■ a- • • o . - . •’*" *'* fUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1R88 iBatirbpglgr gp^tttag Hjiralb Avevage Dally Net Pn m Rmi TIm W authcr -Fer Uto w ii* * * * ■; Dee;-8, IHS eraaso ef lT- i«. WasUier Baisaa . The msmbsrahlp, program and Gardeneirs Offer library commlttaes of the Guild, 'of Yule, .parties ‘ Set mtTomi Oi)r lady of St. BsrtholomlW's Holiday Greens .13 ,0 5 4 Fair and eaal tealfhfc Law m ■ >1 palish will meet iontgh't at 8., In By Cheney Union Have You An Event Mr. imtie Ommta Meosker ef the AoSit Hah hr4S«. "•" Y«on»J«., who hoW* » the basement of the rectory, 7ll jT o THm H ous^ IhireM ef Otaestatlas. ^ In feoIOR' B. Middle-Tphe, ' ■ Two Christmas parties will be Scheduled That Colls^ 4f«$lcA«f(er~-i4 Ciiy o f VUlago Charm /^SStty <rf OonwictJcut. wJH con- sponsored this wreek'erid b^ Local au(?«n WtermaJ progT^ of ro^ The annual Christmas party of 63, Textile Workers Union of fH e Mai^fster Garden Club will the Connecticut Young Republi­ Mld.ita^nual Christ.ihas 6re«n idtonttS^thm amU n f o r m « t i o n America. AFL-CIO. for Cheney ' / Fpr Food ? VOL. LXXIX, NO. »9 (ClaeMHrt ea Fage M) eboMt local rocks and minerals cans will be hisld Dec. 20 at Gal-; Bros, emnloyea aiid their children. 8ale>ofi Thuraday, Dec. 17 from i9 (TWBNTY^I6HT PAGEB—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1»5$ PRICE n V E CENTS AfTtiutx'Junior Muoeutn Thursday lo's restau't^t on the Berlin i Tude Vince, union president, to 2:30 p.m. in -Woodruff HsB I of l^nter Congregational Church. iz^nlay be ^ wedding, a banQuet or Just an Informal •t T:30 pm- The program is for Tpke." from 4 to 8 p,m. Tickets said more than 200 children, are* get-togelher of a aodety, lodge or iwnie friendly rranp. nwMum inewibors iwd gumts only. will be availabta^at the door. There will be a' coffee hour froo. scheduled to attend the Kiddles' 12 noon to 2:30 p.m. Along wlth-Uie ■'v Christmas party Saturday af HIO usual -wreaths, swag and tablO' cen­ We ARE FREPARED TO S E m YOU R eaches 3 0 Manchsatisr lodgo of Maaons St. Margaret's Orels, Daughters a.m- In Tinker Hall. The program terpieces, thefe -will ba- ja bud TO YOilR COMPLETE lUTISFACTION will bcdd its annual meeting and of IsabeUa, will have a Chiiatmaa «vili Include professional entertain­ booth, dried material, eones and do­ aieotion of oflk:«rs tonight at 7:90: party arid ^tluck aupper • to­ ment, gifta and . refreshments. lt-yoilrself shop, and a variety of Our catering service Is set up to be flexible enough to th er f wfll also be a aodal hour night at 7 at the KofC Homs. .gifts and refreshments. Santa Christmas decorations and novel­ accommodate any aii!e gathering. Why n0t call ua and o u s “ with PBfreshmenta. A brief boslhesa meeting will be Santa / Claus will he there, of ties. held at 6:30 p.m. course, Vince said, Mrs. David Marks is general chair­ talk over the details? - Aoland Morse. West Springlleld and will feature dinner, entertain- man pf the sale. Committee mem­ philatelist, will talk and show j Unit No. 6 of the jE m g h' u e 1 The annual party for the grown­ bers Include Miss Millicent Jones, slides on airmail stamps at to­ Lutheran Churchwomen will* meet ups will be held the following day Mrs. Earl Trotter', Mrs, Arthur Garden Grove night’s meeting of the Manchester in the Board Room of the church at the Garden Grove Restaurant Schultles. Mrs. Wells Pitkin, Mrs. Philatelic Society at the North tomorrow at 10 a,m. Pastor • C. and will feautre dinner, entertain­ Dopg^as ^ ^ r ia , Mrs. Roland Mid- PHONES Ml 3-7364 .iv: Methodist Church, Parker 81, The Henpr Anderson will lead a Bible Alan L«* Photo ment and dancing. It is scheduled ford, Mrs. Christian Kaefer and study. •to begin at 1:30 p.m. ■ . To Give Progrdtn Mrs. Earl Herrick, „ , , meeting la. scheduled ' to ' open at * . a;"nns Chesdrton-Mangle 7:90. Anyone interested in stamps Guest Speaker The annual-election of oIBcers will be hold. Dec. 18 at 10 a.m. will present a Chrjstmav pror.... i ■V Bloomfield. Dec. 9 ( f lV -A t ‘*«gra^ * » o and it' wjm dc- and rowers'la Invited to attend. Six Manchaater CarUflad Public Dr. Sidney Stelman of Teinple f*__ a.__ _ •! < aft . A ( 4a mAA sMmsd #iim1 'TVim PimDt Beth Hlllel, Mattapan, Mass., will in Tinker Hall. .11 two parts Dec. 13 at 8 p.m. at helicopter piloted by an Air cided to add fuel. The final' ---- 7- Accountants will attand a state­ the Talcottvllle Congregaiicnal w e ^ t. Including the 443 pounds Wesley diPale. WSCS. South wide meeting of the Conseoticut be guest speaker nt the annual Force captain today estab­ Joint meeting of the BroUierhooti. Church. - — ^ . for the tW ; jiGots, was • 6,445 MeOtodist Cfaurdv.wdl1 meeit to- Society of CPA's on Thursday at lished an unofficial worid al- poimds. 1 I mofiww at 8 p.m. ^ f h e home of 6 p.m. at the Hotel Bamum. Sisterhood and Hadsasah at Temple Sponsored by the Pilgrlrri Fel­ Retnember^EI der ly lowship, she will present •“The Front End^ ■.tiftide record fop ita blassliy . 'The flight plan called for the Kabul Haiis Mrt. Kemietti Montooh, JS8 Clyde Bridgeport. They are Adam Beth Sholom tonight at 8J30. - 1, M. Rhodea, Raymond A. Roas, H. Wil­ “The Jewish Attitude Toward At Christmastime Miracle of the Oil." the story of elimbiilg^ to 30,000 feet.V craft to maka a gradual climb to bur S:«vens, George A. Kanehl, Sex arid Marriage" will be his sub­ Hanukah, and “The Miracle of the j ALL KINDS OF *nic Kasoftn H43B enmh reacts! the west climbing against the - Gerald Okrant and Francis H. Sul- ject; Dr.. Stelman, well known Star.” the story "bf the Nativity. 'Sneiefai ,/ turbine powered hellcopiter reeched wind. The reason for &ls is that) Ike During o f Natives Leenard. Price, New. York throughout the New Bngalnd area The Connecticut Rest Home The latter will be in costume. the hciglit 80 ntinutea after takooff the aircraft at the top of Ita will diacusa the American for his warmth and humOr, is a AssVi. suggests thst the old 'iplks There is no admission' to the ■ (1) ALIGN FRONT END BEAUTY CULTURE Crom tm oompany’a- grounds Jliare. climb would be in the general loca­ N M .n InatitutOv^ CPA’s Plans for the graduate of the Jewish Theological be remembered at CliristmaS. gram, but an offering iVlW be I REG. 17.50 It is ,not 'tile highest sititude tion of .the Bloomfield plant. “They ought to be at home with taken to help writh expenses. reached .1^' all helicopteni, how- Short Visit Accounting^Profeasion, Seminary of America. He received (2) BALANCE FRONT % Hair Styling ^ While engineers and persoiinri af ^ his doctor o f . philosophy degree their relatives at least on this one Dr. Cheserton-Mangle has trav­ WHEELS—REG. $4 00 aver, A French turt>in»:poweri»d Kanjan listened excitMly to the: from Brandeis University in 1959... day of the year,” .aays' Mrs. eled BXtefislvely in the M i d fl 1 e (8) -CHECK FKO.M WHEEL' AkwcCta helicopter has reached a By JOHN 8CALI By WAIBON SOU A holiday ball, sponsored by the Blanche Prentice, president of the East, living with famnies there. I O Permanentt hright of 36,000 feet. Junior, class at Hillj^er College of Mrs. George Slossberg will be BEARINGS fOoBtlaaed ea.Page Twenty) New Delhi, Dec. A program chairman. association. Mrs. Prentice is owft- She is the editor of the Religious nioting the helicopter was ; Kabul, Afghanistan, Dec. 9 the University of Hammed, will (4) CHECH BRAKE SYSTEM # Tinting joyously hystericgL^nroiif. of lailtT.cew C of the Green Lodge Home In Press Committee, - which s^[)plies Ospt. W w er'L. Hodgson, vetersn ; (IP) '•— Vast confetti-throwing be hbld Dec. 19' at Beth“eth Daiidjiall.' Manchester, at 'the Green. material yto denominational maga­ Air Force rescue pilot, statimied more than one mmoh-->ioine* vartaa Irem West Hartford. The' semi-fofmgl The Mailmams and Clerkettes, j crowds cheered President Ei-^ Moat of the nearly 2.000 senior zines. ALL FOUR ONLY # 6air Shaping at itlM flight test center at £id- Radar Routes •aai-whc^ to affair will also mark the ooronatic^ K^^illaries of the Post Office, will i senhower today during his | times terrifyjM ^ out of con­ Itoai-wBsal citizens - averaging In age be­ She was formerly public rela­ wards Air Force . Base, Calif. Co-, trol— surge^-taboBt Presideht of “Him Hillyer" as campus Queen. nbUl an'annual Christmas party to- tween 70 and 85. are well enough tions officer to Clair Booth Luce, pilot was Air Force MaJ. William brief stop in this capital of gaapilHog. ■Miss Arlene Ruth jphrras, 60 Birph nigh'tvgt ’I at the home.,of Mrs. Hartford, Dec. 9 dP)—State tTall Mlach to travel and would enjoy the day and 1.S now the official observer to J,. Davis, project officer on the Police teams -will use radar Afghanistan, only 200 miles Eisenhot^er tonight flo he rode St., la a member of the decorations Donald'UQw’les. Lake St., Bolton. out. she said. H43B developiiMait program. \ for jaiUA through this canital .committee. the United Nations from the’ Na­ T h e S o x .
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