' 16 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-ROUSE. l\fAROH 15, Ohio-Theodore E. Burton and Charles Dick. HOUSE OF REPRESENT.AT.IVES. Oregon-Jonathan Bourne and George E. Chamberlain. P ennsylvania-Boies Penrose. MoNDAY, March 15, 1909. Rhoae Island-Nelson W. Aldrich and George Peabody Wet- This being the day fixed in the proclamation of the Presi­ more. dent for the assembling of the first ses ion of the Sixty-first Sou,th Carolina-Edley D. Smith. Congress, the Clerk of the last House, l\fr. Alexander Mc­ South Dakota-Coe I. Crawford and Robert J. Gamble. Dowell, called the House to order. T ennessee-James B. Frazier and Robert L. Taylor. The Chaplain of the House of Representati"res of the Sixtieth Texas-Joseph \V. Bailey. Congress, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the following Utah-Reed Smoot and George Sutherland. prayer: Vermont-William P. Dillingham and Carroll S. Page. Eternal God, our heavenly Fa,ther, in whom all our longings, Virginia-John W. Daniel and Thomas S. Martin. hopes, and aspirations are centered, we draw near to Thee in Washington-Wesley L. Jones and Samuel H. Piles. the sacred attitude of prayer that we may receive abundantly West Virgfriia-Stephen B. Elkins and Nathan B. Scott. of Thy spirit, that working in and through us it may be to the TViscons,in-Robert M. La Follette. uplift of humanity. Wvoming-Francis E. Warren. Under Thy providence the Sixty-first Congress of these United SENATOR FROM WISCONSIN. States is convened in extraordinary session, confronted with a stupendous problem which touches every hearthstone through­ l\Ir. LA FOLLETTE presented the credentials of I~AAC ~TE­ out our Republic. PHENSON, chosen by the legislature of the State of W1sconsm a We pray most fen-ently for Thy wisdom to guide, Thy Senator from that State for the term beginning March 4, 1909, strength to sustain, in all its deliberations. Inspire the minds which were read and ordered to be filed. and hearts of these Thy servants with patriotism, zeaJ, courage, Mr. LA FOLLETTE. I ask that the oa.th be administered to and statesmanship that their work may be for the be t interests my colleague. of. all. Bless, we beseech Thee, the Speaker of this House, that The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator-elect will present him­ with firmness in the right, as it is given him to see the right, self and take the oath of office. he may guide with unerring precision in all its sessions. Let Mr STEPHENSON was escorted to the Vice-President's desk Thy spirit come mightily upon the President of these United by M~. LA FOLLETTE, and the oath prescribed by law having been States, his advisers, and all others in authority, that the affairs administered to him, he took his seat in the Senate. of state may be wisely administered and the laws of the land NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. faithfully executed. Let Thy wisdom guide in justice the de­ cisions of our judiciary; let righteousness, peace, and prosperity Mr. IlALE submitted the following resolution (S. Res. 1), smile upon us, that the nation may go forward to larger and which was considered by unanimous consent and agreed to : grander achievements; and everlasting praise be Thine, through Resoked, That the Secretary inform the House of Represe~tatives Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. that a quorum of the Senate is assembled, and that the Senate is ready The CLERK. The Olerk will read the proclamation of the to proceed to business. President of the United States convening the Sixty-first Con­ NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. gress in extra session. The Clerk read as follows : Mr. ALDRICH submitted the following resolution ( S. Res. 2), which was considered by unanimous consent and agreed to: By the President of the United, States: Resoh:ed T.hat a committee consisting of two Senators be appointed, • A PROCLAMATION. to join such committee as may be appointed by the House of Rep~e­ sentatives to wait upon the President of the United States and m­ Whereas public interests require that the Congress of the form him' that a quorum of each House is assembled, and that Con­ United States should be convened in extra session at 12 o'clock gress is ready to receive any communication he may be pleased· to make. noon on the 15th day of March, 1909, to receive such communi­ The VICE-PRESIDENT appointed Mr. ALDRICH and Mr. cation as may be made by the Executive; DANIEL the committee on the part of the Senate. Now, therefore, I, William Howard Taft, President of the United States of America, to hereby proclaim and declare that HOUR OF MEETING. an extraordinary occasion requires the Congress of the United Mr. CULLOM submitted the following resolution, which was States to convene in extra session at the Capitol in the city of Washington on the 15th day of March, 1909, at 12 o'clock noon, considered by unanimous consent and agreed to : of which all persons who shall at that time be entitled to act as R esolved That the hour of dally meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock Members thereof are hereby required to take notice. meridian until otherwise ordered. Given under my hand and the seal of the United States of RECESS. America the 6th day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and nine, and of the Independence of Mr. HALE. I move that the Senate take a recess until 2 the United States the one hundred and thirty-third. o'clock. , · t [SEAL.] WILLIAM H . TAFT. The motion was agreed to, and (at 12 o clock and 1 5 mmu es By the President: · p. m.) the Senate took a recess until 2 o'clock p. m., when it P. C. KNOX, reassembled. · Secretarv of State. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. The CLERK. The hour having arrived, under the proclama­ Mr. William J. Browning, the Chief Clerk of the House of tion of the President, for the convening of the first se ion of . Representatives, appeared and delivered the following message: the Sixty-first Congress, the roll will be called alphabetically Mr. President, I am directed by the House of Representatives by States to determine if a quorum of the l\Iembers of the House of Representatives is present. to inform the Senate that a quorum of the House of Represen~a­ The roll was called, and the following Members answered to tives has assembled; that JosEPH G. CANNON, a Repres~ntatlve their names : from the State of Illinois, has been elected Speaker; tha~ Alex­ ALA.BA.MA. ander McDowell, a citizen of the State. of Pennsylvania, has George W. Taylor. Richmond Pearson Hobson. been elected Clerk, and that the House is ready to proceed to S. H. Dent, jr. John L. Burnett. business. , . Henry D. Clayton. William Richardson. Also that a committee of three were appomted by the Speaker William B. Craig. Oscar W. Underwood. J. Thomas He1lin. on the' part of the House of. Representatives to join the com­ ARKANSAS. mittee appointed by the Senate to wait on the President of the R. B. Macon. /'A., . { Charles C. Reid. United States and inform him that a quorum of each of the W. A. Oldfield. f'; y Joe •r. Robinsen. two Houses has assembled and that Congress is ready to re­ J.C. Floyd. R. M. Wallace. Ben Cravens. ceive any communication he may be pleased to make, and that CALIFORNIA. Mr. OLMSTED of Pennsylvania, Mr. MCKINLAY of Ca.Iffornia, and E . .A. Hayes. v Mr. CLARK of Missouri were appointed such committee on the James Carson Needh&JD. part of the House. James McLachlan. Mr. HALE. I move that the Senate adjourn. S. C. Smith. The motion was agreed to, and (at 2 o'clock and 2 minutes COLORADO. p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-m01;row, Tuesday, March Edward T. Taylor. / John .A. Martin. 16, 1008, at 12 o'clock m. .Atterson W. Rucker. 1909. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. CON:N'ECTICUT. MONTANA. John Q. Tilson. ......- Edwin W. Higgins. Charles N. Pray. E. Stevens Henry. Ebenezer J. Hill. Nehemiah D. Sperry. NEBRASKA. DELAWARE. John A. Maguire. Edmund H. Hinshaw. William II. Heald. Gilbert M. Hitchcock. George W. Norris. James P. Latta. Moses P. Kinkaid. FLORIDA; Stephen M. Spark.man. Dannite H. Mays. NEV.ADA. George A. Bartlett. GEORGIA. Chai lcs G. Edwards. Gordon Lee. v NEW HAMPSHIRE. James I. Griggs. William M. Howard. Cyrus A. Sulloway. Frank D. Currier. Dudley M. Hughes. Thomas M. Bell. ...-­ NEW .TDRSEY. W. C. Adamson. 'l'homas W. Hardwick. L. F. Livingston. Henry C. Loudenslager. William Hughes. William G. Brantley. John J. Gardner. · Richard Wayne Parker. Charles L. Bartlett. Benjamin F. Rowell. William H. Wiley. IDAHO. Ira W. Wood. Eugene F. Kinkead. Thoma.s R. Hamer. Charles N. Fowler. James A. Hamill. ILLDIOIS. NEW YORK. Martin B. Madden. V' James McKinney. William W. Cocks. • Thomas W. Bradley. James IL Man n. ~ George W. P r ince. George H. Lindsay. Hamilton Fish. William W. Wilson. Joseph V. Grall'. Otto Godfrey Foelker. William H. Draper. James T. McDermott John A. Stel'ling. -­ Charles B. Law. George N. Southwick. Adolph J. Saba th. Joseph G. Cannon. Richard Young. George W. Fairchild. WUlinm Lorimer. William B . UcKinley. William M. Calder. Cyrus Durey. !<'red Lundin. Henry T . Rainey. John J. Fitzgerald. George R. Malby. T h o m ~s Gallagher. Ju.mes M. Graham . ...-­ Daniel J. Riordan. Charles S. Millington. Henr;r S.Boutell. William A. Rodenberg. ~ Henry M. Goldfogle. Charles L. Knapp. Geor;;e Edmund Foss. Martin D. Foster.
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