• GOOD MORNING, IOWA CITY! Mostly cloudy today and tomorrow with occasional ot the rueaday showers. High today abut 75. Low tonight a­ 'e he Ia round 60. fot hIa OWGJIl 58, for~ r,-tdbUahed 1868 Vol. 78, No. 299-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, Sepl. 8, 1946-Five Cents died a~ !sday o~ rSa~ ial WIl\ • lcea Will venport, ! Clear. Irl. Lt. Plan Vote .on City ,~s New· Ise -------------------------------------- ternatlve of contractl~ wiUl "that's not in the picture at this times of emergency has been I the ordinance before they are ac­ the polls. Upon being questioned city to authorize an appralsal ot ~ tie over reduction of water rates or have The proposed ordinance for re­ - another compaDT In 1948 or time, of course." changed to read "will be kept at cepted. one interviewer stated that the the plant at an estimated cost of ' char,ed to consumers waled bit­ :OUnt 01 newal of the franchise of the IOWil $5,000. terly for seven months in the cIt)' aSlumlnl municipal oWllership Any amendments to !.he fran­ a pressure speciIied by the fire 11 the ordinance Is approved at issue of the new water Ira~hise fraVattli Water Service company will come chise proposal must be made in chief not to exceed 100 pounds the city council meeting tomorrow is important because l! the fran· The appraisal was made In the council. In February, 1933, Mayor before the city council at Its of th~ plant. the council meeting before the per square inch." night, the election can be sched- chise is not renewed, water rates Call of 1932 by five en,ineerilll Carroll signed an ordinance et­ rearl .. meetini tomorrow for the third • • * , ordinance is read and put to a • • • uled not sooner than Oct. 8, ac- will be higher. firms-two conttacted by the elty, fecUng a $13,500 slash In company and final time before the issue The present franchise is sched- vote of the council. Meetings of city council memo cording to Dutcher. All expense Dutcher pointed out that the two representing the company, profll& after vetoing four previ­ any ex. can be put to a vote of the people. uled to expire in 1948. The com- The new franchise is at present bers and company officials were of the election will be paId by the maUer of municipal ownership Is and a fifth chosen by the partial oualy passed ordinances he felt meets The proposed ordinance has pany Is advancing the new pro- the same as the old one, which held last week In which It was company. not an Issue at this time, however. four. A,reement of four members dld not limit profits sufficiently s shOUld b~n read at two previous meet­ posat at tbis time because they has been in effect since 1923, with tentatively sunested that the A survey is currently being The old franchise was awarded was required to set the valuation. Ito make a sizeable savlDi to con- payment InIB of the council. After the third have plans for expansion and Im- the exception of three minor option clause be retained, that conduct d by lht' water company to the company In 1923, with the The appraisal committee dead- sumers. :vlcemen reading, the proposal is published provement, and "want to know changes: the franchise be cut from 25 to' find how 1m". .. Cillans regard city holding an option to buy the locked on the valuation 01 the \ In Aprl, 1933, petitions from :red fal. ~ccording to law and then a city­ how they stand," according to Dan Tbe name of the company has years to 20 years, and that the the new franchise, Dutcher said. company in 1933. company, however. City repre- citizens for lower rates and peU­ as thOle wide election is held to determine C. Dutcher, attorney for the com- been changed from Iowa City company provide free water for It wa reported to the Daily • • • sentatives Insisted the company tions from the company for a rate I. approval of citizens of Iowa City. pany. Water company to Iowa Water the city streets. Iowan l a~ t night that questions T~e cit, council opened nelO­ was worth $600,000 at that time. ralse appeared almost .!multane­ nce may • • • The expansion plans Include Service company. An option for • • • asked In the survey included: tlatlcns June 17, 1.3Z, 10 ..r­ Company representatives ~t the ously. securltJ n Ule voters approve Ute extension of water mains, a new the cily \0 buy the water company Tbe council will pass on thcsc (1) How will 'au vote In tile ehut iIIe waler plut, but III value at $900,000. A newly elecled council look. the al bUild., frallChlse, the low& Water ' Ser. river crossing and service to an at a specified time wi th , propel' suggestions, however, at Its own election on the water fr.anchJse'!' ocrer of $ZOO," made b, the At that Ume, durin. th~ tenure petitions under consIderation and vIce compan, wlll conllnue to increased number of customers, appraisal contained in the old discretion. Dutc1rer pointed out (2) How man, voters are coUDell wu rejeeted b, the of Mayor J. J. Carroll, the mat- after much altercation with com­ = pnvlde water for low& eUy. according to Dutcher. franchise has been left out. A last night that these are not delin_ lhere In your family'!' COIIIPatU' • ter of public ownership wu pany omcala regarding Interpre- n the proposal Is ilefeated at As'ked about the possibilities of stipulation to keep water pressure itely decided as yet and will have I It is further reported that the • • • dropped. tallon 01 waler rate ordinances, f1- the polls, low& eu, has the al· having soft water, Dutcher said, at 100 pounds per SQuare inch in to be proposed as am,.endments to company oilers transportation to This made It necessary for the DurIn, this same year, the bat- (See WATER, Pale 5) --------.----------------~----------------- • General Strike Threat No 'Man's Land rn Iermed 'Ridiculous' By J1.FL Spokesmon lIy THE ASSOCIATED PRE~S . rtroops to man ships and declared: By THE ASSOCIATf:D PRESS yards have already laid off thous­ porter, but there were Bcattered (\ s~kesman for the AmerIcan "This scarehead of a general Butcher shops [n many large ands of workers. shortages. Federat~?~ . of ~?bor last nlg~ t strike threat is ridiculous on its cities reported record-breaking In Chicago, meat packing center In St. Louis th meat supply ter~ed ,ndl,culous an AFL marl- face and has no baSis in fact." sales yesterday as housewives of the country, the supply of meat was nearly exhausted after a day ~e leader ~ threat to seek a Pearl pointed out that the stormed retail counters in lar,e In most shops was reported ex­ 01 heavy consumer buying and ge?eral stnke, as . the greatest general strike idea had been voic­ numbers ·to stock up on meats In ha us ted by ear I y afternoon. market operators predIcted that by shipping shu tdown 10 American ed only by a local union official. anticipation of a widely predicted HousewiVes carrIed out armloads Tuesday no meat would be avail­ history slowed tbe industrIal pulse shortage. of steaks and cbops In a buyin, able. Most meat counters were of the nation. • * • • The heavy weekend bu,lng fol­ splurge which retailers said ex­ stripped long beLore closing time The general strike threat came William Green, head o( the lowed a week of the lowest 11v'e­ ceeded any In the cIty's history. Saturday. At the national stock­ Usl from Paul Hall, New York port AFL, wlto previously eJqJressed stock receipts on record and the Long Unes of customers waited yards, where yesterday's hog re­ B,ent of the Seafarers Interna- support of !.he seamen. was IIGl announcement of reimposition of o\.ltslde belore butch~rs opened ceipts usually total In the hund­ tional union (AFL). available for comment Immedl- OPA cel1lngs on retail meat pricea their doors. reds, only a single hog was sold. • • • ately, but the CIO's Philip next Tuesday. Some packers said • • • MIlII~ Der. Mol.nes ltores re­ trl~ Hall declared lhat if the gov· Murray told a repOrter In Chi· by next week there "would not Colambus. 0., ",ported Ihat ported meal runs heavier than ernlllent attempted to move any caro ". wouldn'l have any com· even be lunch meats" available in lOme eentral meat market CORn· Ulual. Stock, were reneraU, of the hundreds ot strike-bound ment on a thin, like that." retail channels. ter. were Jammed Z5-detlp wUb limited in ael«t1ons b, late af· Ihlps In Uruted States porls • • • • • * eulomers. ternoon. but a "talt u",\r" CIt The National Auoelat!on 01 "we will call on all organJzed UNRRA Director F. H. La­ • • * Ire h mea' was ,ml on Mnd. labor to come out with us." Retail Meat Dealen ..14 "we Guai'dia was in New York to are colne 10 aee the wom _at Virtually aU stores In Cleveland • • • appeal personally to strike leaders &hortaJe we've ever 1IaAI." said they were completely ~old. Philip Pearl, director of the in- to tree 125 $hIps with 250,OQO tons 10rroaUoll wetion of the.AFL • • • out oL meat and tbe bead of a re­ OPA·Set 10 lIB\) of relief cargo for Europe and Chicago stookyards reported an tail meat dealers Iroup asserted beadquarters in Washington, said Asia. he had been assured the govern­ all·time low In livestock recelpl& that retailers "Just haven't had ment did not contemplate using But Joseph P.
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