VOL. 114 - NO. 26 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 25, 2010 $.30 A COPY Don’t Let the Bush Tax Cuts Expire ParkARTS by Joe Bell One topic that has gotten will bring back the death tax, 2010 Summer Guide Now Available far too little media coverage the marriage penalty tax and is the looming expiration of raise the capital gains and the 2001 and 2003 Bush era dividends taxes. tax cuts. Unless Congress First, Congress should takes action to renew them eliminate the death tax com- they will begin to sunset at pletely. Individuals who the end of this year. If Con- spend a lifetime building a gress permits that to happen business pay taxes through- taxpayers will face enor- out their lives. Most leave mous tax hikes. Those in- their lifetime of work to creases will intensify the fi- their children. It is wrong for nancial burdens that have heirs to be taxed for merely already been imposed by the receiving an asset. This tax Obama administration and sends the message that it’s congressional Democrats. better to spend one’s assets On April 10, The Hill re- in life than it is to invest and ported that President Barack build and eventually hand a Obama supports extending large tax bill to your heirs. the tax cuts to those mak- The death tax has a nega- ing $250,000 or less a year. tive impact on savings and That’s not good enough. investment and investment Senator John Kyl, R-Ari- in particular is an undertak- LANDSCAPE WATERCOLOR PAINTING WORKSHOPS — Pictured (from left to right), zona, has pointed out that ing that should be greatly Tori Reimann, watercolor painting art instructor of The Fenway, Anita Turner, water- unless Congress takes ac- encouraged during this color painting art instructor of the South End, Lisa Kunkell, Blick Art Material Store tion, “Taxes will increase on time of economic instability. Manager, and Lauren Patrick, Boston Parks and Recreation Department ParkARTS families with children, on Second, the marriage tax manager of South Boston. married couples, on income, is unfair because it makes The Boston Parks and Swing Orchestra under the July 21, the new Pics in the on capital gains and divi- married couples pay a Recreation Department has direction of Bill Elliott on Parks photography work- dends and even after death. higher tax if they file jointly. announced that the 2010 July 21. shops beginning June 29, It comes to a total of $2 tril- Marriage should not be a tax- ParkARTS Summer Guide Other highlights of the and a full schedule of lion in new taxes over the able relationship. is now available. The bro- 2010 ParkARTS season ParkARTS Artists in Resi- next 10 years.” chure lists dozens of free include the return of Land- dence Crafts Workshops for Congressional inaction (Continued on Page 13) events presented citywide by scape Watercolor Painting children held throughout ParkARTS and sponsor Bank Workshops in June and the city from July 6 through of America for park goers September, the ParkARTS August 13. of all ages from children’s Waterfront Concert featur- The 2010 Summer Guide News Briefs crafts workshops to per- ing the Navy Band North- can be downloaded by follow- by Sal Giarratani formances in the parks by east Showband on June 26 ing the link provided at the Boston Landmarks at Christopher Columbus www.cityofboston.gov/ Orchestra. Park in the North End, the parks/ Get The Helen Outta Here The Guide also contains Tito Puente Latin Music Copies are available the Who could believe what the 89-year-old White the schedule for the Parks series at Mozart Street at your local Boston Public House senior Journalist Helen Thomas said Department’s popular con- Playground in Jamaica Library, Boston Community about the state of Israel and Jews? She had to cert series in neighborhoods Plain on July 8, O’Day Play- Center, the main lobby quit the White House Press Corps over her nasty parks throughout the city ground in the South End of Boston City Hall, local words and she lost her front row seat inside along with Mayor Menino’s on July 15, 22, and 29, Boston Bank of America the White House: She proved that no age is too Wednesday Night Concerts and the East Boston Green- branches, and the Boston old to be seemingly ignorant. She apologized but on City Hall Plaza, which way Caboose on August 5, Parks and Recreation De- her apology was meaningless. will feature three shows Swingin’ in Mother’s Rest partment at 1010 Massachu- Perennials Running for Office including the Boston Pops in the Back Bay Fens on setts Avenue, Roxbury. I was driving up Blue Hill Avenue last week. This is a road I am quite familiar with over my lifetime. Decades ago the area along this road- way went downhill and quite quickly. The street Mayor’s Column starts in Roxbury, passes through Dorchester by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston and ends up in Mattapan. I remember when The City of Boston works hard to en- Dorchester is an excellent example of streetcars leaving Egleston Square Station trav- sure that all Bostonians have the re- using neighborhood based food produc- eled up Seaver Street then turned right onto sources needed to maintain a healthy tion and distribution to benefit a local Blue Hill Avenue headed for Mattapan Square. lifestyle. This summer, as farmers’ community. The farm stand profits ben- I also remember trolleycars from Dudley Sta- markets open across Boston, the City efit Victory Programs’ ReVision Home, tion that made the turn around in Grove Hall. has launched several programs in an a shelter for homeless young mothers It was a heavily Jewish populated neighborhood effort to make local produce an afford- and their children. Through working at until the banks started redlining the neighbor- able reality for all residents at all income the farm, the women learn how to grow, hood. Books have been written about what hap- levels. Healthy eating is a key factor to harvest and prepare healthy meals for pened. People were afraid of the changes and reducing risk of obesity, heart disease, their families while also providing fresh, some shady bankers seem to play on the fear to diabetes and cancer and we want to local produce to their community at af- make money over it. Thanks to City Hall in re- make sure that all of our city’s residents fordable prices. Since opening in 1993 cent years the Avenue has started looking much and families have convenient access to the farm has welcomed thousands of better with much needed new housing being fresh, nutritious, locally grown food. volunteers, provided experience to more (Continued on Page 10) The ReVision Home’s Urban Farm Stand which opened this month in (Continued on Page 15) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information. Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, JUNE 25, 2010 Res Publica by David Trumbull Governor Patrick’s pro- Rep. Peterson’s bill has posed legislation to limit gun been sitting in the Commit- purchasers to one firearm tee on Public Safety for sev- THE ROMAN COLOSSEUM Continued per month is merely a “feel eral months now, despite good” bill that fails to crack- GOP demands. For centuries the Roman was imposing, because of down on those who violate House 2259 is a strong Colosseum was considered the nature of its activity, gun laws. The bill will do alternative to Governor to be the most extravagant it was never considered nothing to stop crime on the Patrick’s watered-down and expenditure for public beautiful. The exterior streets because most crime ineffective gun legislation, amusement ever made in was faced with trav- is happening with illegal which would only penalize the world. It was in- ertine, and had the guns. Patrick’s bill does not law-abiding gun owners tentionally built as a Tuscan, Ionic and prevent individuals from with more restrictions and place for the whole- Corinthian Orders purchasing guns illegally, regulations. sale destruction of superimposed on the and will only put tighter The Democrats’ attempts human and animal life for first, second, and third restrictions and regulations at ethics, pension and trans- the amusement of specta- gladiators, held as prisoners. stories respectively. The on responsible gun owners. portation reform were all a tors, and for witnessing They were strong, athletic, interior had marble facing The Republican Party sup- joke. There has been a lack these scenes of murder and well fed, well lodged, skilled on the emperor's ringside ports and pledges to uphold of real and meaningful re- butchery which were re- in the use of combat weap- platform. There was a marble the individual right of all form on Beacon Hill. Until peated hour after hour, day ons and had at one time been throne, marble seats for the law-abiding Americans to gun legislation targets ille- after day, and month after soldiers themselves who had dignitaries, and row upon own and use firearms, in gal gun owners rather than month. fought against the Roman row of stone seats for the accordance with the guaran- lawful gun owners, no real We know that this amphi- Legions and in some in- spectators. Huge masts tee of the Second Amend- change will occur.
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