Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Vol 1 No 3 Autumn 2011 incorporating Islington History Journal The life and crimes of Joe Orton Major exhibition looks back at playwright Joe Orton, his life and work, and why he defaced Islington’s library books Insanity in Islington l The world’s first spiral escalator l Could Benjamin Disraeli have been born in Upper Street? l Marie Stopes’s shocking clinic in Upper Holloway l Festival of British Archaeology l A murder draws the crowds l When the Almeida Theatre building had a science laboratory l Your local history questions answered l News and events About the society What we do Memories, reviews, old photographs, Islington Archaeology & ideas sought… contribute to this journal History Society Committee hesocietyarranges President lectures, walks,visits Wewelcomecontributions, streetsorbuildings?Send RtHonLordSmith Tandoutingsabout includingarticlesonlocal theminforourtireless ofFinsbury thearchaeologyandhistory history,memoriesandmore researcherMichaelReading ofIslington. academicpieces. –andmaybeotherreaders Vice-president Weliaisewiththecouncil Eachpagetakesabout500 –toanswer. MaryCosh andothersinmattersof words,andthemaximum lSeeLetters,page6 planninganddevelopment articlelengthis1,000words. Chairman and acting torecordandprotect Emailtheeditorforacopy Copyright secretary Islington’ssitesthatareof ofourwritingguidelines. Copyrightofeverythingin AndrewGardner archaeologicalandhistorical Welikereceivingpictures, thisjournallieswiththe [email protected] importance. butpleasecheckthatwecan creatorunlessotherwise Wealsoaimtodocument reproducethemwithout stated.Whileitcanbedifficult Membership and events archaeologicalfindingsin infringinganyone’scopyright. totracecopyrightownership CatherineBrighty theborough. Deadlineforthewinter ofarchivematerials,we 8WynyattStreet Localhistoricaland issueis1November. makeeveryefforttodoso. London literarywalksarearranged EC1V7HU forgroups. Ever wondered…? Any questions? 02078331541 Doyouhaveanyqueries ContacteditorChristy Why archaeology? aboutIslington’shistory, Lawrance(detailsright). Treasurer Archaeologyisnotjust PhilipAnderson aboutwhatisburied;it phlpandrsn6@ includesstructuresand Join us and benefit from membership btopenworld.com fragmentsthatstillexist,and thepeoplewholived, Membersreceivethis restoration,architecture, Committee members workedanddiedinthem. journalandareinvitedto entertainment,health,crime KathleenFrenchman Weareheretoinvestigate, 10talksayearwithguest andpolitics. PeterFuller learnandcelebratewhatis speakersandotherevents. Membersalsoreceive MichaelHarper lefttous. Werunawiderangeof thejournalfourtimes DerekSeeley talks,withtopicsgoingfrom ayear. Our website Romangardenstothe Non-membersarealways Academic adviser Gotowww.iahs.org.ukto Routemasterbus,transport, welcomeattalks–weinvite LesterHillman,former findoutmoreaboutusand politicalandsocialchange, a£1donationtowardsthe visitingprofessor,London ourevents. map-making,building speaker’sexpenses. MetropolitanBusiness School,London (photocopiesacceptable) $ MetropolitanUniversity Membership form Newsletter editor Membershipperyearis:£10single;£12jointatsameaddress;concessions£6;joint ChristyLawrance concessions£8;corporate£15 [email protected] c/o6Northview Name(s).................................................................................................................................... TufnellParkRoad LondonN70QB Address.................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................. The Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Telno/email(ifweneedtocontactyou).............................................................................. ispublishedfourtimes ayear I/Wewouldlikesingle/joint/concession/jointconcession/corporatemembership,and encloseachequepayableto“IslingtonArcheology&HistorySociety”for................. ISSN2046-8245 Pleasereturnthisform(photocopiesacceptable)to:IslingtonArchaeology&History PrintedbyCLPHolborn Society,8WynyattStreet,LondonEC1V7HU 16BaldwinsGardens Cover picture: Islington Local History Centre Cover LondonEC1N7RJ 2 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety Autumn2011Vol1 No3 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Incorporating Islington History Journal Vol 1 No 3 Autumn 2011 History brought to life is more than a subject pending an afternoon with staff and students of the Rosemary SWorks School has proved to be Contents the highlight of the year so far for me. They had been studying dissent and revolution, looking at France, Russia News 4 and Cuba. After studying Animal Farm, Caledonian Road tube station listed Grade II they asked to walk the area George Tony Benn unveils Peasants’ Revolt green plaque Orwell knew during his most prolific time. I was taken aback by the Letters and your questions 6 intelligence of their questions. Pillar puzzle, church records, a Canonbury house and a store on City Road The children then staged a play based on their interpretations of the novel Insanity in Islington 8 and performed their end of term The history of asylums and treatment – and some famous patients concert at Union Chapel. The chapel is not just about “big name” concerts – it is Festival of British Archaeology 10 for the community. A dig by Tower Bridge, Roman baths and a trip down ice wells It is wonderful to see young people like these who are growing to view Coffin plates 11 history and literature as disciplines, not Recognise an ancestor’s name? subjects. Those of us who are older can feel reassured we are not a dying breed. Spiral pioneer 12 The world’s first spiral escalator found abandoned in a tube station Inspiration around us Islington People’s Plaques have been A murder draws the crowds 14 installed, under both parties at the The killing of one of London’s first police officers caused a public frenzy town hall, to mark: Kenneth Williams; Mary Wollstonecraft; the Peasants’ A Disraeli mystery 16 Revolt gathering at Highbury Barn; the Could Benjamin Disraeli have been born in Upper Street? Keskidee community centre; John Wright’s founding of the Little Angel An earlier stage 18 Theatre; and Crystal Hale for her work The Almeida Theatre’s early days as home to a literary and scientific society to save the City Road Basin and found the Angel Canal Festival. Each in their Borrowed books to guerilla artwork 20 own way provides inspiration. Why Joe Orton and Kenneth Halliwell defaced library books Goodbye, Allie Holloway’s pioneering clinic 22 I am sorry that we have lost Allie The UK’s first birth control clinic was considered shocking Dillon from the Islington Local History Centre, who was due to talk to the London opens its doors: Open House preview 23 society this autumn. She has always been tremendously helpful. I’ve been Publications and bookshop 24 glad to earn her friendship, and wish her well in her new post in Bristol. Events 26 Andrew Gardner Directory of societies and museums 29 Chairman Marie Stopes with nurses: photograph reproduced with kind permission of Harry and Jonathan Stopes-Roe reproduced with kind permission of Harry and Jonathan Marie Stopes with nurses: photograph Islington Archaeology & History Society Islington Archaeology & History Society events 31 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Autumn 2011 Vol 1 No 3 3 news In brief Caledonian Road tube station listed Demolition of villa results in record fine CaledonianRoadtube stationwasoneof16“iconic” ATwickenhamresidentwho LondonUnderground demolishedhis19thcentury stationslistedthissummer. househasbeenfined ItwasgivenGradeIIstatus. £80,000, arecordamountfor Thestation,frontedwith demolishingahouseina ox-bloodredglazedtiles, conservationareawithout wasdesignedbyLeslie conservationareaconsent. Greenandopenedin1905. Richmondcouncilpursued EnglishHeritagesaidthe thecaseasacriminalmatter. stationwasofarchitectural interestbecauseofitsred Two Temple Place tiled,originalshopfront, mansion reopens tilingalongpassageways andattheplatformlevels– Caledonian Road tube station, designed by Leslie Green; below: TwoTemplePlace,WC2, includingseveralaedicular metal roundel circa 1910 – very few of these are still in place knownasAstorHouse,is signs–anditsflightofstairs reopeninginOctober.Itwill withrarepomegranate HammersmithandFinsbury Holloway showpubliclyownedart friezetiling(seebackpage). Parkcanstillbeseen. Road,the fromregionalcollections.The Thestationservedthe EnglishHeritagesaid: nextstation neo-Gothichousewasbuilt GreatNorthernPiccadilly “Thecharacteristicox-blood along,also byWilliamWaldorfAstor. &BromptonRailway,which faiencefaçadesareinstantly designedby ltwotempleplace.org becamethePiccadillyLine. recognisableandcount Green, was Originalsignspointingto amongthemosticonicof listedGrade ‘Bunnygate’ raises fears thefirstterminalstationsat Londonbuildingtypes.” IIin1994. of business bias Fenlandcouncil’sleader Tottenham recovers from riot Planning rules causedastirthissummer whenhesaidthecouncil condensed wouldremoveprovisionsfor archaeologicalinvestigation. CllrAlanMeltonalso Thegovernmentisconsulting referredtohistoric oncondensingplanning environmentprofessionals policystatements,including as“bunny-huggers”butlater PPS5onheritage,intoa apologisedforthis.The single,shorterdocument. HeritageAlliancesaid: TheHeritageAllianceis “Whileanisolatedincident,
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