BULLETIN NO. 11, FALL, 1978 of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies CONTENTS Minutes of IOSCS Meeting 1 Financial Report 4 News and Notes 5 Record of Work Published, in Hand, or Projected 6 Mitteilung 11 R. Hanhart New Developments in the Study of the Ecrits Intertestamentaires With a Request 14 James H. Charlesworth Albert-Marie Denis Describing Meaning in the LXX Lexicon 19 Moises Silva Theodoret's Biblical Text in the Octateuch 27 N. Fernandez-Marcos The So-Called "L" Text of Psalms 72-82 44 L. J. Perkins Septuagint Abstracts 64 9 MINUTES OF lOses MEETING BULLETINIOSCS August 19-20, 1977 Published Annually Each Fall by Theologicum of the University Room TOl The International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies OFFICERS/EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE lOSOT/International Organization for G5ttingen, BRD Septuagint and Cognate Studies President J. W. Wevers Dept. of Near Eastern Studies University of Toronto PROGRAMME Toronto, Ont., M5S lAl Canada Friday 10:00 a.m.-l:00 p.m. Immediate Past President Greetings by Professor Walther Zimmer!i, H. M. Orlinsky President of lOSOT Hebrew Union College Introduction by Professor J. W. WeYers, 40 West 68th Street New York, N.Y. 10023 President of roses Secretary Professor Zimmerli presiding A. Pietersma "The Text of the Ethiopic Enoch in the Light of Recen~ Study" Dept. of Near Eastern Studies M. A. Knibb, London University of Toronto Toronto, Ont., M5S lAl "Some Examples of Fulfilment Interpretation in the Old Greek of Isaiah" Canada A. van der KOQij, Utrecht Treasurer "Einige Beitrage der Vetus Latina fur die Wiederherstellung des E. Ulrich griechischen Textes Tobit" Dept. of Theology J. R. Busto Saiz, Madrid University of Notre Dame Notre Dame. Indiana 46556 Friday 3,00-6,00 p.m. Editor Professor Wevers presiding G. Howard Dept. of Philosophy and Religion "Zur Geschichte der Septuaginta-Forschung" University of Georgia R. Hanhart, G5ttingen Athens, Georgia 30602 -2- -3- "E~a/wu.o and epaJwuo and Text Criticism in the Greek Psalter" "The Possibilities and Impossibilities of Reconstructing the VoJr£a.ge C. Cox, Toronto of the LXX" "Translation Techniques Used by the Greek Translators of Amos" E. Tov, Jerusalem J. de Haard, Aix-en-Provence "Das Problem des griechischen Textes der Complutenser Polyglotte zu Friday 8, 00-lL 00 p.m. dem Zw6lfprophetenbuch" Professor Ranhart presiding N. Fernandez Marcos, Madrid "La te.moignage de la Vetus Latina dans I' etude de la tradition des Septante" BUSINESS MEETING P. M. Bogaert, Denee "The Renderings of ilene in the Septuagint" Called to order by the President. R. Sollamo, Helsinki 1. Summary of the minutes of the St. Louis (Missouri) meeting of "Est-ce que la sagesse aime l'humanit~?" IOSCS, October 29, 1976, was approved as presented by the A. Pelletier, Paris Secretary (A. Pietersma). 2. Treasurer's Report (presented by the President): Saturday 10:00 a.ID.-l:OO p.m. Balance on hand, August 8, 1977 $1,549.93 Professor Pietersma presiding ACCEPTANCE MOVED "The Textual Affinities of the Bohairic of Deuteronomy" CARRIED 3. President's Report M. K. H. Peters, Cleveland a. Lexicon Project: a Research Grant application for a Research "Die Ubersetzungsweise des Deuteronomiumubersetzers im Lichte von Tools Project to the National Endowment for the Humanities Papyrus 848" (NEH) , after initial rejection, has been re-submitted. U. Quast, G6ttingen b. A list of corrections toJ. van Haelst, Ca.tatogue dIU Pa.pyJ'r.UO IIDie Konstruktion des Verbs bei einem Neutrum Plural im griechischen Li.ttbutUtlU J(L{6.o ct ChttWen.6, compiled by Professor Hanhart, Pentateuch" will be published in the IOSCS Bulletin. The list is not I. Soisalon-Soininen, Helsinki I intended as a general corrective, but is solely concerned "Constancy and Variety in Vocabulary Use in the Septuagint" with Rahlfs-numbers of manuscripts included in the Ca..ta1ogue.. J. Barr, Oxford c. The President stressed the importance of 'the Septuaginta- Saturday 3,00-6,00 p.m. Unternehmen as a central bureau for information on the Professor i-Tevers presiding Septuagint. "Recensional Evidence for the Corruption of I Kings 22:46" s. J. De Vries, Delaware, Ohio -5- -4- EXPENDITURES Duplication & Postage: It was moved and carried that the Septuaginta-Kornmission University of Toronto 9.00 be informed of the meeting's interest in having the VeJr.zuc..hl'l.i6 University of Georgia 34.35 reprinted. [Professor Hanhart has since learned that the University of Notre Dame 12.02 VvtzeIeh~ is in fact available as a Kraus reprint obtain­ 55.37 able from Kraus-Thomson Organization Ltd., Route lOa, Income 370.07 Millwood, N. Y. 10546, U.S.A., or Kraus-Thomson, FL-9491, Expenditures 55.37 Nendeln, Liechtenstein. Price $12.00 - A.P.] NET INCOME 314.70 5. Unanimous thanks were expressed a) to Professor Hanhart, in Balance, October 29, 1976 1235.23 his capacity of Leiter des Septuaginta-Unternehmens, for the Income, to August 8, 1977 314.70 readiness and expertise with which he continues to make infor­ BALANCE ON HAND, August 8, 1977 1549.93 $1549.93 mation accessible to interested scholars; b) to Professor Weyers for organizing the excellent programme of the third Eugene Ulrich, Treasurer meeting of roses in conjunction with the In.teJ!.J1aUom OJtgan-i­ Auditors: zmon OOIL -the Study 00 -the au Tea-tament. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. James D. Whitehead Louanne Bachner Department of Theology Department of Theology Albert Pietersma University of Notre Dame University of Notre Dame Secretary FINANCIAL REPORT NEWS AND NOTES August 8, 1977 The BuLtrnn draws special attention to the publication of BALANCE ON HAND, October 29, 1976 $1235.23 Sep-tuaginta. VWLo Tea.ta.mentum GJt.aeeW71. 111,2 Veu;telwnomWm (Gottingen: (Treasurer's Report, BuLtwl1 #10) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) edited by John W. Wevers. This is the second volume on the Pentateuch published in the Gottingen Septuagint. The INCOME Subscriptions 316.00 recently increased pace in publication of the series is welcome Interest on Savings 54.07 news to biblical scholars. 370.07 J -6- -7- Announcement of new journal: MAARAV: A JouJtrta.! nOlL :the Smd!J 06 the. Cox, C. (1) Eisakouo and epakouo and Text Criticism in the Greek NoJttiwJeo:t SemUi.c. Language;., and LUeAa.tuJteo. The periodical will appear twice Psalter." Delivered at the IOSCS session of the IOSOT meeting each academic year ,beginning October 1978. Annual subscription is $10 in Gottingen, August 19, 1977. (2) "The Armenian Bible," ($12 outside US). Write: MAARAV. Suite 510, Dept 3, 2444 Wilshire wri tten for The. ModeJtn Eneyc.1.ope.cU.a. 06 RlL6-6-ia.11 al1d Soviet Li.teJtatwte., Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90403 USA. H. Weber, ed. Gulf Breeze, Florida: Academic International Press. The editor is happy to report that the Billffin is now being (3) Reports that he is a recipient of a 1977-78 Canada-USSR abstracted in the "Zeitschriftenschau" section of ZAW. Exchange Fellowship which is enabling him to spend 10 months in Yerevan doing research in the Mateuadaran (manuscript library) in connection with his doctoral thesis at Toronto: "The Textual RECORD OF WORK PUBLISHED, IN HAND, OR PROJECTED Character of the Armenian Version of Deuteronomy." (The list includes items brought to the attention of the Editor since BuUe:Un No. 10 went to press.) Delling, G. "Das cl.yu8-ov der Hebraer bei den griechischen christlichen Schriftstellern," DiU KoJtpu.o deJt GJUeewehen-ChJrM;tUc.hen SehJU6:t4-teLeeJt Arieti, J. A. Review 06 Rruco 06 Andent Exegu.4: A S.tady 06 :the Jl.U6c.e..t£.ruUe6,..[n [= TU 120] ,(Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1977),151-172. 3 Rug'" 2, by D. W. Gooding. JB[96 (1977) 586-587. Gooding, D. w. (1) "An Appeal for a Stricter Terminology in the Textual Bruce, F. F. "The Oldest Greek Version of Daniel," in IJt6:tJtuction and Criticism of the Old Testament," JSS 21 (1976) 15-25. (2), "A Recent In:teJtplte.:tllion. S.tudi..u in Hebltw Language., Pa£u:tbuan AAehae.otogy and &bUca£. Popularisation of Professor F. M. Cross' Theories on the Text of EX~e1>£6 [Papers read at the Joint British-Dutch Old Testament Con­ the Old Testament," Tynda.f.e BuLtetin (1977) 113-132. ference Held at Louvain, 1976J. Leiden: Brill, 1977, 22-40. Hanhart, R. & Wevers, J. W. DiU Gotti.ngeJtSep:tuagintaUJt.teJLnehmen. Gottingen: Busto-Saiz, J. R. Informs that his doctoral thesis "lexica y tEknicas Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1977. de traduccion de si.maco en el libra de los Salmos" is finished and will be published in a few months. [See earlier report in BIOSeS Heater, A. H .• Jr. A Septuagint TJUtMla..ti.on 1.n :the. Book 06 Job. Diss. Catholic, 9 (1976) 8.] 1976. Carmignac, J. "Fragments de la Quinta d'Origene en traduction Latine." Howard, O. S. Reports completion of his dissertation under Professor Delivered at the Aramaic Targums and the Septuagint section of Ben Zion Wacholder at Hebrew Union College (Cincinnati) entitled: the Seventh World Congress of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. "The Greek Text of Job in Light of the Ancient Qumran Targum:' August 8, 1977. -8- -9- Marcos, N . F . ( 1) "Los estudios de 'Septuaginta'. Vision retrospectiva Rofe, A. "The End of the Book of Joshua According to the Septuagint," y problematica mas reciente," CuadeJtnM de. FUalog,£a. C.tcUJ.J2.a 11 (1976) Shnaton (1977) 217-227. [English summary, pp. XVIII-XIX]. 413-468. (2) . "Tipolog:La de variantes en la transmission de un Schmidt, D. "The LXX Gctttu.ng 'Prophetic Correlative "', JSL 96 (1977) texto patristico," EmeJL.Lta 45 (1977) 19-32. (On Theodoret' s 517-522. "Quaestiones in Octateuchum"). (3) "El texto btblico de Didimo en el cornentario a Zacarias del Papiro de Tura," SetlaJtad 36 (1976) Sgherri, G.
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