Sgt.Fi I f siReading is the key Bring on East Rutherford coi trial Vagabondisfe Shares the virtues a good story M ore area S e e p . t e l See page 5 The Commercial LYNDHURST'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER S p a d e r Published at 251 Rklgc Road, Lyndhurst, N J. 25$ Second Class Postage Paid Al Rutherford, N J. 07070 OF LYNDHURST Subscription $9 Published Weekly U§PS 125-420 THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1997 Officials set their sights on removing Ridge Road eyesore No C.O.D for Bv J o l y n G a r n e r drug delivery B y J o l y n G a r n e r The owner of a decrepit structure hazard. He was ordered to demolish located at 52 Ridge Road in Lyndhurst the entire structure by January 2. A Newark man who police say is appealing the township's order to 1997” was in Lyndhurst making a drug demolish his building. Stellato said that when Giarrusso delivery was arrested January 7 Neighbors have complained in­ failed to respond by the specified after cops set up a surveillance tensely and bitterly to township offi­ date, the township had no choice but outside an apartment building at cials about the never-completed con­ to look to demolish the building on 308 Valley Brook Avenue. Tricky Tray planned struction of the three-story structure its own. Det. Lt. Paul Crupi and Det. Peter Parents Association of Sacred The former site of Konarski Funeral “We went out on bid to have a pri­ Shellhamer staked out the outside Heart School, Lyndhurst, presents a Home, the property was purchased vate contractor knock the structure of the building, while Det. Carmine Tricky Tray Chinese Auction which by Anthony Giarrusso of Lake Av­ down,” he said. “We then found out Litterio was positioned in the will be held on Friday, January 24, enue, Lyndhurst in June, 1993 for Mr. Giarrusso filed an appeal with the hallway. at Sacred Heart Social Center, 655 $385,000. Bergen County Construction Board At about 1:30 PM, police spotted Valley Brook Avenue, Lyndhurst. At an April 27, 1994 Zoning Board of Appeals." a black Ford Explorer arrive at the The ticket price is $3.50. Tickets of Adjustment meeting, the board The appeal hearing is scheduled for scene. The vehicle was driven by may be obtained by calling Patty at approved Giarrusso’s site plan. This February 13. the suspect, identified as Darryl 933-0783 or at the school at 939- plan included making improvements According to Giarrusso's appeal Davis, 26, of Vermont Avenue in 4277. Ticket deadline is January 20. to and converting the existing struc­ application, he is planning on present­ Newark ture for use as a restaurant and a re­ ing his own experts to challenge Upon questioning, police say the tail store. The restaurant, with a li­ those selected by the township. suspect became evasive. Seniors to visit quor license, was to have a seating Giarrusso contends that the town­ Further investigation revealed occupancy not to exceed 6 1 people ship is failing to provide him with his that the suspect was in possession flower gardens and was to provide valet parking. basic constitutional rights and is at­ of eight packages of cocaine. Commissioner Evelyn Pezzolla None of this ever came to pass, tempting to take his property with­ Davis was charged with posses­ announces that a senior citizen however, and the project never came out due process o f law. sion of a controlled dangerous scheduled bus trip to the New Jersey close to completion. In their notices to Giarrusso, the substance (CDS) possession of a Flower and Garden Show at the G ar­ Giarrusso has been issued numer­ township points out that in the opin­ CDS with intent to distribute, pos­ den State Exhibit Center, Somerset, ous summonses for failing to prop­ ion of the Building Sub-Code Offi­ session with intent to distribute will take place on Tuesday, Febru­ erly maintain the property and for al­ cial, the building has been altered within 1,000 feet of a school, and ary 25. lowing hazardous and unsanitary more than 50%. The structure left utilizing a pager while violating the Pick-up will be at the Town Hall conditions. standing has not been covered and narcotics statutes. Park (Delafield Avenue) leaving at Township officials contend that the structural members are showing Davis was remanded to Bergen 8:45 am and returning late after­ more than just an eyesore, the struc­ deterioration. All sheeting is buckled County Jail in Hackensack. noon. ture is dangerous. and warped, and nails are rusted. The Tickets are available at the Senior “Our construction official and an existing masonry wall has severe Citizen Center on regular senior engineer have told us that the build­ cracking. Window lintels are show­ ing is structurally hazardous and ex­ Applicant reveals more days. Ticket price is $7.50 and lunch ing rot and, due to water seepage, Falling apart at the seams - Neighbors and township officials are is on your own. There is plenty o f hibits signs of rapid deterioration. It they have buckled. Officials believe lo oking forward to the removal of this building at 52 Ridge Road, which is unsafe for that building to remain than just work history room for brown bagging or special also that structural collapse is inevi­ was deemed structually hazardous rates for a luncheon at the Somerset in existence. ” said Mayor Louis J. table. B y J o l y n G a r n e r Marriott. Cut-off date for sale of Stellato. “At the end of November, Stellato said the building cannot re­ the Permit Extension Act, the owner The neighbors have been more than tickets is February 7. Mr. Giarrusso was sent via certified main standing. had an additional two years to build patient. Enough is enough We have A man who was applying for a For more information call Dolores mail, a report with a notice o f unsafe “The governing body has to work this building and it wasn't done. Ex­ an obligation to make sure this haz­ job with a local temporary service Capaccio at 804-2483. structures and notice of imminent within the law,” said Stellato. “Under perts tell us it is structurally unsound. ardous eyesore is removed.” January 8 was apparently expecting more than a paycheck. Police say the suspect, Grady Frederick, 20, of North Plainfield, Three arrested for burglary in N. Arlington exposed his genitals to a 23 year Free immunizations D ,» l/\a Oki M ' ■ nk ir n B y J o l y n G a r n e r Lyndhurst recreation old woman who was interviewing offered for children Residential burglaries are once Jewelry had been reported stolen Police are also investigating the plans Radio City trip him at Kelly Temporary Services from the master bedroom and entry The Lyndhurst Health Department again plaguing North Arlington with January 13 daytime burglar) of a Sixth on Wall Street West in Lyndhurst. was believed to have been made is offering free immunizations to four reported in the first twelve days Street residence. Once again, the bed­ The Director of the Lyndhurst The victim immediately told her through the front door. resident school age children. Clin­ o f this year. room was ransacked and jewelry sto­ Department of Recreation has se­ supervisor about the incident. He Three other recent burglaries re­ ics are conducted on a monthly ba­ Det. Lt. Gary Fanning said three len. cured tickets for two exciting confronted Frederick who, at that main unsolved. sis by the Lyndhurst public health suspects have been arrested and Fanning said he is anxious to make events: point, was sitting with his zipper Two adjacent homes on Albert nurses and a licensed pediatrician. charged in one of the burglaries. arrests in all the burglaries. Thursday evening. April 3 - open. He admitted what he had Street were ransacked and burglar­ “I am certainly glad to have made Appointments are necessary. Anthony Weideman, 24, and Mat­ Spring Spectacular at Radio City done and was then asked to leave ized sometime between 4 PM and 9 According to New Jersey State thew Ryan, 22, both of Kearny and the three arrests and solved the York Music Hall Featured in the show After reporting the incident to PM on New Years Day. Law, all children entering kindergar­ Adrian Rodriguez, 19, of East New­ Street burglary," he said “However. I will be the world-famous authorities, the victim and five wit­ Fanning said the thief did quite a won’t be content until the other bur­ ten must have DPT, polio and ark were arrested for the January 2 Rockettes in their critically ac­ nesses picked Frederick’s picture job ransacking the premises. measles, mumps, rubella booster burglary of a York Road residence. glaries are solved as well." claimed new number April Show­ from a photo line-up. vaccines on or after the fourth birth­ ers! Also, the lovable Madcap Upon questioning by Det. Peter day. Don’t wait until September to Mutts, the delightfully funny Shellhamer, Frederick said he Easter Bunny and the awe-inspir­ have your child immunized. Take Schools to receive 14% funding boost pulled out his genitals for sexual some time soon to review your ing Glory of Easter. Tickets are gratification. B y J o i .y n G a r n e r child’s immunization records with $43 for orchestra/1st mezzanine. He also said he was hoping the this school funding bill.” Provides $1 million to districts in his phy sician or at kindergarten reg­ Lyndhurst received a 14% increase Saturday afternoon, May 3 - victim, who was working in a busy The funding plans contains the municipalities which have a senior istration to determine if he requires in state school funding for 1997-98.
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