VOL.3 v No.3 JANUARY 1936 AGAINST WAR AND FASCISM FIGHT January French fascist sympathies was afforded by a produced the “Second Memoirs of St. Helena.” manifesto issued by 64 French intellectuals. In these Mussolini is exiled by the British to i NOTES on .These 64 signers included many of the most a lonely island; his keeper is Lloyd George. eminent names of French literature and schol- In solitude the “ex-emperor” reflects on his arship. The manifesto condemned every action sad mistake in opposing the British. His great FASCIST ‘against Italy, denounced the League of Nations “predecessor” Napoleon has learned that it is for its “false juristic universalism,” defended bad business to rouse the British and he imperialism as a blessing to backward nations mourned his error during years of seclusion. because it brought civilization and Christianity ‘The piece goes on to parallel Napoleon and ITALY ‘Mussolini in their sad eclipse. Tt is a precious By H. C. ENGELBRECHT bit of satire that deserves a wider audience, Author of “One Hell of a Busines: Co-Author of “Merchants of Death” To the Cleveland Congress 4, Behind the Scenes Greetings, Delegates to the Third Interesting sidelights are also shed on sanc- Tice. in Italy last summer I was Congress: We are meeting at a tions by several incidents in France and struck by the fact that there was little or most critical but opportune time. ‘Switzerland, In France there was quite a bit no war enthusiasm among the Italian Critieal because the drive toward to Mus- war increases in momentum and of opposition to applying sanctions len people, particularly among those who were becomes more open, and because solini. One of the distenters was Citroen. liable to military service in Africa. Young the encroachments of growing fas- L’Humanité has now revealed that Citroen shipped ‘men who were subject to draft were trying to cism are more evident and threat- 6600 trucks to Italy, and that he hoped to do much hhave themselves transferred to some foreign ening. Opportune because we in more business. The Citroen firm has recently been office of the firms they were working for, or this great representative assembly taken over by the Michelin Tire Company which were asking permission to go abroad to round are meeting to push forward the is financed by Lazard Freres. Michelin is also out their education or training. But already movement that will stop the war and keep this country from going ‘manufacturing gas masks, and was at one time in June the barriers were closed, and none fascist. The nation-wide sentiment associated with Colonel de la Rocque, leader of the were permitted to leave. Dozens of young men against war must be crystallized, fascist Croix de Feu. of military age protested to me that they had consolidated and directed against In Switzerland the munitions makers have many more important matters to attend to the factors and forces leading to been busy also. The press has noted that than going to war; they wanted to learn a another campaign of mass murder. ‘Swiss railroads are working overtime shipping trade, or study art, or take care of their fam- The apprehension and resentment war materials into Italy. ‘The alleged reason ilies—anything but military service and war against the increasing denial of for non-interference with this traffic by the in Ai The draft took care of all of these. civil and demoeratie rights, both by Walter Millis excellent Road to War points out the state and by conscious and un- ‘Swiss government is an interesting one. A that in days preceding 1917 there was terrific conscious fascist groups, must be munitions maker, Hermann Obrecht, was re- newspaper propaganda for, war, there were prepa utilized to strengthen our organiza- cently appointed to the Swiss Federal Council, edness parades and endless patriotic meetings. But tion and inspire the activities that and all of this hesitation on the part of when all was said and done and a checkup was will save this land from the black Switzerland is ascribed to his influence and to made on the results of all this on army enlistments, night of fascism. the Swiss bankers, We must act now! Unless the Anyhow, it’s a great war, and civilization will the volunteers were found to be almost non-existent. gag bills in the next session of be spread in Africa and there will be profits for Alll of this recalls rather strongly that no Congress are defeated, the very various pockets. In short, its exactly what one modern war of any size hias been fought with- existence of trade unions, farm and ht expect from Fascism. out conseription. The press may froth at the liberal organizations, may be en- mouth, and minute-men may yell themselves dangered. Unless war preparations hoarse for cannon-fodder, but armies of mil- Towa artists resolved last week not to paint and the war-breeding forces behind recruiting posters for Uncle Sam if he engages lions are brought together only by conserip- them are stopped, millions of in a war of aggression. One hundred and fifty tion. Italy today is another illustration of the American people will be in uni- of them, meeting in their native State, de- fact that in the fight on war, the people every- form, in jails or concentration clared that they would not “paint any poster | where are far ahead of their governments. camps, dead or injured, before the or draw any cartoon with the specific intent to | Persistent pressure by the eannon-fodder can passing of another year, or two incite or inspire the youth of America to bear | and must eventually break the war habit. years at the most. arms in aggressive warfare.”—New York Times Let us seize this opportunity be- fore it is too late! Our organiza- 2. Fascists Unite for War tions, our families, great masses of Curious sidelights on the international ties people who will suffer under war among Fascists have been revealed by the and fascism, look to this Congress African war. In this country General Sherrill, for help and guidance. We must AGAINST WAR AND FASCISM of the Olympic Committee, praised Mussolini organize and we must act now. vou. 3 3 SUARY, 180 ‘and fascism openly before the Italian Chamber —American League Against ‘of Commeree. In France the fascist forces War and Fascism CHAIRMAN. HARRY F, WARD vehemently opposed every move directed VICE-CHAIRME! against Mussolini’s imperialism. They even ROBERT MORSS LOVETT, to them, and glorified Italy as the heir to LINCOLN STEFFENS, EARL BROWDER went so far as to announce themselves war- TREASURER... WILLIAM P. MANGOLD. resisters in case Franee should become em- ancient Rome. During the World War there EXECUTIVE SECY:. PAUL REID broiled in a war. Perhaps these new recruits was a famous manifesto of German savants ADMINISTRATION:...CLARA BODIAN to the anti-war forces ought to be weleomed. defending Germany, and other manifestoes by ORGANIZATION:..... WALDO McNUTT ‘The only trouble is that their motives are a bit other intellectuals defending their own country. EDITOR:. JOSEPH PASS WOMEN: ..... DOROTHY McCONNELL too patent. The leading fascist forces in France But the spectacle of French cleres stepping are openly supported and financed by the French into the breech and upholding and glorifying YOUTH: sews JAMES LERNER munitions makers, and the only reason they de Italian imperialism is something of a novelty. TRADE UNIONS:.......JOHN MASSO clare against war that they are fanatic supporters Is it possible that there is a Fascist manifesto RELIGIOUS: HERMAN REISSIG of fascism, This curious reversal of réles be- urging: Fascists of all countries unite? tween the forces of the left and the right is Published monthly by the National Executive 8. Napoleon and Mussolini Committee of the American League’ Against War likely to be repeated frequently, especially pe Reese ‘eat th Serer oa Tork Ne Sina copie. conte. Yeary ebsorition, #0 coda, where the left forces are as powerful as they Of course, all French intellectuals are not are in France. fascists. An excellent demonstration of this the Entered Post Opiee ar Second af New aay York. matt NY. A. particularly revealing illustration of was recently given by a French writer who tinder the Act of March 8, 87 January FIGHT oe ee War and War preparations! (Lert) Deputies armed vith tear gas guns and w saring steel helmets ready to attack striking workers at the Ohio Insulator Co. plant at Barberton. (RiGH ) 42 Navy sea planes poised for their flight to Prench Frigate Shoals BULLETS FOR BREAD By MAURITZ A. HALLGREN Author of “The Gay Reformer; ‘Seeds of Revolt” administration has, indeed, laid the basis for for the fiseal year 1938-84 totaled only $540,- one of the biggest war machines this or any 358/440. But in the year which ended last other country has known in time of compara- June 80, they really got to work. Naval ex- tive peace. To be sure, the President began penditures, which had amounted to only $297,- in 1938, for the sake of temporarily satisfying 029,000 in 1938-84, were stepped up to $492,- ‘a campaign pledge, by trimming the regular 200,000 in 1984-85, while Army expenditures Army and Navy budgets. He took a total of increased from $248,329,000 to $328, 939,000 in {100,000,000 from both. But then he promptly the same period. ‘The combined total was ‘turned to the Publie Works fund and from this $821,152,856, the largest sum spent on war handed the Navy Department approximately preparation singe 1921, when both departments '$290,000,000 and the War Department about were still meeting bills due from the World '$100,000,000, (The Engineer Corps of the War and the Navy Department was still build- Army was also given $253,000,000 of Public ing ships under the 1916 construction pro- Works money for rivers and harbor projects gram.
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