DOCUMENT RESUME ED 124 332 32 RC 009 234 AUTHOR Rodillas, Nicholas.C.; Eaton, Morris TITLE A Study Guideline of the History andCulture of the Mexican-American -- Secondary Grades. INSTITUTION Riverside Unified School District, Calif. SPONS AGENCY Bureau of Elementary and Secondary Education (DREW /OE), Wa'shington, D.C. Div. of Compensatory Education. PUB DATE Jun 71 NOTE 377p.; Not available in hard copy due to marginal legibillty of.original document. For related document, see RC 009 235 .EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. BC Not Available 'from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Adult Leaders;JAudiovisual Aids; Bibliographies; Biographical Inventories;. Course Content; *Cultural Awareness; *Cultural Background; CultureConflict;, *Curriculum Guides; Instructional Materials; *Mexican American History; Newspapers; Periodicals; Reference Materials; Secondary Education; Social History; *Unit Plan IDENTIFIERS California (Riverside); United States (Southwest) ABSTRACT An initial step in implementing MexicanAmerican History in the secondary grades, this studyguide presents the general concepts that constitute the basic coursecontent.. Primary objective is to provide junior and senior high schoolstudents the opportunity to develop an appreciation for andunderstanding of the Mexican American's role in the development of theUnited States, and to relate to the problems that attendhis experiences in a "multi- cultural society". It is 'hoped that each student will rationali;e and formulate a genuine position ofconcern and develop a positive attitude toward the American interculturalheritage. Five units are presented--Spain in the New World, theConflict of Acculturation, the Heritage ofMexican,Americans in an Anglo Southwest, the Sociology of Mexican Americans, and"El Chicano" Image and Status of the Mexican Amican Today. Contrasts between Spanish folk and Anglo urban cultural ues are outlined. Textbooks, audiovisual materials (motion pic uKes andfilmstrips), and library books are suggested to supplement an reinforce instruction. ,Appendices consist of biographical sketChes of MexicanAmericans who have achieved and listings of Chicano CongressionalMedal of Honor winners, Mexican American newspapers and periodicals,Spanish language radio and television stations in the Southwest,and historical monuments and landmarks in California. (NQ) Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless,items,of marginal reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. 4..ze..4q-766-110 ERATAJUNE 1971 t. A Study Guideline of the Histo and Culture of the Mexi U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, n American EDUCATION L WELFARE' NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- 'DUCED EXACTLY AS RE'CEIVED FROM SECONDARY GRADES THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY Riverside Unified School District Division of Curriculum and Instructional Planning 3954 Twelfth Street Riverside, California Summer 1970 BOARD OF EDUCATION Arthur L. Littleworth President Mrs.<14oxineFrost Vice President `t, Ernest M. Lopez, Clerk Richard F. Christensen, Member Dr. 'tying H. Balow, Member Ray Berry, Superintendent ESEA TITLE I PROJECT 2 k. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The names of those who directly and indirectly helped in com- piling this teaching guide on Mexican-American History makes a long list, indeed. We have been immeasureably aided by persons of both good will and knowledge in this field of stbdy. We wish to gratefully acknowledge these persons for their guidance, encouragement, and assistance in writing this course of study. "From the Los Angeles City Schools we are especially indebted to Jorge A. Montes, social studies teacher at Lincoln High School and co-author of an excellent source, Mexican-American Studies, and to Frederico A. Sanchez, social science teacher at Long Beach State College and co-author of the above mentioned source. Also from the Los Angeles City Schools we wish to acknowledge, the directi6n received from the following people: Alfred T. Clark, Jr., Supervisor of Secondary Schools, Dr. Donald Perryman, Instructional. Specialist in social studies, Robert Kiskadden, Instructional Specialist in social studies, John Leon, Adminis- trative Coordinator of East Los Angeles Elementary Area Office, and Rai, Lopez, Consultant in Bilingual S.tudies and social studies. Blas M. Garza, Specialist in the Santa Barbara School District, has coordinated very useful study on the subject entitled, History of the Mexican-American, and we are indebted to him for the use of his district's outline. A third excellent, source is the work of Feliiano Rivera entitled, A Mexican-American Source Book. Mr. Rivera is co-chairmacrof thee Mexican-American Graduate Studies Department at San Jose State Col l,ege. The preeminent historian and authority on Mexican-Americans in the Southwest has been and continues to be Carey McWilliams. We, as many others before us, owe a great debt of gratitude toh6 and his book which has become a clasic in the field, North From Mexico To the editors of the newspaper, El Chicano, Bill and Gloria Harrison, we offer our thanks for permission to reprint several articles from their newspaper for classroom use. Tom Patterson has also generously consented to let us use severarof his articles from his book, Landmarks of Riverside. 0 2 Finally from the Riverside Unified School District, we wish to thank Ernest Lope?, first Mexican-American member of the Board , . of Education, for permission to use' his biography and,Super- intendent Ray Berry for his encouragement and support. Also we wish to acknowledge the drreetion and support of Dr. Albert Marley, Administrator of Instruction, Mrs. Virginia Brown, Director of Special Projects, Robert Flores, Principar of University Junior High School, and Mrs. Carley Ochoa, Projects Technician in Special Projects. And we would be remiss if we did not thank our typists, Margaret Eimongo, Laura Utz, and Ginny Crowder for their patience and hard work. Nicholas,. Rodillas 'Project Writer, Title I Riverside Unified School District Morris Eaton /- Project" Writer, Title I Riverside Uni1N-0 School District This writing project was fpA d through ESEA, Title I, funds. ;il a. INTRODUCTION' A basic policy of the Board of Education of the RiversideUnified School District is to provide a school system which effectively releases the full learning potential of everystudent. In order to accomplish such a worthy goal, our systemand the entire community which it serves must clearly recognkle'and appreciate. the individual differences of people. Such differences must be seen as positive and powerful resources which cahbe called upon to lend motivation and depth to learningand, subse- quently, to our community and society.' One such resource, among many, is the richencl.:Colorful heritage of our Americans of Mexican descent. Riverside, in paticular, , 4, and the Southwest, in general, are fortunate in the extentof "contribution and impact of such citizens. Our language,.history, culture, life style, and many other facets of ourlives have been strongly influenced by our Mexican heritage. Some elements of this heritage are already includedin our educa- tional processes. Both the opportunity and the need to incorporate much more is evident. The accompanying Study Guideline offers a rich resourcefor taking the next step. Not only will this guide furnish aspecific.e60l . for teaching, but it'may well serve as a model forbuilding new, additional learning steps. Our students, as well as our schools andcommunities, can only be the better for such efforts. Each of us will groW'one more step in both self-respect and appreciation for each other. Ray Berry, Superintendent Riverside Unified School District Riverside, California 5 iii FOREWORD vsIMIFP. k This instructional guide represents an initial step inimplementing Me)Ocan-American History, an elective ,course offered insecondary grades. Theoutlinecontent and resource'materials areoffered to give direction a guidance -to teachers, librarians, and even' Students who will be searching textbooks, audio-visualmaterials, - and library books toimplement and to reinforce' instruction. The outline should be of value to teachers as they considerthe scope of the course. The bibliography and audio-visual stiggestion'sshould offer more than sufficient tools with which to acquaint theteacher with'a general background of content from which he should beable to construct and conduct respectableteaching-learning situations. A detailed.section on methodology and pupil experienceswill be described in-a subs'equent publication after suggestionshave been received from teachers involved in assessment of classexperiences 'regarding methods of initiating, developing, and culMinatingthe various units. Pre ndlpost assessments Of the teaching shall be pursued and evaluated s they will further aid indeveloping and improving the curricula Lade. As selection of materials is com- piled it will also make it pdssible for theteacher tocite didac- tically specific references pertinent to developingand implementing student activities.
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