•4 Euad Lack May Close Legal Services Offices SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Milder Sunny and milder today and tomorrow- Clear, cool tonight. FINAL Cloudy on Saturday. fed Bank, Freehold (See Details, Page 2) Bunch EDITION Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 9% Years RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARE Y 18, 1971 20 PAGES TEN CENTS City Council Drug Center Plans By AL HORAY Following . demands by the Councllwoman Gertrude the planned center was Edgar the state officers about the LONG BRANCH-A crowd audience for an open vote by Berman declined to state her N. Dinkelspiel, a former city possibility of young LSD users of nearly 800 persons, most of city officials on the issue, opinion of the issue. She said commissioner here. being housed in the planned them angry, last night Mayor Cioffi stated he was she attended the session to Before the two state com- facility. brought about a public an- against the therapeutic treat- gain the impressions of the missioners left the school, Mr. He was told that some of nouncement that City Council ment center being located people of the city and to hear Dinkelspiel gave them peti- ' the patients would probably opposes . the .controversial here. details of the proposal from tions signed by nearly 1,600 be users of the drug. ' state drug treatment center Also stating their opposition the state officials. city residents voicing opposi- Asked if the drug is danger- here and the word of a state to the proposal were Mr. Rus- "I will not be pressured into tion to the program being ini- ous, Dr. Cowan said it is a official that he will return to sell and Councilmen George making a decision tonight," tiated here. • "dangerous substance 'drug." Trenton to tell Gov. William Hoffman, Samuel Teicher and Mrs. Berman said. ' Early in the meeting, the Those users, however, would T.. Cahill that "Long Branch Jack Taylor. Leading the opposition to former city official questioned (See Council, Page 2) does not want the center here." After 2% botars of the ses- sion, which was spiced with outbursts from the audience and a plea by Mayor Henry R. Cioffi to "remain calm," Dr. James R. Cowan, commis- sioner of the state Department of Health, told the gathering that he would tell the gover- nor's cabinet-level committee TEARGAS TURNS BACK RIOTERS IN REGGIO CALABRIA - Rioters in background about the feelings of most of race off yesterday before billowing teargas grenades fired by Italian police in the city's residents. foreground in Reggio Calabria, The riots — caused by a decision to name the That committee, he said, rival city of Catanzaro as regional capital of Calabria — continued yesterday but will make recommendations failed to reach the intensity of the day before when demonstrators shot qt police. to Gov. Cahill and he will then ' - -__ (AP Wlrephoto) make a final determination on the issue. Follow Outburst Dr. Cowan's statement and the council's open vote fol- PANEL — Long Branch city officials and two state commissioners faced an angry crowd in the Long Branch Jr. 6 Nabbed in Marlboro lowed an outburst by most of High School last night to hear questions about the state's planned teen-age drug treatment center-there. In- the audience, when WilbertC. cluded on panel were, from left, City Manager Vincent J, Mazza; Mayor Henry R. Cioffi, Robert Mauro, city Russell, city council presi- attorney; councilman Jack Taylor; Wilbert C. Russell, city council president; Lloyd W. McCorkle, state Commission- dent, told the assembly that the state representatives must er James Cowan. Not shown were Councilwoman Gertrude Berman and Councilman George Hoffman. Raid Are Arraigned ........ (Register Staff Photos) leave to return to Trenton. MARLBORO - Two of the ers, LSD, and conspiring to leased to his son, Wayne, who The outburst caused Dr. six members of the; nation- possess dangerous weapons. was not in the house during Cowan and Dr. Lloyd W. Mc- wide ' "Breed" motorcycle Miss Maguire, of the Willow the raid. Corkle, state commissioner of [arrested in a raid on a. Lane address, was charged Mr. Savoie said that he in- institutions and agencies, to 1 at 4Q1 Willow Lane were with possession o( hypodermic formed Mr. Carroll that the agree to stay and answer J$m a similar raid on needles, legenxl drugs* LSD, house violated several sec- more questions. the Muse in July 1970. dangerous substances and tions of the building code, in Police OWef Joseph Walker .conspiring- topossess danger-' that there were three apart- revealed yesterday mat Mary- ous weapons. ments in the building instead ann Rose Maguire, 20, and All were arraigned before of the two allowed, and that Andrew J. "Scab" Salch Jr., Judge Harrington yesterday there were old inoperable cars 23, were arrested and charged afternoon. Ball was set at parked in the backyard, Mr, last year with possession of $5,100 for all six, who were Savoie said that Mr. Carroll Drawings marijuana and legend drugs. taken to the County Jail. promised last month to move Detective Raymond LaSalle Judge Harrington said that a the tenents out of the house so said that Municipal Court hearing date would be set that repairs could be made. Increased Judge Earle J. Harrington when the results of a labora- The building inspector said recommended that the tory test on the drugs found in that several summonses TRENTON (AP) - The charges be dismissed due to a the house are known. would be issued to Mr. Carroll "overwhelming success" of technicality in a search war- Chief Walker said that he this week. the state lottery has made it rant. had been watching the house Chief Walker said Tuesday possible to hold more million- Charged with possession of "off and on" for a two-year that the house was "filthy." aire drawings than had been narcotics and narcotics para- period. He said that the six "I don't know how anyone planned, Gov. William T. Ca- phernalia, possession of LSD, gang members offered no re- could live in there," he said. hill said Wednesday. dangerous weapons and *two sistance to the 12 township po- Mr. Savoie said that without The first such drawing, the rifles with silencers were: lice officers participating in electricity, there was no heat governor told newsmen, would Ranald "Renegade" Conrad, the raid. or operable sanitary facilities: be "of all days, on March 17, 28,. Thomas "Creep" Masdale, St. Patrick's Day." Cahill is ' Building Inspector Edward Police said that found in the CONTROVERSY— About 800 Long Branch residents appeared at the controversial drug center forum in the Jr. 25, Salch, all of the Willow Savoie said last night that Irish. house were 385"blotters of High School there last night. Many carried signs protesting the governor's plan to initiate a youths' drug treat- Lane address, and Richard there was a fire in the attic of LSD; a variety of narcotics Eligible participants in this "Phes" Conner, 20, of Koates- the house at 401 Willow Lane and narcotics paraphernalia; drawing will be persons hold- ment center in the city and it was estimated more than 95 per cent of the audience opposed the program. Many ville, Pd.; Thomas J. last month. He said that since eight hand guns, two chain ing 50 cent tickets from the came to ask questions and a few supported the proposal. ' "Speedy" Rehm, 30, of Nar- that time, Jersey Central saws, four rifles, two with si- first five weekly drawings in von, Pa., is charged with pos- Power & Light Co. has shut lencers, a shotgun, a machet- which the last two digits session, of hypodermic nee- off the electricity due to non- ti, other assorted knives and match the last two on the win- dles, legend drugs, two stolen payment of bills, The house, weapons, and 250 rounds of ning number for that week. Pennsylvania inspection stick- owned by William Carroll, is ammunition. Originally it was planned that these winners would par- Lack of Funds May Close ticipate in the planned semi- annual millionaire drawings along with purchasers of spe- cial $2.50 tickets, Parochial School Aid Chances Limited Offices of Legal Services But now those semi-annual drawings—which may eventu- ally be held more often too— By DORIS KULMAN ence of its board of trustees, MLSO trustees had appealed Mr. Stamelman also said Is Debated in Rumsoii will be limited to'the buyers The Monmouth Legal Serv- the MLSO was given the to U.S. Sens. Clifford P. Case that at the close of the Jan. 15 of $2.50 tickets, and with more ices Organization, an agency chance to argue against the and Harrison A. Williams Jr. hearing, Mr. Dietrich prom- drawings specially for those federally funded to provide le- merger at an informal hear- and Rep. James J. Howard to ised a decision "on or before RUMSON — The question of Public funds should be used He said that a child studying gal aid to Monmouth County's ing Jan. 15 conducted by Ron- help. Feb. 1...", an allegation Mr. public funds for parochial to strengthen the public secular subjects in a parochial "twe-digit winners." Cahill said there would be poor, said yesterday that it is ald Dietrich, acting deputy iVir. Dietrich said he hadn't Dietrich angrily denied yes- cchools was the subject of schools, now "in dire need of sdhool which meets state edu- completely out of money and, yet received the telegram terday. lively debate at Congregation more financial help," Mr., cational standards "is deserv- millionaire drawings whenever director of the-NLS. • Staenberg said, contending cash reserves from ticket unless it gets some federal In the meantime, the Ocean MLSO board president Laur- "I certainly did not say any B'nal Israel, here, last night.
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