TWO SIICTIONS--SliCTION TWO (Issue of January 16 1926) TIV. finantial ollinuraal lirontrie INCLUDING Railway & Industrial Compendium Public Utility Compendium Bank and Quotation Section State & Municipal Compendium Raaway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States OCTOBER TO DECEMBER, 1926, INCLUSIVE VOLUME 123—PART 2 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS FRONT, PINE & DEPEYSTER STE., NEW YORK. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Copyright in 1927, according to Act of Congress, by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY in office of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis OCT,-DEC, 1926.1 INDEX III INDEX TO VOLUME 123 PART 2. OCTOBER 1 TO DECEMBER 31 1926 EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES Page. Page. Page, A Fool's Paradise, In 1675, 2185 Britain Post War 2413 Cotton, Exports for Month of November_ ___3080 gricultural Bureau Report on Cotton or British Commonwealth of Nations, The-- -2700 Court Decisions- Grain. See Cotton or Grain. British Empire in Conference, The 2568 U. S. Supreme Court Decides Case of Allied Indebtedness to United States. See British Foreign Trade Statement. See Great Chemical Foundation 2040 United States. Britain, President's Power of Removal from OffIce_2184 U. S. Allied Military Control in Germany, The Business Failures- Indianapolis Water Case Decision by End of 2090 In September 1795 Supreme Court ' 2811 Allied War Debts and the Columbia Uni- For Third Quarter of 1926 1796 Credit, Do Banks Create-The Views of Dr. versity Professors 3217 In October 2300 Walter Leaf of the Westminister Bank of American Bankers Association in Convention In November 2812 London, Article by Hartley Withers 2951 at Los Angeles Endorses the McFadden Business Prosperity in the United States- -- -1912 Crime, The Repression of 3095 Branch Banking Bill, Minus the Hull Crop Limitation, The EtpediencY of 2703 Amendment 1793 Capital Flotations, New- Czechoslavaldan Cabinet Resigns 1915 American Bankers Association, Convention InSeptember 2041 of, Full Proceedings in "Supplement" of In October 2577 Dark Side of Leadership, The 1925 Presents Oct. 16 1926. In November 3096 enmark, Socialist Premier the American Federation of Labor and Company Capital and Wealth in time of War,The Con- Cabinet's Resignation 2817 Unions 1924 scription of 2687 Disarmament Conference. See International American, The Typical 2825 Capitalism, New-The Trend Indicated by Conference on Disarmament. Argentine Government, $16,900,000 Loan is Labor banks 2570 Floated 1675 Car Loadings Break Previous Records_ _1677, Economic Conference, International. See Arkansas Light & Power Co. $18,000,000 2173, 2181, 2436 International 2562 First and Refunding 5s Issued 2812 Causes and Duration of Our Prosperity 2310 Election, An All Inclusive 2702 Armistice Day at Kansas City-President Chamber of Commerce, Report respecting Elections, The Coming Congressional, and Coolidge's Remarks Respecting an "All Trade Barriers of International 2031 the Influences Affecting them 2169 Inclusive Conscription" 2687 Characteristics of Bond Issues-Utility Bonds Elections, Congressional, and the Republican Developing New Methods 1808 Reverse 2309 Babson, Roger W., and Prosperity 1679 Characteristics of Bond Issues-Industrial Election, Congressional, Inconclusive 2702 ank of England Weekly Return. See Variations 2188 England, Bank of, Weekly Returns_ _1674, England. Chemical Foundation, The Case of the U. S. 1801, 1919,2035, 2179, 2304,2443, 2564. Bank of France Weekly Return. See France, Supreme Court Decision 2040 2698, 2818. 2943, 3086. 3228 Bank Rates at European Centres. See Chesapeake & Ohio, Van Sweringen Merger Europe-Conference Between the Federations Money Rates at Foreign Centres. with 2436 of British and German Industries for Dis- Bankers, International, Suggest Removal of Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul, Sale of 1668 cussion of Industrial Combinations 2817 European Tariffs 2030. 2038, 2175 Chile Copper, Offering of $35,000,000 5% Europe, Making Headway in the Pan- Banker, The International, The Province of Debentures 3079 European Congress 1805 the-Addressof Dr.F.C.S.Schiller ofOxford 1680 Chile, Republic of, Floats 842,500,000 Ex- European Peace and Industrial Trusts 1923 "Banking"-Book by Dr. Walter Leaf 2951 ternal 6s 2029 European Tariff Barriers, International Banking Suspensions in United States for China, The Reorganization of-Report of Bankers Suggest Removal 2038 Third Quarter 1796 Commission on Extraterritoriality 2822 European Banks, Weekly Returns of Gold Banking, The President on (From the New Christmas, The Spirit of 3093 and Silver Holdings-1678, 1805. 1923, 2038. York "Journal of Commerce") 2952 Church, Organized Labor and The 2187 2183, 2309,2447. 2568, 2700, 2822, 2947, Banks, Labor, The Trend Indicated by 2570 Columbia University Professors and the War 3090, 3232 Banks, The Joint Stock Land 3091 Debts, The 3217 Exports and Imports of United States. See Barnes, Prof., Harry E., Book on "The Commerce and Finance, The Unifying Power United States Foreign Trade. Repression of Crime" 3095 of-The Province of the International Belga, Establishment of New Unit of Belgian Banker. Address by Dr. F. C. S. Schiller Failures. See Business Failures. Exchange Called the 2172 of Oxford at Harvard 1680 arrell, Hugh, Book on "What Price Belgian Franc, Stabilization of the, of Un- Conference of Europe's Four Largest Powers, Progress" 2704 usual Significance 2174 Probable Locarno 2813 Federal Government. See United States. Belgium, Kingdom of-Stabilization Loan of Congressional Elections. The Coming and the Federal Reserve Banks, Comment on Weekly $50,000,000 7s Offered in America and Influences Affecting Them 2169 Returns--1875, 1802, 1919. 2035, 2180, $50.000.000 Abroad 2172, 2174, 2175 Congressional Election Inconclusive 2702 2305, 2444. 2565, 2697,2819. 2944.3087, 3229 Belgium Returns to Gold Standard 2174 Congressional Elections-The Republican Federal Reserve Banks, Table of Discount Berlin City Electric, Offering of 820,000,000 Reverse 2309 Rates_ _1676, 1803, 1921,2036. 2181, 2306, 64i 3079 Conscription of Capital and Wealth in Time 2445, 2566, 2698. 2820, 2945, 3088 Bond Issues, Characteristics of-Utility of War,The 2687 Federal Reserve Banks, Rechartering the Bonds Developing New Methods 1808 Consolidated Gas of New York Upheld by (from the New York "Journal of Com- Bond Issues, Characteristics of-Industrial U. S. Supreme Court Regarding Rates_ _ _ _2811 merce") 1809 Variations 2188 Consolidated Gas, Electric Light & Power Federal Taxation. See United States. Book Notices and Reviews- Co. of Baltimore, Issues 81.000,000 First Federal Trade Commission Directed by U. S. Banking-Book by Dr. Walter Leaf 2951 and Refunding 5s 2812 Senate to Report on Stock Dividends 3233 What Price Progress-By Hugh Farrell__ -2704 Contemplation vs. Action in Human Life 2949 Financial Situation, The_ _1667, 1793, 1911, The United States and France-By Dr. Coolidge, President, Annual Message and the 2029, 2172, 2299, 2436,2557, 2690,2811. James Brown Scott 3232 Budget 2947. 2961 2935, 3079. 3221 Post-War Britain-By Prof. Andre Sieg- Coolidge,President, Does Not Believe Install- Finance and Commerce, Unifying Power of- fried 2313 ment Selling of Sufficient Volume to Give Address of Dr. F. C. S. Schiller of Oxford_1680 The Fire of Desert Folk-Book by Ferdin- Concern 2971 Fire of Desert Folk. The-Book by Ferdinand and Ossendowski 2950 Coolidge, President, Message to Congress- Ossendowski 2950 The Life of Sir William Osler-By Dr. Temporary Tax Relief Proposed-Branch Fools Paradise, In a 1675, 2185 Harvey Cushing of Harvard Medical Banking Legislation and Renewal of Federal Foreign Exchange Market. Weekly Review, School 2450 Reserve Charters Favored "957 1676, 1803, 1921,2036, 2181, 2306. 2445, The New Leadership-By S. A. Lewlsohn, Coolidge, President, on the Conscription of 2566, 2698,2820. 2945, 3088, 3230 Vice-President of Miami Copper Co---1682 Capital and Wealth.. 2687 Foreign Exchange Rates as Certified by The Repression of Crime-Book by Prof. Coolidge, President, Speech at Kansas City- Federal Reserve Banks_ _1677, 1805. 1922, Harry E. Barnes 3095 Respecting International Obligations 2562 2038. 2183. 2308, 2447,2568. 2700, 2822. Thinking about Thinking-Book by Pro- Coolidge, President, "The President on 2946. 3089. 3232 fessor Keeper 2950 Banking" (From the New York Journal of Foreign Government Indebtedness to United Thomas Jefferson-Book by Francis W. Commerce) 2952 States. See United States. Hirst 2189 Corn, Argicultural Bureau Report on. See "Foreign Loans, and Credits-The Case of Boston & Maine Preferred Dividend Declara- Grain. Germany," by'Hartley Withers 2452 tions, The 3094 Corporations, Senate Resolution Regarding Foreign Money Rates. See Money Rates at Branch Banking at Los Angeles (from The Stock Dividends of 3233 Foreign Centres. New York "Journal of Commerce") 1810 Cotton, Agricultural Bureau Report on. 1794, Foreign Trade. See United States Foreign Branch Banking, McFadden Bill Minus Hull 2173, 2436,2691, 2935, 2936 Trade. Amendment Indorsed by the American Cotton, Great Slump in Price 1794 Bank of, Buys Gold and Silver Currency Bankers' Association 1793 Cotton, Exports for Month of October 2558 from the Public 1671 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX [VOL. 123-PART 2. Page. Page. Page. France- Great Britain (Concluded) Italy
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