February 11, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 3599 mentor to us and to the entire Michi- of a coronary bypass procedure. The ernment workers he regarded as good gan delegation. doctor also determined that because he civil servants dedicated to serving the JOHN has been a son of the House, a had been denied prescribed diabetes public interest. He also loved the indi- student of the House, a Member and a medication, Mr. Zeltser’s left foot may vidual service element of his work in Chairman in the House he loves so need to be amputated. Congress. Today, most offices call this much. On behalf of Michigan, I offer In response to a press inquiry in De- ‘‘casework,’’ but to Wendell Wyatt it thanks to the now all-time Dean of the cember, the State Department called gave him the chance to help an indi- House of Representatives, JOHN DIN- for ‘‘the Belarusian authorities to re- vidual constituent with his or her prob- GELL, a great institution within a great lease Mr. Zeltser on humanitarian lem when the Federal Government was institution, for his devotion to public grounds before this situation takes an unresponsive or trying to put a square service and to the people of Michigan irrevocable turn.’’ Based on the recent peg in a round hole. He never and the Nation. doctor’s report it is apparent that such disrespected any Government official f an irrevocable turn is imminent unless who was implementing something that this American citizen can be brought had an adverse impact on one of his BELARUS IMPRISONMENT home promptly for the medical treat- constituents, but he pressed the case Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, as chair- ment necessary to save his life. strongly and effectively. man of the Helsinki Commission, I Belarus has taken some tentative As a young Member of the House, I would like to bring to the attention of steps to improve its notably poor remember other House members and the Senate a situation which is lit- human rights record, in particular the longtime staffers talking about Wen- erally a matter of life and death for an release of several political prisoners dell with great affection and admira- American citizen, Emanuel Zeltser, last August. However, Mr. Zeltser’s tion, someone who worked hard, got re- who has been imprisoned in Belarus continued, and potentially terminal, sults, and always with good humor and since March 12, 2008. Mr. Zeltser is in imprisonment threatens to override without partisanship. desperate and immediate need of seri- those initially encouraging signs. As His colleagues during that era in ous medical treatment—including a such, I strongly urge the Belarusian Congress included Gerald Ford, Melvin coronary bypass operation. authorities to release Emanuel Zeltser Laird, George H.W. Bush, and other The poor human rights record of on humanitarian grounds so that he like-minded House Republican mod- President Lukashenka’s regime is well may obtain the immediate medical erates. Like them, he epitomized the known. No American—indeed no treatment his doctor has concluded is saying that ‘‘You could disagree with- human being—should be subjected to required if he is to live. out being disagreeable.’’ In Oregon, he the kind of treatment Mr. Zeltser has f was part of a generation of elected offi- been forced to endure during his incar- cials whose goals were service, not par- ceration. Despite Mr. Zeltser’s grave REMEMBERING CONGRESSMAN tisanship, including Mark Hatfield and health condition—he suffers from heart WENDELL WYATT Tom McCall. disease, type 2 diabetes, severe arthri- Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I wish to tis, gout, and dangerously elevated mark a sad occasion: the recent death When he retired from Congress in blood pressure—Belarusian authorities of one of Oregon’s most respected Mem- 1974, Wendell Wyatt returned to Oregon have repeatedly refused to provide Mr. bers of Congress, Wendell Wyatt, who to become a partner in what is now the Zeltser with his prescribed medica- represented the First District of Or- State’s second largest law firm, tions. egon from 1965 to 1975. He died peace- Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt, where He was initially denied two inde- fully on January 28th at the age of 91 he is remembered as someone who pendent medical evaluations and he in Portland, OR. rolled up his sleeves to help his clients, has reported being physically assaulted With good humor and little interest to close the deal, and to help add eco- and abused while incarcerated. Am- in partisanship, Wendell Wyatt’s con- nomic activity that created jobs for Or- nesty International has urged that gressional career began with his serv- egonians. Belarusian authorities no longer sub- ice on the House Interior Committee. The commitment to public service ject Mr. Zeltser to ‘‘further torture and He is best known, however, for his runs strong in Wendell Wyatt’s family. other ill-treatment.’’ work on the House Interior Appropria- His son, Bill, was a member of the Or- Mr. Zeltser was convicted of ‘‘using tions Subcommittee where his working egon Legislature as a young man, later false official documents’’ and ‘‘at- relationship with its chair, distin- the chief of staff to an Oregon Gov- tempted economic espionage’’ in a guished Washingtonian Julia Butler ernor, and is now the very effective ex- closed judicial proceeding. The U.S. Hansen, was a model of effective team- ecutive director of the Port of Port- Embassy in Minsk criticized the pro- work across party lines and—in this land. Bill Wyatt is a longtime friend of ceedings, noting that it was denied the case—across the Columbia River that mine and of others in the economic and opportunity to observe the trial. The separated their congressional districts. political leadership of our State, and State Department has repeatedly The same was true of his relationship we all know that the Wyatt bloodline called for Mr. Zeltser’s release on hu- with Democratic Congresswoman Edith for service to our State has passed manitarian grounds. So have others in Green, who represented Oregon’s Third from father to son. Congress, especially my colleague on Congressional District, which includes I join his family, colleagues in his the Helsinki Commission, cochairman most of Portland and is the district I law firm, and his many good friends in Representative ALCEE HASTINGS. was privileged to represent in the mourning his death. I join the good But now the situation appears dire. House before coming to the Senate. In citizens of the First Congressional Dis- Earlier this month, Mr. Zeltser was ex- fact, my Portland office is housed in trict of Oregon, who salute his effective amined by an American doctor. It was the Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Fed- voice for them in Congress. And I stand only the second time an American phy- eral Building. Congressman Wyatt and with so many people throughout Or- sician has been permitted to see Mr. Congresswoman Green—known simply egon whose lives are better because of Zeltser. The doctor concluded that in Oregon as Edith and Wendell— Wendell Wyatt’s commitment to serv- ‘‘there is a clear and high risk of sud- worked tirelessly together on many ice in Congress. den death from heart attack unless the worthwhile civic projects that im- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- patient is immediately transferred to a proved their city and their adjoining sent that at the conclusion of my re- U.S. hospital with the proper equip- congressional districts. Their good marks a few articles about Congress- ment and facilities. Refusal to work helped lay the foundation for the man Wyatt be printed in the RECORD. transfer Mr. Zeltser to a U.S. hospital Portland we are proud of today. First, is the announcement of his death is equivalent to a death sentence.’’ Wendell Wyatt was an advocate for that appeared in the Portland City Specifically, Mr. Zeltser is in dire need the Federal workforce in Oregon, Gov- Club Bulletin, followed by the notice of VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:07 May 17, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S11FE9.001 S11FE9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 3600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 February 11, 2009 Wyatt’s death that appeared in the Or- effective public servant, but one who is scru- ‘‘This was more effective than sitting in egonian newspaper and the warm edi- pulously honest in all of his dealings. He has the back benches and throwing spitballs all torial about Wendell. I ask that there had both the respect and warm friendship of day long,’’ said his son Bill Wyatt. Instead, next be printed the article in his home- colleagues in both parties. No one who the elder Wyatt developed good working re- knows him well believes he intentionally lationships with powerful Democrats such as town newspaper, the Daily Astorian, in violated the law.’’ Wayne Aspinall, D-Colo., chairman of the which local residents reflect on his Wyatt was born June 15, 1917, in Eugene House Interior Committee and Tom Foley, service to their community. The final and moved to Portland as a teenager. He was who also entered Congress in 1964 and, much document that I request be printed in editor of the Jefferson High School news- later, became Speaker of the House for a the RECORD is the editorial in the Daily paper and went to the University of Oregon. short time. Astorian paying tribute to the dignity He dropped out and joined The Oregonian as As a congressman, Wyatt was pro-choice, a copy aide. After a year, he applied to the pro-gun-control and the driving force behind with which Wendell Wyatt served his efforts to bring commerce to Oregon via the district, our State and the Congress.
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