Broad St Tree Plantings Spark Siuwy and warm today, Clear THE DAM and mild tonight.. Sunny and Itcri Hun)*, cooler tomorrow and Sunday. I 7 EDITION Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home :PAGES VOL.94 NO.78 KKI) HANK, N.J. FRIDAY, OCTOIlftll 15,1971 TENGENli? Fort Sewer Link Barred; Howard Eyes Suit ByPAULKBllN way to the floor of the House "failed because the House in- prompt the Army's request. "is another question but if last spring but was approved sisted the bill go on the prior- The report was promul- precluded from suing the gov- WASHINGTON -The in the later adopted Senate ities the Army had set" and gated too late last year to ernment, I can sue an Individ- House-Senate Conference version of the bill at the ur- "The Seriate conferees didn't help the congressman press ual — Gen. Foster." (Maj. Committee turned down au- ging of Sen. Clifford P. Case, fight very hard for it from his case for including the Ft, Gen. Hugh F. Foster, com- tliorization to connect Ft. R-N.J,, who was armed with what I heard." Monmouth connection in the manding general ol Ft, Mon- Monmouth with the Northeast new information. A source close to the confer- House bill. He turned it over mouth.) Monmouth County Regional Then, yesterday, the House ees said Army Congress liai- to Sen. Case who used it as le- Gen. Foster and Hep. How- Sewerage Authority yes- representatives on.the House- son people were advocating verage in the Senate. ard met in Washington yes- terday, Senate Conference Committee the project. The same report would be terday the congressman said. But Rep. James J. Howard, appointed to iron out the dif- "I didn't hear that," Hep. the basis for possible legal ac- "I told him what we may do D-N.J., thinks he can force ferences between the two Howard replied. tion to force the connection and told him it isn't personal. the connection without going bills, rejected the Senate The Monmouth County con- before Congress meets to con- He fully understood the possi- through Congress. "I may, amendment. gressman and the Senate sider next year's Military bility." myself, sue the government Unacceptable source, however, both said Construction" Authorization Rep. Howard said he isn't for the pollution which the According to Jack Van- they had been assured the De- Act. sure if he would press the le- state claims the fort is pro- denburg, an aide to Sen. Case partment of Defense and Jhe Rep. Howard said he would gal case personally and fi- ducing." charged with handling the administration will request enter the legal action under nance it himself. "But I don't Sewerage Authority Chair- matter, "The House conferees the connection in next year's an 1899 federal law which per- know if I could get someone to man Michael J. Rafferty is just wouldn't accept it." bill which is expected on the mits suits aganst polluters by handle it for me," he added. thinking along the same lines. Mr. Vandenburg said the floor of the House in May or private citizens. Mr. Rafferty said before the Speaking from West Palm •conferees gave no reason for June. An initial investigation, authority goes ahead with le- Beach, Fla., where he Is vaca- their action and although a Action Prompted Sep. Howard said, revealed gal action, "We'll certainly tioning, he said, "I've thought that suits may be filed against asked the state (Department public vote wasn't taken, "I Hep. Howard explained that Sen. Clifford P. Case Rep. James J. Howard Michael Rafferty ' about a court case and I don't think the House conferees the^state study indicting Ft. "individuals, corporations;and of Environmental Protection) see why we couldn't try it." weere unanimous against it," Monmouth for polluting Park- industries." , what action they can take. decides it's an emergency outside the Military Construc- they'll have to tako that ef- An amendment to authorize he added. er!s Creek and the Shrews- "Whether the Army can be "If the state continues to item, I think, as an emer- tion Authorization fluent out of there." tie fort connection died on its Rep. Howard thinks it bury-River is expected to sued or not," he continued, say the fort is in violation and gency item and it can be done Bill... (because) as violators Sec Fort, Page 3 : v. f:. See Nixon China Trip ms Within Next 6 Weeks By FRANK CORMIER sort hotel in Hilo, Hawaii, en cessive time zones at jet advance the international will be to arrange a detailed route to China. '. speed. Hilo presumably will routes their bosses will follow, agenda, in collaboration with WASHINGTON (AP) - If Nixon also is expected to be his stopping place, too. in order to familarize them- Chinese officials, for Nixon's history is any guide, Presi- ' pause for about two days on, , Kissinger's route is likely, to. selves with airports and navir substantive talks with Pre- ,dent Nixon's history-making his trans-Pacific journey in, duplicate Nixon's, again if gation facilities along the mier Chou En-lai and other journey to Peking will take order to rest and adjust to the precedents mean anything. It way. officials, presumably in- place within the next six physical and psychological is standard practice for presi- - . • . eluding Chairman Mao Tsse- weeks, t rigors fif pj'-sinj; through suc- dential pilots to traverse in Kissinger's major mission ;ung_ The White House qnncmnced yesterday that Dr. Henry A-. Kissinger, the chief execu- tive's foreign policy aide, will leave here tomorrow on a 10- day mission to mainland China during which he and government specialists will make final preparations for the Nixon visit. In the past, advance trips of this type normally have pre- ceded presidential journeys by, at most, a few weeks. Nixon must be in Ewashing- . Register SlaH Pholo MAN WITH A BRIGHT FUTURE - Jorge Ortiz, a 25-year-old student at ton in early November to greet India's prime minister, Rutgers University/ and a man who has already overcome the handicap of Indira Gandhi. He also has a being a quadriplegic, is faced with a new problem today—finding a daily Nov. 9 commitment to attend ride to the New Brunswick campus. He Is.confined to a wheelchair, and one of nearly two dozen Re- as a commuting student needs a ride dally from his home, in Atlantic publican fund-raising dinners Hit cmds. • , ••••.. to be held around the country. As of now, Nixon's public schedule after Nov. 9 is blank. Precedents would point strongly toward a China visit L ent later next month. However, WILLIAMS HONORED —Sen. Harrison A. Wil- •....-•••• AP Wlrepholoj no American president ever liams, right, D-N.J., was honored at dinner last MILLS WELCOMED — Rep. Wilbur D. Mills, left, has gone to the Chinese main- night in Cherry Hfll at which Sen. Edward AA. D-Ark., chats with Newark Mayor Kenneth A. land, and, after nearly a quar- Kennedy, left, D-Mass., was principal speaker. Gibson before addressing dinner of the Greater Requires Car ter century of only rounda- Newark Chamber of Commerce last night. Ride bout contact between the two Looking on Is Alexander Fefnberg, state Demo- By HILDY FONTAINE in handling this situation—so cratic committeeman. commute with a fellow stu- counties, past practices might much so that it will not deter prove deceiving in this case. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS him from attaining a profes- dent who also lived in Atlantic — A car, a ride, are high pri- sional goal in life. Highlands. But when this student found Kissinger is due back in the orities for many people. That goal is to get his de- an apartment closer to United States about Oct. 25 •*" For some they are con- gree from Kutgers University 3 Democratic Presidential campus-three weeks after and has said an announce- veniences, taken for granted. and eventually teach Spanish the semester began—Jorge ment of dates for the Nixon For some they are a luxury. on the high school level. was without a ride. Since then trip will follow soon there- For others, like Jorge Or- His problem today, how- he has had to rely on family after. tiz—a car, a ride—are abso- ever, is one of logistics. members to get him back and lute necessities. Hide Required The presidential aide and TVon- CaiKliclates'Visit State forth to school. Jorge, 25, is a fulltimo stu- As a commuting student he his group, flying aboard a Three Democratic non-can- party bosses, and the third Democrats who paid $100 a let the party faithful come to His mother has been driving presidential jet commanded didates for the presidency dent at the New Brunswick needs a ride daily to college him to New Brunswick for saw tho party workers. plate to attend their annual him to shake hands. Kennedy , campus of Rutgers Univer- from Ms home at 52 Memorial by Col. Ralph D. Albertazzie, came to New Jersey yes- Only Sen. Edmund S. Mus- fund raising dinner. spent at least 45 minutes cir- classes,'and occasionally he Nixon's personal pilot, will terday, and one saw the busi- sity. He is also a quadripleg- Pkwy. has been able to ride with an- kie. of Maine, the one who saw Rep. Wilbur D. Mills of Ar- culating through the audience make a 48-hour stop at a re- nessmen, another saw the ic—confined to a wheel chair But he does not have one on other family member.
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