AI MATTERS, VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 ACM SIGAI Activity Report Sven Koenig (elected; ACM SIGAI Chair) Sanmay Das (elected; ACM SIGAI Vice-Chair) Rosemary Paradis (elected; ACM SIGAI Secretary/Treasurer) John Dickerson (elected; ACM SIGAI Labor Market Officer) Yolanda Gil (appointed; ACM SIGAI Past Chair) Katherine Guo (appointed; ACM SIGAI Membership and Outreach Officer) Benjamin Kuipers (appointed; ACM SIGAI Ethics Officer) Iolanda Leite (appointed; ACM SIGAI Newsletter Editor-in-Chief) Hang Ma (appointed; ACM SIGAI Information Officer) Nicholas Mattei (appointed; ACM SIGAI AI and Society Officer) Amy McGovern (appointed; ACM SIGAI Newsletter Editor-in-Chief) Larry Medsker (appointed; ACM SIGAI Public Policy Officer) Todd Neller (appointed; ACM SIGAI Education Activities Officer) Marion Neumann (appointed; ACM SIGAI Diversity Officer) Plamen Petrov (appointed; ACM SIGAI Industry Liaison Officer) Michael Rovatsos (appointed; ACM SIGAI Conference Coordination Officer) David Stork (appointed; ACM SIGAI Award Officer) DOI: 10.1145/3362077.3362079 Abstract ACM SIGAI also added two new officers this year to be able to serve its membership better, We are happy to present the annual activity namely Iolanda Leite from the Royal Institute report of the ACM Special Interest Group on of Technology (Sweden) as second newslet- AI (ACM SIGAI), covering the period from July ter editor-in-chief and Marion Neumann from 2018 to June 2019. Washington University in St. Louis (USA) as diversity officer, thus increasing diversity in The scope of ACM SIGAI consists of the the ACM SIGAI leadership committee by in- study of intelligence and its realization in creasing both the number of international of- computer systems (see also its web-site at ficers and the number of female officers and This includes areas such also furthering the internationalization of the as ACM SIGAI newsletter. Marion will be cover- ing diversity also as part of the ACM SIGAI autonomous agents, cognitive modeling, newsletter. ACM SIGAI started officers meet- computer vision, constraint programming, hu- ings at major AI conferences already in 2018 man language technologies, intelligent user and continued the new practice in 2019 (so interfaces, knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learn- far at the AAAI Conference), in addition to all- ing, planning and search, problem solving and officers teleconferences and a monthly ACM robotics. SIGAI leadership teleconference. Members come from academia, industry and government agencies worldwide. ACM SIGAI Meetings recently added two new ACM SIGAI chap- ACM SIGAI decided to participate on a trial ters, namely one professional chapter in La- basis in ACM’s voluntary carbon-offset pro- guna Nigel (USA) and one student chapter at gram for conferences. Introduction of this the SRM Institute of Science & Technology in scheme will give conference participants the Chennai. option of making voluntary contributions to off- Copyright c 2019 by the author(s). set the carbon footprint of their trips to confer- 6 AI MATTERS, VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 ences when they register online. ACM SIGAI • iWOAR 2018 plans to test this scheme at upcoming edi- • ICPRAM 2018 tions of the AAAI/ACM AI, Ethics and Soci- • IEA/AIE 2019 ety (AIES) and ACM Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) conferences in cooperation with AAAI • FW 2018 and SIGCHI, respectively, and hopes that it • BIOSTEC 2019 will enable the ACM SIGAI and wider ACM • RecSys 2019 membership to contribute to the environmen- • FW 2019 tal sustainability of our communities. • ICAART 2019 ACM SIGAI continues to support AIES, which • AAMAS 2019 it co-founded in 2017 to fill a scientific void. As • iWOAR 2019 AI is becoming more pervasive in our lives, its impact on society is more significant, raising • KMIKS 2019 ethical concerns and challenges regarding is- • ICPRAM 2019 sues such as value alignment, safety and se- • FDG 2019 curity, data handling and bias, regulations, ac- • ICAIL 2019 countability, transparency, privacy and work- • IC3K 2019 force displacement. Only a multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder effort can find the best • IJCCI 2019 ways to address these concerns, by includ- • IEA/AIE ’20 ing experts from various disciplines, such as • AAMAS 2020 ethics, philosophy, economics, sociology, psy- chology, law, history and politics. AIES was ACM SIGAI also organizes – jointly with the co-located with AAAI 2019 in Honolulu and will Association for the Advancement of AI (AAAI) again be co-located with AAAI 2020 in New – the annual joint job fair at the AAAI con- York City. ference, where attendees can find out about job and internship opportunities from repre- ACM SIGAI sponsored the following confer- sentatives from industry, universities and other ences in addition to AIES 2019: organizations. The AAAI/ACM SIGAI job fair was held at AAAI 2019 in Honolulu, co- • WI 2018 organized by the ACM SIGAI labor market of- • ASE 2018 ficer. Twenty-six employers formally attended, • IVA 2018 while a handful of exhibitors who did not for- • HRI 2019 mally sign up also took part. Hundreds of CVs and resumes were collected before, dur- • IUI 2019 ing and after the job fair from students, post- doctoral researchers and other job seekers and it will sponsor the following conferences via the job fair web-site; these were shared coming up in 2019 and 2020: with interested employers. This year, the or- • IVA 2019 ganizers also purchased a dedicated domain ( to allow present and fu- • K-CAP 2019 ture firms and participants to view previous it- • ASE 2019 erations of the job fair. The ACM SIGAI la- • WI 2019 bor market officer believes that we can use in- sights from AI to create an even better func- • ASE 2020 tioning job market and works actively toward • HRI 2020 designing the job market of the future. Toward • IUI 2020 that end, he has begun to gather requirements with a large number of chairs of top computer ACM SIGAI approved the following in- science departments in the USA as well as in cooperation and sponsorship requests from Israel and Europe and is working to formulate events covering a wide thematic and geo- a model that will be translated into a larger job graphical range across the international AI fair (in terms of participating employers as well community: as applicants) in the near future. 7 AI MATTERS, VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3 SEPTEMBER 2019 ACM SIGAI also co-sponsors – jointly with candidates in AI. This new annual award will AAAI – the annual joint doctoral consortium at be presented at the AAAI Conference on AI the AAAI conference, which provides an op- in the form of a certificate and is accompa- portunity for Ph.D. students to discuss their nied by the option to present the dissertation research interests and career objectives with at the AAAI conference as well as to submit a the other participants and a group of estab- six-page summary to both the AAAI proceed- lished AI researchers who act as their men- ings and the ACM SIGAI newsletter. The nom- tors. The AAAI/ACM SIGAI doctoral consor- ination deadline for the inaugural AAAI/ACM tium was held at AAAI 2019 in Honolulu. SIGAI Doctoral Dissertation Award will be an- nounced later this year and is expected to be in late Fall 2019. Awards ACM SIGAI sponsors the ACM SIGAI Au- Public Policy Activities tonomous Agents Research Award, an annual award for excellence in research in the area of ACM SIGAI promotes the discussion of poli- autonomous agents. The recipient is invited to cies related to AI through posts in the AI Mat- give a talk at the International Conference on ters blog, helps to identify external groups Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems with common interests in AI public policy, (AAMAS). The 2019 ACM SIGAI Autonomous encourages ACM SIGAI members to part- Agents Research Award was presented at AA- ner in policy initiatives with these organiza- MAS 2019 in Montreal to Carles Sierra, the tions, disseminates public policy ideas to the vice-director of the AI Research Institute of the ACM SIGAI membership through articles in Spanish National Research Council, for sem- the ACM SIGAI newsletter and ensures that inal contributions to research on negotiation every technologist is educated, trained and and argumentation, computational trust and empowered to prioritize ethical considerations reputation and artificial social systems. in the design and development of autonomous and intelligent systems. ACM SIGAI partici- ACM SIGAI also sponsors the ACM SIGAI pates in the ACM US Technology Policy Com- Industry Award for Excellence in AI, a new mittee (ACM USTPC), formerly USACM, via annual award which is given annually to an the ACM SIGAI public policy officer and in a individual or team in industry who created variety of other policy efforts, including those a fielded AI application in recent years that of other societies (such as the IEEE Global Ini- demonstrates the power of AI techniques via tiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent a combination of the following features: nov- Systems). ACM USTPC addresses US public elty of application area, novelty and techni- policy issues related to computing and infor- cal excellence of the approach, importance mation technology and regularly educates and of AI techniques for the approach and ac- informs US Congress, the US Administration tual and predicted societal impact of the ap- and the US courts about significant develop- plication. The inaugural ACM SIGAI Industry ments in the computing field and how those Award for Excellence in AI will be presented at developments affect public policy. For exam- the International Joint Conference on AI (IJ- ple, the ACM SIGAI public policy officer joined CAI) 2019 in Macau to the Real World Rein- the comments of ACM USTPC on the draft forcement Learning Team from Microsoft for of the “20-Year Roadmap for AI Research in the identification and development of cutting- the US” of the Computing Community Con- edge research on contextual-bandit learning, sortium.
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