MissGeorge‘s—pg10 Are Homosexuals BarNews—pg.8 Ist Anniversary Issue Revolting? Photo Phunnies—pg.7 You Bet We Are! ».; 50¢ GAIWT ... reflecting gay life in the south Vol. II No. 1 PUBLISHED IN MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE July, 1976 Carter Sidestep Dance, Picnic AccentMemphls Gay Pride Plank, Rut Will Sign Iwo events are scheduled in Memphis during Gay Pride Week Gay Rights Bill that will bring gay people to— Former Georgia Governor gether in an atmosphere of u— and Democratic presidential nity and friendliness. frontrunner, Jimmy Carter, At noon Sunday, June 27, a has announced that he would gay picnic will be held at Au— sign the national Gay rights dubon Park. The gathering bill if elected president. will be at the southwest cor— Carter made the announcement ner of the park at Goodlett on May 21 while campaigning and Park Ave. The picnic is in San Francisco. being sponsored by the Sexu— "I will certainly sign uality and Lesbianism Task — it," Carter said, "because I Force of the Memphis chapter don‘t want to single out ho— of NOW. The MCC Study Group of Memphis is also supporting mosexuals for special abuse the event. Everyone is in— or harrassment." vited; bring your own food. Carter‘s position on gay If it‘s raining, grab your rights has been unclear in waterproofs and come anyway. the past. Three weeks after # %. aB" 98 uCale A women‘sdance, also spon— making a positive statement, 5 ~ 4s sored by the S.&L. Task Force, Carter told. a reporter he will be held at 8 p.m. on Sat— hadn‘t made up his mind" or Leségdn Mei-herAvvmilfljd urday, June 26. The dance will ‘Gay rights because he "didn‘t be held at the student center know how we could deal with Child Custody By Court at 3625 Mynders Avenue. Beer the issue of blackmail." A lesbianhas won custody Whitehead said the chil— will be provided, with dona— Despite Carter‘s current of her two children in a pre— dren‘s father has harrassed — tions appreciated. A live favorable position, the gay —cedent setting decision by a them by repeatedly trying to musical group is scheduled to rights issue will not be in— Portland, Maine court. Carol regain the children through play, and there will be taped cluded in the Democratic Par— Whitehead has fought a cus— the courts and by extra—legal music for dancing. The: dante ty Platform, according to the tody battle with her former means. To escape the harass— is for women only. National Gay Task Force. "It husband since 1971, when she ment she and her family moved is understood that Carter him— Front Page was awarded custody of the to Jacksonville, self called his staff in Wash— children after getting a di— ..she says the father,who calls ington and asked that the gay Hosts Benefit vorce. Ms. Whitehead a"sick lesbian" rights issue be included," the A fund—raising benefit for Maine Superior Court Jus— tried to kill her. Task Force said. However, Stu— tice Harry Classman said life GAIETY was held on Friday July art Eisenstadt, Carter‘s chief According to Ms, Whitehead, 11, 1976 at the Front Page, 267 at Ms. Whitehead‘s home "ap— father helped issues coordinator, objected pears to adequately meet the the children‘s South Cleveland. The benefit on the grounds that this would social, psychological, physi— support them for one year af— raised $288.35 for the news— be a "divisive issue" within ter the divorce, but he stop—. paper. $ } cal and moral needs of these ped all. assistance in 1973 the party at a time when u— children." The children are Titled an "Extravaganza", nity is imperative. 10 and 7 years old. Shortly after moving back the program featured female im Carter has said, "IL op— to Maine, the man tried to personators such as Loretta, pose all forms of dlscrlmlna- remove the children by means Sabrina Lea, Vickie Marie, tion against all individuals, NOW Opens of a Georgia custody paper. Melina, Dan Boudreaux Danny Boy including discrimination on Te paper was invalid in Maing (a male impersonator), with the basis of sexual orienta— Switchboard but the action prompted White, special appearances by Cass tion. As President I can as— head to contact an attorney. Miphaels and Ms. Tara Wells. sure you that all policies of The Maine Gay Task Force es— Special entertainment was pro— the federal government would In conjunction w1th Na— tablished a defense fund to vided in the way of production reflect this commitment to t10na1 Gay Pride Week, a Gay help pay legal expenses. numbers. Mr. Dennis was the ending all forms of discrimi— Switchboard: will be opened in A judge ordered her ex— Master of Ceremonies for the nation." Memphis on Friday, July 25. husband to stay away from the evening. The switchboard will be hand— California Governor Jerry children, but Whitehead was. Intermission activities in— Brown, the only Democratic led by volunteers trained in in constant fear that the fa— cluded a Banana eating contest presidential contender that crisis intervention by Pat ther might try to abduct the won by Ms.Donna Migdalski(eat— has not conceded Carter‘s vic— O‘Shaughnessy, director of the children without her knowl— ing 16 bananas) with second tory, signed into law last Memphis chapter of Help Now. edge. "IL have been a good place going to Mr. Bobby Rob— The switchboard will be in year a bill that repealed and loving mother," she said. erts (eating 15 bananas). Ms. operation from 7 p.m. to 1 California‘s sodomy laws. "The children are being used Migdalski won a $10.00 bar tab a.m. daily. The switchboard, The Rew Troy Perry, found— ‘as pawns in a war against me. courtesy of the Front Page. sponsored by the National Or— .er of the Metropolitan Commu— Commenting on her victory, Roberts received a year‘s sub— ganization of Women Sexuality nity Church, has announced Whitehead said the decision scription to GAIETY as well as and Lesbianism Task Force, his support of Carter. Perry "gives you faith in the sys— two free passes to the "Queen will be for information re— . cited Carter‘s "commitment to tem. It‘s a marvelous | kind of the Butterflies" pageant feral as well as crisis in— civil rights for all people" of Bicentennial present." courtesy of the "Butterfly tervention. as one reason for his support. Cabaret." GAIETY — Page 2 At NOW Meeting Rebuked By Bishop Lesbians Entertain, Inform Gay Asked to ‘Worship Elsewhere Some 80 women attended a as seen and broadcast by the program given by the Lesbian Louie Crew, college pro— wishop Sims says is "not dir— programs is both stereotypical fessor Task Force at the June 1 and founder of ected to his identity as a and presented in a way designed INTEGRITY, meeting of the Memphis chapter Gay Episcopal For— homosexual." Dr. Crew is ob— tobe condescendingly humorous. um, of the National Organization was publicly rebuked June taining legal counsel to at— However, NBC has apparently 4th by for Women. the head of the Epis— tend the occasion with him. decided to cash in on what it copal The special program con— Diocese of Atlanta. Dr. Crew has been a com— may perceive as this year‘s Bishop sisted of several short plays Bennett Sims attacked municant of St. Luke‘s since gimick, and has declared that Dr. Crew ‘and dramatic readings. First for his alleged det— September of 1974 and Bishop it will concentrate on: up— ermination was a one—act play by Djuna to give his "views Sims has acknowledged that grading the media image of and grievances Barnes, "Gone to the Dogs." wide public Crew‘s communicant status is gays this coming year. It is ‘attention." Dr. The woman was played by John— Crew has been valid, At one meeting in the seeking stories of pay interest asked by his local nette Shane and the man by church to prescence of the Bishop, Dr. for possible programs. worship elsewhere. Mary Jo Cowart. Crew‘s priest, Fr. Cecil A. These is some progress in Despite warm support for Following this, Gwen Demian Cowan acknowledged, "I want — abolishing sodomy laws at the Dr. Crew from his read an original essay, un— former to kill him." At the next local and state levels. church in Orangeburg, titled but calledbythe author S. C., meeting, Fr. Cowan agreed to. The last news item concerned the elected board of laity a "dramatic dyke piece," con— at be Crew‘s priest only if Grew the Task Force itself. Effort St. Luke Episcopal Church cerning the stereotype and in promised never to mention Fr. is being made to rechannel Ft. Valley, Ga., told Crew, roles problem. Cowan by name or allusion in energy from the consciousness ‘"We would all be pleased Last was a dramatization if anything he might write or raising groups to projects you would find some of Judy Grahn‘s prose poem, other say ." involving the community. One place of worship...." "The Psychoanalysis of Edward Bishop The church claims to re— project is a survey of mental Sims added that Crew‘s pub— the Dyke." The cast was: Edward. spect Crew‘s identity as a — health professionals to as— lic exposure of support — Bonnie Doctor from homosexual but does not wish certain their attitudes to— the South Carolina — Snoop McSwain, and Narrator church had to "endorse or promote" Dr. ward the gay lifestyle. Of served to "disrupt — Mary Jo Cowart. the peace Crew‘s efforst to help other 400 preliminary questionnaires and good orderof After the entertainment, a the church." gay people through INTEGRITY, sent out, 100 have been re— Dr.
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