NATIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL BUSINESS TV programme on government’s Drug suspect eludes Myanmar earns over first year to be filmed, police pursuit and gunfire US$12 million from rice broadcasted and published in northern Yangon exports by sea last month PAGE 3 PAGE 2 PAGE 5 Vol. III, No. 308, 7th Waning of Tabodwe 1378 Me www.globalnewlightofmyanmar.com Saturday, 18 February 2017 Chief Minister: Yangon bus line will 5 million euro loan, tax bill meet international standards by 2018 discussed at Ko Moe Pyidaungsu YANGON Region Chief Min- ister U Phyo Min Thein said the Hluttaw Yangon Bus Service system will be upgraded to an international Thura Zaw, Aung Ye Twin, standard by the beginning of next Naing Naing Win year. BORROWING 5 million euros “The regional government is from Germany for the Myan- working on upgrading the system mar Diesel Locomotive Factory after a new city bus system was (Ywartaung) and a Draft Law on changed. We will have a system the tax bill were the main issues similar to what is being practiced discussed at the 2nd Pyidaungsu internationally by January 2018,” Hluttaw’s 4th regular session 7th he said at a press conference day meeting in Nay Pyi Taw yes- yesterday in the Yangon Region terday morning. Government Office. U Thant Sin Maung, the Un- As a part of the upgrade, old ion Minister for Transport and city buses were replaced with Communications, and Deputy modern vehicles, with GPS sys- Minister U Maung Maung Win tems to be installed that will be of the Planning and Finance Min- operated by the Control Centre. istry presented the President’s Also, a prepaid card payment project to develop the Myanmar system will be practiced. All the PHOTO: PHOE KHWAR Diesel Locomotive Factory in buses will also be installed with Photo taken on 6 February shows passengers crowding into a YBS bus during rush hour. Ywataung with 5 million euros CCTV. borrowed from German KFW The government is now bid- it as an opportunity to change Phyo Min Thein. benefit from the bus service, as Development Bank. ding a tender to upgrade bus stops, the city bus system by getting The government is now as- the demand is so high. I warn the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speak- according to the Yangon Region the latest technology. In the card sessing the YBS system for three bus owners who breach the rules, er Mahn Win Khaing Than an- Bus Supervisory Authority. payment system, one card can months and will change to a pub- they could be terminated,” he nounced that Hluttaw representa- “We are behind when com- be used in buses, trains, water lic bus service in 2017. warned. tives wanting to discuss the loan pared to other countries. We see transport and purchasing,” said U “We all know how we will See Page 3 >> could register their names. Afterwards, the Drafted (B) U Hla Kyaw Vice-Chairman (1) 2017 National Tax Law was Republic of the Union of Myanmar Deputy Minister discussed by Dr Aung Khin Office of the President Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation of PyinOoLwin constituency, (C) U Myo Aung Vice-Chairman (2) Daw Ei Ei Pyone of Ayeyar- Notification 23/2017 waddy constituency (8), U Khin th Permanent Secretary 16 February 2017 Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population Maung Thi of Loilem constitu- (D) Dr Khin Zaw Member ency, U Myo Win of Mon con- Formation of National Committee for Permanent Secretary stituency (8), U Zone Hlyan Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Htan of Chin constituency (4), Designating Minimum Wage (E) U Win Khant Member Daw Khin San Hlaing of Pale 1. To designate a minimum wage for workers in accordance with Permanent Secretary constituency, Dr. Thet Thet Sub-section (A) under Section-3 of the 2013 Minimum Wage Ministry of Transport and Communications Khaing of Dagon constituen- Law, the National Committee for Designating Minimum Wage” (F) U Tun Tun Naing Member cy, U Ba Shein of Kyaukpyu is formed with the following persons: Permanent Secretary constituency, U Win Htut of (A) U Thein Swe Chairman Ministry of Planning and Finance Pyapon constituency and Daw Union Minister Wint War Tun of Shartaw con- Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population See Page 10 >> stituency. See Page 2 >> 2 NATIONAL 18 February 2017 5 million euro loan, tax bill discussed ... >> FROM PAGE 1 ing expected income taxes by the same as considering taxpayers as Daw Khin San Hlaing of government, and receiving full criminals and handing over the Pale constituency presented re- income tax according to regula- significant procedure of the tax ports of foreign exports of raw tions placed on taxes should be committee’s task of examining jade, rubies, sapphires, diamonds, prioritised. to the taxpayers, reversing the and raw emeralds that are taxed The importance of dissem- progress of the current tax sys- at 15 per cent and 10 per cent inating information on how tax- tem. All laws drafted with good under the special trade tax sub payer’s money is being used intentions should be carefully an- code (B). She further stated that to support the country so that alysed and paired with practical increased taxes on raw gems pro- citizens shall responsibly pay procedures for its citizens, there- motes production on high-value their taxes and the importance fore the drafted special trade law merchandise, and income tax on of responsibly in utilising the should be reconsidered, Dr. Thet sales of gold products should be leveraged taxes in providing Thet Khine said. modified to 5 per cent, and as the good-quality services to the citi- U Win Htut of Phyapon trade tax is paid by the consumer zens were also discussed. constituency presented findings the tax rate on gold merchandise Dr. Thet Thet Khine of Da- showing that the draft law com- should be reduced from 3 per gon constituency presented find- mittee’s amendment on the taxa- cent to 1 per cent, since tax has to ings that, while from a superfi- tion of cigars – if sold for Ks10 paid by every citizen from birth cial look rewarding responsible will be levied 50pyars, if sold for till death a explanation is needed taxpayers and civil workers may Ks11 will levied Ks1, while com- on why tax is reduced on gold seem fair, closer inspection re- pared to selling prices in external merchandise purchased for dec- veals this may create inequality market the tax rate is only 5 per orative purposes resulting from a between ministries and that the cent, therefore it is submitted that Thura U Shwe Mann shakes hands with Mr. Hassan bin Mohamed Rafei wealthy income. Union Government has assigned on the taxation of cigars – if sold Al-Emadi in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA Presented were findings that nine ministries to manage the for Ks10 will be levied Ks1, if the Ministry of Planning and Fi- 30 types of income taxes in the sold for Ks11 will levied Ks2, be- nance could improve the stock country. While a system of re- cause while cigars and cigarettes Thura U Shwe Mann receives market by removing or lowering ward based on good performance are termed as health risks they are income taxes on public compa- is welcome among civil work- nevertheless an important special nies listed in the Yangon Stock ers, this should be discussed and trade merchandise and therefore Qatar Ambassador Exchange (YSX). Though cap- approved by all ministries con- as a compromise the taxation rate CHAIRMAN of Pyidaungsu During the talk, they ex- ital and development are needed cerned through a separate proce- on cigars and cigarettes should be Htuttaw’s Commission for the changed views on matters re- on the stock market, exemption dure, he said. raised, he said. Assessment of Legal Affairs and lated to the Commission for the or lowering of income on listed The annual national tax law The draft tax law submittals Special Issues, Thura U Shwe Assessment of Legal Affairs and public companies should not be should not be drafted inconsist- by the Pyidaungsu Draft Law Mann received yesterday H.E Special Issues and the relation- ently but a specific timeframe Committee and discussions be- approved, respective companies Mr Hassan bin Mohamed Rafei ship between the two countries wishing to receive exemptions should be designated, and un- tween Hluttaw representatives Al Emadi, the Qatar ambassador and their stability, peacefulness should submit proposals. The der Section 38 of the drafted tax and other Pyidaungsu commit- calculated income from tax and law, Special trade code (22) sub tees will be continued in the next to Myanmar at Htuttaw’s Hall and development.—Myanmar GDP in the 2016-2017 fiscal year code C, failure to pay tax will Hluttaw Meeting, announced the 1-11 in Nay Pyi Taw. News Agency is 8.03 per cent and is predicted incur a penalty. And the system Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker. to be the lowest in the ASEAN of rewarding 20 per cent of the The 2nd Pyidaungsu Hluttaw region. Therefore, meeting the penalty to the informant and 30 4th regular session holds its 8th Attorney-General urges courts to annual income tax quota, receiv- per cent to the prosecutor is the day meeting on February 20. resolve cases in timely manner U Tun Tun Oo, Union Attorney trust on justice. Drug suspect eludes police pursuit General, addressed the 12th op- The Union Attorney Gen- erational meeting where region- eral urged all courts to solve al and state chief attorneys and cases in a timely manner and and gunfire in northern Yangon judges were in attendance and in accordance with rules and said that judicial discretion giv- regulations.
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