T h e Co a st Ad v e r t ise r (Established 1892) Fifty-First Year, No. 48 BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1944 Single Copy Four Cents THE Navy Looks Ahead ANNOUNCEMENT Liquor Permit for Announcement is herewith made of the sale of The Coast Advertiser On Offscer Quotas to Mr. Joseph J. Schadle cf Teaneck, N. J. Hotel Opposed Outside Column To the operating personnel of this newspaper, who will remain with the mew publisher, and to the communities which The Coast Advertise* Tenth Avenue Residents By T o m T ig h e Lieut. Fink Tells Kiwanis has served continuously since 1802, I wish to express my grateful appre­ Many Now Being Trained ciation. Object to License for for Post-War Years. I have no hesitancy in commending the new publisher of The Coast THE MOTION PICTURE “Lassie Advertiser to the loyal readers and advertisers of this publication. Ho Grand View. Comes Home” has revived the popu­ Thousands of young men now being has been a successful advertising executive for many years, and he will A petition opposing the issuance of larity of collie dogs in this country trained for naval commissions will be devote his full time to a newspaper property dedicated to community a seasonal liquor license for the with the result there is a waiting list in colleges or midshipman’s schools interests, and the impartial presentation of tha news. at the leading collie kennels in New when this war ends, but the United To those men and women of Belmar, South Belmar anl Wall Town­ Grand View hotel at Tenth avenue Jersey . one of the world's best States navy intends to process them ship serving in the armed forces, who have received The Coast Adver­ and D street was received Tuesday by known collie kennels, Rellhaven at just the same in order to have a con­ tiser every week since the fateful day of Pearl Harbor, the retiring publisher expresses personal thanks for their generous letters, many the Belmar board of commissioners... Red Bank, operated by Mrs. Florence tinuous flow of officer material in of which have been published. The petition was filed because the- Ileh, is among those experiencing the the post-war years, Lt. Harold S. great demand for collies, hut this is THOMAS B. TIGHE actual application for a license has Fink declared Wednesday in a talk April 14th, 1944. also due to the fact that ‘Lassie” was before the Belmar-Kiwanis club. not been received, although two bred at the Ilch kennels. display Lt. Fink, a member of Kiwanis in j weeks ago Arthur Pasquanello, New­ of expired 1943 license plates on the his home state of Minnesota, is at­ ark, who recently purchased the; front of cars is illegal, as well as the tached to the Pre-Midshipmen's School WILLIAM S. SPEAKMAN property, said he would apply for such display of a fictitious number or a at Asbury Park. a license. number other that that designated for He explained how the navy depends Glendoia Contest Tops Opposition to a license in that the car in its registration certificate. SPEAKMAN RECEIVES for its officers on the naval academy neighborhood was voiced by nearby ... the new management of the Cen­ at Annapolis, naval reserve schools NAVY CITATION residents. At the time of Pasquanel- tral Railroad of New Jersey has given at leading universities, indoctrination Primary Election in Wall William S. Speakman, Aviation Ord­ in to a complaint long voiced by com­ lo’s appearance before the board the schools where men commissioned from nance Mate, 3/c, son of Mr. and Mrs. muters, i.e., that changes in train Only one primary election contest of In the Glendoia district there is al­ commission mad it clear that it would civilian life are trained, and on mid­ William C. Speakman, South Belmar, schedules are often made without interest in the Belmar area is sche­ so a contest for Republican county be guided by neighborhood sentiment shipmen schools. The Asbury Park was highly commended recently by consulting the paying passengers . duled in the voting May 16 as the re­ committeewoman, with both Miss Lu- in the matter and Pasquanello was project is designed to classify and the commanding officer of the Naval starting Monday the Central will quizz sult of filings made with municipal ella Allgor, the incumbent, and Mrs. advised that the board would raise the train men in advance of their en­ Air station at Qusonet, R. I. every pasenger on what changes he clerks Friday. Louise West as candidates. William question that a license had never been trance into midshipmen schools. This Lt. Commander H. W. King, U. S. would suggest in the weekday and This will involve the Republican R. Schenck is the Republican commit­ issued for the property before. The program, he explained provides a N. R., commended Speakman for weekend schedules as they apply to nomination for the unexpired term of teeman. In Allenwood district Harriet limit on seasonal licenses is five, and steady crop of officer.! fcr both war "Outstanding performance of duty in township committeeman in Wall, now Allen and Thomas Heulitt are coun­ four have been issued, with one re­ him . ■. ind peace years. He rnid the navy the face of grave danger, whose un- held by LeRoy Querns of Glendoia. ty committee candidates and in West maining. An application for the re- LT. BILL FRANCIS o f Freehold is has leund itself faced with a man­ Belmar Edith M. Bennett and Russell ter disregard of personal safety and remaining license is now pending power problem and that the Asbury Querns is a candidate for the unex-1 back from the wars, satisfied that 25 Clayton are the candidates. Demo­ after being warned that he did so at from August Regan and Charles Paik school is helping to speed up pired term of Calvin Woolley and will his own risk, went into one of the missions over occupied Europe within crats did not file. Schwartz for a renewal of the Surf the training piogram. be opposed by Monroe Stanton Schack, hanger shacks still burning to pro­ four months makes a fejlow want to The same degree of Republican Bar license on Ocean avenue, and if The club was again entertained by a dairy man of Glendoia. cure vital records. Due to his coolness get the scrap over as promptly as pos­ domination of the primaries prevails granted the limit would be reached the “Ministerial Quatet” consisting of Karl Newman of West Belmar is and bravery prevented possible ex­ sible and settle down to an acre of unopposed for the Republican nomina- | in South Belmar where Democrats unless the borough ordinance is land in the country . Bill, who for­ the Rev. James R. Bell, Lawrence G. plosions and destruction of valuable tion for a full term as committeeman failed to file any candidates for bor­ am ended. merly made up this newspaper page Atkinson, Harry L. Hadley and Allan war equipment. He sustained burns and John Cherel is unopposed for re-! ough offices. Frank Herbert is unop­ The board voted $100 to the Belmar befoTe entering the air corps, didn’t Nettleman. Some members observed on his left hand. His conduct and election as assessor. Nomination on posed as the Republican candidate for Fire department for the boys’ band to forgot Belmar when he made his first that the clergy must have been re­ spiiit was in keeping with the first the Republican ticket in Wall is tan­ reelection as mayor; Mrs. Belle Wool­ supplement $100 raised by the depart­ of three raids over Berlin last month hearsing in view of noted improve­ traditions of the U. S. Naval service.” tamount to election since no Demo­ ley will be reelected collector and ment itself. This leaves a deficit of . just before he let the bombs drop m ent. Speakman has lived in South Bel­ crats filed. Fred B. Fulmer and Percy Keynton $75 to be raised fo r this u n d ertaking. (he’s a bombadier) he autographed Directors of the club, meeting at mar since 1924 and his home is at The Schack-Querns contest will de­ are the Republican candidates for Commissioner Carl W. Schroeder re- one from "Good old Belmar to that the home of Raymond R. Warner, 1804 Pine terrace. He attended Bel­ velop considerable interest in the, council. The county committee posi­ portel that holes in borough streets * * * * in Berlin’ ’and added “With the voted to provide a daily milk supply mar school and Asbury Park high Glendoia voting. Whether the recent­ tions will be filled by Mayor Herbert would be filled as soon as the com­ compliments of The Coast Advertiser” for a needy family in Wall township school. Enlisting in the Navy in Oc­ ly organized Wall Township Civic as-j and Doris Price, Republicans, and pany manufacturing the asphalt ma­ . what happened after that is no until such time as the family obtains tober 1942 he was called to duty in sociation will take an active part in Fred Schuler and. Cerelda Haag, Dem­ terial resumes production. He said longer a military secret, for Bill, like complete assistance through state ag­ December of that year. He received the campaign is not known. ocrats. this work has been held up to await others back from Berlin, says Hitler’s encies. his bcot training at San Diego, The club also adopted a resolution Calif., and attended N. A. T. T. C. warmer weather. He also said that capital is a shambles. work of getting the beachfront ready Bombing Europe from a Fortress which would memorialize the board at Norman, Okla., where he received of commissioners to exert every ef­ for the summer season is underway.
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