Status DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AND VETERANS AFFAIRS 100% or greater of Plan to Date For the period ended September 30, 2020 >= 95% to <100% of Plan to Date < 95% of Plan to Date Status October 2019 - September 2020 Reporting Section Metric Comments Actual to Date Plan to Date Cycle 216(a) List of Major Work Projects See attached report Biannual 216(b) Department's Financial Status See attached report Biannual Number of Active employees at close of quarter by Job Classification 216(d) See attached report Biannual and Program The department shall evaluate armories and submit a quarterly 302(3) See attached report Biannual report on status. 302(6)(a) Installation Status Report (ISR) See attached report Biannual DMVA-Michigan Youth ChalleNGe Academy Maintain staffing and resources necessary to train and graduate at 303(4) 125 114 per cohort Biannual least 114 students per cohort. 2 GEDs 115 HS Diplomas Ensure academic success measured by GED, HS diploma, HS Credit Required by NGYCP to transition to new 304(5) N/A Biannual Next Graduation Date is November 21, 2020 recovery or by improvement of the TABE. method which does not track academic growth/grade increases DMVA-Military Family Relief Fund The department shall provide information on the revenues, 304(2) expenditures for advertising and assistance grants, and fund balance See attached report Biannual of the Military Family Relief Fund. 304(3) Military Family Relief Fund grant applications received. 3 3 Biannual 304(3) Military Family Relief Fund grant applications approved. 3 3 Biannual DMVA-Recruiting and Michigan National Guard Tuition Assistance Program Page 1 Strength Michigan - 105.2% Illinois - 107.8% Indiana - 89.9% Ohio - 111.5% Report on recruiting, retention and attrition data, including Wisconsin - 101.9% 305(5)(c) measurement against stated performance goals, for the Michigan Biannual Army National Guard. Retention Michigan - 118.79% Illinois - 97.34% Indiana -109.04% Ohio - 100.03% Wisconsin - 108.71% Strength Michigan – 94.66% Illinois – 96.22% Indiana – 100.36% Ohio – 107.84% Report on recruiting, retention and attrition data, including Wisconsin – 102.10% 305(5)(d) measurement against stated performance goals, for the Michigan Air Biannual National Guard. Retention Michigan – 91.31% Illinois – 91.57% Indiana - 90.80% Ohio – 91.77% Wisconsin – 93.12% The department shall monitor the number of new recruits and new Army Guard reenlistments and the percentage of those who become participants First Term - 957 in the Michigan National Guard State Tuition Assistance Program to Re-Enlistment - 104 307(3) determine whether the percentage of authorized Michigan Army Biannual and Air guard strength obtained and retained is competitive in Air Guard comparison with the neighboring states of Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and First Term - 207 Wisconsin. Re-Enlistments - 83 FY20 FY19 See attached report for additional 307(3) Tuition Assistance Users (Number of unique application IDs) Army - 1271 Biannual Army - 1292 details. Air - 434 Air - 429 DMVA-Billeting Fund Annually, report on operations and expenditures regarding the 306 See attached report Yearly billeting fund account. MVAA-Michigan Veterans Trust Fund 405(1) MVAA shall provide a report, as provided under section Applications Processed: 692 Supplemental Detailed Reports Provided: 216 of this part, on the financial status of the Michigan Applications Approved: 509 See Attachment (1) MVTF FY20 Report Veterans' Trust Fund, including the number and amount of Grants Processed: 922 Biannual * Some "Applications Approved" result in more than one "Grants Processed." emergency grants, state administrative expenses, and Grants Amount: $1,048,318 county administrative expenses. County Program Costs: $44,833 Page 2 405(4) No later than December 1, the MVAA shall provide a FY19 Annual Report Submitted: February 2020 Supplemental Detailed Reports Provided: detailed report of the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund. Annually Copies of the FY20 Annual Report to be available by 2nd QTR of FY21. by Dec. 1 MVAA-Strategic Plan 406(1)(e ) Provide a report, as provided under section 216 of this The Agency's Strategic Plan 2019 - 2030, was published September 2019 Supplemental Detailed Reports Provided: part, on the MVAA's performance on the performance and consists of 5 Goals and 27 objectives. Target completion dates for See Attachment (2) MVAA Strategic Plan Progress Report measures, outcomes, and initiatives developed by the these objectives span 10 years of the plan. agency in the strategic plan required by section 501 of A copy of the strategic plan is available on the MVAA website at: 2013 PA 9. Not Started: 17 https://bit.ly/2V3Cx4P In Process: 9 Note: Strategic Plan has had some revisions submitted for approval to DMVA. Behind Schedule: 0 Awaiting TAG approval prior to updating on the website. Complete: 1 Biannual MVAA-Strategic Outreach 406(1)(f) Provide a report to the subcommittees on military and # Homeless Veterans in Michigan (2019): 3,360 Supplemental Detailed Reports Provided: veterans affairs, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and See Attachment (3) HMIS 2019 Homeless Veteran Report (by County) the state budget office no later than April 1 providing, to the extent known, data on the estimated number of Annually Data Source: Michigan Statewide Homeless Information Management System homeless veterans, by county, in this state. by April 1 (HMIS). Next report will be updated April 2021. 406(1)(g) Provide the % of Michigan veterans contacted through its Total Veterans FY20: 507,946 or 95% Supplemental Detailed Reports Provided: (4) MVAA Outreach Summary FY20 outreach programs, with a goal of 90% and report that % Direct Assistance: 61,669 to the subcommittees. Direct Outreach: 998 Direct Messaging: 443,842 95% Biannual Indirect Messaging: 1,437 Page 3 406(3)(a)(i) The number of benefit claims, by type, submitted to the Coalition Service Organizations Supplemental Detailed Reports Provided: USDVA by MVAA and coalition partner veteran service Disability Compensation claims submitted FY20 YTD: 6,190 See Attachment (5) Michigan Veterans Coalition Activity Report offices. All claims submitted FY20 YTD: 7,321 See Attachment (6) MVAA VSO Activity Report As Reported by Michigan Veterans Coalition and MVAA MVAA Service Officers Disability Compensation claims submitted FY20 YTD: 763 *MVC claims numbers are from Oct 2019 - Sep 2020. All claims submitted FY20 YTD: 968 Biannual 406(3)(a)(ii) The number of fully developed claims submitted to the FY20 YTD: Supplemental Detailed Reports Provided: USDVA, with an overall goal of 40% of benefit claims Total Receipts: 8,089 submitted that are considered fully developed by the FDC Claims: 5,082 As Reported by USDVA. These numbers are based on MVAA and MVC Power of USDVA. FDC Adjusted: 3,794 Attorney (POA) codes and include claims submitted by veterans and county * This is no longer tracked by USDVA, therefore it will not FDCAdjusted% : 40.76% service officers using one of these codes. be reported. 40% Biannual Note: 'Fully developed' status applies only to Disability Compensation claims. *FDC adjusted means claims that are actually FD reported by the VA. As of March 31, 2020 406(4) Report information as provided in section 216 of this part Number of County Counselors Trained FY20 YTD: 5 Total Number of Accredited County Counselors on the number and percentage of county veterans Percentage County Counselors Trained FY20 YTD: 4% (part-time & full-time): 134 counselors requesting training by the MVAA, with an overall goal of 100% county veterans counselors trained. Note: MACVC Annual Spring Training Conference cancelled for FY20 Due to Biannual COVID-19 Executive Orders 2020-09 & 2020-42 MVAA's annual training for August 10-14, 2020 was cancelled due to pandemic restrictions. MVAA-VSO Grants 407(1) County Veteran Service Grant: Report quarterly to the Grant Amount Appropriated FY20: $4,150,000 Initial appropriation was $4,150,000 plus $2,214,119 remaining from FY19 for a subcommittees and Senate and House Fiscal agencies on total of $6,364,119 allocated for disbursement to counties in FY20. Grantee Operations monitored under this subsection, as Expenditures FY20 YTD: $2,889,072.09 provided in Section 216 of this part. Final figures from FY20 CVSF will be available after final auditing has been Service Hrs. Reported FY20 YTD: 00.00 (not yet compiled) completed. Estimated date is November 15, 2020. Quarterly Total Claims Submitted FY20 YTD: 0 (this information is still being compiled as part of year end audits) Page 4 407(3)(a) A summary of activities supported through the Grant Amount Appropriated: $3,835,500 Supplemental Detailed Reports Provided: appropriation in part 1 for VSO grants, including, See Attachment (5) Michigan Veterans Coalition Quarterly Activity Report separately for each service region, the amount of Expenditures FY20 YTD: $3,576,563.82 See Attachment (7) Michigan Veterans Coalition FY20 Expense Report expenditures to-date, number of service hours, number of claims for benefits submitted by type of claim, and other Service Hrs. Reported FY20 YTD: 74,704.45 Biannual *MVC numbers are from Oct 2019 - Sep 2020. information deemed appropriate by the MVAA. Total Claims Submitted FY20 YTD: 7,321 407(3)(b) The number of fully developed claims, by type, submitted Total Receipts: 7,857 Supplemental Detailed Reports Provided: to the USDVA by VSOs, with an overall goal of 40% of FDC Total: 4,886 benefit claims submitted that are considered fully As Reported by USDVA. These numbers are based on MVC Power of Attorney developed by the USDVA. FDCAdjusted: 3,673 (POA) codes and include claims submitted by veterans and county service * This is no longer tracked by USDVA, therefore it will not FDC Adjusted: 38.32% officers using one of these codes. be reported. 40% Biannual Note: 'Fully developed' status applies only to Disability Compensation claims. As of March 31, 2020 *FDC adjusted means claims that are actually FD reported by the VA.
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