Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1950-1959 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 3-1957 The aG zette March 1957 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: http://dclu.langston.edu/ archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette March 1957" (1957). LU Gazette, 1950-1959. Book 6. http://dclu.langston.edu/archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959/6 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1950-1959 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Langston University Gazette V O L U M E SIX LANGSTON UNIVERSITY, LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA, MARCH, 1957 NUMBER 3 Association of Collegiite Deans w d Registrars to Meet Here Langsfon Pro/essor 75 Langston U. Students The Thirty-first Annual meeting Robinson Is of the National Association of Deans Earns Ph.D. Degree and Registrars will be held on the For Fall Semester, 56-57 60 Langston University campus, March Speaker Here 20-22. Seventy-five delegates repre­ According to the Registrar of Dr. G. L. Harrison, president of senting 40 colleges and universities Langston University the following James H. Robinson, pastor of the Lanpton University, expressed feli­ will attend the conference. students earned a 2.00 average or Church of the Master and Executive citations and greetings to guests, the The theme of the conference is above during the first semester. i9"6- Director of the Morningside Com­ faculty, the students and alumni. He “Problems and Imperatives of Ed­ 57: munity Center in Harlem, lectured also reviewed the progress of Lang­ ucational Leadership Today.” Bennett. V’erlene, Senior. Henry- to the students during Religious Em­ ston University and expressed pride Mrs. Francis M. Eagleson, regi­ etta, Okla.; Bently. Rolla jean. }un- phasis week. Tlie topic for religious and confidence in its graduates. strar. North Carolina College, Dur­ ior, Chickasha. Okla.; Berry, Coct- week was “Commitment to an Ad­ Zemila Williams, president of ham. N. C.. is president of the as­ ta. Sophomore, Langston. Okla.; venturous Religious Life.” Langston University .Alumni Associ­ sociation. There will be a joint con­ Blakley. David. Freshman. St. Jo. Dr. Robinson has given outstand­ ation, remarked, “Tonight we dine vocation of the delegates, students, Missouri; Bolding. Lucie, Junior. ing leadership to many community on the campus of one of the best and faculty of Langston University Hugo, Okla.; Branch. .Arnold. Fresh­ enterprises; induced .American col­ colleges in the United States, whose March 22. eleven o’clock a. m.. at man. Watonga. Okla.; Brewer. H o­ lege and prep school students to many graduates hold their own which time Dr. James Nahriet. sec­ ward. Freshman. Okla. City. Okla.; have a part in building two camps among the most intelligent, the retary to the University and Direc­ Brown. Theatrice. Senior. Hillsboro. for underprivileged children; helped thriftiest and wealthiest of the race." tor of Public Relations, Howard Texas; Brown. Willie L.. Junior. Bo- to found the International Fellow­ She told the group that she was University, w’ill be the spe.iker. Dr. Icy. Okla.; Campbell. Carolyn, Jun­ ship of Greater New York, the Syd­ happy to see Langston University William Holmes Borders, Pastor of H. Edison Anderson ior. Tulsa. Okla. enham Hospital, and the National standing today .is a lamp lighting Wheat Baptist Church. Atlanta. Director of Music Campbell. Melvin. Freshman. T u l­ Scholarship Service and Fund for the way for those who wish to free Georgia, will deliver the keynote ad­ themselves from the clutches of ig­ H. Edison Anderson, Head of the sa, Okla.; Carter. Samuel. Junior, Negro Students. dress March 20 at eight o’clock p. m. norance. Department of Music at Langston Muldrow. Okla.; Clay. Curtis. Sen­ Other leaders and consultants par­ Speakers from other Oklahoma Mrs. Williams said that Oklaho­ University, lyric tenor, %vas awarcd- ior. N*. Little Rock. .Arkansas; Cole­ ticipating in the week’s activities schools will include Dr. Robert Mac- ma today stands at the crossroads. ed the Doctor of Philosophy degree man. Josephine. Sophomore. Lang­ were Reverend Karl E. Lutze. pastor \ ’icar. vice-president and dean of the Her position is somewhat like the in music. University of Iowa, at the ston. Okla.; Combs. Opal. Sopho­ of the Lutheran Church of the graduate school, and Dr. Raymond man in the poem, “The Road not February Convocation, more. Clearview, Okl;\ Cotton, Ira- Prince of Peace, Tulsa; Reverend Girod, registrar, Oklahoma A. 5c M. Taken.” But she believes that it is Dr. Anderson, the son of Profes­ bell. Sophomore, Lang-'on, Okla.; Herman C. Williams, pastor of the College; Dr. E. .A. Criswell, Dean sor R. Q. and the late .Mrs. E. R. Crawford, .Alice, Senior, Hominy. New Rockv \'alley Baptist Church. Continued on Page Four Continued on Page Six .'\nderson, Terrell, Texas began his Okla.; Cr.awford, I^ois, Senior. Hom­ Grambling. Louisiana; Rabbi Irwain musical career at the age of seven iny, Okla.; Crawford. Nathan, Sen­ Nf. Schor. Spiritual leader of the as a soloist in the children's choir ior. Hominy. Okla.; Dansby. Walt­ United Hebrew Congregation. Ft. and graduatetl from Burnett High er. Sophomore. Mounds. Okla.; Smith. .Arkansas; Dr. W . K. Jack­ School in 1934. Davis. Bennie, Senior, Taft, Ok­ son. pastor of St. John Baptist The Langston L'niversity .\ Cap- la.; Davis, Freddye, Senior, Spencer. Church, Ok'ahoma Citv; and Rev­ pella Singers under the direction of Okla.; Diggs. .Arnu. Sophomore. erend Ben H ill, pastor of V ernon H. Edison .\nderson have performed Nfonrovia. Lilxria: Echols. Velma. A. M. E. Church of Tulsa. 1 ■ ca­ from coast to coast. For the third Freshman. Tecumseh. Okla.; Farm- reer of H ill, prominent minister, time the organization toured the .^er. V erlene, Junior. Hinton, Okla.; spans more than thirty years of Cnnsr this year. Fisher. Floyd ^%)phomore. Boswell. teaching, preaching and pastoring in The title of Anderson’s disserta­ Okla.; Foster, Charles. Freshman. Mississippi. Georgia, and Oklahoma. tion is, Historical Development Kansas City. Missouri; Garett. El­ of Nfusic in the Negro High Schools mer, Freshman, Belton. Texas; Gor­ Morgan to Present of Oklahoma and at Langston Uni­ don, Leon, Senior. Lima. Okla.; Dr. G. L. Harrison, Banquet Speaker He remarked, "I am proud of my graduates." versity." Last \ear Governor Gary Gairrington. Rayfield. Sophomore, Tolson's Book To made him an Honorary Colonel to Muskogee, Okla.; Hampton, Ollie, the “Brotherhood” season held in­ his staff in recognition of his work Senior, Hugo. Okla.; Harmon, Nor­ Maryland Gov. Bishop F. D. Jordan cooperation with the National Con­ in and outside the state with the ma. Sophomore, Okla. Citv, Okla.; A Cappella Singers. Hiller. \'erna. Junior. Meridian. Ok­ Dr. W . Augustus Low. chairman Visits Langston ference of Christians and Jews. The bishop held group and in­ He and his wife, the former Glor­ la.; Hopkins. Odie. Sophomore. Ok­ .of the 70th Anniversary Committee ia C. Edwards of Texarkana, .Arkan­ la. City. Okla.; Hunt. Lena. Senior. of Morgan State College, has an­ Bishop Frederick D. Jordan of the dividual conferences with students and faculty members during his stay sas have three children, Edison. Jr., Shawnee, Okla.; Jackson. Robert. nounced that the .Anniversary Com­ Fifth Episcopal district of the A.ME on the campus. Clementine, and Samuel Edward. Sophomore. Langston. Okla.; Jeffer­ mittee will present to Governor church, Hollywood, California, was son. Win. Senior. Fredrick. Okla.; Theodore McKe'din an autograph­ guest of the Religious .Activities Bishop Jordan received his educa­ Jennincs. William, Special. Musko­ ed copv of Dr. M. B. Tolson’s .Afri­ Committee of Langston University tion at Howard University. North­ gee. Okla.; Johnson. .Arthur, Senior. can epic. Libretto for the Republic recently. western University, Garrett Biblical Langston Enrolls Nfc.Alester, Okla.; Johnson, Edward. of Liberia. The ceremony will take His visit was part of the Univer­ Institute, and the University of Chi- Senior. W ynnewood. Okla.; Johnson. place before the I-egislature of Mary­ sity’s Seventh Annual Observance of Continiied on Page Six Emmanuel. Sophomore. Monrovia. land. ; Ethiopian Student I.iberia; John“;on. Willie. Freshman. On .April 4, Governor and . Okmulgee. Okla.; Jones, Griffin, Nfrs. McKeldin will flv from New j Langston University accepted its Senior, Little Rock, .Arkansas; York to Monrovia. Liberia. Many of third foreign student last week with Jones, John Paul, Senior, .Ard­ the towns, states and rivers in L i-; the enrollment of Theodran .\sfaw, more, Okla.; Jones, Ray, Sophomore, beria were named after places in the : of .\ddis Abaha, Ethiopia, as a major Tulsa. Okla.; Lee, .Airlyne, Junior, United States, and there is a State o f, in agriculture. Mr. Asfaw is the Muskogee, Okla.; Lone, Donald, Marvland in Liberia. President Tub­ nephew of H . E. Tefferaworq. Min­ Senior, Sand Springs, Okla.; McBee. man has invited Governor McKeldin ister of Pen of Ethiopia and Secre­ Shirley. Sophomore. Tulsa. Okla.; to the celebration which will take tary to his Imperial Majesty, Haile McCorvev. Minda. Sophomore. Oke- place there. Sellasie. He formerly attended Seale mah. Okla.; McDowell. James. Sen­ The .Anniversary Committee is , Hayne Agricultural College, which ior, Okmulgee. Okla.; McGruder. verv enthusiastic over the reception ; is a branch of Exter University, in Deorsev. Sophomore. Muskogee. Ok­ which they expect to receive in the England. la.; McKinney. Herman, Sophomore, State Legislature. In a letter to Dr. Also enrolled are Emmanuel \\'ea Chickasha. Okla.; Morgan. Roose­ Tolson the Committee said: “We, Johnson, grandson of the Chief Jus­ velt, Sophomore. Okla. City. Okla.; don’t need to tell you the type of tice of the Supreme Court of the Patmon, John, Senior. Lawton, Ok- autograph to pl.ice in the book.
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