tMHOUSE FURNinr U R E FUNATTHTHE PARK ■ g FARM ■ Kids findj ttheir inner artists. ll company( SEE MAGIC VALLEY. B1 l makese s family Ineirioccorns. ARDTOFIND I W Aunsi1SM HELP OFTEN HAI SEE MOr^ONEXA^^P P iflM S uii i d a SEE FAMILY UFE. E l July 15,202 0 0 7 I $ 1 . 5 0 TAHOE HOPES F(FOR TOURISM COME!lEBACK t SEESI TRAVEL. C6 ■ Good M orning z i ^ Hl|>u5r.. r p 'C 3 2 > w :6 4 ■ ^ Partly cloudy tklM .vei warm.[>ataUt:C8 N e - X . e s - : W ^H r im( n — — Jbsfcl'aftD '.am W a t e r g t o wm,snuallc»ty p r e s s u ij - e City, developer:rs PERRINE hHOTEL IN THIIE ’30S meet again to L D S TEMPLET discuss ordinala n c e , ■ p oD p p . 4 0 , 0 0 0 By lared S. Hopkins Tlmee-News writer »!l • CounlryI mumusic sia r Trace V 'r ' Adhlns plays'ays th e Twin Foils ■1W1NI-A1.1.S — T h er ppuce (if . I’. r I COufltyFoir.lir. disctisslnKsohitlwnsitui)ii,\v:iler I, a specially wine city a n ti sns downtown. sh o rtag e hetWL-en a cii U l W r i i filL stoio, opens the developers lhal h e lp it • Tho UDSS ClChurch breaks grow somelimes relleci:cis Ihat t * f i r ground on^ a ttemple on Eastland of leaky faufcis drlppii[ling th e 0»m- preeUnis resource. • Thousandsnds flock to Shoshone' ’IH ' Ver>’. very, slowly. l a B y a e w ttf e g Falls to viewlew ’th e attraction ina^ In the lalesi clia])ler.T (>f ih«- banner waleraler year. ^ city's' struggle to hh;a la n c r The PcrriM Hotd. plctmd»«<l in the 1930«, m « • cnod eutportpotl of chrilUa* ______ __ ongoing growth with a iileclin - ib o iu 20 tion In a n ra dty. H wH it n ie d in tbe 1960*10 mike w yr forfoi a bank. Ing supply of water, abi developers met priviitiiitely for -------- [9 9 3 , an hour wiih cityly stalT Wednesday lo discuss ctl h a n g e s to a p re ssu riz e d Irrirrig aiio i) I’Sourcos: TJmes-Nows erchhrchlves ond -------1 ordinance. '1 h o se w ho) jiaiiencl- . -^In the Middle ond on thoIho iEdge.' a ^ ^ t ^ 9 5 8 - cd spoke positively alnln)Ui Ihe • history book by JimI GentGe 7 . ^ pop. 30,000 P lease se e WATER.. PPage An . I C.1937* • A housing boom hits pop. 20,000 when an influx of new workers has trouble Tomorrowf ^ H -I • Voters reject build- finding homes, VINIFERRA WINES [ 1 9 0 4 • Commercial gfovrth Check out Monday's Timenes-News lng a new sewdgo that began in 1992 for a special report onI wwho pop. 10,000 plant, even thouRh the enforces tlia iiiy'i; 200'1 city dumps 3.25 mll- continues to explode The banning along Blue Lahcs conservation ordinance. • The Perrlne Hotel lion gallons of raw -Crt on soda fountain is D Boulevard. sevrage every day into , • .The first town plot Is sot( • Old Towne redevelop­ th e hot sp o t for a Rock Creek. Aug. 1. m ent begins with a new • Harley 0 . Milner become:imes Twin c®'** sum m er drink, • United Airlines slops bridge. earning a servlce to Twin Falls. Falls' first postm aster, ean- • Officer Ron • The Dllettanie salary of $16 a month. Farnsworth of tho cliy the Magic Valley, Group, a perfomianco • The TWfn ftlfs News, the police department is town's first newspaper andpred.and .* More building • troupe still active In perm its are nied • wounded In a shootout. ecessor of the 2007. Is founded and Tlmes^ows,g ' Ihls year than ony begins publishing In lato ' perform s *Carousei’ October, printing 1,000 cop th e next yoar. • 195 8 and 1937 are csUmatoatos of Its first edition. based on U.S. Census data. — --------------------------------------- - ■------------------------------ 1 I— DOWN'NTOWN I N THHE ’ 5 OS ^ Twin Faills hits 4 0 , 0 0 0 I Iraq'iW me MlnWer Nouri/riAI-Malikl le d o , ByMattChristeDsea a s th e people < tpeaki during a preii nnfei ioes 40.000 menn for us. for ifertnce in TImefrWews writer____________ So w h al doe --------------------th e ch aracter ccr of o u r city? Bisbdad, Iraq, Sahirday. •I'WIN I-ALLS — N ot long agi!igo. t h e c ity ^ oflV vin Falls passed a m ajor milestone,n Opportunityity one you probably didn't iioilciice. N o o n e Ira q i P M s Is o n e o f th e faslesi-grow - ju m p e d th e can y o n . A new sinsln iu c d id n 't TVvin Falls Is jur } to w n s in Idalio — o n e o f n p p eiir in th e park. ing to S ee more Images : fastcsi-growf„ ing sla te s in shrugs off B u i In 200G, l\v in Tails i n a iio n . a cc o rd in g to th e b e c a m e a cliy o f m ore than of Twin Falls th e ni nsus c8timaies.'IW in Falls 40.000 p e o p le, according to past and present, c en si llooned 15.0 percent doubts abcl O U t U.S. Census Bureau esti­ ------------------ ballot F^ge A3 betwitw e en 2000 a n d 2006. d ¥lew of TMfl Falli'M ain Avemie inInthel950t«be«rt t 1;:^',m a te s rele as ed lasi m onih. ThUpestcanlvK C o n n ie Sow ka n m s th e and lliai m eans a lot for a Coi dewntowa'i cestraic«st brtirtectien. an Int. a business that helps g o v e rn m e; i n t c o m m u n ity scrn ich cd oui oifsa f s B cb ru sh W 'elcome Mat. _______ CO le w co m e rs a.sslm ilale. They II c c n iu ry ago, ■I\vlii i'alls new a c m sa id , b e c a u se th e cliy hns B u sin ess w e n t on as usual1 llth e d a y w e com e. Sowka s m feet: You do n 't w ait in iin e By Basstfli Mroue Online at Magtcvisvalley.com p a' sse d 40,000. N obody m arkeked llte asmall-iownf ou c a n ge t anyxvhere in Assoclotod Press witter • See Interviews wllh Twin ftllsis rresldenis ond hear occa-sion.P" Bui th e re isn't a souljullntown alMncy’s.You minutes. Neiglibors still say what thoy think 4 0 .0 0 0 m eansi fofor tho city. w h o w o n 'i ag ree 40,000 soundrirbnlotdif* townln lOmii you se c th e m a t A lbertsons. HAGIIDAD — P rim e • Search U.S. Census Bureau datada for the latest ferentthanfji 30.000, It/«Ijdlff(Iffercnt. hello w h en yo Minister Nourl alal-M alik i anSuol population e stim ates foror ttho nation, sta te s. Ci o m m u n id e s are as alive as ih c lr res- 3 shniggedofnJ.S. doubtibtsofhls • Kangcjusi Please see TWITWIN FAILS AT 40.000. Page A3 COIcounties, cllios ond othor aroos.IS. idid. e n is. n n d th ey grow and cKn Hovernnieni's iniliiiirar>’ a n d political progress on S;iSaturday, saying Iraqi forces aree ic a p a b le andAmericiin in)opsc:ic an leav e fttntter "H'aditionall;ally, the courts treat One of his top aides,.•s. m ean * f o r ' M [QS TImee _________________ while, accused the; U n ite d pets like pi£jieces of property, States of emharriissii■sing Ih e ts rules fl MADISON;0N. Wis. — Talk about ircatinfin g F ld o ^ Iniqi govx'ninieni l»y viv io latin g Bill set hthaveanemotion- . like one of tthe family: VWsconsin leglsl^siaiors people might have introdroduced a bill that outlines imily antique. But a; Please see IRAQ,I, fP ag e A4 ' I I I 1 1 ^ A divorcing{couples COI and the courts shouldS E al tie to a fan istodyba die custodydy Ib a ilie s o v er pets. • :s not a desk.” pet cus among dOg IS 1 Hie biUU w o u ld le t co u p les specify, or Around the nalation right to _ WItcoiicoiuin S«n. Caitil Roeiiler other tilingsings, v islin tlo n rights and-the ri} " Lady BIrt Johnson.I Ulaid to :ie a n im a l o u t o f stale. If ll>e feifeu d in g move tlie he shelter's policies, ii could rest a l Texas funeneral. spousescs c a n 'i a g re e o n w h at to do vyiiviilt Uie depending on the ihe solution Is simple: A judg(igc con be euthanized, pet. llic , Ihe courts treat pets likece SMpac«A13r~ cither;r p ic k a s p o u s e — or ship It offof to a -nT iditionaliy, ll similar pieces of property:rty," said Republican stale local:al ih u m a n e so ciety facility o r si {I"' Small number of gunin shops i Sen.
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