Official Publicationof thePacific NorthwestChapter, National Railway Historical Society February 1996 Redwood City Shop Keeps Fine Old Railroad Cars On Track Vintage coaches lovingly restored By Eve Mitchell SPECIAL TO THE EXAMINER Redwood City- They once rumbled day and night along train tracks that criss­ crossed the American landscape. Now, old railcars whose last trip might have been to the scrap heap are instead being bought and lovingly restoredby mil buffs. At the Port of Redwood City, the PacificRailcar ServicesInc. is busy bring­ ing new life to the mammoth metal hulks - once the dominant mode of travel be­ fore the advent of transcontinental flight and interstate highways. The company Ken Schreiner ofPacific Railcar Services leans out from a passenger car in the operates next to an abandoned mil plat­ company'sRedwood City work yard. EXAMINERIMARKCONSTANTINI form and, since 1990, has been fixing up old rail cars that have been retired from There are about 300 privately owned bia, a former stop on the trans-Canada the nation's railroad system. railroad cars in the United States, and railroad. Once it got past Oakland, the Started by San Bruno resident Ken abouthalf of them are opemtional,accord­ caravan that had departed from Los An­ Schreiner, Pacific Railcar is one of only ing to the American Association of Pri­ geles traveled on a Union Pacific freight four businesses in the country that restore vate RailcarOwners. Those that aren't are line that Schreiner said hadn't seen pas­ the cars for use by private owners. Its turnedinto homes,restaurants and offices, senger trains for 20 years. workshop, stocked with tools and train or used for business and entertainment Schreiner's restored 85-foot-long parts, is tucked in the comer of a corru­ functions. sleeper car, Cascade Nights, was along gated-metal building that houses a feed "Everybody that has cars keeps in for the trip. Purchasedin 1992 for $30,000 store. Nearby, parked on a Southern Pa­ touch with each other," said Schreiner. Canadian, the 1948 car once transported cific freight track that serves the port, are "We always stockpile stuff. If we take passengers between New York and Mi­ five passenger cars, a retired Cotton Belt something apart, nothing gets thrown ami before it was put into service for the line caboose and a U. S. Army World War away." Train buffsalso use the Internetto Canadian National Railroad. II locomotive. put out the word for hard-to-fmd parts. Private cars also can hitch up to "It's a great way to travel," said Rich Everyyear associationmembers con­ Amtrak locomotives for $2 a mile and Ferro, a Redwood City firefighter who vene a "rolling convention" of restored travel on regular routes. works at Pacific Railcar on his days off. railcars. Last fall, traincaravans departed ''Normally, theyjust tag onto the rear "You canreally see the countryvery well." fromChicago and Los Angeles on a route end of the trainthat's already scheduled," that took them to Nelson, British Colum- said Schreiner. -see Redwood City, page 5, col. 3 The Trainmaster February 1996 The TRAINMASTER , is the official newsletter of the Pa­ CIIA.PTER TI'IE T:\BLE �o. 401 cific Northwest Chapter of the Na­ tional Railway Historical Society, REGULAR RUNS published monthly for the benefit of BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday,February 8,7:00 P.M.,at Room its members. Articles which appear 208, Union Station. Enter through the main entrance, turn right two times, past the in The Trainmaster do not express magazine stand, first door on left at hallway to Wilfs. the official National Railway His­ at st. torical Society position on any sub­ MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP MEETING Friday,February 16,7:30 P.M., David's Episcopal Church, 2800 S.E. Harrison. The business meeting will start promptly as jectunless specifically noted such. at 7:30, with the newsreel and program following a short break. Refreshments will be Material from The Trainmaster may available; please bring some money to feed the "kitty," so it can continue to feed us! be reprinted in other publications WEEKLY NO-HOST LUNCHEON every Saturday, 12:00 Noon,at the Semaphore as provided credit is given to the Restaurant at S.E. 17th & S.E. Holgate Blvd. Our group is in the back. Come on down! source. Please address contribu­ tions, correspondence, and exchange ROLLING STOCK WORK SESSIONS are planned to prepare cars for leases. Contact Richard Gray (657-8250), or Peter Rodabaugh (771-8545) for an update. copies of newsletters to: Attn. TM Editor LIBRARY/ARCHIVES WORK SESSION : Thursday,February 8,1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. at Room 1 & lA, Union Station. Help is needed to get things organized and PNWC-NRHS catalogued. Contact Bob Weaver (654-4274) for more information. Room 1, Union Station CHAPTER LIBRARY OPEN HOURS Saturday,. February 17 & 24, 1:00 to 4:00 Portland, OR 97209-3715 P.M. at Room 1, Union Station. Call Jim Loomis (253-3926) for appointments, ifthis is a difficult day and/or time for you. VOICE: (503) 226-6747 EXTRA BOARD FAX: (503) 231-4624 PORTLAND UNION STATION'S l00th ANNIVERSARY: February 14, 1996 with & Editor: a major celebration May 10, 11 12, 1996. Events are still in the planning stages. PNWC ANNUAL BANQUET: Saturday, March 2, 1996 (rescheduled from January James Loomis 27th and February 3, due to inclement weather) at the Mallory Hotel,729 S.W. 15th 12440 S.E. Stephens Av enue. No-host bar opens at 6:30 P.M., with dinner to follow at 7:00 P.M. See page Portland, OR 97233-1336 7 for additional information. The 1995 Jack Holst Award will be presented at the banquet. Circulation: PNWC SWAP MEET: Saturday, March 9, 1996, at the former Jantzen Beach GJ. Joe's / Pay'N Pak:. Contact Darel Mack (654-5017) for more information. More infor­ Chuck Storz, (503) 289-4529 mation will be published as it becomes available. MEMBERSlllP in the PNWC­ NRHS is available as follows: Regular•..• $27/yr. FEBRUARY MEETING PROGRAM Joint...••.... $35/yr. Program begins afterbusiness meeting For more information, contact the Membership Chairperson at the Great Railwy Excursions above address. To be presented by: Ed Ackerman DEADLINES MARCH MEETING PROGRAM The deadline for each issue of The Trainmaster is the 20th of Program To Be Announced the previous month. Submis­ sions may be made on floppy disk, in Wordperfect, MS Word or ASCII formats; TheEditor reserves the riGht to NOTICE: Programs are needed for future meetings. Anyone edit or hold material at his/her discretion. who is willing to present a program (slides, film, etc.) at a Chap­ ter meeting, please contact the President. February 1996 2 The Trainmaster PCNWC-NRHS followed on details of how the expense! must be rented to perform airtests, as BOARD MEETING proceeds from the Hopmere trip are to many cars as possible shouldbe tested JANUARY 11, 1996 be distributed. The board re-stated it's at one time to minimize the expense. SU�RYofNUNUTES position that all proceeds are to go to­ Excursion: A request has been made wards the Museum. The finance com­ to Amtrak for equipment for a trip to Call to Order: President Bob Ter­ mittee needs to meet to prepare the Vancouver, B.C. and return on May 3- kelsen called the meeting to order at budget for this year. Discussion fol­ 5, 1996. Any avajlable equipment has 7:16 P.M. President Terkelsen wel­ lowed on the historyof the fundsowed been requested. It is not clear when or comed new officers (Ed Ackerman, the chapter from a railcar lease con­ ifwe will receivea reply. Results from Vice-President;George Hickok, Secre­ tract. The secretary asked any person 1995 excursions: proceeds from tary) and new board members (Ralph who conducts business on behalf of the Descutes Canyon, High Desert Steam, Johnson and Frank Weiler), as well as chapter please consider providing a Membership Special and Shasta Day­ members and guests. copy of the paperwork to the secretary light were reported to the boardThe Reading of Minutes: The minutes of for inclusion in the permanent file. Seattletrip that was canceled losta size­ the 12/7/1995 board meeting and 12/ National Director's Report: Gerald able amount, primarily on advertising. 15/95 membership meeting were ap­ Schuler reported little ifanything has The committeeis interested in ideas for proved as read. changed since the last report. A dis­ futureactivities. A possibleNew Year's President's Report: President Ter­ cussion followed on the Railway Heri­ Sleeper specialwas suggested,although kelsen deferred to Old and New Busi­ tage Grants from National. These are it is not clear what track this might run ness. grants in a maximum amount of over. Vice-President's Report: Ed Acker­ $5,000.00. President Terkelsen pro­ Activities:Mark your calendars for the man reported he has received a num­ posed the chapter apply for a grant to following events: Annual banquet on ber of annual reports from various improve the condition of the library 1127/96, Swap Meet on 3/9/96, Picnic standing (Finance, Rolling Stock, Ex­ collection. It was suggested that ifsuc­ at Brookson 8/17/96. A trip on the Mt. cursions, Activities) and ad hoc (Li­ cessful,local matching fundsbe sought. Hood Scenic in June has also been braI)',Concessions, Membership, Elec­ Ry proposed. tions) committee chairpersons. Outgo­ STANDING COMMITTEE Public Relations: Not much has ing VPMarilyn Edgar alsocontributed REPORTS changedsince last month. Stillno word several reports. The reports that were Finance Committee: A number of fromNational on a replacement for the available were read. The VPwill hold small bills associatedwith preparation tape that was not good enough for the originalsof the reports, and arrange for the membership special have been broadcast.
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