Copeia 2008, No. 3, 595–602 A New Species of Hylodes (Anura: Hylodidae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Rodrigo Lingnau1, Clarissa Canedo2, and Jose´ P. Pombal, Jr.2 We describe a new species of Torrent Frog, genus Hylodes, from southern and southeastern Brazil. The new species is assigned to the Hylodes nasus species group and is characterized by large size, robust body, distinctly granular dorsolateral surfaces, absence of light dorsolateral stripes, moderate-sized fringe on the outer margin of toe V, and distinct advertisement call with long note duration. The new species is morphologically similar to Hylodes asper but is readily separated from that species by its distinct vocalization and by the shorter fringe on the outer side of toe V. Description of advertisement call and behavioral notes are provided. ROGS of the genus Hylodes are restricted to fast- (interorbital distance), END (eye–nostril distance), IND moving streams in the Atlantic Forest of eastern Brazil (internostril distance), SND (snout to nostril distance), F (Nascimento et al., 2001; Pombal et al., 2002), except THL (thigh length), TBL (tibia length), FL (foot length), for H. otavioi, which occurs in riparian forests in rocky fields and TFL (fringe length on the outer margin of toe V). on Serra do Cipo´ (Sazima and Bokermann, 1982; Nasci- Measurements were taken with calipers to the nearest mento et al., 2001). The 22 currently recognized species are 0.1 mm, except TD, ED, IOD, END, IOD, IND, and TFL, partitioned into four species groups (Heyer, 1982): the H. which were taken with stereomicroscope. Measurements lateristrigatus species group is currently composed of 17 follow Cei (1980) and Duellman (2001) except for TFL, species (H. amnicola, H. babax, H. charadranaetes, H. fredi, H. which was measured from the middle of proximal sub- heyeri, H. lateristrigatus, H. magalhaesi, H. meridionalis, H. articular tubercle of toe V to the end of the fringe. We ornatus, H. otavioi, H. perplicatus, H. phyllodes, H. pipilans, H. verified occurrence of TFL differences between the new regius, H. sazimai, H. uai, and H. vanzolinii); the monotypic species and H. asper performing a Mann–Whitney U test H. glaber and H. mertensi species groups; and the H. nasus (Zar, 1999). group (H. asper, H. dactylocinus, and H. nasus; Pombal et al., Vocalizations were recorded with DAT TCD-D100 recorder 2002; Canedo and Pombal, 2007). coupled to Sony ECM-MS 907 microphone. Calls were Heyer (1982) characterized the H. nasus species group by digitized with sampling frequency of 22 kHz and 16 bits moderate to large size, robust body form, granular dorsal resolution. Spectrograms were made with the software surfaces, and absence of light dorsolateral stripes. Herein, we Avisoft-SASLab Light with Fast Fourier Transformation of describe a new species of this group from mountains in the 256 points, 75% Overlap, and Window Hamming. Domi- Serra do Mar of the southern portion of State of Sa˜o Paulo nant frequencies, power spectrums and oscillograms were and in State of Parana´, Brazil. obtained with Cool Edit 96 with Fast Fourier Transformation of 1024 points. MATERIALS AND METHODS Hylodes cardosoi, new species Institutional abbreviations follow Leviton et al. (1985), except for CFBH (Ce´lio F. B. Haddad collection, Departa- Figures 1–3 mento de Zoologia, I.B., Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil), DZSJRP (Colec¸a˜o do Departamento Holotype.—MNRJ 29751, adult male, Brazil, State of Parana´, de Zoologia e Botaˆnica, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Sa˜o Municipality of Morretes, Porto de Cima, 25u239S, 48u529W, Jose´ do Rio Preto, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil), MCNAM (Museu de 8 January 2002, R. Lingnau. Cieˆncias Naturais, Pontifı´cia Universidade Cato´lica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil), MZUFV Paratypes.—MNRJ 28533, adult male, MNRJ 28534, female, (Museu de Zoologia ‘‘Joa˜o Moojen de Oliveira,’’ Universi- respectively, 10 February 2002, R. Lingnau and C. M. dade Federal de Vic¸osa, Vic¸osa, Minas Gerais, Brazil), and Lingnau; MNRJ 29752, 29755, adult males, 12 February ZUEC (Museu de Histo´ria Natural, Universidade Estadual de and 19 March 2002, respectively; MNRJ 29753, juvenile, 4 Campinas, Campinas, Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil). February 2002; MNRJ 29754, adult female, 5 February 2002, Drawings of the holotype were made using a stereomicro- R. Lingnau; same locality as holotype. MNRJ 38061–62, scope and camera lucida. The following measurements (in 38065, adult females, MNRJ 38063–64, adult males, 16 mm) were employed for descriptions and statistical analysis: October 2004, R. Lingnau and D. E. A. Sanchez; MNRJ SVL (snout–vent length), HL (head length), HW (head 39250, adult female, MNRJ 39251, juvenile, 26 February width), TD (tympanum diameter), ED (eye diameter), IOD 2005, R. Lingnau; MNRJ 40264–65, adult females, 11 1 Centro Integrado de Ana´lise e Monitoramento Ambiental, Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, Laborato´rio de Ecologia, Rodovia Dourados Itahum Km 12, 79804-970, Dourados, MS, Brazil; and Programa de Po´s-Graduac¸a˜o em Zoologia, Faculdade de Biocieˆncias, Pontifı´cia Universidade Cato´lica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; E-mail: [email protected]. Send reprint requests to this address. 2 Departamento de Vertebrados, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista, 20940-040 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil; E-mail: (CC) [email protected]; (JPP) [email protected]. Submitted: 21 March 2007. Accepted: 3 December 2007. Associate Editor: D. Kizirian. F 2008 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists DOI: Copeia cope-08-03-14.3d 10/6/08 17:08:25 595 Cust # CH-07-091R1 596 Copeia 2008, No. 3 Fig. 1. Holotype of Hylodes cardosoi, MNRJ 29751 (SVL 41.5 mm) in ventral (A) and dorsal (B) views. November 2005, R. Lingnau and C. Canedo; MZUSP 112585, large white tubercles in H. mertensi). The new species differs 112587, adult males, MZUSP 112586, 112588, adult females, from H. glaber by the presence of external vocal sacs in adult 28 August 1965, R. Lange; all from Brazil, State of Parana´, males (absent in H. glaber). Hylodes cardosoi is easily Municipality of Morretes, Marumbi, Taquaral river, 25u269S, distinguished from H. glaber by absence of contrasting color 48u559W. DZSJRP 5200–10, 5212–13, 5215–16, 5218–20, pattern in life. Most individuals of H. glaber (as Hylodes 5223, 5226–32, 5235, juveniles, DZSJRP 5211, 5214, 5217, pulcher; Heyer, 1982) have bright blue and/or yellow dorsal adult males, DZSJRP 5221–22, 5224–25, 5233–34, adult spotting. The new species differs from H. dactylocinus by its females, Brazil, State of Parana´, Municipality of Morretes, larger size (H. dactylocinus male SVL 24.9 6 1.2, n 5 6; female Marumbi, 12 April 1987, A. Cais, E. Leonel, and J. Jim. SVL 28.8 6 1.5, n 5 3). Hylodes cardosoi is distinguished from DZSJRP 5289–90, 5292, 5294–95, 5308–11, 5314–15, adult H. asper by its advertisement call, as well as from all other males, DZSJRP 5288, 5291, 5296–5298, 5304–07, 5312–13, species of the genus with known advertisement call, 5316, adult females, Brazil, State of Parana´, Municipality of primarily by distinct temporal pattern of individual notes. Morretes, 16 December 1987, A. Cais and E. Leonel. MZUSP Note duration of H. cardosoi is longer than those of H. asper 60689, 60693–94, juveniles, MZUSP 60685, 60688, 60692, and H. nasus. Although there are no explicit data for note adult females, MZUSP 60686–87, 60690–91, 60695–96, adult duration of H. dactylocinus, vocalization data presented in males, Brazil, State of Parana´, Municipality of Morretes, Sa˜o Pavan et al. (2001) indicates that the call of H. cardosoi has Joa˜o da Graciosa, 25u189S, 48u519W, 25–27 December 1978, longer note duration than that of H. dactylocinus. Further- W. R. Heyer, K. Kanno, and F. C. do Val. more, the advertisement call of H. cardosoi has fewer notes per call and shorter duration than those of H. asper and H. Diagnosis.—Densely granular dorsolateral surfaces; large size dactylocinus (Table 2). (adult male SVL 35.6–44.1 mm); robust body; light dorso- Hylodes cardosoi and H. asper are morphologically similar, lateral stripes absent; moderate-sized fringe on outer side of but some polymorphic characters occur in different fre- toe V; advertisement call with 4–8 notes, each note with 3–6 quencies. Both species have weak fringes on the outer pulses in rapid raise and decay frequency modulation. margin of finger III and inner margin of finger IV, between Hylodes cardosoi differs from all species of the H. lateris- proximal and distal subarticular tubercles, particularly in trigatus species group by absence of light dorsolateral stripes males. However, these parts of fringes are frequently (present in all species of H. lateristrigatus group) and by complete or nearly complete in H. asper males (74.5% densely granular dorsal skin (smooth to weakly granular in complete or nearly complete on outer margin of finger III species of H. lateristrigatus species group). The new species and 90.2% complete or nearly complete on inner margin of differs from H. nasus by absence of light dorsolateral stripes finger IV; n 5 51) and generally vestigial or absent in H. (series of light dorsolateral spots forming discontinuous cardosoi males (95.8% vestigial or absent on outer margin of stripes in H. nasus) and by more granular dorsal skin than in finger III and 83.3% vestigial or absent on inner margin of H. nasus. Hylodes cardosoi differs from H. mertensi by its finger IV; n 5 24). Both species may have a pair of cloacal smaller size (H. cardosoi male SVL 35.6–44.1, female SVL tubercles, dorsally, on each side of vent, but these tubercles 36.7–46.5, Table 1; H.
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