HH OFFICIAL MHH PUBLICATION ocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Îrice î $4 a Year 20 cents a In Two Sections Octave 10 New Hungarian Escapeesm Unity Classes Finding New Life Here ToHear3 Starts For Adults : The Pittsburgh Diocese and all I The Diocesan Institute of of Christendom will begin the A|iult Education will Wgin Chairof Unity Octave of Prayer tomorrow, Jan. 18, feast of St. its second semester Feb, 4 Peter** Chair in Rome. with 10 new classes addjed to WASHINGTON imf^k •greed to stucty ti» constitutionality of Federal, Califor- The • sehedule Intention of the Prayer | "f - a« «3d New YorkSUtoUws aimed at the s^ Ottawa, which will close Jan. 25, j this will bring to 43 the num- i of obacene reeding material. li that there may be One Fold , bcioi courses conducted on Men-j and One Shepherd. '' j" j day and Wednesday evenings at J ) The three challenges will be argued et one tiineeta [Central Catholic High. OfklandJ In tba Diocese, the Octave later, unspecified date. The com$ wiU then hand d»»»a [ Classes, are at 7.30 and 8:30 p.m. , WIS be ebaerved with devo- description of the new ttena aad kismm tn St. Paul A ! courses follows:! Cathedral, Oakland, lb? «411 be at t:48 pjn. each day cxeept Choral-Vocal Workshop—The- Sunday, Jan. t*. when they i oreUcal and practical course on m -wtttbe at 4 psa. i vocal and choral moste. Discus- Speakers at the Cathedral wiil iston brMth control, tone pro- tec hi be Msgr. Jacob C. Shinar. sec«- j duetto«, the boy-voice, choral •toioteM» tary to Bishop Dearden. Jan. ia;i balance and repertoire. Students By CopHnies? Father Charte» E. Demblowski,|wU1 Participate through choral A New York City bookseller, WASHINOTüit (NO •f-i Cathedral assistant, Jan. li;, Ending- Samuel Both, challenged the Father James P. O'Connor. Ca- j m Mate and Female—Discus sion Federal «hsisnlQ law. BoOS' thedral assistant Jan. SO; Father \ of the make-up and problems of convicted by - Federal W. Meyers. Cathedral as- j ¡the two sexes: their position in teoétof • Indecent ( at. Jan. 21; Father Bernard! . , _ _ the home, and in political, social. through tba mails to vtniatksi of Cathedral .distant, j gchoo, Md ^^ li miel i Milli Jan. 22; Msgr. Andrew J. Pauley, i pHE IIGETI FAMILY is typkel of the Hungarian e»- tbat tbe taw »thedra 1 rector. Jan. 23; Father j Preparation far Marriage — A speech" and "freedom • af L.ucian Casey, O. Carm., assist- j 10-lecture course open to all SISTER OF MERCY—Karoly Nyari, 6 months old, fotmd *apeestoow living in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. On their press" as gusrsntoad by the First at at Holy Trinity, Uptown, Jan. | adults. Taught by Msgr. Jacob C. a constant friend in Sister M. Amelia, R.S.M., who took arrivat#tHt. Mercy, Laszlo, H anna and Katalin Ligeti A wwi^nmiti it; Msgr. John B. McDowell, su-1 Shinar, secretary to Bishop charge of the refugee child when the family arrived at ;were Uncertain and bewildered. For a picture report perintendent of Catholic schools,! Dearden. Mt, Mercy Dec. 29 to meet their sponsors. Sister andlKia* 1 mil ho* eomeoi the "Hungarian families have fared turn Three honksaltenw Jan. 99.- New Tork So tree Like to Read—A series oly were inseparable during their brief hours together. 1 ty P the New I At St Paul. Butter, the Church ol 10 book reviews by prominent mm Unity- Octave will be observed priests and layman. Great books '-•MÊtMÊkM with evening devotions preached and current sellers are Included. by Father Austin Maloae, C.3.P., Vatican Court Vatican Daily Who will conduct a question box Mental Health — Adjustments Tito Accept nd personal interviews for an of tba normal individual to so- Answers 'War cial. j psych olofical, and physio- Hands Down Ì'ho wish to team more about the Church. r logical pressures ifcro^ pro-pi-.;.;.»» To Visit gressive stages of development, i/j/ L/SCISIODS Monger'Gry la bla eonrern for souls tba Course is planned to give infor- WASHINGTON (NC)—Marshal Tito, Communiit dic- MalyFatbarbaa deatoatad the ' VATICAN CriT (NCi ¿a» mation rather than solutions to VATICAN CITY (NC^-—The tator of Yugoslavia, has been Invited to ^ ^ oétcial yisit Apastteahi» ef taten- ptototetua. Sacred Roman Rota, highest HoUneto iPope Pina301 waa fcat ttaa far Jamury aa "Th* C#a- to the *Jni«|d State)» and Catholic court of appeals, band- j vwpiai ef eai Catholte ' Problems te Citr LUe—A dill- Onlv the details connected with toi vtótjeaÉainife be ills CfariitaiH mHML holla- ed down the largest number of j •77* J&r.- ISsa JxvLs' • f.•-j^-i."WW«« iw^ ttafin» IatioMhip kpeciflcally to food decisions in Its* históijr' during t"""1*1 patterns «ad family and religious to protact paeaa, the Vsfltan C8y mi. Sneb details Include when if-rihe return of all the Uta. newspaper, L'Osservatore no- Mm aheep to the one fold of Tito would eaaaa bate iaatf figures released by aRlcisls j mano, tea pointed out St. Fatar. Successful Fiction-Plotting — what aHtes he ws«M vtett dar- "Whereas Tito baa boen re- show that from 88 decisions j sponsible loe the death of mem- A presentation of basic elemeota Writing in answer to attacka Jaau tS—The reto» of all Ori- bf bte «tar la. tMa country. handed down in 1848, the num- j bers' ef the United States Air in sueeeasful plot-building. Dis- an the Christmaa mettage whteh antel Separatists to communion Foiea shot down by toreaa under cussion at all types of plots in- ber rose to. an all-Ume high of There haa been no ofltelal an- were mad* by Radio Moscow, with tba Apostolic Sea. his control aad dixtction and ft» cluding tho novel. 259 last year. nouncement of any of these taeta, L'Osservatore said: other offenses against . Unit- faau te—The submission of but they are aceaptod In authori- (CeaWaaed i « hfl 2) Panaraasa af CathMie Action— Xa spite if this record, the ad States Citizens, and A workshop tot Catholic laymen tative circles bare. Pape FtaeiEjjt ti court baa aaly began to clear (Ceaflaoad oo Page 2) "Whereas the representations people ef tbe wealt to ap cases awalttns tte iinldn. The Invitation apparently was . .that an Invitation to Tito irniTK>rcÉ|MM out" peaveaUio warfare. Maas of the parties Last year opened with 778 oM extended several weeks ago Cardinals Lead would serve ¡the cauta of world Whetetr baa read ttto last at ing to the oourt eaattera ! I through the United States em- aaaaa awaiting i laialaallaa Of ptace aad the best interests «f tbe saaaaage kaawa Ml wett arguaeate'toat'ttw laaa ue 'Detrimentcff Sacramento baasy In Belgrade. Tito accepted L^ ^^ ^^. w ^ ^ theee, 854 cases were eaaelad- -- that the Papa arced the iiiiialllalliiiaUi' vagua. Rome Prayers at once. ported by the facta of Tito's past streng thenlag af ed: 48, dismissed. But 887 new ti Bishop Dies or present dictatorial subjugation of toe United ROME (NC) — Six Cardinals When Secretary of State Jdu eabaa were totredaced to 1888. of the pgoplo of Yugoalavia, and and a group ot Rome's outstand- Foster Dulles said in December authority «Mab SACRAMENTO, CaL (NC)— ing preachers an conducting The 258 decisions were dis- that "sympathetic consideration" ahahea by avante la Heswsii. Bishop Robert John Armstrong muté aa tevftattea, prayers and services In the Gesù tributed in the following man- was being given to a proposal to of Sacramento, who has been ill to SM» oenld aet fafl to ea- His Holiness declared that those Church tare during the Chair ner; 288 cases seeking marriage invite Tito to this country, his for many months, died Jan. 14 hanea bis pairar abd praatlga statea belonging to thp United •f Unity Octave. annulment, one case of separa- announcement touched off vigor- In Mercy Hospital here. He was aa tbe'ltal Ciana aalit «ataloe Nations wbkb do not ebsaepaSs Warfare, tion a»d alimony, one case in ous and widespread criticism. The eta Cardinals ai» Eugene 72 years old. |p§§ to be aa' baaarbd to «ta ble- rides should be eaiifud>8 from which a form«' decision was tory ef tte United Matea . .. Osteal Tlaaerant dean of the the ex^rdaa ti their rights es Bishop Duane Hunt of Salt nullified and the esse re-opened, Justice Related Collega of Cardinals; members oi the orgaatsattoa. Lake City te>chaduted .to da*N?ar and one case concerning the Therefoi«, be it resolved that Cardinal Alois! Ma- K of C Board the sermon at a pontifical ije- right of patronage. the Supiaeae Bond ef Directors lUOKX New. OfC) Papa Ptaa No State Iaterveattea archpHeet of the Pateti' quiem Masa for Bishop Arm- of the KirtgMa of Columbus,. .-•„ XU ladfeatad la Jrig ' ^ Furthermore, Said L'Oseerva- aedlal Lateran ArchbasUica; strong Jan. 18 in the Cathedral (Tkt right of patronage is the ur^es the Présidait end the Sec- that be ^laaa aèt. tore, the Pope ipoke of ttto right Adaadate Cardinal Piazza, mt- of die Blessed Sacrament privilege which some towdriM retary of Stato to refrain fieen an Witt» tba praposÉttea that of the institution to "prevent •*bl) ef the Sacred Constetarial have of approcino or vetoing WKW HAVEN, Conn. (NC)— aetk» ao damaging to the honor lire today baa reached so military' intervention ftein ooe Caagragstlon; Gregory Fatar Blsbop Armstrong was born episcopal - appointment* f o r The directors of tbe Knights Of ti the Unitod Statea and its bte a puliailal that tt feaa laat state into another.'' XV Cardtoal Agaglanian.
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