Downcounty Consortium Secondary Schools Parkland MS High School Middle School Middle School Service Area Argyle MS Montgomery Blair HS Base Area Parkland MS A r g y l e M S Albert Einstein HS Base Area P a r k l a n d M S John F. Kennedy HS Base Area C o n A n v e e c Northwood HS Base Area n ti u c e u t Wheaton HS Base Area d R l il John F. Kennedy HS h A. Mario Loiderman MS y V a ie L 0 0.5 1 2 rs M il l R d Wheaton HS C o l . E . Miles A . M a r i o S l i g o B r o o k e L e e M S L o i e d e r m a n M S Col. E. Brooke Lee MS Newport Mill MS Univ ersity Blvd West Albert Einstein HS Northwood HS G e o r gi a N e w p o r t A v M i l l M S e Sligo MS S l i g o M S Montgomery Blair HS S i l v e r S p r i n g 495 Eastern MS I n t e r n a t i o n a l M S E a s t e r n M S U n i v e r s i t Silver Spring International MS y B l v d E a d s R t lle vi es ol C Takoma Park MS T a k o m a P a r k M S e v A e ir h s p m a H w e N Montgomery County Public Schools - Division of Long-range Planning - October 11, 2011 4-32 • Recommended Actions and Planning Issues Downcounty Consortium Elementary Schools Brookhaven Paired K-2 Georgian Forest Paired 3-5 Harmony Hills Elementary School Bel Pre/Strathmore Strathmore ES Elementary School Service Area Brookhaven Bel Pre ES HS/ES Service Area Harmony 0 0.5 1 2 Hills Miles Georgian Forest Glenallan Wheaton d C R o Weller ll A n i n h v y e e a Woods n c L V t i u i e e c rs u M t i Road ll Rd Sargent Shriver Arcola Kemp Mill Viers Mill Highland U Rock View n Arcola B iv l e vd r si We ty st Glen Haven G e o r gi a Forest Knolls A v e Pine Crest ES Oakland Terrace Montgomery Knolls/ 495 Pine Crest Sligo Creek Highland U n iv e r s i t View y Montgomery Knolls ES B Woodlin Oak l v d E a d s t R e l View l i v s e l o C Sligo Creek New d Hampshire R h Rolling c n Estates a r B Terrace East Silver S pring y e in P Takoma Park ES Piney Branch ES Takoma Park/ Piney Branch e v A e ir h s p m a H w e N Montgomery County Public Schools - Division of Long-range Planning - October 11, 2011 Recommended Actions and Planning Issues • 4-33 DOWNCOUNTY CONSORTIUM CONSORTIUM PLANNING ISSUES modernizations for these schools have been delayed by one The Downcounty Consortium provides a program delivery year. Therefore, the completions dates will be as follow: August model for five high schools in the Silver Spring and Wheaton 2016 for the Wheaton High School facility; August 2018 for area. Students living in this area of the county are able to choose the Thomas Edison High School of Technology facility; and which of five high schools they wish to attend, based on different August 2019 for the site. An FY 2012 appropriation for plan- academy programs offered at the high schools. The Downcounty ning was approved to begin the architectural design for the Consortium choice programs are offered at Montgomery Blair, modernization. In order for this project to be completed on Albert Einstein, John F. Kennedy, Northwood, and Wheaton the new schedule, county and state funding must be provided high schools. Choice patterns will continue to be monitored at levels recommended in this CIP. for their impact on projected enrollment and facility utilization. Capital Project: An FY 2012 appropriation for planning A high school base area map and middle school articulation funds was approved in the Department of Health and Human diagram are included for the five consortium high schools. Stu- Services (DHHS) Capital Budget for the architectural design of dents residing in a base area are guaranteed to attend the high a School-based Wellness Center at this school. The design and school located within that base area, if it is their first choice. construction of the Wellness Center will be included as part of the modernization of the school. The Middle Schools Magnet Consortium (MSMC) includes three middle schools—Argyle, A. Mario Loiederman, and Parkland Eastern Middle School middle schools. The programs at these schools are open to all Capital Project: A modernization project was scheduled for middle school students in the county. this school for completion in August 2019. However, due to fiscal constraints in the county, as described in Chapter 1, the SCHOOLS modernization has been delayed by one year to August 2020. FY 2016 expenditures are programmed for facility planning Wheaton High School funds to determine the scope and cost for the modernization. Planning Study: Wheaton High School and Thomas Edison In order for this project to be completed on schedule, county High School of Technology (TEHST) are currently located on the and state funding must be provided at the levels recommended same site and share one facility. These schools are scheduled for in this CIP. modernization. During the past two years, two major planning studies were conducted to prepare for the modernization of these Newport Mill Middle School schools. During the fall and winter 2010–2011, a Roundtable Non-capital Solution: A boundary study was conducted in Advisory Committee, with broad stakeholder involvement, met spring 2011 to review options for the service area for Down- to explore various approaches for the future relationship between county Consortium Elementary School #29 (McKenney Hill site). the two schools. Following the Roundtable review, the Board Representatives from Oakland Terrace and Woodlin elementary of Education took action on March 28, 2011, to keep the two schools and Newport Mill and Sligo middle schools participated schools separate with distinct identities; however , the Board on the Boundary Advisory Committee. The superintendent of of Education did not make a decision on whether to construct schools released his recommendation on October 14, 2011, one building or two separate buildings. The Board of Education directed staff to conduct a feasibility study to review two options— Downcounty Consortium a one building option and a two building School Utilizations option. At the conclusion of the feasibility 160% study, on September 13, 2011, the Board of Education adopted a two-building option 140% for the modernizations of Wheaton High 120% School and Thomas Edison High School 100% DESIRED of Technology. RANGE 80% Capital Project: Based on the September 60% 13, 2011, Board of Education action, the completion date for the modernization of 40% the two schools was previously scheduled 20% for August 2015 for the Wheaton High 0% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2021 2026 School facility, August 2017 for the Thomas ACTUAL PROJECTED Edison High School of Technology facil- ity, and August 2018 for restoration of the Elementary Schools Middle School High School site. However, due to fiscal constraints in Note: Percent utilization calculated as total enrollment of schools divided by total capacity. the county, as described in Chapter 1, the Projected capacity factors in capital projects. 4-34 • Recommended Actions and Planning Issues DOWNCOUNTY CONSORTIUM for Board of Education action on November 17, 2011. The Arcola Elementary School recommendation is available at the following link: http://www. Planning Issue: A feasibility study conducted for Arcola El- montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/planning/pdf/DCC29_ ementary School during the 2010–2011 school year determined SuperintendentsRecommendation10142011.pdf that the maximum capacity that the school can be expanded to is 624 students. Enrollment at Arcola Elementary School continues Silver Spring International Middle School to grow and will exceed the new capacity of the school when Non-capital Solution: A boundary study was conducted in the classroom addition is completed. Other nearby schools, spring 2009 to evaluate options to relieve overutilization at Sligo including Sargent Shriver and Forest Knolls elementary schools, Creek Elementary School. The Board of Education took action also are overutilized throughout the six-year CIP period and meet in November 2009. The boundary changes went into effect at the threshold for a classroom addition. During the 2011–2012 the elementary school level, beginning in August 2010 and will school year, the school system will analyze several schools in phase in at the middle school level, beginning in August 2012. the vicinity to determine if additions are possible in order to address the overutilization of Arcola, Forest Knolls, and Sargent Sligo Middle School Shriver elementary schools. The schools to be assessed include Non-capital Solution: A boundary study was conducted in Brookhaven, Highland, and Kemp Mill elementary schools. spring 2011 to review options for the service area for Down- The study also will assess whether additions can be built at county Consortium Elementary School #29 (McKenney Hill Sargent Shriver and Forest Knolls elementary schools. Once site). Representatives from Oakland Terrace and Woodlin el- schools are identified for possible addition projects, feasibility ementary schools and Newport Mill and Sligo middle schools studies will be conducted during the 2012–2013 school year.
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