Wallace, Arkansas; Daniel J.' Riordan, New York; Charles F. Booher, Missouri; William A. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Ashbrook, Ohio; Charles C. Carlin, Virginia; Jonah K. Kalani- anaole, HawaiL · THURSDAY, December 19, 1907. Committee on Inte'rstate and Foreign Commerce.-Messrs. William P. Hepburn, Iowa; James S. Sherman, New York; • The House met at 12 o'clock m. Irving P. Wanger, Pennsylvania; James R. Mann, Illinois; Prayer· by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. William C. Lovering, Massachusetts; Frederick C. Stevens, The Journal of the proceedings of Monday, December 16, Minnesota; John J. Esch, Wisconsin; Francis W. Cushman, 1907,. was read and approved. 'Vashington; Charles E. Townsend, Michigan; James Kennedy, RESIGNATIONS FROM COMMITTEE. Ohio; Joseph R. Knowland, California; 'Villiam P. Hubbard, The SPEAKER. The Chair lays before the House the fol­ Wes Virginia; Robert C. Davey, Louisiana; William C; Adam­ lowing letter. son, Georgia; William H. Ryan, New York; William Richard­ The Clerk read as 'follows: son, Alabama; Charles L. Bartlett, Georgia; Gordon RusselJ, DECEMBER 18, 1907. Texas. lion. JOSEPH G. CANNON, Committee on Rive1·s and Harbors.-Messrs. Theodore E. House of Representa.tives. Burton, Ohio; Ernest F. Acheson, Pennsylvania; De Alva S . .Al­ DEAR Sm: I herewith tender my resignation as a member of the Committee on Banking and Currency. exander, New York; George P. Lawrence, Massachusetts; J.ames Very r_espectfully, J. R. KNOWLA..'W. H. Davidson, Wisconsin; James McLachlan, California; William The SPEAKER. Without objection the gentleman will be Lorimer, Illinois; Wesley L. Jones, Washington; J. Adam Bede, excused. The Chair hears no· objection. The Chair also lays Minnesota; Edgar C. Ellis, Missouri; Benjamin P. Birdsall, before the House the following letter, which the Clerk will Iowa; H. Olin Young, Michigan; Harry C. Woodyard, West report. Virginia,; Stephen 1\I. Sparkman, Florida; Joseph E. Ransdell, The Clerk read as follows : Louisiana; George F. Burgess, Texas; Benjamin G. Humphreys, Tlze Speaker: Mississippi; John A. Moon, Tennessee; George W. Taylor, Ala­ I hereby tender my resignation as member of the Committee on Bank­ bama; J. Edwin Ellerbe, South Carolina. ing and Currency. Committee on the Merchant .Marine and Fishe1ies.-Messrs. Very truly, yours, W. A. CA.LDERHEAD. William S. Greene, 1\Iassachusetts; Charles E. Littlefield, DECEMBER 19, 1907. 1\Iaine; William E. Humphrey, Washington; William W. Wil­ The SPEAKER. Without objection, the gentleman will be son, Illinois; Edmund H. Hinshaw, Nel:Jraska; E. Ste-vens excused. [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. Henry, Connecticut; William M. Calder, New York; Grant E. COMMITTEE .A.PPOIN'l'MENTS. 1\Iouser, Ohio; George W. Fairchild, New York; William W. The SPEAKER. The Chair lays before the House the follow­ Foulkrod, Pennsylvania; George C. Sturgiss, West Virginia; ing appointments to the Committee on Banking and Currency. Albert Douglas, Ohio; Thomas Spight, :Mississippi; Joseph A. The Clerk read as follows: Goulden, New York; Harry L. 1\Iaynard, Virginia; John T. Watkins, Louisiana; Frank Clark, Florida; William E. Cox, JAMES 1\ICKI~Y, of Illinois, and CYRUS DOREY, of New York. Indiana; Joshua W. Alexander, 1\Iissouri. STANDING AND SELECT COMMITTEES. Committee on Agriculture.-1\Iessrs. Charles F. Scott, Kan­ The SPEAKER. The Chair announces the appointment of sas; Gilbert N. Haugen, Iowa; Kittredge Haskin , \ ermont; the following committees: William Lorimer, Illinois; William W. Cocks, New York; Ralph The Clerk read as follows: D. Cole, Ohio; Ernest l\1. Pollard, Nebraska; Clarence C. Gil­ Contmittee on Elect·ions No. 1.-Messrs: James R. Mann, hams, Indian~; James C. McLaughlin, 1\Iichigan; Willis C. Illinois; Llewellyn Powers, Maine; Char·les L. Knapp, New Hawley, Oregon; George W. Cook, Colorado; ---, ---; York; Grant E. 1\.Iou er, . Ohio; George A. Pearre, Maryland; John Lamb, Virginia; Asbury F. Lever, South Carolina; Jack George C. Sturgiss, West Virginia; Ollie M. James, Kentucky; Beall, Texas; William W. Rucker, 1\Iissouri; Augustus 0. Stan­ Edward W. Saunders, Virginia; William Willett, jr., New York. ley, Kentucky; J. Thomas Heflin, Alabama ; WilHam H. An­ Committee on Elections No. 2.-Messrs. Marlin E. Olmsted, drews, New 1\Iexico. Pennsylyania; James M. Miller, Kansas;. Capell L. Weems, Committee on Fot·eign A[fairs.-Messrs. Robert G. Cousins, Ohio; James F. Burke, Pennsylvania; Duncan E. McKinlay. Iowa; Charles B. Landis, Indiana; · James Breck Perkins, New 1907. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 427 York; David J. Foster, Vermont; Adin B. Capron, Rhode Island; Charles L. Knapp, New York; Hiram R. Burton, Delaware; J. Sloat Fassett, New York; Edwin Denby, Michigan; William Benjamin P. Birdsall, Iowa; Beman G. Dawes, Ohio; John C. B. l\IcKinley, illinois; Allen F. Cooper, Pennsylvania; Frank 0. Chaney, Indiana; Nelson P. Wheeler, Pennsylvania; Daniel Lowden, Illinois; Edward L. Taylor, Ohio; Butler Ames, Massa­ R. Anthony, Kansas; .James 0. Patterson, South Carolina; chusetts: William l\1. Howard, Georgia; Henry D. Flood, Vir­ William Hughes, New Jersey; Rufus Hardy, Texas; James ginia; 'William B. Lamar, Florida; John N. Garner, Texas; T. McDermott, Illinois; John H. Uothermel, Pennsylvania. John A. Kelihet.·, Massachusetts; John Gill, jr., Maryland; Committee on Manttfacttt1·es.-l\fessrs. Henry Mc~forran, Francis B•Jrton Harrison, New York~ Michigan; Nathan W. Hale, Tennessee-; Pleasant T . .Chapman, Vomrnittee on Military Affairs.-Messrs. John A. T. Hull, Illinois; George A. Pearre, Maryland; Don C. Edwards, Ken­ Iowa; Richard Wayne Parker, New Jersey; Adin B. Capron, tucky; Andrew J. Barchfeld, Pennsylvania; William W. Foulk­ Rhode Island; George W. Prince, Illinois; Elias S. Holliday, rod, Pennsylvania; ---, ---; Charles H. Weisse, Wiscon­ Indiana; H. Olin Young, Michigan; Julius Kahn, California; sin; Joseph T. Johnson, South Carolina; William W. Kitchin, Beman G. Dawes, Ohio; James F. Burke, Pennsylvania; Thomas North Carolina; James T. McDermott, Illinois; James A. Ham­ W. Bradley, New York; Frederick C. Stevens, Minnesota; ill, New Jersey. Daniel R. Anthony, Kansas; William Sulzer, New York; James Oomm,ittee on Mines and Mining.-Messrs. George F. Huff, Hay, Virginia; James L. Slayden, Texas; Robert F. Broussard, Pennsylvania;
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