Haematologic and biochemical changes in bitches with clinical and subclinical mastitis 1* 1 1 1 Iosif VASIU , Orsolya SARPATAKI1 , Ioana BEDECEAN , Raul Alexandru POP , Florinel Gheorghe BRUDAŞCĂ 1 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,[email protected] University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj- Napoca, 3-5 CaleaMănăştur, Cluj-Napoca, Romania * Corresponding author: Bulletin UASVM Veterinary Medicine 73(2)/2016 Print ISSN 1843-5270; Electronic ISSN 1843-5378 doi:10.15835/buasvmcn-vm:11995 Abstract Mastitis in bitch is in general superficially researched and evaluated. Data regarding blood tests Lactatioduring bitch sine graviditateglandular tissue inflammation is scarcely documented, therefore this paper aims to assess blood response in such cases. A total of 74 blood samples were obtained from lactating dams. These included females with , with or without overt signs of mammary gland illness and with or without other signs of disease. Routine complete blood count and serum total proteins were evaluated. Complete blood count and total serum protein levels showed great flexibility, thus making it very difficult to establish and describe a clear and common haematological and biochemical pathway during mastitis inflammatory response. Clincians shoulds not relay only on blood tests whenever dealing with such pathology. Complete blood count and total serum protein levels should only be usedKeywords as complementary: bitch, complete tests, alongsideblood count, other mastitis, assays such serum as milktotal microbiology protein or cytology. INTRODUCTION et al. important changes in total serum protein levels In curent veterinary practice, mammary (Ververidis , 2007). ( gland inflammationet al. diagnostic is based mainly on The aim of this research was antepartumto evaluate history, clinical and microbiological examination postpartumwhether completeLactatio blood count sine graviditateCBC) and serum (Trasch , 2008). There is scarce data regardinget al. total proteins in lactating bitches ( , blood changes during clinical or subclinical and ), with mastitis episodeset al. in this species (Hasegawa , or without overt signs of mastitis and other 1993). However, there is one experimental study concurrent signs of illness, follow the same (Ververidis , 2007). Where leukocytosis type of haematological or biochemical blood was observed immediately after mammary response.MATERIALS AND METHODS gland bacterial challenge. At 12 hours, shortly after inoculation, a drop in the leukocyte count was observed, then followed by an immediate In order to evaluate haematological and increase. On the sixt day, after challenge, biochemical changes during bitch mastitis cases, leukocytes were in normal range. Neutrophilia 100 lactating dams were included in a case- was also observedth shortly after challenge, but controlled study, but because of owners reluctance, after the 6 day, this parameter dropped in range we were only able to obtain 74 blood samples. as well. Severe thrombocytopenia was recorded Dams in this study were divided into two in the first hours afterth inoculation, followed by groups. Females with primary mastitis and an increase in the 4 day. However, there were no females with secondary mastitis. During consult, 249 Haematologic and biochemical changes in bitches with clinical and subclinical mastitis females with concurrent affections were included The CBC showed that Eosinopenia was present in the second category (i.e. secondary mastitis), in 21% (4/19, CI 95%: 6.05-45.57) of cases whilst whereas clinically healthy females or just with Eosinophilia was present in only 5% (1/19, CI 95%: clinical or subclinical mastitis, were included in 0.13-26.03) of the tested females. Monocytopenia the first category. with eosinophilia was encountered in 11% (2/19, Haematology and biochemstriy assays were CI 95%: 1.30-33.14) of the samples, followed by processed on venous blood after a thorough local Monocytosis with eosinophilia and by Lymphocytosis disinfection with betadine (Betadine 100 ml, Egis with eosinopenia in 5% (1/19, CI 95%: 0.13-26.03) Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Budapest, Hungary). After of the cases, each (Tab.1) (p>0.05). collection, blood samples were rushed as quickly In 16% (3/19, CI 95%: 3.38-39.58) of as possible to the laboratory at the University of samples, CBC encountered Neutrophilia with left Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj- shift along with eosinophilia, 11% (2/19, CI 95%: Napoca. 1.30-33.14) were with Neutrophilia with left shift Complete blood count was determined with along with monocytosis, showing chronic signs of Abacus Junior Vet analyzer (Diatron Messtechnik, disease (p>0.05). Budapest, Hungary) whilst differential blood Without correlation with clinical features, count was counted on blood film stained with 5% (1/19, CI 95%: 0.13-26.03) of the samples Dia-Quick Panoptic dye kit (Reag-Fix Panoptic, presented, Neutrophilia with a left shift with ReagensKft., Budapest Hungary). Biochemical eosinopenia, lymphocytosis and eosinopenia, results for total serum protein, were obtained with a lymphopenia, monocytopenia and eosinophilia Spectrophotometer analyzer UV-VIS Screen Master and also with Neutropenia with a right shift along Touch (Hospitex Diagnostix, Fiorentino, Italy). with monocytosis, lymphocytosis and eosinophilia, Complete blood count and serum proteinogram each (Tab.1) (p>0.05). changes prevalence andp its 95% confidence In 31% (5/16, CI 95%: 11.02-58.66) of tested intervals were assessed. The differences were samples Hyperproteinemia with hyperglo bulinemia considered significant if values were lower than was encountered, followed by 25% (4/16, CI 95%: 0.05. Data analysis was performed using EpiInfo 7 7.27-52.38) of dams with Hyperglobulinemia. In softwareRESULTS (CDC, ANDUSA). DISCUSSION 13% (2/16, CI 95%: 1.55-38.35) of cases presence of Hyperproteinemia with hyperalbuminemia and Hy per pro teinemia with hyperalbuminemia In bitches with primary mastitis, 40% and hyperglo bulinemia was noticed. In just 6% (4/10, CI 95%: 6.67-65.25) of cases were (1/16, CI 95%: 0.16-30.23) of cases Hyperalbumi- recorded with Normocytic hyperchromic nemia followed by Hyporproteinemia and followed by Normocytic normochromic and Hyperalbuminemia with hyperglobulinemia were Microcytic hypochromic mild anemia in 20% encountered (Tab.1) (p>0.05). (2/10, CI 95%: 2.52-55.61) of tested samples. Usually, elevated levels of total serum proteins, Normocytic normochromic moderate anemia and including, albumins and globulins could be caused Normocytic hypochromic mild anemia were also by dehydration, chronical inflammation or chronic present in 10% (1/10, CI 95%: 0.25-44.50) of the subacute bacterial infection (Kerr, 2002b). These tested cases, each (Tab.1) (p>0.05). Presence of hypothesis can explain the presenceMastitis of gangre high levels nosa mild anemia could have been caused by the loss of these parameters in primary mastitis bitches. of blood due to inflamed mammary glands and In one documented bitch infections (Kerr, 2002a). case report, where biochemical and haematological Thrombocytopenia was recorded in 60% changes were recorded, results showed presence (3/5, CI 95%: 14.66-94.73) of cases, whilst 40% of severe leukocytosis (36,300/µl) with marked (2/5, CI 95% 5.27-85.34) were recorded with elevated α, β and γ-globuline levels, moderate Thrombocytosis (p>0.05). anemia, a slightly increased level of alkaline Mild Lecukocytosis was encountered in 4 phosphatase and creatine phosphokinase with (4/4, CI 95%: 10.00) of the primary mastitis moderate hipernatremia and hypokalemia. On bitches (p>0.05). the day of admission, the amount of circulating leukocytes decreasedBulletin temporarilyUASVM Veterinary Medicineto 26,000/ml, 73 (2) / 2016 250 et al VASIU Tab. 1. Hemoleucogram and biochemical results in both types of bitch mastitis Percen- Diagnostic – Secondary mastitis Percen- No. Diagnostic – Primary mastitis No. tage tage WBC 1 WBC 2 Severe leukopenia 14% 1 3 Moderate leukocytosis 29% Mild leukocytosis 100% 4 Severe leukocytosis 29% RBC Mild leukocytosis RBC 29% 2 5 3 Normocytic normochromic moderate anemia 10% 6 Normocytic hypochromic moderate anemia 14% 4 Normocytic hypochromic mild anemia 10% 7 Normocytic hypochromic mild anemia 14% 5 Microcytic hypochromic mild anemia 20% 8 Normocytic normochromic mild anemia 14% 6 Normocytic normochromic mild anemia 20% Normocytic hyperchromic mild anemia 57% Normocytic hyperchromicPLT mild anemia 40% PLT 8 9 9 Thrombocytosis 40% 10 Thrombocytosis 33% Thrombocytopenia CBC 60% Thrombocytopenia CBC 67% 10 11 11 Eosinophilia 5% 12 Monocitopenia with eosinophilia 6% Neutrophilia with left shift with 12 Lymphocytosis with eosinopenia 5% 13 6% lymphocytosis and eosinopenia 13 Monocytosis with eosinophilia 5% 14 Neutrophilia with left shift with lymphopenia 6% Neutrophilia with left shift with lymphopenia, 14 Neutrophilia with left shift with eosinopenia 5% 15 6% monocytopenia and eosinopenia Neutrophilia with left shift with 15 5% 16 Neutrophilia with left shift with monocytosis 6% lymphocytosis and eosinopenia 16 Neutrophilia with left shift with lymphopenia 5% 17 Neutropenia with eosinophilia 6% Neutrophilia with left shift with 17 5% 18 Neutrophilia with left shift 12% monocytopenia and eosinophilia Neutropenia with right shift with monocytosis, 18 5% 19 Neutrophilia with left shift with eosinopenia 12% lymphocytosis and eosinophilia Neutrophilia with left shift with 19 Monocytopenia with eosinophilia 11% 20 12% monocytosis and eosinophilia Neutrophilia with
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