Louth Field Names Project Catalogue November 2015 Louth Field Names Project Catalogue This is the catalogue of data collected by the Louth Field Names Project between October 2013 and April 2014. The catalogue comprises a list of some 10,000+ names gathered during the duration of the project. Each collected field name has a single entry providing the field name, ID, townland, civil parish, as well as information on the name origin, folklore and other comments where relevant. The catalogue is organised by townland in an alphabetical fashion. Each field name has a unique ID that links it to the project maps. Townland ID GRID FIELD PLACE NAME Folklore Comments NAME NAME ORIGIN Rathduff R549_41 6 The Lough The black Flooded for much Field pig is of the year hence reputed to the name. CLAJ 7:2 have (1930). washed blood off himself in this lake. Seasonal lake. Each field ID has two parts. The first half refers to the townland (see list below), and the second half refers to the field. In the case of Rathduff, above, R549 is the townland code and the number 41 refers to the field, numbered on the project maps. i There are 25 project grid maps numbered 1-25. The grid map number is in included in each catalogue entry. Townland ID GRID FIELD PLACE NAME Folklore Comments NAME NAME ORIGIN Rathduff R549_41 6 The Lough The black Flooded for much Field pig is of the year hence reputed to the name. CLAJ 7:2 have (1930). washed blood off himself in this lake. Seasonal lake. Figure 1 Map Grid Squares. ii Townland List Grid Square Townland Code Townland Aclint 13 A2 Adamstown 18 A3 Aghameen 8 A5 Allardstown 11 A8 Almondstown 22 A9 Anaglog 17 A10 Anaverna 4 A11 Annagh 13 A12 Annagh (Boltons) 6 A13 Annagh (Mc Canns) 6 A14 Annaloughan 8 A18 Annies 4 A19 Ardagh 23 A20 Ardaghy 5 A21 Ardballan 18 A22 Ardpatrick 11 A26 Ardtully Beg 8 A27 Ardtully More 8 A28 Arthurstown 14 A29 Arthurstown Little 14 A30 Artoney 11 A32 Ash Big 6 A33 Athclare 18 A35 Baggotstown 21 B37 Bailypark 24 B39 Balfeddock 22 B40 Ballabony 13 B42 Ballagan 9 B43 Ballaverty 8 B44 Ballinfuil 3 B46 Ballinreask 25 B49 Ballinsteskin 5 B50 Ballug 8 B53 Ballybailie 14 B54 Ballybarrack 7 B55 Ballydonnell 25 B57 Ballygoly 8 B58 Ballymageragh 18 B60 Ballymaglane 22 B61 Ballymakellett 4 B62 Ballymakenny 21 B63 Ballymascanlan 7 B64 iii Ballynagassan 15 B65 Ballynahattin 7 B67 Ballynamaghery 8 B68 Ballynamony (Bradshaw) 8 B69 Ballynamony (Murphy) 9 B70 Ballyonan 5 B71 Ballyoran 11 B72 Ballytrasna 9 B74 Ballytrasna 10 B75 Balregan 7 B76 Balriggan 7 B77 Balrobin 6 B78 Baltrasna 17 B79 Baltray 25 B80 Bankerstown 21 B81 Banktown 25 B82 Barabona 21 B83 Barmeath 18 B84 Barnaveddoge 17 B85 Barronstown 6 B86 Battsland 18 B87 Bavan 5 B88 Bawn 15 B89 Bawntaaffe 21 B90 Beaulieu 25 B91 Begrath 24 B92 Bellcotton 22 B93 Bellurgan 7 B94 Belpatrick 20 B95 Beltichburne 25 B96 Benagh 8 B97 Betaghstown 22 B98 Blackhall 22 B100 Blackhall (Part of ) 21 P501 Blakestown 17 B102 Bogtown 14 B103 Bolies 15 B105 Boycetown 19 B106 Braganstown 15 B107 Braghan 25 B108 Brittas 21 B110 Broadlough 17 B111 Broughattin 4 B112 Brownstown 21 B113 Bryanstown 24 B114 Burren 18 B115 iv Calga 13 C116 Callystown 22 C117 Cangy 18 C119 Canonstown 25 C120 Cappocksgreen 17 C121 Cappoge 18 C122 Cardistown 13 C123 Carn Beg 7 C124 Carn More 7 C125 Carnalughoge 11 C126 Carnanbregagh 12 C127 Carntown 21 C129 Carrickacreagh 6 C131 Carrickallan 6 C133 Carrickalust 6 C134 Carrickaneena 4 C135 Carrickastuck 6 C136 Carrickavallan 10 C137 Carrickbaggot 21 C138 Carrickedmond 4 C140 Carrickleagh 6 C141 Carricknashanagh 21 C143 Carrickrobin 6 C144 Carstown (Ballymackenny) 21 C145 Carstown (Termonfeckin) 21 C146 Cartanstown 21 C147 Castlebellingham 15 C148 Castlecarragh 8 C149 Castlelumny 21 C150 Castlering 11 C151 Castletate 10 C152 Castletown 7 C153 Castletown 21 C154 Castletowncooley 8 C155 Cavan 12 C156 Cavanrobert 14 C158 Chanonrock 11 C159 Charlestown 14 C160 Charleville 18 C161 Churchtown 13 C163 Cloghanmoyle 13 C165 Clogher 22 C166 Clonkeehan 14 C168 Clonmore 18 C169 Cluide 18 C170 Collon 20 C172 v Commons (Carlingford) 8 C173 Commons (St. Peters) 24 C174 Commons (Dromiskin) 12 C175 Coneyburrow 18 C177 Cookspark 18 C178 Cookstown 14 C179 Coolcreedan 11 C180 Coolrath 11 C183 Corbollis 14 C184 Corcreeghagh 10 C185 Cordoogan 21 C187 Corlisbane 21 C188 Cornamucklagh 2 C189 Corradoran 10 C190 Corrakit 5 C191 Corstown (Dunleer) 18 C194 Cortial 6 C195 Cotlerstown 21 C196 Crossabeagh 6 C198 Cruisetown 19 C200 Crumlin 12 C201 Culfore 4 C203 Curstown 22 C206 Dales 22 D207 Dardisrath 22 D208 Demesne 7 D213 Derrycammagh 14 D214 Derryfalone 6 D215 Dillonstown 15 D216 Donnellystown 21 D218 Doolargy 4 D219 Dowdallshill 7 D220 Draghanstown 19 D222 Drakestown 17 D223 Dromgoolestown 18 D224 Dromin 18 D225 Dromiskin 15 D226 Drumard 10 D228 Drumbilla 3 D229 Drumcar 18 D232 Drumcashel 14 D233 Drumgoolan 11 D235 Drumgowna 11 D237 Drumgur 10 D238 Drumin (Dunleer) 18 D239 Drumleck 15 D241 vi Drumnacarra 4 D244 Drumshallon 21 D246 Drumsinnot 6 D247 Ducavan 3 D248 Duffsfarm 22 D249 Dunany 19 D250 Dunleer 18 D254 Dunmahon 12 D255 Duryhole 21 D256 Dysart 18 D257 Earls Quarter 8 E258 Edmondstown 13 E263 Essexford 10 E265 Fairhill 7 F266 Falmore 3 F267 Faughart Lower 4 F269 Faughart Upper 4 F270 Feraghs 11 F272 Fieldstown 21 F273 Finvoy 18 F274 Funshog 17 F275 Gainstown Upper 14 G276 Gallstown 21 G278 Galroostown 21 G279 Galtrimsland 8 G280 Ganderstown 22 G281 Gibstown 12 G283 Gilbertstown 14 G284 Glaspistol 22 G287 Glebe (Dundalk) 7 G291 Glenmore 5 G297 Glydefarm 14 G298 Gorteen 6 G299 Grange 11 G300 Grange Irish 8 G301 Grange Old 8 G302 Grattanstown 18 G304 Greenlane 14 G307 Greenmount 15 G308 Gunstown 21 G312 Hacklim 17 H313 Haggardstown 12 H314 Hamlinstown 21 H316 Hammondstown (Mosstown) 18 H318 Harristown 17 H319 Haynestown 12 H321 vii Hill of Rath 24 H322 Hoathstown 17 H325 Hurlstone 17 H327 Irishtown 14 I328 Jenkinstown 8 J329 Kearneystown 21 K332 Keerhan 23 K333 Keeverstown 21 K334 Kellystown 21 K335 Kilcroney 11 K337 Kilcurly 6 K338 Kilcurry 4 K339 Killally (Ballybarrack) 12 K341 Killally (Ballybarrack) 19 K342 Killartery 22 K344 Killeen 11 K345 Killin 8 K346 Killincoole 11 K348 Killineer 24 K349 Killycroney 6 K351 Kilpatrick 17 K352 Kilsaran 15 K353 Kiltallaght 22 K354 Kircock 21 K355 Knockaboys 13 K356 Knockatober 18 K360 Knocknagoran 5 K367 Lacnagreagh 6 L369 Lagan 13 L370 Lagavooren 24 L371 Lambtown 14 L373 Lawlesstown 18 L375 Liberties of Carlingford 5 L376 Linns 15 L377 Liscorry 24 L378 Lisdoo 7 L379 Lislea 2 L380 Lismanus 18 L381 Lisnawully 7 L382 Lisrenny (Charlestown) 14 L383 Lisrenny (Tallanstown) 14 L384 Listoke 24 L385 Littlegrange 24 L387 Littlemill 7 L388 Longstones 21 L389 Loughanmore 8 L390 viii Loughanmore 14 L391 Loughtate 11 L393 Louth Hall 14 L394 Lowrath North 11 L395 Lowrath South 11 L396 Lugbriscan 8 L397 Lurganboy 19 L398 Lurgankeel 4 L399 Maddox Garden 8 M400 Maddoxland 8 M401 Maghereagh 6 M402 Maine 15 M403 Mansfieldstown 15 M405 Marlay 18 M407 Marlay 18 M408 Marsh North 7 M409 Marsh South 7 M410 Marshallrath 18 M411 Marshes Upper 7 M413 Mayne 22 M415 Meaghsland 22 M416 Mell 24 M418 Mellifont Park or Louth Hill 23 M420 Millgrange 9 M422 Millockstown 17 M423 Milltown (Termonfeckin) 22 M428 Monascrebe 4 M433 Monasterboice 21 M434 Moneycrockroe 5 M436 Moneymore 24 M437 Monksland 8 M438 Mooremount 18 M439 Mooretown 12 M440 Moorland 7 M441 Morganstown 18 M442 Mosstown South 21 M444 Mountaintown 18 M445 Mountbagnall 8 M446 Mountdoyle 18 M447 Mounthamilton 7 M448 Mountrush 14 M449 Muchgrange 9 M450 Muff 11 M452 Mullabane 9 M453 Mullabohy 6 M455 Mullacloe 14 M457 ix Mullacrew 11 M458 Mullacurry 17 M459 Mullagharlin 12 M461 Mullaghattin (Ballymascanlan) 8 M462 Mullaghattin (Carlingford) 8 M463 Mullameelan 17 M464 Mullanstown 14 M466 Mullatee 8 M467 Mullavally 11 M468 Mullincross 18 M469 Newhall 18 N471 Newhouse 21 N472 Newrath (Dromiskin) 15 N474 Newrath (Louth) 11 N475 Newtown (Killanny) 11 N477 Newtown (Louth) 11 N478 Newtown (Termonfeckin) 22 N476 Newtown Knockaleva 20 N480 Newtown Monasterboice 21 N481 Newtownbabe 12 N482 Newtowndarver 14 N484 Newtownstalaban 24 N486 Nicholastown (Philipstown) 10 N488 Nicholastown (Port) 19 N487 Oaktate 11 O489 Oberstown 17 O490 Paddock 21 P491 Painestown 19 P492 Palmersland 6 P494 Part of Ballymakenny 24 P497 Paughanstown 17 P509 Pepperstown 14 P510 Petestown 8 P511 Philibenstown 14 P512 Philipstown (Ferrard) 24 P514 Philipstown (Upper Dundalk) 6 P513 Philipstown (Tallanstown) 11 P516 Piedmont 8 P517 Piperstown 21 P518 Plaster (Ballymascanlan) 4 P519 Plaster (Barronstown) 6 P520 Plunketsland 18 P521 Pollbrock 15 P524 Port 19 P525 Priest Town 21 P526 Priorland 7 P528 x Priorstate 11 P529 Priorstown 22 P530 Proleek 4 P531 Purcellstown 17 P534 Rampark 8 R536 Raskeagh 4 R537 Rath (Ballybarrack) 7 R540 Rath (Carlingford) 8 R539 Rath Lower 8 R541 Rathbody 14 R542 Rathcassan 11 R544 Rathcor 8 R546 Rathdaniel 21 R547 Rathduff 6 R549 Rathgeenan 13 R553 Rathgory 17 R554 Rathgory 21 R555 Rathlust 17 R557 Rathneestin 14 R560 Rathory 14 R562 Ravel 18 R565 Reaghstown 13 R567 Redcow 7 R569 Reynoldstown 19 R570 Richard Taaffes Holding 11 R571 Richardstown (Dromin) 17 R572 Richardstown (Richardstown) 17 R573 Rinkinstown 21 R574 Roche 3 R576 Rockmarshall 8 R578 Roestown 17 R579 Rogerstown 13 R580 Rokeby 21 R581 Roodstown 14 R582 Roxborough 21 R586 Salterstown 16 S587 Sandfield 10 S588 Seecrin 8 S590 Shamrockhill 18 S591 Sheepgrange 23 S595 Silloge 21 S599 Skeaghmore 18 S601 Skibbolmore 18 S602 Slievenaglogh 8 S605 Smarmore 20 S606 Spellickanee 5 S607 xi Sportsmanshall 7 S608 Stickillin 17 S613 Stirue 21 S615 Stonehouse
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