LIST OF THE PROJECTS UNDER THE SCHEME OF GRANT ASSISTANCE FOR GRASSROOTS HUMAN SECURITY IN UKRAINE Amount Signing date of Date of project № Project name Brief overview ($USD) Grant Contract completion Project for establishing of Crisis Center in Implementing of the renovation works and buying 1 67 722 2002.2.18 2002.7.24 Slavutych a vehicle for the need of inhabitants of the region. Project for Improvement of Sanitary Implementing of the repair works at children 2 24 038 2003.6.27 2003.10.15 Environment in Orphanage ’BERIZKA’ rooms, buying washing machines and spin dryer. Project for Improvement of Rehabilitation Buying new rehabilitation equipment for Chernobyl- 3 Equipment in the Kremenchuk Municipal 40 475 2003.9.12 2003.12.2 affected patients and a minibus. Hospital No.5 Project for Improvement of Medical Full modernization of the dental service and 4 Equipment in Brusyliv Central District 24 364 2003.11.21 2004.2.27 therapy treatment section. Hospital Project for Improvement of Medical Buying new diagnostic and rehabilitation 5 Equipment in Sumy Regional Rehabilitation 24 287 2004.2.4 2004.4.20 equipment for Sumy Regional Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children (first project) Center for Disabled Children. Project for Improvement of Medical Buying new medical equipment for resuscitation of 6 Equipment in Mykolayv Regional Children 24 497 2004.6.25 2005.2.3 newborn children. Hospital Project for Establishment of Day Shelter for Implementing renovation works at the Center, 7 41 147 2004.6.25 2005.2.1 Street Children (Odessa) buying furniture and a minibus. Project for Improvement of Medical Using the grant, 27 medical services in Zhytomyr 8 Equipment in District Clinics of Zhytomyr 75 015 2004.6.25 2005.2.8 Region were equipped with new medical Region equipment. Buying new medical equipment for the need of Project for Improvement of Medical 9 22 973 2004.6.25 2005.3.27 12.000 Chernobyl-affected children who live in Equipment in Kyiv City Desnyanskiy District Kyiv City Desnyanskiy District. Project for Improvement of Medical Buying new medical equipment for deaf and dumb 10 Equipment in Kyiv Otolaryngology 80 684 2004.10.27 2004.10.27 children. The recipient is Charity Fund “Deaf Institute’s Hospital Children Rehabilitation”. Buying new medical equipment (supersonic Project for Improvement of Medical scanner, operating table, apparatus for artificial 11 Equipment in Donetsk Central Municipal 43 351 2004.10.27 2005.10.30 ventilation, biochemical analyzer and apparatus Hospital No.24 for bronchoscopy). Project for Improvement of Sanitary Implementing renovation works at the Center, 12 Environment in Yagotyn District Orphanage 39 084 2004.12.16 2005.12.27 buying furniture, washing machine and equipment “Vinochok” for the kitchen. 35.000 posters were printed to propagate free and Project for Encouragement and Education to 13 41 455 2004.12.17 done fair election during presidential election held on Realize Free and Fair Election December 26, 2004. Project for Improvement of Sanitary Implementing renovation works of the roof in Kyiv 14 34 099 2005.2.15 2005.4.27 Environment in Shelter for Street Children Shelter for Street Children. Buying new diagnostic and rehabilitation equipment for Sumy Regional Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children (sensor for Project for Improvement of Medical supersonic scanner, apparatus for supersonic Equipment in Sumy Regional Rehabilitation 15 26 246 2005.2.23 2005.5.31 therapy, apparatus for vacuum therapy, apparatus Center for Disabled Children (second for ionic therapy, apparatus for magnitotherapy, project) apparatus UVC Ultraviolet irradiator, apparatus for electric therapy, apparatus for electric massage, apparatus for d’Arsonval therapy). Project for Improvement of Sanitary Implementing renovation works and buying new 16 Environment in Sosnitsa Village 59 664 2005.6.10 2006.5.29 furniture for the children. Specialized School for Deaf Children Project for Improvement of Medical 17 Equipment of Zhytomyr City Children 50 521 2005.10.18 2006.4.4 Buying new medical diagnostic equipment. Hospital Project for Improvement of Medical Buying new medical equipment (endoscope for 18 Equipment of Zhytomyr Central City Hospital 21 565 2005.10.18 2006.4.4 stomach and ultrasonic diagnosis system). #2 Project for Support to the Community Center Buying new medical rehabilitation equipment and 19 68 581 2005.10.18 2006.4.17 in Kyiv for the Chernobyl Evacuated People a minibus. Project for Provision of Vehicle to the Buying new minibus for the need of the Center. Rehabilitation and Education Facility for the 20 44 949 2005.10.18 2006.5.28 Recipient is International Charity Fund “Help for Handicapped Children of Chernobyl Affected Chernobyl Children”. Families Project for Improvement of Medical Buying new diagnostic medical equipment and Equipment and Publishing Educational 21 45 812 2005.10.31 2006.6.7 publishing educational materials for the deaf and Manuals in Kyiv Center for the Deaf and dumb children. Dumb ”SUVAG” Project for Improvement of Video Equipment Buying new video equipment to urge searching of 22 27 505 2005.11.4 2006.3.1 in “Missing Children Search Service” missing children. Project for Improvement of Sanitary Implementing renovation works of toilet and 23 Environment of Pakul Village School in 26 282 2006.3.7 2007.3.28 shower room in Pakul village school located in Chernihiv Region Chernobyl-affected area. Project for Prevention of Tuberculosis in Narodychi District within the Radio-nuclide Set of X-ray digital camera for checking lung 24 39 878 2006.3.7 2007.3.21 Contaminated Area near the Chernobyl tuberculosis in Narodychi District Central Hospital. Exclusion Zone Project for Improvement of the Medical Care Implementing renovation works in the hospital of 25 for the Relocated People of the Chernobyl 46 067 2006.3.15 2007.4.24 Ozadivka Village. Accident in Ozadivka Village Project for Improvement of Rehabilitation Buying new medical and rehabilitation equipment Equipment and Sanitary Environment in 26 24 293 2006.3.15 2007.1.10 and new furniture for deaf and dumb children in Odessa City No. 113 Kindergarten for Deaf Odessa City No. 113 Kindergarten. and Dumb Children Implementing renovation works, buying new Project for Establishment of Volosyanka furniture and a minibus for Volosyanka Village 27 42 876 2006.3.16 2007.6.12 Village Teenager Educational Center Teenager Educational Center located in Lviv region. Recipient is Charitable SALUS Foundation. Project for Improvement of Sanitary Environment and Providing Vehicle to the Implementing renovation works, buying new 28 25 545 2006.3.16 2007.6.11 Lviv City Public Organization “Mutual Benefit minibus. Community “Oselya” Buying new medical equipment for 20 primary Project for Improvement of medical health care units and ambulatory located in 29 equipment in primary health care units of 60 471 2007.2.28 2008.5.22 Narodychi Rayon of Zytomir region. Recipient is Narodychi Rayon Charitable Fund “Zaruchniki Chornobyla”. Implementing renovation works at Shower and Laundry Building and buying new washing Project for Repair of Shower and Laundry 30 71 350 2007.12.20 2009.4.9 machine for Krasniy Hutyr Village Orphanage in Building in Krasniy Hutyr Village Orphanage Chernigyv region. Recipient is Charity Fund “Edinstvennaya”. Improving living condition in Lystvyn Village by The Project for Improvement of Living replacing the old water supply system in Ovruch Condition of Lystvin Village in Ovruch 31 32 680 2008.1.10 2009.5.5 Raiyon of Zhytomyr Oblast. Recipient is Region within the Radio-nuclide Association of Community “Zhytychi” (Lystvin Contaminated Area in Zhytomyr Oblast Village). Project for Providing Equipment to the Buying ionomer and minibus, constructed for 32 Environment Protection Center “Zdorove 66 449 2008.2.13 2008.10.2 making drinking water analysis. Dovkillya” Improving medical care in Boryspil Rayon by modernizing medical equipment (Supersonic Project for Improvement of Medical Care in 33 80 440 2008.2.20 2008.6.18 scanner, Electrocardiograph, Gastrofiberscope, Boryspil Rayon Central Hospital Colonofiberscope. Binocular Microscope, Ambulance). Improving medical care in Zhytomyr Regional Project for Improvement of Medical Pediatric Hospital by modernizing medical 34 Equipment of Neonatal Resuscitate Center 51 471 2008.2.26 2008.10.2 equipment (Infant Respirator, Medical Air in Zhytomyr Regional Pediatric Hospital Compressor, Graphic Monitor, Neonatal Patient Circuit, Infusion Pump, Infant Oxysensor). The project for improvement the Equipment Modernization of equipment (purchase of for Medical Monitoring of Affected by the 35 66 597 2008.8.14 2009.4.24 supersonic scanner and the computer for saving Chernobyl Explosion People in Northern part and analysis of the data) of Zhytomyr Region Project for improvement of Medical Purchase of ultrasonic diagnostic system for the Environment for the Fire-fighters in Zhytomyr Fire-fighters participated in the liquidation of the 36 65 273 2008.10.3 2009.4.24 oblast engaged in the liquidation of the Chernobyl catastrophe (charity fund “Pozhehzni Chernobyl catastrophe Chornobylya”) Project for improvement of medical Purchase of incubator for infants, infant respirator, equipment for infants in Rokytne rayon biochemical analyzer, reanimation complex for 37 50 660 2008.10.17 2009.4.12 contaminated by radionuclide after newborn babies, phototherapeutic irradiator, Chornobyl accident electronic baby scales Project for Improvement of Medical Purchase of equipment (artificial respirator, for 38
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