ESPOO 2004 VTT SYMPOSIUM 235 URSI/IEEE XXIX Convention on Radio Science Espoo, Finland, November 1–2, 2004 VTT SYMPOSIUM 235 Keywords: communication technology, remote sensing, antennas, electromagnetic theory, electromagnetic materials, circuits and components, wireless communications, sensors, defence and security URSI/IEEE XXIX Convention on Radio Science Espoo, Finland, November 1–2, 2004 Edited by Manu Lahdes Organised by VTT Information Technology Finnish National Committee of URSI ISBN 951–38–6295–X (soft back ed.) ISSN 0357–9387 (soft back ed.) ISBN 951–38–6296–8 (URL:http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/; CD-rom) ISSN 1455–0873 (URL: http://www.vtt.fi/inf/pdf/; CD-rom) Copyright © VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 2004 JULKAISIJA – UTGIVARE – PUBLISHER VTT, Vuorimiehentie 5, PL 2000, 02044 VTT puh. vaihde (09) 4561, faksi 456 4374 VTT, Bergsmansvägen 5, PB 2000, 02044 VTT tel. växel (09) 4561, fax 456 4374 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Vuorimiehentie 5, P.O.Box 2000, FIN–02044 VTT, Finland phone internat. + 358 9 4561, fax + 358 9 456 4374 VTT Tietotekniikka, Tietotie 3, PL 12021, 02044 VTT puh. vaihde (09) 4561, faksi (09) 456 7012 VTT Informationsteknik, Datavägen 3, PB 12021, 02044 VTT tel. växel (09) 4561, fax (09) 456 7012 VTT Information Technology, Tietotie 3, P.O.Box 12021, FIN–02044 VTT, Finland phone internat. + 358 9 4561, fax + 358 9 456 7012 Otamedia Oy, Espoo 2004 Preface On behalf of VTT Information Technology, I wish to welcome the Finnish radio science and technology community to the XXIX URSI Convention on Radio Science. This year the convention is hosted by VTT Information Technology. I want to express my sincere thanks to the Conference Secretary, Mr Manu Lahdes, and others at VTT who have participated in the organizing work. Special thanks are also due to Professor Pekka Eskelinen from Helsinki University of Technology, Institute of Digital Communications, for his solid involvement in the preparation process. The convention was organized in co-operation with the Finnish National Committee of URSI represented by Professor Martti Hallikainen and Mr Jaan Praks, and with the Finland IEEE Section. It provides a forum for discussion of advances in the broad field of radio science and radio communications. The program will include contributed and invited presentations in all relevant fields. To all speakers, invited speakers and presenters of submitted papers, chairpersons and sponsors (Nokia Research Centre, IEEE Finland Section) I wish to give my warmest thanks for their contributions. Together we all make a convention to be remembered. Markku Sipilä Chairman of the Organizing Committee 3 Organizing Committee Markku Sipilä (chairman) Pekka Eskelinen Jaan Praks Markku Jenu Jussi Tuovinen Jouko Aurisalo Manu Lahdes (secretary) 4 Conference Program Monday 1. November 9:00–10:00 Registration and Coffee 10:00–10:10 Opening Location: 4A/4B Martti Hallikainen, (Finnish URSI Committee), HUT Space Lab Markku Sipilä (Organizing Committee), VTT Session 1a: Future Communications Technologies Chair: M. Sipilä, VTT 10:10–10:45 H. Kattelus (Invited): Amorphous Metals for RF-Mems, VTT 10:45–11:20 H. Kauppinen (Invited): Spectrum sharing and flexible spectrum use, Nokia 11:20–11:40 T. Vähä-Heikkilä 11:40–12:00 A. Hottinen 12:00–13:00 Lunch Session 2a: Remote Sensing I Session 2b: Antennas I Location: 4A Location: 4B Chair: M. Hallikainen, HUT Space Lab Chair: A. Tuohimaa, PvTT 13:00–13:20 K. Rautiainen I. Salonen 13:20–13:40 P. Lahtinen M. Hirvonen 13:40–14:00 M. Mäkynen A. Viitanen 14:00–14:20 J.-P. Kärnä M. E. Ermutlu 14:20–14:50 Coffee Break Session 3a: Electromagnetic Theory Session 3b: Circuits and and Materials Components Location: 4A Location: 4 B Chair: I. Lindell, HUT Electromagnetics Chair: V. Porra, HUT ECDL Lab 14:50–15:10 R. M. Mäkinen H. Eskelinen 15:10–15:30 T. Dufva T. Häkkilä 15:30–15:50 K.-P. Lätti H. Salminen 15:50–16:10 L. Jylhä K. Kalliomäki 16:10–16:30 I. S. Nefedov V. Saari 17:00–20:30 Reception 5 Tuesday 2. November Session 4a: Defence and Security Location: 4B Chair: Arvi Serkola, PvTT 9:00–9:30 J. Ruoskanen (invited): Radar Signal Processing, PvTT 9:30–9:50 E. Korpela 9:50–10:10 P. Kuosmanen 10:10–10:40 Coffee Break Session 5a: Antennas II and Wireless Communications Location: 4B Chair: Hannu Kauppinen, Nokia 10:40–11:00 P. Pursula 11:00–11:20 T. Koskinen 11:20–11:40 J. Mallat 11:40–12:00 L.Viggiano 12:00–13:00 Lunch Session 6a: Sensors and Applications Location: 4B Chair: Antti Räisänen, HUT Radio Lab 13:00–13:30 P. Jukkala (invited): Planck – Mission and Technology 13:30–13:50 M. Kantanen 13:50–14:10 J. S. Penttilä 14:10–14:30 Coffee Break Session 7a: Remote Sensing II Location: 4B Chair: Tuomas Häme, VTT 14:30–14:50 K. Luojus 14:50–15:10 M. Takala 15:10–15:30 K.-A. Hovitie 15:30–15:50 Closing and Young Scientist Award 6 Contents Preface 3 Organizing Committee 4 Conference program 5 Session 1a: Future Communications Technologies 11 H. Kattelus, M. Ylönen, T. Vähä-Heikkilä (Invited): Amorphous Metals for RF-MEMS, VTT 13 T. Vähä-Heikkilä, M. Rintamäki, J. Varis, J. Tuovinen: Multi-Band and Reconfigurable Radio Systems Based on MEMS Circuits, VTT 15 A. Hottinen: Channel Reciprocity for FDD Systems using Duplex Hopping, Nokia 19 Session 2a: Remote Sensing I 23 K. Rautiainen, R. Butora, M. Hallikainen, S. Tauriainen: First Remote Sensing Images from the HUT Airborne L-band Aperture Synthesis Radiometer, HUT Space Lab 25 P. Lahtinen, M. Hallikainen: Application of Seawinds Scatterometer to Remote Sensing of Snow, HUT Space Lab 29 M. Mäkynen, T. Manninen, M. Similä, J. Karvonen, M. Hallikainen: Dependence Between Spatial Statistics and Measurement Length for C-Band Backscattering Signatures of the Baltic Sea Ice, HUT Space Lab, FMI, FIMR 33 J.-P. Kärnä, J. Pulliainen, S. Metsämäki, M. Huttunen, M. Hallikainen: Mapping of Snow Covered Area using combined SAR and Optical Data, HUT Space Lab 37 Session 2b: Antennas I 41 I. Salonen, P. Vainikainen: Microstrip Antenna Circuit Model and Linear Pattern Correction, HUT Radio Lab 43 M. Hirvonen, J. C.-E. Sten, P. Pursula: Platform Tolerant Planar Inverted F-antenna, VTT 47 A. Viitanen, S. Tretyakov: Waveguiding Properties of Grounded Dipole Line Arrays, HUT Electromagnetics Lab, HUT Radio Lab 51 M. E. Ermutlu, S. Tretyakov: Transmission Line Model of a Patch Antenna Loaded with Dispersive Double Negative Material, HUT Radio Lab 55 7 Session 3a: Electromagnetic Theory and Materials 59 R. M. Mäkinen, H. De Gersem, T. Weiland: Frequency- and Time-domain Formulations of an Impedance-boundary Condition in the Finite-integration Technique, Institut für Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder, Technische Universität Darmstadt 61 T. Dufva, J. Volotinen, J. Sten: A Circuit Model for Multilayer Spiral Inductors and Transformers, VTT 65 K.-P. Lätti, J.-M. Heinola, M. Kettunen, J.-P. Ström, P. Silventoinen: A Novel Strip Line Test Method for Relative Permittivity and Dissipation Factor of Printed Circuit Board Substrates, Lappeenranta University of Technology 69 L. Jylhä, J. Honkamo, H. Jantunen, A. Sihvola: Effective Permittivity of Ceramic- polymer Composites: Study of Elementary Shape, HUT Electromagnetics Lab, University of Oulu Microelectronics and Materials Physics Laboratories 73 I. S. Nefedov, S. A. Tretyakov: On Possible Use of Metamaterials in Broadband Phase Shifters, HUT Radio Lab 77 Session 3b: Circuits and Components 81 H. Eskelinen, J. Heinola: Utilizing Probability Distributions of Manufacturing Accuracy of Low Loss Band Pass Filter to Support System Design, Lappeenranta University of Technology 83 T. Häkkilä, J. Järvinen, E. Tjukanoff, S. Vasiliev: A Low Power Cryogenic L-band Amplifier Using GaAs HEMTs, Turku University Department of Information Technology 87 H. Salminen, P. Eskelinen, J. Holmberg: An Integrated Differential Single-chip VCO for S-band, VTT, HUT 91 K. Kalliomäki, T. Mansten, I. Iisakka: 25 MHz Standard Frequency and Time Transmitter of MIKES, MIKES 95 V. Saari, P. Juurakko, J. Ryynänen, K. Halonen: An Integrated Class-S Modulator for 13.5 MHz, HUT ECDL 99 Session 4a: Defence and Security 103 E. Korpela, J. Forsten, A. Hämäläinen, M. Tommiska, J. Skyttä, J. Ruoskanen, A. Serkola, P. Eskelinen: Rapid Prototyping of a Short-range Radar with a Generic Reconfigurable Platform, HUT SPL, PvTT, HUT IDC 105 P. Kuosmanen, P. Makkonen, H. Heikkilä, P. Eskelinen: Universal Radar Antenna Stabilizer System for Vehicular Platforms, HUT, PV 109 8 Session 5a: Antennas II and Wireless Communications 113 P. Pursula, T. Varpula, K. Jaakkola, M. Hirvonen: Antenna Radiation Characterization by Backscattering Modulation, VTT 115 T. Koskinen, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Mallat, A. Lönnqvist, J. Häkli, J. Tuovinen, A. V. Räisänen: A New Milestone Reached: The Hologram Based Compact Antenna Test Range Demonstrated at 650 GHz, HUT Radio Lab, MilliLab VTT 119 J. Mallat, J. Ala-Laurinaho, V. Viikari, A. V. Räisänen: Dielectric-loaded Flat Reflector Test Antenna for Submillimetre Wave Antenna Measurements, HUT Radio Lab, MilliLab VTT 123 L.Viggiano, U. Celentano, I. Oppermann: Composite Video Traffic over IEEE 802.15.3.a Wireless Personal Area Networks, Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu 127 Session 6a: Sensors and Applications 131 P. Jukkala, N. Hughes, M. Laaninen, V.-H. Kilpiä, J. Tuovinen, J. Varis, A. Karvonen (Invited): Planck – Mission and Technology, Ylinen Electronics, MilliLab VTT 133 M. Kantanen, M. Lahdes, J. Tuovinen: A Passive Millimeter Wave Imaging System, MilliLab VTT 135 J. S. Penttilä, A. Virtanen, M. Nevala, K. Kinnunen, A. Luukanen, J. Hassel, M. Kiviranta, P. Helistö, I. Maasilta, H. Seppä: Development of SQUID Amplifier and AC-biased Bolometer for Detection of Sub-mm Radiation, VTT, University of Jyväskylä 139 Session 7a: Remote Sensing II 143 K.
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