THE N€TCE DAME Si/\/^^^^S^S/^^^^\/V^>VSi^^»^^W\/%^^»^^^^^A/^%^^N/^^/^^^/V>^^^\^^^^^^^^^>^^^%^^/^^^^%^^»^^»^>i^^/%^^^^^N^V^S^S^-^N/*^»< In This Issue: NEWS SPORTS DuBos Joins Faculty . Plan Dranna Activ­ Notre Dame at ities . Lunn Con­ Evanston tomonow ... cludes Lectures . Fencers Hold Tourna­ The Week . Man ment . Keoganites About the Campus . Prepare for Opening College Parade. Introducing . Splinters. DR. CHARLES DU BOS November 19,1937 ^WN/WV^W^^^^^^^^^^^'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M^k^k^^^^^V'^-^ ' <*M*M*f*r*i^^i*^^^^^^^(*»^^^^**^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^-*^^-^^^^^^**^^-^^^^"*-^-^-^"^^^*^^^^^^^******i- i**^^^^i**i****^v*^^M*i'''i**w*^*w*M"M"v*«'*M*>firv'w'vv'u-M">runfv'w>j>fM'>ru^ C^v talks to "--^„^e. He Uve-- S''T^°^!!!?.rorin''aB i^ '^^^ let ,,e compos^^ i^ f his'300,000 W' ^-^'^°"i^ble^Odd"^cIntyre, see of the incre Mflfe^s Goo^ 150-POUND FOOTBALL INYOURCOUEGE? £V®N1 /^n big stadiums no bxg^traxnmg , ^ ^^ ^^^^^ rto'Sr^efA-c^?^^^^^^Z.col.ls,ln Little Men-Here's^ -V°Hov..^ * ^^'^ '^'^''^ by ARNOLD NICHOLSON :>' IM YOU CAN'T BEAT THE GOVERNMENT. Stanley High re­ ports on the world's biggest publicity campaign, and how it K. ,> ">>^v>>*> sells the New Deal to America. "SOCKING A CROOK," said young Larry Wayne, "is definitely out­ moded." So he went after the cop-hating Carmichaels his own way. Leslie T. White tells how, in The Last Wayne. AN AMERICAN DOCTOR IN CHINA. Victor Heiser, M.D., relates the deeply human story of China's battle against disease. TROUBLE, TROUBLE. Ten hours to finish Highway 721. Then, myster­ iously, the 40-ton digger started to slip. A short story by Karl Detzer. NEWFOUNDLAND SPENDS ITS WAY INTO BANKRUPTCY. Bertram B. Fowler tells how it happened, and what they tried next, in Govern­ ment by Receivership... Read also Hospitals Are for Sick People, ^^^foarHenmUt^d by Hannah Lees, and Tish Marches On, by Mary Roberts Rinehart. THE S/lTUI{pAY EVENING POST The Notre Dame Scholastic Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailins at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 23, 1918. Z188 Vol. 71 November 19, 1937 No. 8 ADD DR. DUBOS, FAMOUS FRENCH CRITIC, TO FORUM RUSHES PLAN FACULTY OF ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FOR FIRST DANCE By Graham Starr The Notre Dame Commerce Forum Dr. Charles DuBos, eminent French critic and writer, arrived here from will have its first dance on the night Paris recently to join the faculty of the English department of the University. of the Southern California football Although he is the grand-nephew of Senator James B. Eustis, the first United game from 9 to 11:30 o'clock at the States envoy to France to bear the title of ambassador, this is Dr. DuBos' first Columbia Athletic Club in South visit to America. Bend. >*» Frank Delaney is general chair­ "I have eagerly anticipated this man, and Jack Zerbst is in charge opportunity to visit America for of arrangements. Henry Theis has many years, chiefly because as a boy been appointed chairman of the mu­ my gi'and-uncle so vividly impressed sic committee. Tom Reardon will me with the democratic distinction of take care of the tickets, and David America and of American institutions Bilger is chairman of the patrons' during his stay at the embassy in committee. Paris from 1893 to 1897," Dr. DuBos "Any future Forum dances depend said. upon the success of this first one," At Notre Dame, he has just started President Brosius stated. teaching new elective courses in Eng­ At the first meeting of the newly lish: Pascal and His Work, The Phi­ organized Discussion Group of the losophy of Literature, and Studies Forum, last Tuesday, a paper "Tax in Some English and American Exemptions," was given by Frank Writers. The last course named in­ Fitch. Those who wish to join the cludes readings in Shelley, Keats, the discussion group are asked to see Brownings, George Eliot, Edith Dick Scannell at 107 Sorin. Wharton, and others. These courses PRESIDENT BROSIUS On Thursday of this week, a gen­ are to be offered in the second half "Accountants do Big Apple: eral meeting of the Forum was held of this semester, and will be contin­ in honor of the new faculty members. ued throughout the second semester. Refreshments were served. Early in his youth DuBos became Hear Polish Music a figure of note in the literary, artistic, and intellectual centers of Announce New Award France, Germany, and Italy. He was The Cracow Club met at eight Reverend John F. O'Hara, C.S.C, the associate and intimate friend of o'clock Friday evening Nov. 12, in president of the University of Notre such satellites as Andre Gide, Paul the recreation room of Cavanaugh Dame, announced this week the es­ Valery, Maritain, Edith Wharton, Hall to discuss important plans for tablishment of the John C. Doam Mauriac, and Gilson. their activities of the coming year. scholarship for the assistance of stu­ Forty members were present. The dents in financial need. In the near future, Dr. DuBos presiding officer was the Eeverend John Doam played football under plans to give a series of public lec­ S. F. Lisewski, C.S.C., professor of the late Knute Rockne and won his tures on his friend, the late Edith Polish. athletic monogram as a varsity tackle Wharton, whose novels he translated in 1927. He received his LL.B. de­ into French. Edward Alexander, of Cavanaugh Hall, entertained his fellow members gree two years later. It was literature that eventually with a rendition of popular Polish Early in 1935 Doam succumbed led Dr. DuBos back to Catholicism. folk ballads through the medium of to a heart attack after a handball "I found," he said, "in my search his piano-accordion. Vernon Wood- game in his home town, Omaha, for the explanation of genius, that a kowski, also a Cavanaugh Hall resi­ Nebraska. deeper study and understanding of dent, added interest to the meeting The scholarship is the gift of the real literature brings one invariably by contributing a detailed report on Notre Dame athlete's mother, Mrs. to the spiritual. I could find no ex­ the present critical European situa­ A. J. Doam of the Conant Hotel, planation of genius in human reason­ tion. Omaha. ing. Finally, in self-analysis of tal­ The club seriously considered ar­ ent, I found that fundamentally I ranging with Mr. Lewis Hammer- Moss for '35 Grod am a mortal being and not an intel­ schmidt, prominent South Bend at­ Alfred Capitell of Belmont, Mass., lectual one—a moral being who ap­ torney and long-time friend of Notre a graduate in the class of 1935, was plies all his forces to intellectual Dame, to present the movies of his killed instantly in an airplane crash objects and preoccupations." trip last summer, which covered a at Kelly field in Texas. Mr. Capitell Dr. DuBos' published writings great portion of Poland and Russia, was killed instantly. At the request number eleven volumes. lincluded in and to present his views and observa­ of the Boston Club, a mass will he these is his lengthy study of Byron. tions of the present critical situation celebrated by Father Gartland, club (Continued on Page 23) in Europe today. chaplain. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC YEAR'S PREMIER ISSUE OF "SCRIP" FEATURES HALL DEBATES REACH CRITICAL ESSAYS AND SHORT STORIES SEMI-FINAL ROUND Morrissey Hall versus Zahm Hall: The Notre Dame Scrip, literary quarterly, edited by Charles B. Nelson, that is the bill for tonight in the in- junior in the College of Arts and Letters from Decatur, 111., made its first terhall debate series' semi-final of appearance of the 1937-38 school year on the campus last Friday afternoon. the lower bracket; the seminar room The initial issue, which has won favorable comment among the student body, of the law building at 7:45 mark the includes some high standard fiction, several note-worthy critical essays, in place and time. addition to some excellent contribu­ Chairman Frank Fitch will be tions of poetry and verse. ready to announce in the next issue The new white cover vnth its im­ of the SCHOiASTic the participants in posing red letters, designed by Ed the title round that is scheduled to Kort, junior in the College of Arts take place within the fortnight. St. and Letters from West Palm Beach, Edwards' Hall competed with Dillon Florida, possesses a tone of simplic­ Hall last night in the semi-final of ity and brightness. Other art work the upper half of the draw. of Kort's appears in the magazine, Zahm's three-man team successful­ and his drawings will also be included ly debated the affirmative of the in succeeding issues. semester question — Resolved: that, "The National Labor Relations Board "The Shack," by Harold A. Wil­ shall be in power to enforce arbitra­ liams, is an interesting and enter­ tion in all industrial disputes"— taining adventure of four youngsters against Lyons Hall on last Monday Avho build a clubhouse and then at­ evening to clinch a berth in tonight's tempt to brave one night's sleep in it. semi-final competition. Another story, vrith a boyhood back­ It is likely that present rules Avill ground is "Waterfront," by John prevail for the debate finals. This Meaney, in which he described a day means that five minutes will be al­ at fishing by a group of anxious boys. lowed for the presentation of argu­ "The Apoplectic Turkey," by An­ ment with the rebuttal being limited drew Frederick Wilson, depicting the to three minutes. antics of a self-conscious gentleman PKOF.
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