4642 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 20 821. By Mr. PLU:MLEY: Resolutions adopt­ sharpening of the intellect, the massing EsTIMATES OF APPROPRIATIONS, BITUMINOUS ed at the annual town,meetings on March 2, and mastery of facts and figures, may but COAL DIVISION, INTERIOR DEPARTMENT, AND 1943, in 10 towns in Vermont, pledging to fit men to be tenfold more masterful in OFFICE OF BITUMINOUS COAL CONSUMERS' help win at whatever cost the victory which the awful art of slaughter. COUNSEL (S. Doc. No. 47) will erase forever from the minds of all men In all our ways may we not miss the A communication from the President of ideas of master races and of people who have the United States, transmitting supplemental the destiny and power to dominate and en­ way. Shatter our delusions, shine estimates of appropriations for the Bitumi­ slave other peoples; to the Committee on through our blindness, shame our pride. nous Coal Division, Department of the In­ Foreign Affairs. that we stray not in folly away from terior, and the Office of Bituminous Coal 822. Also, resolutions adopted in town Thee. Bring us without fear to meet the Consumers' Counsel, fiscal year 1943, amount­ meeting March 2, 1943, in 38 towns scattered flaming of eternal dawn. In the dear ing.to $800,000 and $16,000, respectively (with over the State and 16 in Windsor County, Redeemer's name. Amen. an accompanying paper); to the Committee pledging unstinting efforts to further food on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. production, and petitioning the Federal Gov­ THE JOURNAL ernment to take necessary steps to provide SUSPENSION OF DEPORTATION OF CERTAIN On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by PERSONS sufficient labor, machinery, fertilizers, and unanimous consent, the reading of the othr,r production factors, together with fair A letter from the Attorney General, trans­ returns; to the Committee on Agriculture. Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ mitting, pursuant to law (and making ref­ 823. By Mr. ROHRBOUGH: Petition of the day, May 19, 1943, was dispensed . with, erence to his letter to the Congress dated Association of West Virginia Live Stock Auc­ and the Journal was approved. January 7, 1942-H. Doc. No. 541), a report stating all the facts and pertinent provi­ tion Markets, protesting against policies and MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-ENROLLED regulations of Office of P,rice Administration sions of law in the cases of 412 individuals relative to small packers and slaughterers as BILLS SIGNED whose deportation has been suspended for tending to discourage production of meats A message from the House of Repre­ more than 6 months under aut hority vested for the future and cause present slaughtering sentatives, by Mr. Megill, one of its in the Attorney General, together with state­ of cattle not ready for market; to the Com­ ment of the reason for such suspension (with mittee on Banking and Currency. clerks, announced that the Speaker had accompanying papers); to the Committee on 824. By Mr. SCHIFFLER: Petition of J. A. affixed his signature to the following en­ Immigration. rolled bills, and they were signed by the Burdette, commander, and S. W. Rife, ad­ ADDITIONAL REPORT OF JOINT COMMIT­ jutant, James C. Russell Camp, No. 11, De­ Vice President: TEE ON REDUCTION OF NONESSENTIAL partment of West Virginia, United Spanish S. 64.9. An act to grant the consent of Con­ FEDERAL EXPENDITURE8-H0~1E OWN­ War Veterans, Huntington, W.Va., urging the gress to a compact entered into by the States passage of House bill 2~50, to liberalize the of Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska relating ERS' LOAN CORPORATION (S. DOC. NO. service pension laws relating to veterans of to the waters of the Republican River Basjn, 48) ' the War with Spain, the Philippine Insurrec­ to make provisions concerning the exercise of The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the tion, and the China Relief Expedition, and Federal jurisdiction as to those waters, to their dependents; to the Committee on Pen­ promote flood control in the basin, and for Senate a letter from the Senator from sions. other purposes; and • Virginia [Mr. BYRD], chairman of the 825. Also, petition of Charles L. Kettler and S. 1041. An act to extend the period durtng Joint Committee on Reduction of Non­ a number of other residents of the First Con­ which direct obligations of the United States essential Federal Expenditures, submit­ gressional District of West Virginia, urging may be used as collateral security for Fed·· ting an additional report of the joint the establishment of a Chiropractic Corps in eral Reserve notes. committee relating to the Home Owners' the armed forces now; to the Committee on M111tary Affairs. APPOINTMENT OF CONFEREE ON TA."'!C Loan Corporation, which was referred 826. By Mr. HEIDINGER: Communication BILL to the Committee on Appropriations. from R. D. Bowden, head, department of so­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I ask ciology, Southern Illinois Normal. University, a:anounces the appointment of the jun­ unanimous consent that the report of the Carbondale, Ill., urging the continuance of Joint Committee on Reduction of Non­ the National Youth Administration and that ior Senator from Virginia [Mr. BYRI:] as a member of the conference commit­ essential Federal Expenditures just laid a sufficient appropriation be made therefor; before the Senate by the Vice President to the Committee on Appropriations. tee on the part of the Senate on the tax 827. Also, resolution of Local Union No. 152 bill, ·in place of the senior· Senator from anti referred to the Committee on Appro­ of Progressive Mine Workers of America, at Texas [Mr. CONNALLY]. priations be printed at this point in the Harrisburg, Ill., signed by Claude Winkleman. body of the RECORD, and also printed as president, and Dennis Moore, secretary, urg­ NOTICE OF MEETING OF CONGRESSIONAL a Senate document. The report relates ing the continuance of the National Youth WAR PARENTS ASSOCIATION to the liquidation of the Home Owners' Administration and that a sufficient appro­ Mr. BRIDGES. Mr. President, I rle­ Loan Corporation. priation be made therefor; to the Committee on Appropriations. sire to give notice that there will be a The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ meeting of the Congressional War Par­ jection, the report referred ,to by the ents' Association at 4:30p.m. on Monday Senator from Virginia will be printed in afternoon, May 24, in the room of· the the RECORD, and also as a Senate docu­ Committee on Appropriations of the ment. SENATE House of Representatives in the Capitol The report is as follows: THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1943 Building. Members of the Senate and REDUCTION OF NONESSENTIAL FEDERAL Ex­ House who have sons in the service ar d PENDITUREs--REPORT ON THE HOME OWNERS' The Chaplain. Rev. Frederick Brown are members of the association are. irt­ LOAN CORPO~TION-REPORT TO THE PRESI­ Harris, D. D., offered the following vited to attend. DENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE VICE PRESI­ prayer: EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. DENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE, AND THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Father of our life, fountain of our The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the OF REPRESENTATIVES being, we thank Thee for the light of Thy Senate the following communications countenance which illumines our path­ In accordance with title 6 of the· Revenue way with eternal splendor. Without and a letter, which were referred as Act of 1941, Public Law 250, Seventy-seventh indicated: Congress, an additional report herewith is that light we walk in darkness; without presented by the Joint Cc.mmittee on Reduc­ Thee as guide our boasted progress but EsTIMATE OF APPROPRIATION, WAR PRODUCTION BOARD (S. Doc. No. 46) . tion of Nonessential Federal Expenditures. leads to the quagmires of futility and In this report the committee will concern oblivion; without Thee our science but A communication from the President of itself with the -functions and activities of whets the sword to a sharper edge and the United States, transmitting a supple­ the Home Owners' Loan Corporation. First destroys us with our own wheels and mental estimate of appropriation, fiscal year the history of that corporation will be out­ wings; without Thee commerce cannot 1943, in the form of an amendment to the lined. Then there will be presented the re­ supplemental estimate previously submitted sults of the committee's investigation and save us, for selfish trade but lifts the for the War Production Board, amounting to pertinent evidence adduced at the hearings on hunger of covetousness to a higher pitch; $100,000 (with an accompanying paper); to February 25 and March 29, 1943. Conclusions without Thee even education cannot re­ the Committee on Appropriations and or­ and recommendations will be made in the deem us, for we know now that the mere dered to be printed. light of this evidence as it relates to con- 1943 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE gre£sional intent when the. Home Owners' the average citizen could not afford to con­ specified and still requires that there shall Loan Corporation was created. tinue the high payments which were cus­ be a. board of directors for the Home Owners' At the outset the committee wishes to com­ tomary in times of prosperity. Therefore, Loan Corporation. Under the terms of the mend those who have been charged with the Congress set up the Home Owners' Loan Cor­ First War Powers Act, 1941 (Public Law 354, duty of administering the Home Owners' poration to enable the home owner to save 77th Cong., approved December 18, · 1941), Loan Act, because it is believed that had not his property by extending to him the type the Presidential authority extended to tlle those persons been imbued with the desire of credit he needed.
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