MARSHALL ISLANDS FILE TRACKING DOCUMENT (‘:/& Previous Location (FROM): A_OR: I/’ ;;;,/+ ,;,;y .__ 7 / // Addditional Information: Report to the Scientific Director REPORT OF THE COMMANDER TASK GROUP 7.1 Joint Task Force Seven Task Croup 7.1 August 1958 AHvUHO ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report, like Operation Hardtack, was the work of many people. It was compiled by the Task Group staff under the direction of Duncan Curry, Jr., Deputy for Administration, Task Group 7.1, from the data provided by Programs, Projects, Task Units, and Staff Sections and produced by the technical reports office of the Task Group. 4tWHO 3 CONTENTS Acknowledgments 4 Firing Schedule 8 Devices and Yields 9 Project Participation Schedule 19 Map of Enfwetok Atoll 14 Map of Bikini Atoll 15 Map of Johnston Island 16 Abbreviations 17 CHAPTER 1 OBJECTIVES, DEVICES, AND WEAPONS 19 ;’ 1.1 Los Alamoe Scientific Laboratory 19 1.2 University of California Radiation Laboratory 19 1.3 Department of Defense 19 Protnam-o---- 1 26 Program 2 20 Program 3 20 Program 4 21 Program 5 21 Program 6 21 Program 8 21 Program 9 21 1.4 Sandia Corporation ._ 21 Program 32 21 Program 34 22 CHAPTER 2 SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMS 23 2.1 Task Unit 3, DOD Programs 23 D-e-9.. 1 TlIa.4 awI.4 c?3ML Maa.zr,rmmant~ rr”~*a.Lu ** YAO9C CLAmA cvI_P *.AT3o~u1=zAIIYIIbY 23 Program 2, Nuclear Radiation and Effects 27 Program 3, Structures and Equipment 29 Program 5, Aircraft Structures 31 Program 6. Test of Service Equipment and Materials 32 Program 8, Thermal Radiation and Effects 34 Program 9, General Support 35 Quince and Fig Results (Programs 1, 2, and 8) 37 m- _1_ 46 2.2 Task Unit 1, LASL Programs 43 Programs 10 and 18, Fireball Physics and Thermal Radiation 43 5 Page Program 11, RacLLochemIstry . 46 Program 12, External Neutron Measurements 46 Program 13, Reaction History 47 Program 14, Phonex- Plnex 47 Program 15, Photo-Physics 47 Program 16, Temperature Measurements 48 Program 17, Electromagnetic Measurements 40 2.3 Task Unit 2, UCRL Programs 48 . Program 21, Radiochemistry 48 Program 22, Reaction History 48 Program 24, Phonex 50 2.4 Task Unit 4, SC Programs 50 Program 32, Doorknob 50 Program 34, Sandia Support 52 2.5 Program 40, Radiobiological Survey 57 CHAPTER 3 GENERAL ACTMTIES OF TASK GROUP 7.i 59 3.1 Mission 59 3.2 Organization and Command Relationships 59 3.3 Planning and Training 63 Programs, Schedules, and Concepts 63 ; Determination of Requirements 70 Training and Rehearsals 72 3.4 Movement to the Forward Area 78 Personnel 78 Equipment 79 3.5 Movement of Devices and Components 82 3.6 Forward Area Operations 84 General 84 m..,rl.tiJL zV”_,,iC1,.” acilllLl=ip 85 Intra-atoll Airlift 86 inter-atoll Airlift 87 Off-atoll Airlift 88 Intra-atoll Boat Service 88 Inter-atoll Water Lift 89 Motor Vehicle Transportation 90 Off-atoll Operations 92 Test Rockets 92 3.7 Evacuation, Recovery, and Re-entry Planning 93 3.8 Personnel Muster and Evacuation 94 Musters 94 Evacuation 96 3.9 Property Evacuation 97 3.10 Operations Afloat, Recovery, and i&-entry 9? Operations Afioat 97 Eniwetok Recovery and Re-entry 97 Bikini Recovery and Re-entry 99 Johnston Island Nose Cone Recovery 99 3.11 Sample Returns 100 3.12 Arming and Flrlng 101 6 AFWUHO 5 page 3.13 Communicationa 102 Teletype and Mail Service 103 fhmmuntcntlnnn_v1-_1_- ______ __nt A-..Fnlwetok _---_ -Provinp -- ._~ Ground-- ~_ 103 Communlcationa at Johnston bland 104 3.14 Security 105 Predeparture Security Indoctrination 106 Tranemleeion of Classified Dooumente in Personal Custody of Indlviduale 106 *..a*“” .r fiocicim0 w J%uIL*‘bLwu~rrnC”J.&a~YawI?..,+s a”..lt-hG Exclueion Areaa 106 Clearance8 107 Badge Requests 107 Compliance with CLNCPAC Serial 020 107 Security Briefing6 108 Security Posters 108 Security Violatione 108 3.i5 Ciaseification 168 3.16 Technical Reporta 108 3.17 Safety 109 Preparation 109 Personnel 109 Operations 109 ( Unusual Incidents and Special Problems 110 Accident Summary 110 Special Comment 111 3.18 Meposition of Forces (Roll-up) 111 Phase-out of Personnel 111 Property Roll-up 112 Headquarter8 Roll-up 113 3.19 Conclusions and Recommendations 113 General ii3 J-l Section, Personnel and Administration 115 J-3 Section, Plans and Operations 116 J-4 Section, Logistics and Supply 117 CHAPTER 4 SUMMARY OF TASK UNIT ACTIVITIES 118 4.1 Task Unit 1, LASL Programe 118 4.2 Task Unit 2, UCRL Programs 119 4.3 Task Unit 3, DOD Programs 119 4.4 Tack Unit 4, SC Activities 121 4.5 Task Unit 5, EGbG Activities 122 Timing and Firing, Communications 122 Technical Photography 123 Alpha Measurements 123 General Administration 124 Johnston Island Activities 124 4.6 Task Unit 6, Radiological Safety 126 4.7 Weapon Assembly 128 LASL 128 UCRL 128 Sandia 129 AFWUHCI HARDTACK FIRINO SCHEDULE 1’ I Delay. days Date .Tlms Change In .;! ShOl LocalIOn Flred’ Flrsd’ Weather Technlcrl Deslpn Ocher Remdt* YUCCJ N1211’. El0311 (appror.) 4/u 1440:00.256~2N 0 0 0 0 Free balloon. DO.UOO h (from USS Boxer) CJCIUJ 6/6 0616:00.142tlW 6 2 0 0 Fir a/12 0660:00.146W 19 2 0 0 Butternut B/12 0616:00.113*1N 3 0 0 0 K0n Tellel;l&cchl-(E). tank 5/13 0630:00.146~1w 1 1 0 0 WAhoO 8500 n SW of FlAton (E) J/l6 1330:00.5*1w 0 1 0 0 500 f~ desp In 2200 h of water Rclly Rwdt (E), barge a/z 1 0630:00.14611J 2 0 0 0 Nulmag Entnmw~ (8) Zunl arfiter. barge 6/22 0920:00.161*1W 1 0 0 0 Y~ll0~OOd Engebl IE). brrge 6/20 1400:00.1345J 3 0 0 0 MagnOlll RunIt (E), barge 6/27 0600:00.1086J 2 0 0 0 TOhCCC 6/30 1415:00.1507J 0 0 0 0 Sycamore 6/31 1600:00.1457tlW 6 0 0 5 Role 60 0645:00.112Y 0 0 0 0 Umbrella 10,000 :I NE of Mul (EJ 6/9 1115:0ll.Z44tlJ 0 C 0 0 On I&goon bottom, 150 ft deep M*ple 6/11 0530:00.1417w 2 0 0 0 Ampen’ 6/16 o53o:oo.13e1w 0 0 11 0 Wdnul 6/16 0630:00.14OlJ 2 0 7 0 Llndsn’ Runlt (EJ, barge 6/16 1600:00.116J 0 0 0 I Redwood Romurlkku (81, barge 6/26 0630:00.1373w 9 0 0 0 Elder Engebl tE). barge 6126 0630:00.130+20W 6 0 0 1 Dnlayed 1 day by radlatlon level OJC 4 ml SW cl Bogrllua (E), LCU hull 6/29 0730:00.14675 0 0 0 0 Hickory Enlnmen (Et) Zunl crater. barge 6/Z@ 1200:00.1465J 1 1 0 0 Sequolr’ Runlt (E). LCU hull 7i2 0630:00.13205 0 0 0 0 CSdM Namu (81, bergs 7/3 0630:00.1369w 1 1 0 1 Shotbarge contamlnatsd by Redwood Dogwood’ 716 0630:00.24455 0 0 0 0 Poplar’ 7/12 1630:00.14 1L 3 0 32 0 Sclevcla’ 7/14 1600:00.13OJ 0 0 0 0 Pt.cnlr’ 12,000 h oll Runlt (E), LCU hull 7/1a llOO:OO.l23W 0 0 0 0 Jllnlpr Enlnman (B), Zunl orator, brrgr 7/22 1600:00.139w 3 1 0 0 OllVO’ Engsbl (E), LCU bull 7123 0630:00.2245 0 0 0 0 Pine‘ Engsbl (E), LCU bull 7/26 0630:00.232W 0 9 . 0 0 Teak 16’30’ N. 170’8O’W (apprcr. ) IJ) l/31 2360:06.6B7 0 0 0 100 Redstone. 250.000 n Qultd Runlt (El, murfwx e/a 1416:OO.lEO*26 0 1 1 0 OWlgO 16’23’ N. 169’32’W trppmx.) (JJ 6/11 2330:06.60’/ 1 0 0 100 Redrtow. 141,000 n Fig’ Runlt (EJ. wrfwe UlS l600 31 0 0 0 ‘Date at rhoI mlt.. ‘Tlms at rhd nIta. W, tlms from WWVRt J. tlms from JJY Japan uncorrected for tranall tlmol N, ocrraota~ tlma by NRS. Tlmm l rrora arm In mllll~~cond~. ‘Dwlam returned to V.I. for dwlgn medtllo~tlon. ‘Hh?t rddrd rftar begl~lng cl opantlonal pertod. ‘. I HARDTACK DEVICE’S AND YIELDS mm T68k 8 ’ I HARDTACK PRCXECT PARTICIPATION SCHEDULE L m___ CIa-nrr rrog. and UpMID”& Proj. No. and Agency 1 BLAST AND SHOCK MEASUREMENTS AFSWP 1.1 Underwater Pressure Measurements NOL 1.2 Air Blast Measurements NOL 1.3 Surface Phenomena Measurements NOL 1.4 Land Crater Meaeurements ERDL ._I_ 1.5 Free Fieid Pressure Measurements NLlJ 1.6 Water Wave Measurements SIO 1.7 Air Blast and Structures Instrumentation BRL 1.8 Structural & Ground Motion SRI 1.9 Underground Loading under High Yields AFSWC 1.10 Blast Overpressure Measurements . AFCRC 1.11 Early Hydrodynamics ONR/ARF 1.12 Shock Spectra Studies AFBMD 1.13 Bathimetry Measurements ONR 2 NUCLEAR RADIATION AND EFFECTS AFSWP 2.1 Shipboard Radiation Vulnerability NRDL 2.2 Shipboard Contamination Ingress NRDL 2.3 Characteristics of the Radiological 1.1.l?nvirnnm#wxt _* .,I.._.._ _NRDL 2.4 Neutron Flux Measurements CWL 2.4a Neutron Flux from a Very Low Yfeld Burst CWL 2.6 Neutron Measurements from Very High Altitude Bursts . NRL 2.7 Prompt Nuclear Radiation Measurements NRL 2.8a Rocket Fallout Sampling NRDL 2.8b Aircraft Fallout Sampling NRDL 3 STRUCTURES AND EQUIPMENT AFSWP 3.1 Tapered Charge Testing of the DD-592 UERD 3.2 Test of Flexible Arches BUDCCKS NCERL 3.3 Shock Studies of Naval Equipment DTMB 3.4 Loading and Basic Target Response for Surface Ships UERD 3.5 Submarine Hull Response DTMB 3.6 Behavior of Deep Reinforced Concrete Slabs AFSWC 3.7 Miscellaneous Structural Damage WES , 3.8 Technical and Engineering Services for Target Ships BUSHIPS i6 9 Prog.
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