2016-17 PROFILE OF DISTRICT 219 NILES WEST HIGH SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Recognized as the #1 Fine and Performing Arts Education Program in the Dr. Steven T. Isoye Nation in 2007 by the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts PRINCIPAL Dr. Jason Ness 5701 West Oakton Street, Skokie, IL 60077 ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL FOR Phone 847.626.2500 • Fax 847.626.3700 STUDENT SERVICES High School Code 143926 • www.niles219.org/west Dr. Antwan Babakhani ..847.626.2930 COLLEGE/CAREER COUNSELOR Daniel Gin ....................847.626.2682 SCHOOL -Asst. Britlee Smith .......847.626.2594 Niles West is a public, four-year comprehensive high school with an enroll- ment of 2,560 students. The Class of 2017 contains 672 students. There is DEAN, COLLEGE COUNSELING great cultural diversity at Niles West High School. In the district’s Fall Housing Jerry Pope ....................847.626.3947 Report, over 60% of the student body reports that they speak another lan- COUNSELORS guage. 32% qualify for the Free or Reduced Lunch program. Over 90 languag- Ann Alegnani ...............847.626.2690 es are spoken, with the most common being Urdu, Spanish, and Assyrian. Happi Bills ....................847.626.2684 Fi y-one percent of the student popula! on is non-white. Benjamin Grais ............847.626.2691 Andrew Johnson ..........847.626.2685 ETHNICITY Hope Kracht .................847.626.2687 White: 49.2% Na! ve Hawaiian/Pacifi c Islander: 0.1% Stephanie Lau ..............847.626.2689 Black: 5.9% American Indian: 0.1% Mark Medland .............847.626.2686 Hispanic: 14.0% Two or more races: 0.3% Venesa Ocasio .............847.626.2688 Asian: 30.4% Mitch Stern ..................847.626.2683 COMMUNITY Joyce Van Als! n ...........847.626.2692 Niles West High School is located approximately 8 miles north of the heart of Chicago in Cook County. The school, along with Niles North High School, REGISTRAR comprises Niles Township High School District 219. District 219 serves the Lore" a Has! ngs ...........847.626.2932 communi! es of Lincolnwood, Morton Grove, Skokie and Niles. The commu- email: [email protected] nity strongly supports the school system which has an annual expenditure BOARD OF EDUCATION per pupil of $22,340. Mark Sproat, President Brian Novak, Vice President SCHOOL CALENDAR Carlton Evans, Secretary The school year consists of 185 school days: two 18-week semesters. The Joseph Nowik, Secretary Pro Tem school day is divided into nine, 42-minute periods. Laboratory classes meet Ruth Klint, Member twice a week for an addi onal 42 minutes. The school day starts at 8:10 a.m. David Ko, Member and concludes at 3:23 p.m. The fi rst semester ends on December 23, 2016 Linda Lampert, Member and the second semester ends on May 25, 2017. ACCREDITATION FACULTY Illinois State Board of Educa! on There are 211 full- me teachers, of which 85% hold a master’s degree or beyond. The average number of teaching years is 14. The ra! o of students to MEMBER teachers is 16:1. College Board, Illinois and Na! onal Associa! ons for College Admission STUDENT SERVICES Counseling and complies with the Students receive comprehensive guidance services through 10 counselors NACAC Statement of Principles of and one college/career counselor. The school counselors assist students Good Prac ce with personal, social, and academic concerns, college selec on, and career/ voca! onal plans. In addi! on, there are several social workers and school psychologists. RECOGNIZED BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOR EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR Since 2014, weighted and unweighted VERIFICATION OF STUDENT INFOR- THE CLASS OF 2017 GPAs are based off of a 4.0 scale, with MATION honors and Advanced Placement To graduate, a student must earn thir- courses receiving bonus points as By Board of Educa• on policy, the Dis- ty-six academic credits*, plus 1 credit demonstrated below: trict will only release informa• on from of PE for each semester enrolled at a student’s permanent record if writ- Niles West High School. Ninety-nine Regular Honors Advanced ten permission is given by the student percent of graduates earn more than GPA GPA Placement and/or parents. 44 total credits. GPA • 8 credits in English STANDARDIZED TEST SCORES • 6 credits in Mathema• cs A = 4.0 A = 4.5 A = 5.0 • 6 credits in Lab Science B = 3.0 B = 3.5 B = 4.0 College admission test scores (ACT • 6 credits in Social Studies C = 2.0 C = 2.5 C = 3.0 and SAT) are not included on the • 1 credit in Consumer Educa• on D = 1.0 D = 1.5 D = 2.0 student’s transcript. It is the student’s • 8 semesters in Physical Educa• on F = 0.0 F = 0.0 F = 0.0 responsibility to send test scores. • 1 credit in Health Educa• on AP COURSE ENROLLMENT • 2 credits in Fine Arts/Prac cal Arts A# er six semesters, the Highest GPA • 1 credit in Public Speaking for the class of 2017: Weighted GPA is • 7 elec ve credits The Board of Educa• on strongly 4.568. Unweighted GPA is 4.0 encourages that each student enrolls * one credit equals one semester in at least one AP course during their Please note that before the Fall of tenure at District 219. 2013 the school district had a unique ABILITY LEVELS weighted GPA based on a 8.0 scale. COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES With the transi on to a more tradi- Ability levels : A student may enroll in • onal weighted GPA on a 4.0 scale All college representa• ves are invited courses of varying levels depending on some course tles may have changed. departmental requirements, student to visit Niles West High School during Please contact the college counselor if the hours of 8:10 a.m. - 3:23 p.m. Call interest, and/or course availability. you have any ques• ons. Transcripts indicate the level of each the College/Career Resource Center course taken by a student. at 847.626.2594 to set up an appoint- GRADING SCALE ment to visit with students or the College/Career Counselor. G - general and/or college prep 90 -100 = A 80 - 89 = B H - honors and/or advanced 70 - 79 = C DISCIPLINARY RECORDS POLICY 60 - 69 = D A - AP weight or equivalent 59 and = F District 219 does not share student below disciplinary records with post-second- GRADES, GRADE POINT ary ins• tu• ons. AVERAGE COURSES WHICH DETERMINE THE Students of Niles Township High WEIGHTED GPA Schools are graded on a scale of A, B, C, D and F. Both weighted and This GPA is cumula• ve. All courses are unweighted grade point averages included in these averages except for are calculated as explained below. Drivers Educa• on, correspondence Star• ng with the Class of 2014, class courses, pass/fail courses, audit and rank will no longer be computed for independent study courses, and students from Niles West High School courses taken as part of an exchange and District 219. program. GRADE POINT AVERAGE UNWEIGHTED GRADE POINT AVERAGE The GPA is cumula• ve based on all courses which a student has taken, This GPA is cumula• ve, based on all excluding Driver Educa• on (behind courses which a student has taken, the wheel) and Pass-Fail classes. The excluding Driver Educa• on (behind GPA is calculated as the total of grades the wheel) and Pass-Fail classes. This divided by the sum of the a! empted GPA is calculated as the total of grade credits. Weighted and unweighted points divided by the sum of the at- GPA is computed three • mes a year: tempted credits, using a standard 4.0 at the end of each semester and at scale in which A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0 and the end of the summer term. D=1.0. CLASS OF 2016 ADVANCED PLACEMENT TEST RESULTS 631 GRADUATES Niles West High School off ers Advanced Placement courses in 27 subjects. MEAN ACT SCORES 2016: 635 students wrote a total of 1,104 AP examina• ons, with 78% English 21.9 scoring a grade 3 or be• er. Mathema• cs 21.7 Reading 21.8 2015: 586 students wrote a total of 1,108 AP examina• ons, with 78% Science 21.8 scoring a grade 3 or be• er. Composite 21.9 2014: 579 students wrote a total of 1,039 AP examina• ons, with 79% scoring a grade 3 or be• er. Score Interval Percentage 33-36 <1% 28-32 12% COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE 24-27 25% 20-23 25% Niles West students have been accepted to these universi• es, among 16-19 25% others: 1-15 10% The University of Alabama, Arizona State University, University of Ari- zona, Augustana College, Aurora University, Babson College, Ball State Note: District 219 requires all 11th grade students to take an ACT test University, Bates College, Baylor University, Bellarmine University, Beloit as part of the state tes• ng. College, Benedic ne University (IL), Bentley University, Boston College, Boston University, Bradley University, Butler University, Carleton College, Carthage College, Case Western Reserve University, Chapman University, University of Cincinna• , Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State Univer- sity, Columbia College Chicago, University of Denver, DePaul University, DePauw University, Dominican University, Drake University, Elmhurst DISTRIBUTION OF College, The George Washington University, Georgia State University, CLASS OF 2016 Haverford College, Hillsdale College, University of Illinois at Chicago, Uni- POST-HIGH SCHOOL PLANS versity of Illinois at Springfi eld, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois Ins• tute of Technology, Illinois State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, Indiana University, Iowa State University, University of Iowa, Knox College, Lake Forest College, Lewis University, Loyola University, 2 year Chicago, Marque• e University, University of Miami, Michigan State 4 year college University, Michigan Technological University, Milwaukee Ins• tute of college 32.9% Art and Design, Milwaukee School
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