8. GLOSSARY Affordable Housing: Housing that is available to Fractional Ownership: The division of an asset into people on modest incomes who generally cannot portions or shares. If the “asset” is property, the title or afford to buy or rent accommodation on the open deed is legally divided into shares. Shares are sold to market. individual owners. Typically, a company manages the Ancillary Use/Operation: A subsidiary or secondary asset on behalf of the owners. Owners tend to pay use or operation closely associated with the main use monthly/annual fees for this management service plus of a building or piece of land. variable usage fees. Fractional ownership is not the same as timeshare – the difference with fractional Amenity: A positive element or elements that ownership is that the purchaser owns part of the title contribute to the overall character or enjoyment of an as opposed to units of “time”. area. For example, open land, trees, historic buildings and the inter-relationship between them, or less GCR Sites (Geological Conservation Review Sites): tangible factors such as tranquillity. Form the basis of conserving geological and Article 4 Direction: A Direction that introduces geomorphological sites in the UK. additional planning controls to protect sensitive areas. Geodiversity: The natural range (diversity) of Biodiversity : Diversity or richness of plant and animal geological (rocks, minerals, fossils), geomorphologic life and their habitats. (land-form, processes) and soil features. It includes Biodiversity Action Plan: Identifies priority species and their assemblages, relationships, properties, habitats where action to conserve and enhance is interpretations and systems. required. Geology: The science of the history and composition Built environment: Buildings and structures made by of the earth's crust. people, as opposed to natural features. Geomorphology: The study of land forms and the Climate Change: Changes to the global climate that processes that shape them. evidence suggests is mainly a result of human Habitat: Place in which a particular plant or animal behaviour. lives. Often used in a wider sense, referring to major Commuted Sum: A payment by developers to the Park assemblages of plants and animals found together. Authority, or Local Authority, to provide a service or Habitats Directive: Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the facility, rather than the developer providing it directly Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and themselves. flora. Conservation Area: An area of special architectural or HGDL (Historic Garden and Designed Landscape): An historic interest designated by the National Park area of significant parkland and woodland, generally authority in consultation with local communities. centred upon a castle or mansion house, which has Core Path Networks: Comprises many different types been laid out for artistic effect and identified in the of paths that cater for all different types of users, Scottish Inventory of Gardens and Designed satisfying the basic path needs for local people and Landscapes. visitors and providing links to the wider path network Housing Market Areas (HMA's): Relatively self and countryside. contained areas within which most people move house Development: The carrying out of building, when their needs or circumstances change. engineering, mining or other operations in, over, or Infrastructure: Refers to transport and domestic under land, or the making of a material change in the services, such as water and electricity to support use of any buildings or other land. development and allow it to take place. Development Brief: A document prepared to show in Land use: The human modification of natural some detail, how best to develop a site, and can environment or wilderness into built environment include details of infrastructure, stages of such as fields, pastures, and settlements. development and design proposals. Landscape Character Assessment: A method of Ecosystem: A community of interdependent organisms analysing and describing the landscape. and the environment they inhabit. Legal Agreement: Any of several legal agreements that Environmental Assessment (EA): An assessment of the may be required to make the grant of planning consent environmental impacts of development. acceptable. These may include: Section 75 Planning Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): A process by Agreements, Section 48 or 96 Roads Agreements or which information about the effects of a proposed Restoration Guarantee bonds. development is collected, assessed and used in Listed building: A building or structure of architectural reaching a decision on whether development should or historic interest included on the list of buildings go ahead or not. compiled by Historic Scotland on behalf of Scottish European Protected Species: Species listed on Annex Ministers. IV of the Habitats Directive as species of European Local Housing Strategy (LHS): A comprehensive Community Interest and in need of strict protection. assessment of housing needs and conditions resulting in the production of a strategy to tackle the housing problems in any given area. 162 Local Nature Reserve: Habitat of local significance that Rural Diversification: The establishment of new contributes to nature conservation and provides enterprises in rural locations. This can mean existing opportunities for the public to see, learn about and businesses entering into new areas of activity or the enjoy wildlife. LNR’s are designated by local authorities creation of entirely new enterprises. under section 21 of the National Parks Access to the SAC (Special Area of Conservation): As per Natura Countryside Act 1949. 2000 site. Local Needs Housing: Housing that meets the needs SAM (Scheduled Ancient Monuments): The secretary of people currently living in the area with a form of of State for Scotland is required under Section 1 of the housing need and/or households that require to live in Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act, the area for employment or social reasons. 1979 to maintain a schedule of monuments of national Local Housing Strategies: Document prepared by the importance. local authorities setting out the housing strategy and Section 75 Legal Agreement: A legal agreement an implementation programme. between a developer and a local authority which Modal Shift: A change from one mode of transport to guarantees that certain works will be carried out, or another, for example from car to train or cycle. financial contributions are paid in accordance with a planning permission. NNR (National Nature Reserves): Contain examples of some of the most important natural and semi-natural SEPA (Scottish Environment Protection Agency): Public eco-systems in the United Kingdom. They are body with a remit for environmental protection. managed to conserve their habitats or to provide SNH (Scottish Natural Heritage): Its role is to look after special opportunities for scientific duty of habitats' the natural heritage, help people to enjoy and value it, communities and species represented within them. and encourage people to use it sustainably. NSA (National Scenic Area): An area of land considered SPA (Special Protection Areas): As per Natura 2000 of national significance on the basis of its outstanding site. scenic interest which must be conserved as part of the SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest): part of a country's natural heritage. network of sites designated by Scottish Natural Natura 2000 site: Protected areas established for the Heritage that represents the best of Scotland's natural protection of habitats or species under the Birds heritage (sites designated for plants, animals or Directive (Special Protection Areas) and the Habitats habitats, their rocks or landforms, or a combination of Directive (Special Areas of Conservation). such features). Open Space: Green space consisting of any vegetated Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA): Involves land or structure, water or geological features in an assessing and taking into account the environmental urban areas, including trees, woodlands and paths and effects of a plan or programme. 'civic space' consisting of squares, market places and Supplementary Planning Guidance: Guidance on other paved or hard landscaped areas with a civic planning matters which supplement the development function (Source: SPP11 Physical Activity and Open plan and which may be a material consideration for Space). planning purposes and usually published by the Proposals Map: Illustrates, on an Ordinance Survey planning authority in connection with a structure plan base, the effect or extent of the policies, proposals or local plan. and recommendations contained withinin the written Sustainability: The capacity to carry out an activity over policy statement. time. Often used in the context of sustainable Ramsar Site: Nature conservation sites designated as development. wetlands of international significance under the Sustainable Development: Development that meets Ramsar Convention, especially as a waterfowl habitat. the social, economic and environmental need of the Registered Social Landlords (RSL's): A not-for-profit present without compromising the ability of future housing provider, eg housing association or housing generations to meet their own needs. co-operative. SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage System): A Renewable Energy: Those sources of energy which are comprehensive approach to surface water naturally occurring within the environment and which management which aims through a
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