Contents 1 | INTRODUCTION 1 Background 2 Policy on Railway Development 3 Previous Railway Development Studies 5 2 | THE REVIEW AND UPDATE OF THE RAILWAY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2000 7 Objectives of the Study 8 Planning Context 9 Direction for Updating the Railway 16 Development Strategy Public Engagement 18 3 | THE STRATEGY – OUR FUTURE RAILWAY NETWORK 21 4 | BENEFITS, IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTS 51 %HQH¿WVRIWKH([SDQGHG5DLOZD\1HWZRUN 52 Implementation 57 Coordination with Other Public Transport 63 Modes (“Public Transport Hierarchy”) Order of Costs 64 5 | ASSESSMENT OF OTHER RAILWAY PROPOSALS 65 RAILWAY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2014 Introduction 1 RAILWAY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2014 1. INTRODUCTION Background 1.1 | This Strategy (RDS-2014) is an update of the “Railway Development Strategy 2000” (RDS-2000). The RDS-2014 aims at providing a framework for planning the future expansion of Hong Kong’s railway network up to 2031. 1.2 | The RDS-2014 is formulated on the basis of WKH ¿QGLQJV RI WKH consultancy study on the Review and Update of the “Railway Development Strategy 2000” (the Study) conducted between March 2011 and January 2014. The SWXG\FRYHUHGUDLOZD\VFKHPHVLGHQWL¿HG in the RDS-2000 which have not yet been implemented, and other railway proposals suggested by the Government or members of the public. 1.3 | The taking forward of individual proposed railway projects set out in this Strategy will be subject to the outcome of detailed engineering, HQYLURQPHQWDO DQG ¿QDQFLDO VWXGLHV UHODWLQJ WR HDFK SURMHFW DV ZHOO DV updated demand assessment and availability of resources. As projects other than railways such as initiatives on land production and housing supply as well as hospitals and strategic roads may be equally, if not sometimes more, important to the community, the Government will carefully consider all relevant factors and strike a reasonable balance among various interests of the community when mapping out the way forward for HDFKUDLOZD\SURMHFW,QSDUWLFXODUZHZLOOFULWLFDOO\H[DPLQHWKH¿QDQFLDO implications of each individual railway project to the Government and 2 1. Introduction FRQVLGHUWKHPRVWDSSURSULDWHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQSURJUDPPHDQG¿QDQFLQJ arrangements for each project. Furthermore, for railway projects which are mainly intended to complement New Development Areas (NDAs) and new housing developments, the implementation timetable for the development areas and new housing developments in question will be an important SODQQLQJSDUDPHWHUIRUWKHUDLOZD\SURMHFWV3ULRUWRWKH¿QDOLVDWLRQRIDQ\ new railway schemes, there will be further public consultation. Against the above background, the feasibility and viability of, as well as the indicative timetable for, implementing the recommended projects may vary with changes in circumstances subsequent to the release of the RDS-2014. Policy on Railway Development 1.4 | As stated in the 2013 Policy Address, Hong Kong needs a comprehensive and long-term planning for public transport, as it is pertinent to people's livelihood, economic development and protection of the environment. 2XU RYHUDOO DLP LV WR GHYHORS DQ DIIRUGDEOH DFFHVVLEOH HI¿FLHQW DQG environmentally friendly public transport system providing diverse choices for the travelling public. 1.5 | We will continue to develop a passenger transportation system centred on public transport with railway as the backbone. Our railway network now carries over 4.5 million passengers per day, accounting for about 40% of all public transport passenger trips. The development of railway transport will QRWRQO\VLJQL¿FDQWO\VSHHGXSSDVVHQJHUÀRZEXWZLOODOVR reduce the reliance on road-based transport (thus the need to build more roads), alleviate road congestion and lessen vehicle-induced air pollution. 3 RAILWAY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2014 The development potential of areas along the railway lines will also be unleashed to facilitate housing and economic developments. 1.6 | Railway projects involve huge capital investment, and it typically takes eight to ten years for a railway project to take shape from formulation of ideas, conceptual planning, consultation with stakeholders, detailed design, to actual construction and completion. As they have profound impact on people’s livelihood and socio-economic development, we have to be forward-looking and make timely plans for our railway development in future. In planning future railways, transport demand and cost-effectiveness DUH LPSRUWDQW FRQVLGHUDWLRQV DV DUH WKH ZLGHU VRFLRHFRQRPLF EHQH¿WV they will bring about. 1.7 | The planning framework for the Study is from now until 2031. We have not taken into account those development studies which are still at a preliminary stage E\ WKH WLPH WKH 6WUDWHJ\ LV ¿QDOLVHG7KHVHVWXGLHV include further development of New Territories North and Lantau; reclamation outside Victoria Harbour; development of rock caverns and underground space. We will continue to keep in view all related future developments and assess the need for appropriate new transport infrastructure including railways to support these latest developments. 4 1. Introduction Previous Railway Development Studies 1.8 | ,QWKH*RYHUQPHQWIRUPXODWHGWKH¿UVW5DLOZD\'HYHORSPHQW6WUDWHJ\ to provide a framework for planning the future expansion of Hong Kong’s railway network. Based on the needs of different regions, a number of strategic railway schemes were proposed to lay the cornerstone for Hong Kong’s railway development and, along with other proposals that were put forth subsequently, these have been implemented over the years. 1.9 | The RDS-2000 was announced in May 2000, mapping out a plan for the expansion of Hong Kong’s railway network up to 2016 to meet the daily transport needs of the public and to further the policy of using railways as the backbone of our passenger transport system. 1.10 | At present, the total length of Hong Kong’s railways is approximately 218 km, with 84 railway stations and 68 Light Rail stops. The average daily patronage exceeds 4.5 million, accounting for about 40% of the public transport patronage and approximately 60% of the cross-boundary passenger land trips between the Mainland and Hong Kong. 1.11 | Five railway projects are currently at different stages of implementation. They are the West Island Line, the South Island Line (East), the Kwun Tong Line Extension, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (Hong Kong Section), and the Shatin to Central Link. Based on the latest assessment, these lines are expected to be commissioned in succession between the end of 2014/ early 2015 and 2020/2021. 5 RAILWAY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2014 1.12 | With these new lines, areas inhabited by more than 70% of the population in Hong Kong will be brought into the railway catchment areas. The anticipated rail share1 of local public transport trips will increase to 43% (see Figure 1). Figure 1: Hong Kong’s Railway Network in 2021 1 5DLOVKDUHLVGH¿QHGDVWKHXVHRIUDLOPRGHV heavy rails, Airport Express, Light Rail and trams) as a proportion of all public transport boardings (including public light buses, ferries, franchised and non-franchised buses, taxis, and the above rail modes). 6 The Review and Update of the Railway Development Strategy 2000 2 RAILWAY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2014 2. THE REVIEW AND UPDATE OF THE RAILWAY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2000 2.1 | In the light of the changing needs of the community and the latest planning parameters, the Government carried out the Review and Update of the “Railway Development Strategy 2000” to examine how best to map out our future railway development blueprint up to 2031 to facilitate the commencement of relevant detailed studies of individual projects in a timely manner. Objectives of the Study 2.2 | On the basis of the RDS-2000, the consultancy study examined the needs RIWKHIXWXUHUDLOZD\QHWZRUNWRIXO¿OOWKHIROORZLQJREMHFWLYHV - (a) to cover more areas and provide railway service to more people; (b) to enhance the accessibility and connectivity of major infrastructure and NDAs; (c) to relieve bottlenecks of the railways and trunk roads; (d) to unleash or enhance the potential for developments and redevelopments along the railway lines; and (e) to improve network robustness2. 2 Network robustness (or operational resilience) is the ability of the railway system to operate satisfactorily in WKHHYHQWRIXQVFKHGXOHGVHUYLFHGLVUXSWLRQVWRVSHFL¿FSDUWVRIWKHQHWZRUN,WFDQEHLPSURYHGE\SURYLGLQJ operationally-independent railway route options so that, if the train service of a particular route is delayed or unavailable, the affected passengers can take an alternative route. 8 2.3 | We consider that any railway proposal must - · cause minimal disruption to the existing network and impact on the Development Strategy 2000 2. The Review and Update of the Railway local communities and the environment; · use proven technology to deliver the desired results; and · be affordable and cost-effective. Planning Context 2.4 | Railways now account for around 40% of the passenger trips in the local public transport sector and about 60% of cross-boundary passenger land trips. They are an integral component of our transport system and vital to the sustainability of economic, social and land use development in Hong Kong. This section provides an overview of the planning parameters and social trends which may affect the future demand for railway service. Population and employment levels 2.5 | The Second Railway Development Study was conducted in the late 1990s. Since 2000, local population growth has slowed considerably, with a recorded average growth rate of 0.6% per annum from 2000 to 2012. A comparison
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