Integration of Palestinian Embroidery Art In· Curriculum

Integration of Palestinian Embroidery Art In· Curriculum

·1 \ i F Of P.\I F 'TI\F 1 \\l~ISfR \ (lJlTUP . Community and group approvals to nominate the Palestinian art of embroidery to the UNESCOS Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. We are the undersigned: We came to a meeting at the Ministry of Culture on July 25, 2019 in order to pmiicipate and give advice on the elements of heritage that represent the Palestinian people, and we agree all that the Ministry of Culture is doing about Palestinian embroidery, customs, traditions, practices and·rituals related to it, including collection and inventory, and we have shown our free approval, and Our free informed consent to present this cultural element for his record on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity because it expresses the Palestinians wherever they are and because it is a heritage component linked to sustainable development hundreds of years ago. No. Organization Name Person in Region Signature charge 1 Kufur Ne'meh Society )Mariam Maali Ramallah / Kufur Ne'meh 2 Birzeit University Ramallah I Friends Association Birzeit 3 Association of Women's Ghadeer Ramallah I Action for Training and Ghazawneh Kaddoura camp Rehabilitation I Hci .> ,· :uc .0. o 14'." , 11m;iil11h dJ '.J • • _, IJ"" .I .: -, , I'' ._,st. , • I: ,7, _, ''. ' "· ' · ..:: ~ •w~ b~ \\d,:"'" moc: ., p, fm · 1 · , • •. ,,oc ... , :,H_.s.' .1--JP. t,.. I' . I ST \ ' (l P \ ,I ~n J\l ~ 1 1119 c.....: :,J . , - ,I 4 National Council for ~~ Majdy Hebron almohtaseb Development ~-:~ Association :-----· · .... ~ ... <. 5 Tiraz museum "Widad Widad Kawar Jordan Amman Kame Vy)) \ J) 1 Kawar" 6 Camp Recovery Lebanon / Beirut Association "-"'-. ..: <,. t .------7. 7 ln'ash El Usra Society Farida Al-Amad El Bireh ~ 1',,v_) / 8 The Zay Initiative ~, ~~ ina Hijazi Ramallah ~/ lfJ .... ! - , 9 Palestinian Heritage Mana Al Sakka Bethlehem Center ~1!,,, 10 \\t,.\ 'i ~ Sherin Allan Jerusalem / Anata Anata Cultural Center ~---r0 ~if~] 11 Popular Art Center ~,'ii Iman Hammouri Ramallah ,.....--..- -- i,,,,1A~I\. H(]J,1\1µ 12 Noura Heritage House ~,: ~Nora Abdeen Ramallah - ~/ , 13 The Palestinian Museum }Jahaa Al Jubeh Birzeit ~:J.' . Birzeit University Birzeit Ramallah I 14 ---:) Museum University Birzeit - ~ r,(f ~ . - < 15 Women's Cultural Hiyam Abu Jenin JJ . /./. ~ ~ . Society for Popular Zahra lJ, ., - \.- ._,J ·,' ,.. ' f j . 2 1;~ :\,,., ~'~ ~ I 1, r. P t1~~llnc P l H ' u- R m: tr '- 1 v .' . I • ..,..S~ • \ C ' \ > . ~ IK,. • lt.•... 1. • \ IT ( \ I. E TI\ I Heritage 16 Al-Eizariya Charitabl £ naa Afghany Al-Eizariya Society 17 Union of Palestinian Nevin Samara Ramallah Women ~ -l~ Committees 18 Asfour for Embroidery Subhi Asfour Ramallah 19 Lamsat Ummi Center Fayeq Awais Ramallah "Dei - 1--,.s::----==-­ for the Arts and Heritage Dibwan" 20 Azhar Center for Lamis Jaradat Hebron ,,.. Palestinian heritage .__ - ~½. c;----' J 21 Pearl embroidery ~~ Badirah Zayid Ramallah / ( Betunia ~ 22 Deir Jrir Women Society Ramallah / Deir for abdarahem Jrir Development ~0,- y \ 23 Ayadina for the Nuha Leftawi Ramallah Palestinian Heritage 24 Roots of Palestinian Beit Jala embroideries 25 Artisana for embroidery Rihab Daqawiah Ramallah and handicrafts O ' B I ' ' 11.: P.O IJ( 147 R.11 I ' . --!· .1 170 ' ' HI• . , , . · . ...b-.a ' : - :- w.:: ~.. Vd ,.... ' \( <" r I a Jl· , .. I f rl(, 11..i " !~ J SI \ I E OF P \I. Sfl\l Names of people from the Embroidery Heritage Campaign: No, Name Re ion l ~5 . Ruqaya Abbas Umm Ibrahim Al-Wehdat Camp / Jordan 2 N''-S Dalal Abu Shamsiyeh Al-Baqa'a Camp / Jordan 3t-,/\,s Sumoud Jamlan" Shal Project" Nablus / Assira Al Shamaliyah 4 ~\:> Mai Salama "a traditional touch" Ramallah 5. •"•l\'( George El-Aama /A Private Bethlehem ' ' Museum For Palestinian Embroidery" 6 N\.'-~ Ayat Owais A university student /Nablus 7 ~' lmtiaz Abu Awwad / Orjwan Ramallah Fashion for Embroidery 8· ~ s Fatin Moussa Embroideries Ramallah / Betunia 9 \-1\,s Laila Nazzal I an embroidery trainer Bethlehem / Beit Jala 10 N\, 5:) abha Abu Ali / an embroidery Hebron / Yatta trainer Al l,urc P l,-.tint. Pl .n IX 14; R II h .~ J 1 ·Y· ,t".i\ " "tl · : 2.i .:. ..,.S' , \ I '41 \1((,0 'l'\IT OFP\I F Tl\l I l~is i- !-,ayali Rashmawi / an embroidery Bethlehem trainer -~ ~b;Tu -- 1?·- t'l\,\S. .sJ\,1aha Abu Shousheh / A Private Ramallah Museu ,!1~,, For Palestinian Embroidery" - 13 ~,~ -Zahira Zaqtan / an author Ramallah I)' ~. - '01/' 14 \'l\~ Tania Tamari Nasser / author of Ramallah / Birzeit books on embroidery. -~"'!Va!e/ 15 l'i\.'( Nabil Al-Anani / Fine Artist Halhul / resides m ~ Ramallah ~9J- ~ ..___. 16~~Mary Youssef Anastas, a heritage Bethlehem o/G gathering ;p~ A - · 17 t,\'f lrene Anstas I Fine Artist Bethlehem ..:- ______ _j ( " ' I V~5-) -1---"-- 18 ""cl Osama Al-Silwadi Ramallah 19 t'<\ . Duaa Jumaa Al-Junaidi I an Hebron 1 embroidery worker ~,,vif ,5 L./ I ,,,---, . 20 tf\Y- Firas Dudin I a part1c1pant m Hebron / Dora J ' making the biggest embroidered c::::vv__--,____,? v-- ✓ dress ---- Al lh ar · I I t"1 P.( ' ,x •. ,., I "· ; t \ c. l\ u« t , , .1 3 ' ~ t · h .. .. , , 1 J_,r~ .l... ~Y. sr ·11 ,n ,. ,u· 1, 1 \\l~h 'R" r FC ILTURf 21Mi£ Kifaya Ali Al-Khatib I an Ramallah embroidery worker ~.. 22 M,\S , Shadia Yousef Al-Khatib Ramallah "' ~. 23 t'v\\% I\1ai Hajjaj Qalqilya f(Jqy /1,Vja} ,__. '✓ V 24tw\,~ > Nadine Moheeb Touqan I Architect Jerusalem and Fine Artist u~)o~;, 25 tv\V Dr. Sherif Kanaaneh I Heritage Galilee / An-abah Expert "'- ~. ':> ~-~- ~ - 26 \<\Y Nabil Alqam / Heritage Expert Ramallah I (Lf 27-~~ Emad Hamdan / Heritage Expert Hebron I I ~ I f.---· 2s \'v\r Walid Rabee / Heritage Expert Jenin ~ ~-~>9 -- ~ 29 l'-<\,\Si Ittaf Umm Imad Al-Mimi Qalqilya 1 I <~ ~ u:;;? >lf f\ -30 \'v\,'· <; Dalal Mohammad Qalqilya ' .)iJ2 {J !)6, - ~ 31 ~\! sLama Kilani / Heritage Accessories Nablus 0 -~ ( ) .. ifa«· 32 t,I\\: ~Umm Sawsan Ramallah / shop /\/~f' I Al fkirc.:l'~t,till . 1.0 . 1, • 14~ I< 111 • d1 ; ·- ..., 11' - j-'. ST\ fF OF P\LF TI f 'lf\I~IR'" )FCULTUR - -- ' Abu Al-Munthir Al-Debwani Ramallah I several D 33 ·\'-'.~ . I \ branches 1ll the \ /. ~- govemorates ' 34 ~ ·•~Lamis Al-Barghouthi Jordan I Bousalah Association for Culture and Arts 1/~~,.. 3s -w~ 5Ruba Al Thahir Tiraz Museum tv\JL ~-< \\eh.\\ ,,,"11 • p, ,n: I n , 1,) , , . : · J_,.....;S.., .,__ .Y. Date: I '7 , '2. ,. '2. ~ \ c::,I To the Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage - UNESCO Support letter After Greetings,,, I am Nabil Anani, Palestinian artist from Ramallah. I was inspired by the Palestinian peasant embroidery, many of my paintings and other art works lik " mother embrace", And I am the author of the book of "the Palestinian art of Embroidery". lam support the heritage of the Palestinian embroidery heritage 'practices, skills and rituals associated with it", which is one of the elements of the National List of Elements of the intangible Palestinian cultural heritage, and I see that we are aware in advance of what is done by the Department of the National Register of Intangible Heritage / Ministry of Culture to inventory the element in preparation for his candidacy on heritage Global, This certificate was issued to confirm our free, prior and informed consent to the registration of the element on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage as one of the traditional crafts associated with the customs and practices that continue to represent the Palestinian wherever they are and which have been inherited for hundreds of years. I am affirm our support for all efforts to register it and ensure its sustainability the future. With respect and appreciation Signature Yl et h e e I cu1 a:i n i @ 3 Y11 ~ I , Co """ T-e~ , + o i;, '3'1 ·~c; 6 o (to ' ' Vl a b 1 {_ -A n cu-v'\. ,,,, la..J::i... ~.. ~b._,l u-.a _fo ~ ~I ',;, ;):, ..,1.11 y..;h:JI u-.a ,.::t.,61;",I .&I rl> u-.a ~ 0W ~Ua.JI ~ bi "..,,, i1h111lell y..;h:JI 09 t1'j "y'GS i....ilj.<> ~i Lo.S "~b.11 r'll" ~_,l ~t.;. ~be Ai _JA ',?~!., ,""½ U:..pyJI U"_.,il:J!., w.\;~!., wL..)-11" ',;, ·12h11,lell y..;h:JI olfi ~ ~J "½ rfa ~ ~ r1=- ~ ~~ ~~ 'l;?jW\ Ji;- ',;, ·,1h111l0II ~tiJI o_!fall ~w 4Jih_,JI ~I ,~WI oJ;JI ~ ~.Ji' i~ ~I~ ~ltill ~J}J /',$jW\ Ji;- olJ:ill ~_,ll ~I ~\j ~I WWI 1- · - ~- 11 · 1._ ... 1- o· .\-. -11 .:i..ii......JI o·- 11 ,a~I oj'- ~11 01\ w .l.....:, .l! -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'J . 'J ~ r..,r-!.JA .l.lSb.l- ~ !) !J ~ w\Jj L., wL._}.... ..,J wb~ ~) ~I 4-;!~I w_p,JI u-.a l.l=-.!., iu'--:uc½ ',$jWI Ji;- ~ltill olJ:ill d-"~J ~ 4.JJ~I j~\ ~ ~j ..lS.j.<>J ,~I w\l., :U.., ~.J\_,:j <i1'!J ~J 4i ..,,, ·•1h11,I.I\ II) 'U.Q o...o..1j . 4.,,. ,1,;;, • JI Jb.,,. • \'I ~"11 '...T"7- ------ - nctb e.e. fQn c:01i @> J m dJ, Lo vv-.. +o5~9 +96o lf 0 p 0 p u a r A r t C e n t r e 21/1/2019 To the Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage - UNESCO Support letter Dear Sir/Madam, We are the Popular Art Centre in EI-Bireh/Palestine, founded in 1987 as a Palestinian Non-governmental organization (NGO), the Popular Art Centre (PAC) has succeeded over the years to disseminate and promote arts and culture throughout Palestine. PAC is the house of a unique and a huge collection of Palestinian traditional tunes from various parts of Palestine. "The Palestinian traditional songs and music archive" is a research project initiated in 1994 to preserve the rich Palestinian heritage.

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