( COMPANY Vol. 5, No. 35 Copyrig ht by Eastman Kodak Company, Hoch ester, N. Y. Sept. 4, 1947 c~;;~~~;;j Conveyor Spurs Output I{P Woman's Award Of Baby Brovvnie at Camera Works 1Ties $2000 Record A unique overhead conveyor system to which the name of Elizabeth Freeh stepped into the limelight from the Roll Film carrousel has been g iven is in Spooling Dept., Bldg. 25, at Kodak Park with a suggestion that operation on the Baby Brownie earned her a $2000 award. That figure set a new high mar k for Special assembly line in Dept. 50 women and tied the initial record at Camera Works. award in the history of Kodak. Conceived in the Process Devel­ The Park's Suggestion Commit­ opmen t Dept., it was designed w ith tee announced the award for the the cooperation of the Plant Engi­ eighth per iod. The $2000 check neers staff. In effect, the carrousel which goes to the Park woman con veyor is a moving storeroom equals the amount which went to which gives each assembly oper­ Gerald A. Bentley of the P ark's a tor an opportunity to withdraw Paper Mill for his seventh period from it the parts she needs and to suggestion. put upon it those parts which she Elizabeth's idea r e s u 1 t e d in h as finished. changing the design of the trailing It is a continuous, overhead paster used in spooling roll film chain conveyor which winds its so as to bring about a substantial way back and forth over the as­ saving in cost. The design sug­ sembly benches, lifting at the ends gested also r esults in fewer spool­ to provide overhead clearance for ing defects, it was expla ined. fl oor tra ffi c and dipping again for The P ark member's achievement its trip down the adjoining bench. lifted her to the heights among From the overhead chain, at inter­ suggestion winners. The record vals of two feet, h an g carriers. On amount was her third suggestion, each carrier are four shelves. The the previous high for Elizabeth shelves are designed to accom­ being $10. Her husband, Ernest, is m odate a standard, lightweight in Bldg. 103, KPW. a luminum work tray. Numerous records have been Elizabeth F reeh Color Code Used broken thus far th is year in Ko­ dak's units. Earlier in the year The conveyor carries all the James A. J ackson and Robert 0. renee Peck of Camera Works and parts needed for any given assem­ Henry of KP each received $1500 Ira J. Hoffman, who submitted an bly and provides designated shelves checks. H a wk-Eye 's Edward idea through KO's Suggestion for each assembly station to load Ochrim earned $1250, and Law- Committee, each received $1000. its finished work upon. By means of a colored code, each tray on each conveyor is identified so that Mobile Storeroom Here is a view of the unique carrousel an operator working on a given -conveyor that simplifies production meth· Borghols, Noted Host, Ends project knows from what m oving ods in the Baby Brownie Special assembly line in Dept. SO at Camera shelves may be taken the parts Works. The over head track carries trays of parts on su sp ended arms needed for her assembly. Likewise, to operators in the room as .the device moves in a closed loop. Half Century in Holland Store the finished work from her partic­ appearance of neatness throughout tween operations, it has been found A well-know n and popular figure a mong m embers of the ular operation has a special place the departmen t is m arked. Because that the am ount of bench space designated so that she m ay load the carrousel eliminates the need required per operator has been Kodak organization in E urope has retired, Ernest E . Blake, assemblies onto it. They are thus to store parts on the . benches be- substantially reduced. European general manager, h as announced. identified for the person w ho does He is J . F . M . Borghols, for the subsequent operation. many years manager of the retail The cycle starts in the stock shop in Amsterdam, Holland,' and room. Trays are loaded with parts Cine-Kodak, Color Film Makes Smooth Team genial host to Kodakers of Europe and subassemblies, travel in turn and America visiting Amsterdam. down the middle of four benches Borghols first joined Kodak in and return to the stockroom. Be­ 1894 at the age of 12. As a shop tween the trays' depar ture and ar­ To Assist Surgeons in Serving Humanity boy, he earned the fabulous week­ rival, operators will have rem oved The operating room was tense. Only the crisp calls of the sur­ ly sum of 1.5 florins-60 cents in what items are necessary for their geon for instruments punctured the silence as his skilled hands of the child walking, which gives American curren cy. part in the assembly, performed the doctors an excellent means of A connoisseur of art, he always performed their work. their operations and sent the sub­ studying the patient's gait and has delighted in escorting visitors assem blies on down the line. White-gowned assistants in the.---- - ---------- ­ to the Amsterdam art museum, group knew that this was no ordi- increasing important role. helps to determine the clinical 400-Foot Conveyor fi ndings. After an operation is per­ which houses what is said to be the nary surgery. The patient's heart Cinematography, for example, is finest collection of masterpieces of There are 200 carriers, making was to be exposed momentarily in used extensively in the treatment formed to remedy the condition, the Dutch school. Besides guiding a total length conveyor of approx­ the course of this operation. of crippled children. A fi lm is m ade (Continued on P age 4) visitors on tours through the coun­ imately 400 feet. Each gr oup of 10 Camera Records All tryside and barge trips through carriers provides all parts or sub­ the interior of Holland, he often assemblies necessary to complete At the precise moment one of entertained Kodak people on a Baby Brownie Special and moves the assistants gave a signal and a "Bloom Sunday," the day desig­ slowly enough so that a tray can 16-mm. Cine-Kodak trained on the nated each year as the height of be removed easily and yet at a scene began purring. the blooming season of Holland's fast enough pace that, should an The short space of time that the famed tulips. operator n eed a new tray and miss heart was in view gave no oppor­ Borghols is succeeded as manag­ one just passing, a similar tray in tunity for the surgeon or the spe­ er temporarily by A. M . Smit. the following group will appear cialists grouped around him to before her in less than a minute. study its complex action, even one If it happens that an operator small portion of it. But the camera Film in Family Wash does not need the parts being sup­ saw and recorded for all time on plied, they need not be removed Kodachrome Film what it saw. Produces Good Prints from the conveyor, for although Heart specialists may now study Ever run a roll of film they have passed the proper sta­ closely the heart's various actions through the Monday wash? tion they will come back. The car­ -slowing the motion if they de­ John Whittle, of KO Govt. rousel, because it is a closed loop, sire or stopping it entirely to study Sales, reports his wife acciden­ eventually will return the parts some particular phase of the cycle. tally included an exposed roll of which were missed or not wanted. Hundreds of Uses V-127 in the family wash. The conveyor is unique in that Discovered after it had been it carries trays of work rather than That's just one of the hundreds well swirled in the sudsy wa­ individual parts, thus avoiding the of applications of cinematogr aphy ter, the sealing sticker had be­ need for an operator to place sin- in the field of medicine, just an­ come loose and two or three gle parts on the conveyor or re- other instance of the team of Cine­ turns of the backing paper were m ove them. Because trays are Kodak and Kodachrome helping unrolled. The whole roll looked used, small parts such as rivets to se1-ve humanity. loosely wound. and springs also can be placed in Hospitals, m edical schools, scien­ Allowed to dry, the roll was trays and a day's supply with- tific research institutions and indi­ processed, including anoth er drawn from the conveyor at one vidual doctors have exposed thou­ wash, and 11 good prints were time. sands of feet of movie film illus- . This 16-mm. Cine-Kodak Special obtained. The 12th picture, the SCO I peI t Camera, A Ct 10n- is trained on an operation, re- Since no parts ar e piled upon Itrat ing technique and for scor es of one on the outside of the roll, the benches or under them , any other purposes. In certain branches cording the surgeon's technique. Such movie studies are u sed widely at was only slightly fogged. possibility of damage through acci- of m edicine and research, the hospital staff conferences, medical meetings and to illustrate opera­ " Some film!" says Whitlle. dent is reduced considerably. The movie cam era is playing an ever- tional methods to advanced medical students of the country.
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