12:15–13:00 15:00–16:00 10:30-11:15 MONDAY 17 NOVEMBER Medicinsk humaniora – ett framväxande forskningsfält Structural drivers of HIV in sub Saharan Africa Rosengrenska Foundation – Healthcare (This seminar will be in Swedish) To design efficient HIV prevention knowledge on the structural drivers for undocumented refugees Hur når vi kunskap om hälsa, vård och omsorg? Hur kan sjukvårdens are needed. What do we know about the impact of incomes, education, Who are the undocumented migrants? What health problems does this 13:00 –15:30 och omsorgens praktiker utvecklas och vilken roll kan humanistiska economic inequality and gender inequality? Speaker: Annika Lindskog, group experience and how does it work out for these patients in the Annual lecture on global collaboration: “The opportunity of och samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv spela i detta? Detta är några Associate Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Statistics. organized health care system? What challenges does the foundation uncertainty: new directions in global health” av de frågor som behandlas inom det allt mer uppmärksammade Location: School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1. see and how do they organize their work now and onwards? Global health is about to undergo a seismic shift. But interdisciplinära forskningsfältet medicinsk humaniora som presenteras Room/Hall: B23 Speaker: Sara Rangmar, Dentist, Teacher at the Institute of Odontology does anyone truly understand the nature and scale of vid detta lunchseminarium.Talare: Ola Sigurdson, professor; Wilhelm and a board member of the foundation. Location: The Sahlgrenska that shift? The future for global health cannot be Kardemark, FD, institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion 15:00–16:00 Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. Room/Hall: Ivan Östholm “business as usual.” The Ebola epidemic has exposed Plats: Humanistiska fakulteten, Renströmsgatan 6. Sal: Lilla hörsalen Workshop i kök: Vi äter med ögat severe failures in our global health architecture. Now is (This workshop will be in Swedish) 11:15–12:00 the moment to review and revise our hopes and 13:00–13:45 Under workshopen skapar studenterna mat som tilltalar ögat Malignant melanoma and photochemistry expectations for the future of health worldwide. Unless Person-centred care in a globalized world – anthropological för skolmåltid, äldreomsorg eller lunchrestaurang. Tillagning och – a scientific discussion enlightening a globally increasing Richard Horton we challenge all of our assumptions about global perspectives presentation av några vanliga maträtter. Talare: Britt Lerneby, health concern health, we may not only fail to advance human wellbeing, we may Globalisation presents challenges to Swedish health care universitetsadjunkt, institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap; Jonas Malignant melanoma is the 19th most common cancer with rapidly jeopardise the very survival of our species. The Lecture is followed by professionals. This presentation addresses the need for Eriksson, biträdande forskare, avd för invärtesmedicin och klinisk increasing incidence rates worldwide. Although malignant melanoma a panel discussion in order to provide different angels and cultural competency and person-centered care. nutrition. Plats: Utbildningvetenskapliga fakulteten, Pedagogen hus C, only accounts for about 5% of all skin cancers, it is responsible for the perspectives on the matter. Speakers: Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief, Speaker: Liselott Dellenborg – GPCC - University of Läroverksgatan 5. Sal: Undervisningsköket, entréplan. vast majority of deaths. Novel methodology for prevention, diagnostics, the Lancet. Introduction by Pam Fredman, Vice-Chancellor, the Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care and treatment is required to fight this globally growing societal concern. University of Gothenburg. Location: The University Main Building, Location: The Sahlgrenska Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. 17:00–18:00 Speakers: Marica Ericson, Coordinator SkinResQU; Anna Börje, Universitetsplatsen 1. Room/Hall: The Auditorium Room/Hall: Ivan Östholm Trender i läskdrickande och skärmtid bland lågstadiebarn researcher, Department of Chemistry & Molecular Biology; Despina (This seminar will be in Swedish) Kantere, specialist in Dermatology and Venereology at the Sahlgrenska Panel discussion following the Annual Lecture 13:00–14:00 En presentation av svenska och europeiska studier om trender i University Hospital. Location: Medicinareberget, Medicinaregatan 20 A. Moderator: Richard Horton. Speakers: Beverley Butler, Senior Lecturer, Relationships between varieties förekomst av övervikt och läskdrickande bland lågstadiebarn samt Room/Hall: Wallenbergsalen University College London; Anders Molin, Lead Policy Specialist, of democracy and health kartläggningar av livsstil, längd och vikt. Talare: Agneta Sjöberg, Health at SIDA, (Swedish International Development Cooperation The presentation will introduce the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) docent, institutionen för kost- och idrottsvetenskap och Lotta Moraeus, 11:30–12:30 Agency); Gunilla Krantz, Professor, Dept of Public Health and project and its data. The V-Dem Database provides a full spectrum of forskare, enheten för folkhälsoepidemiologi, Sahlgrenska akademin. The Swedish Red Cross Center for Victims Community Medicine; Dick Durevall, Professor, Dept of Economics indicators to measure the different dimensions of democracy in 206 Plats: Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Pedagogen hus C, of Torture and War and Statistics; Susan Kazooba, international student at the Ma polities of the world with 400+ disaggregated indicators from 1900 Läroverksgatan 5. Sal: Margareta Hvitfeldtsalen. The Swedish Red Cross Center for Victims of Torture and War in Skövde Programme in Social Work and Human Rights and Kristina Elfving, until the present. In our presentation, we will explore which type of was established in 1991. They provide psychotherapy, psychosocial paediatrician and PhD student, University of Gothenburg. democracy is relevant to health by using a few of the most popular 18:00–19:30 support and physical therapy to war wounded and tortured. Peter indicators (e.g. infant mortality, life expectancy). The Ebola virus epidemic Hagman, head of the center, will describe the work and future Speakers: Yi-ting Wang, Research Fellow/Postdoc and Valeriya Some have declared the Ebola outbreak to be the most severe acute challenges. Speaker: Peter Hagman, Director. Location: The Sahlgrenska TUESDAY 18 NOVEMBER Mechkova, Research Assistant, both at the V-Dem Institute, public health emergency in modern times. In this panel discussion Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. Room/Hall: Ivan Östholm Department of Political Science. Location: Faculty of Social Sciences, you will learn more about the virus, its spread and the roles and Sprängkullsgatan 19. Room/Hall: The Lobby responsibilities of the international community and help organizations. 12:00–13:00 Science Slam 10:30–12:00 Speakers: Anders Tegnell, Public Health Agency of Sweden; Professor 13:00–14:00 Global health challenges in Sweden and the world Tomas Bergström, Department of Infectious Medicine. Location: The Researchers from different disciplines at the university Ett hekto socker om dagen – europeiska barns sockerintag This panel discussion will address the health challenges in Sweden Museum of World Culture, Södra Vägen 54. This seminar is arranged in will each present their research projects during a (This seminar will be in Swedish) and the world. Researchers from different areas of the university cooperation with The Museum of World Culture 3-minute presentation. The audience picks the winner. Under föreläsningen kommer forskningsresultat om will present their research area, followed by a debate. Moderator: Speakers: Ajibola Omokanye , PhD student, Department europeiska barns sockerintag att presenteras. Vilka Rune Andersson, Professor, Dept. of Infectious Medicine. Speakers: of Microbiology and Immunology; Megan E. Reif, V-Dem livsmedel bidrar till det totala sockerintaget? Vad är för Maria Nyström, Professor, School of Design and Crafts; Peter Friberg, WEDNESDAY 19 NOVEMBER Institute Research Fellow; Andreas Önnerfors, Associate Professor/ mycket socker? Har svenska barns sockerintag Professor, Dept. of Molecular and Clinical Medicine; Anders Wallin, Reader in Intellectual History; Angela Kölling, postdoctoral researcher in förändrats? Varför är det inte bra att äta för mycket Comparative Literature & Translation; Lashi Bandara, Postdoctoral Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry; Karin Hårding, socker? Christel Larsson, professor, institutionen Researcher, Dept. of Biological & Environmental Sciences; Liselott Talare: 8:30–9:15 Researcher, Mathematical Sciences; Susanne Dodillet, PhD, för kost- och idrottsvetenskap. Utbildnings- Dellenborg, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Health and Care Sciences and Plats: Gothenburg Refugee Health Clinic Department of Education and Special Education. Location: Faculty of vetenskapliga fakulteten, Pedagogen hus C, Annika Rosengren, Professor, Dept. of Molecular and Clinical Medicine. Gothenburg Refugee Health Clinic has a Social Sciences, Sprängkullsgatan 19. Room/Hall: The Lobby Läroverksgatan 5. Sal: Margareta Hvitfeldtsalen. Location: The Sahlgrenska Academy, Medicinaregatan 13. Room/Hall: team of physicians, nurses, counsellors Ivan Östholm and psychologists. They offer medical 12:15–13:00 13:00–15:00 checkups to asylum-seekers and meet A Chamber music festival for all ages - A lunch concert Climate and Health – How is
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