Inside Archbishop Buechlein . 4, 5 Editorial . 4 Question Corner . 17 TheCCriterionriterion Sunday & Daily Readings. 17 Serving the Church in Central and Southern Indiana Since 1960 www.archindy.org November 22, 2002 Vol. XXXXII, No. 8 50¢ Sex abuse, international concerns dominate bishops’ meeting WASHINGTON (CNS)—Although the Hispanic ministry, several liturgical and of Chicago, the senior U.S. member of fraternal correction” of one another U.S. bishops’ Nov. 11-14 meeting in canonical matters, stewardship, Catholic the joint commission, said were intended regarding their decisions on clergy sex Washington featured votes on a historic schools and border concerns with Mexico. both to protect minors and protect bish- abuse. joint pastoral letter with the bishops of But the focus for much of the week ops’ relationships with their priests. The norms and the charter call for Mexico and a dozen other action items, was on the bishops’ response to the clergy Although many people—from victims’ removal from ministry of any priest or the fall 2002 assembly will be best sex abuse crisis. advocates to canon lawyers—say the See BISHOPS, page 7 remembered for its approval of the Opening the meeting on Nov. 11, bishops cannot do both, “the bishops, revised norms on clergy sex abuse that Bishop Wilton D. Gregory of Belleville, being men of unity, want to do both,” the emerged from a joint Vatican-U.S. com- Ill., president of the U.S. Conference of cardinal said. For additional coverage of the U.S. mission in October. Catholic Bishops, vowed, “We will not Also approved on Nov. 13 were slight bishops’ annual fall meeting, see sto- At the meeting, which closed with an step back from our compassion for those changes in the “Charter for the Protection ries on pages 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13. More unusual second executive session, the who have been harmed, or from our deter- of Children and Young People” to con- information about the meeting and bishops also held an extended discussion mination to put into place policies that form with the norms; a deliberative complete text of some of the bishops’ on the just war ramifications of a possible will protect children.” process that may lead the bishops to call statements can be found at the U.S. war with Iraq but made quick work of Two days later, the USCCB gave its for a plenary council of the U.S. Church; Conference of Catholic Bishops Web documents on domestic violence, poverty overwhelming approval to the revised and a statement committing the bishops to site at www.usccb.org. † in the United States and abroad, abortion, norms which Cardinal Francis E. George “fraternal support, fraternal challenge and Colombian Creating crucifix for new church brings bishops renew family and parishioners together mediation offer By Mary Ann Wyand after rescue of Carving a crucifix was a labor of love for St. Teresa Benedicta of the John Starkey Photo by Bishop Carvajal Cross parishioner Daniel Badinghaus of Lawrenceburg, who spent nearly BOGOTA, Colombia (CNS)—In the 1,000 hours creating the life-size image aftermath of a Colombian bishop’s rescue of Christ from basswood for the new from guerrillas, the nation’s hierarchy church at Bright. renewed its willingness to mediate a peace It also was a family project for Dan, accord and called for an end to wide- his wife, Teresa, and their four chil- spread kidnappings. dren, Dylan, Jesse, Jackie and Christin, Army and national police forces on who helped carve the thorns for Nov. 15 rescued Bishop Jorge Jimenez Christ’s crown. His father, Richard, Carvajal, president of the Latin American helped complete research and carve the bishops’ council, known as CELAM, after 5-foot-4-inch figure of Jesus. he had been held for four days. Parishioner Paula Hoekzema of Bishop Jimenez and a priest were kid- Bright, who is an artist, assisted with napped on Nov. 11 in the bishop’s detail work on the face of Christ. Diocese of Zipaquira while they were As charter members of the newest traveling to a religious service 35 miles parish in the archdiocese, Dan and north of the capital, Bogota. Teresa Badinghaus said they wanted to The Church “reaffirms its will to con- give something special to their church. tinue working in favor of peace, facilitat- A professional cabinetmaker, ing dialogue and the drawing closer of all Badinghaus also designed and carved parties implicated in the conflict,” said a the altar, ambo, presider’s chair, taber- statement signed by Cardinal Pedro nacle table and baptismal font from Rubiano Saenz of Bogota, president of the oak. Dozens of parishioners, including Colombian bishops’ conference. his father, helped with the sanding and The bishops pray that “the country can other finish work last year. soon receive the news of an agreement “It really is a miracle of everyone that puts an end to the kidnapping of so coming together with faith and believ- many Colombians,” said the Nov. 15 state- ing in Christ and believing in a dream,” ment. Father William Marks, pastor, said of It said the incident produced a national the parish-wide volunteer effort that See COLUMBIAN, page 23 transformed a steel pole barn into a beautiful church just in time for Archbishop Daniel M. Buechlein to bless and dedicate the worship space during a Sept. 29, 2001, ceremony. “We trusted in God and came together as a community,” Father St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross parishioner Daniel Badinghaus of Lawrenceburg carved this cru- Marks said at the time. “St. Teresa cifix from basswood for the new church at Bright. There are 525 households registered in the See CRUCIFIX, page 2 newest parish in the archdiocese. The church was dedicated on Sept. 29, 2001. Respond generously to God’s generosity Please remember to prayerfully con- carry out the mission and ministries of retired clergy sider making a commit- your parish and the Church in • Support for more than 198,304 poor ment of your time, talent central and southern Indiana. and needy people and treasure to the The United Catholic Appeal • Catholic education for more than Church through the benefits our local Church 50,000 children annual “Called to Serve: through: • Liturgical training for our leaders in Parish Stewardship and • Education and support for prayer United Catholic Appeal.” our future priests • Training and support for youth and Your gift will help • Care for our faithful 34 families Page 2 The Criterion Friday, November 22, 2002 days helping me put the lines in the face CRUCIFIX and finish out the details.” Badinghaus and his father also carved Submitted photo continued from page 1 the cross for the crucifix. Benedicta parishioners are always willing “The day we put the crucifix up in the to give when asked because of their faith, church, the first lady who saw it started and because they really believe in the idea crying,” Badinghaus said. “That kind of of giving from their hearts and realizing floored me. I had no idea that people what goodness can come from it. They’re would react to it to that degree.” good people.” Looking back on the year he spent The hand-carved crucifix, made from carving the figure of Christ in his wood- a 150-pound block of wood, required working shop and in the basement of his considerably more time to complete, and home, Badinghaus said it was a special was blessed by Father Marks on time for their family even though he Pentecost Sunday in May. worked on the crucifix during most of his “It was a labor of love,” Badinghaus free time on evenings and weekends. said. “I had a lot of people helping me. “Teresa helped a lot with the project,” My dad and my brother helped, and he said, “with all the extra time she had Teresa and our children helped, too. I with the kids, helping them with their gave them little chips of wood to whittle homework, and giving up all the week- on for the thorns. They would come to ends when we normally would do family the shop and play nearby so they could things together. At night, she would bring spend time with me while I was work- the kids out to the shop before bedtime ing.” when I would be working late and we Badinghaus said he listened to would say prayers together.” Christian music while he carved the body The project also gave him more time Before carving the crucifix, Dan Badinghaus and his father, Richard, researched the life of Jesus. The of Christ, and frequently prayed that the with his father. life-size figure of Christ is 5-feet, 4-inches tall. crucifix would turn out all right. “Any time I needed help, I’d call my “It was definitely a prayerful time for dad and he would come and help me,” “a big sigh of relief” after installing it in crucifix for a year, Teresa Badinghaus me,” he said. “I was just trying to get the Badinghaus said. “My brother, Rick, lives the church. said “it was real meaningful to see it in details right. I called Paula Hoekzema, an next door and he would come over a lot to “It means a lot to know that everybody the church and see other people’s reac- artist who does the drawings for our quar- see if I needed any help.” appreciates it,” he said. “I’m glad I was tions to it.” terly parish newsletter, when I got down to When he finished the crucifix last able to do it for the church.” Four-year-old Christin, who calls Jesus the last details and she spent a couple of spring, Badinghaus said he breathed Parishioner Donna Sabo of Bright, who her “buddy” and says he lives in her heart, wrote an article about the crucifix for the misses having the crucifix in her home.
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