557 IL6gu no. 3 .:^' GUIDE BOOK FOR THE FIELD CONFERENCE HELD IN CONNECTION WITH THE 39TH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION of PETROLEUM GEOLOGISTS AT ST LOUIS, MISSOURI April 16, 1954 Piaso Bird From an Indian pictogroph on o cliff of St Louis linf>estone northwest of Alton, Illinois '""'tX) Field conference sponsored by , <j THE ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 3 3051 00006 3143 a.(^ Guide to the STRUCTURE AND PALEOZOIC STRATIGRAPHY ALONG THE LINCOLN FOLD IN WESTERN ILLINOIS Prepared by C. W. Collinson, D. H. Swann, and H. B. Will man, Leaders William W Rubey, Honorary Leader A. A. P G, Field Conference April 16, 1954 -2- HONORARY LEADER V/illian W, Rubey Research Geologist, U, S, Geological Survey Washington, D,C. l''£r, Rubey Is the author of the detailed report, "Geology and Mineral Resources of the Hardin and Brussels Quadrangles (Illinois)," U, S, Geological Survey Profes- sional Paper 2l8, 1952. which describes the geology of the area in which most of the present field trip takes place, Mr, Rubey 's report is outstanding because of his fine analysis of the many problems in stratigraphy, structure, and physiography. The study was cooperative between the U, S, Geological Survey and the Illinois State Geological Survey, The indebtedness of the writers of this guide- book to I'to Rubey' s report is evident from the many references to it. The Field Trip Committee and the Illinois Geological Survey are happy to v/elcome ^fr, Rubey as Honor- ary Leader, .1 1 : . -3- Ti\BLE OF COI'ITENTS ^Page Honorary Leader , V/illiam W;. Rubey ,00,0. 2 -. ^ Field trip organization , ., * . c » » » -. « Xrn.p pj.an ©cjost- 090 toco, o^ao <? i\cknowJ.edginent3 ^ , c a 5 o c <.-, c c « -. o 5 Stratigraphic gectjon o « . o -^ • >- . » -. © ^ Correlation chart , ,. .•: . .. , ^ » , ^ . t^ 7 Route and phyt^iogvaphic map ^ ^ o , . « .> • c 8 Gee logic map -ajcjnr.coo-uec. 9 Str-jcture map , o . c .' e .-^ ,...-., ^ .. 10 References . ^ « a » .- ? r , . » . :. ^ = • o 11 RoTiii -; -. - « » « -i c 12 log s , • o « J T • r Stop 1 - Alt.-n blvff s . , . , ., o , . , - i . 17 Stop 2 ~ Pere i4ar'-vaette State Park , ? r .. c o 37 Step 3 Monte. ?ey School ,, r <-, .- » . c - . * 57 Sxop 4 .. Mepi'^ri >:;:-:?th quarry ....„<...,, 63 •-' Step 5 West Poln.t Landing ^ -, ,.. <, .. « <. o c 69 THE PIASA BIRD (on the cover) Tn 1673 "^'he Jesi:.:'.t priest Father Jacques M?.::-que-cte^ in his J.ourney do-'in th- r'liSvS.'.sslppi. saw a pictograph on. thr rocl:y bluff near the site or Alton;. He described it as '-tvo paL^ced monsters vnich at first r.O'ie us afraid^ and upon which the bo...dest sai^'ages dare not rest tr'O..Lr eyeSo They are as large as a ca^.f "^ they have horns (jn their hearts like those of a deer.^ a horrible lookc, red eyes, a beard Ir'ke a tiger's, a face like a man' s.^ a body ccf/ered with scales, and so long a tail that it winds all around the body, passing above the head and going back between tlie legs, endj.ng in a fish's taiU' \ji-].i^ of the figures, commonly known as the Piasa (Pi-a-sav) Bird, drawn from. Marquette 'S description, was published in 1887 m RiiSCT^ s,_of, Ancient _^R^ by V\lilliam McAda'ms,"^ MiAdams^liiterTiew'ed' p'eopTe \li^ seerPthe orig- inal pictographs and also had tvo rough, drawings made from the originals According to Indian legend, the Piasa Bird was an evil spirit who devoured the warriors of the Illini^ ^a^ legend tells hou Chief Ouatoga, armed with an invulnerable shield, prepared an ambush for the Pj.asa Bird atop a high bluff. After a terrible struggle, Ouatoga and his warriors slew the bird and returned to their people as heroes., The original paintings which Marquette discovered v^ere defaced by fragments of rock falling away from the cliff face and were pock- marked by thousa.nds of bullets fired by Indians who considered firing upon it a relig-. jus ritual.. The remiaining part was finally blasted away a century ago. Recently the figure seen at Substop ID. copied from McAdams ' book, was painted at a point which overlooks the approach to the broad recreational parkway which bears his name. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/guidetostructure03coll -^f- FIELD TRIP ORGANIZATION CENTRAL COl'MrrTEE for the 39th Annual Meeting at St, Louis of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists Society of Exploration Geophysicists Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Graham B^ Moody, Standard Oil Company of California, Chairman Noel H, Stearn, W, C, McBride, Incorporated, Vice-Chairman Alfred H, Bell, Illinois Geological Survey Clarence Ec Brehm, Consulting Geologist Karl Dyk, Stanollnd Oil and Gas Company Norman S, Hinchey, VJashington University Stanley V/, Wilcox, Seismograph Service Corporation FIELD TRIP COMim'TSE G, 0» Raasch, Canadian Stratigraphic Service, Chairman H, B. V/illman, Illinois Geological Survey, Vice-Chairman Norman S, Hinchcy, l/ashington University Karl Dyk, Stanolind Oil and Gas Company Carl Kis sling er, VJashington University M, M, Leighton, Illinois Geological Survey H, Lo Scharon, Washington University Louis Unfer, Jr,, Carl A, Bays and Associates TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE T, Eo Neudecker, V/, C, McBride, Incorporated, Chairman AIlRANGEi€i:WT3 FOR THE POST-CONVENTION FUsLD TRIP ILLINOIS, STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY M. M. Leighton, Chief Ce W, Coll ins on D , H. Swann K, B» V/iliman -5- TRIP PLAN Please read your guidebook before arrivinp^ at each stop, or as soon as ^'ou arrive, Note the time limitations and instructions. There is more here than you can see, and you may wish to concentrate on some features. All the information needed is given in the guidebooks Consequently, introductory'- talks will be limited to a brief orien- tation. Leaders (identified by red arm bands) will be stationed at the various exposures at each stop to point out major features and answer questions. At some stops the buses will be moved after unloading, so take your guidebooks V7ith you. Prompt loading of the buses on signal will enable us to spend more time on the outcrops. Remember your bus number. Please return to the same seat in the same bus. That is the only way we can be sure that no one v/ill be left behind. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In addition to information taken from published reports, as acknowledged in the text, this guidebook contains unpublished data from current studies by the Illinois Geological Survey, It is not considered a publication. Interpretations are subject to change and must not be quoted without verif ication« Table lo - STRATIGRAPHIC SECTION CEN02CIC System Series Stage Sub stage T'hick. Dominant Material Recent 0-150 jAlluviian Mankato 0-50 |Deer Plain gra.velj~ gand'T Gary Peorian loess Yfisconsin Tazewell 0-75 Peorian loess lowan Peorian loess Quaternary Pleistocene Fariudale 0-20 Loess Sangamon Soil Illinoian 0-100 Till, Loveland loess, Brussels silt, sand Yarmouth Soil Kansan C-U5 Gravel, till? Tertiary Pliocene 0-30 Graver gravel PALEOZOIC Sys tem Series Group Formation Thicko Dominant Material McLeans boro 0-20 Clay, limestone Pennsyl- Carbondale 65-90 Shale, clay, coal vanian Tradewrter 0-65 Clay, sandstone 1 Ste, Genevieve 0-30 Oolite, coarse, sandy Meramec Stc Louis 170-2iiO Limestone, fine, variable Salem 70-95 Calcarenite V'larsaw 50-80 Shale, dclomite, geodes Keokuk 60-70 Limestone, crinoidal, cherty, argillaceous Missis- Iowa Osage Burlington II1O-2OC Limestone, crinoidal, sippian cherty pure _, Fern Glen 0-30 Limestone, crinoidal, cherty, shaly Sedalia 0-20 Dolomite, fine Chouteau 20-70 Limestone, argillaceous 1 Hannibal 10-70 Shale, silts tone Glen Park 0-25 Limestone, shale, oolite Kinderhook Louisiana 0-Ii Limestone, lithographic Saver ton 0-1 Shale, blue-green Grassy Creek 0-1/3 Shale, black Sylamore 0-2 Sandstone Devonian Middle Cedar Valley O-I4O Lim.e stone, calcarenite, "Hoing" sandstone Niagaran Joliet 0"6o Dolomite, massive to medium bedded Silurian Kankakee 0-30 Dolomite, thin wavy Alexandrian green partings Edgewood 10-50 Dolomite, argillaceous Cincinnatian Maqucketa 100-200 Shale Kimmswick 70-9C Limestone, crinoidal Mohawkian Decorah 30 Limestone, shaly Ordovician Plattin 100 Limestone, fine, variable Joachim bO Dolomite, siity Chazyan Sto Peter 150 Sandstone Ever ton 10* Dolomite, sandstone Table 2c - C(iRREI.'\TION CHART Field Trip Indiana- New York- Mid-Continent Area Kentucky Tennessee Virginia M Ste c Genevieve Ste.> Genevieve Ste, Genevieve Ste, Genevieve Greenbriar Sto Louis Sto Louis St, Louis St,:, Louis I Spergen Salem Salem (Spergen) iYarsav\r S CoTrley vfarsaw Harrodsburg Maccrady s Keokuk Eoone Borden Fort Payne Burlington I New Fern Glen s^ St.- Provi- Pccono Jog Sedalia dence s ... , .^ ... Syc ar-cre Chouteau Rockford Maury I Hannibal N p Upper Glen Park E New Woodford- Albany 1 W "Ghattanooga" Louisiana J_ Savertrn A Chattanooga (• Grassy Creek L Blackiston ' / / B / / / II Misener Sylamore Hardin / / / / / Bradfcrdiaii / / / / / ' / -/ ////./ uu.^ Chautauquan c A ->// / / / / /I Rio Cher Trousdale Sen-^can // N Cedar Valley Tully Vo Y 'y / / 7^ / / Low Middle Silur ian t -> Hunion > / / / / ^ St, Laurel high Middle D evonian) s elair Ji^liot Osgood T Chimney Kankakee Brassfiela :. Prasslield L, „ , ., Medina Hill Edgevrood / / / / / / / / / / Sylvan Maquoke ta Cincinnatian Cincinnatian Que ens ton / / / / / R C ynthiana / / / J) / / Perryville Viola / / / / / Nashville Trenton Kimmsvd ck V Lexi.ngtcn I Decorah Simpson c Plattin High Bridge I Joachim Stones River Bla-:k River A N St., Foter Figure I - Physiography and Route Map Upland Boundaries of f /r, Scale Route and Ice sheets (^ 12 3 4 I I I Bottomland Stop —I —^ MILES Illinois state Geological Survey, March, 1954 Figure 2 - Generalized Geologic Mop Adapted from Illinois State Geological Survey and Missouri Geological Survey Geologic Maps Qal Alluvium Mm Meramec Mk Kmderhook Ou Ordovician Devonian - Scale Pu Pennsylvanian Mo Osage I 2 3 4 MILES DS ^^ 1 Silurian I I— i I (2) Stop number * ^Field trip route Cap au Gres flexure (Ordovician to Pennsylvanian) Illinois State Geological Survey, March, 1954 di^ #4 Adapted from Collingwood, Krey, Rubey Figure 3 - Structure Map Contours on top of Chouteau limestone.
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