■ /. SATURDAY, SEPTEBIBBR T, 1940 Ettmiup ftm O i Averac* Daily Cirealailon The Weather lak« WM purchued by th« troop, For the Month of Angvst, 1946 and, the nucleus of the camp was Foroeoat of U. a. tflteeUMr Biiraaa. AVoutTow n Club to Open Once Drove Horses at Fair Tracks To Dedicate a shed on the property of the Manchester Lumber company; 6,331 Scouts Camp Which Russell Paul, assistant Cloudy tonight, ■howoro Teoo and lira. HareM lUAUr of 16th Season treasurer of the company, gave NOMINATE Mombor o f tho Andit day towarda aftonoan and alght. IfMaanleabury, Pa., who have to the Boy Scouts for their work Bntewi of ClrcoUtlono baea vlaitlar Mr. Richter’s par- in razing it and carting away the ManchcMter—^A^ City o f Village Charm sata Rhr* BBd Kai*! Richter Beethovens to Hold Re> North End Troop Spon­ lumber. With the aid of food t t l i f t e r street left yesterday sors Ceremonies at sales and other financial projects, for Michigan.'where they will-visit hearsal and Social on and donations of money, 'Troop 98 VOL. LIX„ NO. 290 ((AaaalBed AdvertMag on Paga 19) MANCHESTE^CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1940 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THKEB CKN'ra relativea before returning to their Monday Evening. Coventry Lake. is now the proud possessor of a FOR home. fine building, 18x40, with a kitchen The Beethoven Glee Club wlU partitioned off, some cots and Troop 98, Boy Scouts, sponsored other equipment. Isnlor Epworth I.eaguera of ^ open its 16th season next Monday by the 'Manchester Methodist evening at the Emanuel Lutheran The boys have spent week-ends South Methodist church are ^re­ church, and organized about a and other spare time on the proj. minded of the last dog roast of the church writh a short rehearsal at SELECTMAN cct, and with the aid of the com­ season to he held this evening at 7:30 o’clock that will be followed year and a half ago. Invites par­ by a sdcial hour. Anyone interest­ ents and friends Interested to at­ mittee who planned and not only Marlborough lake. All those going dilrected the work but enthusias­ should be at the church promptly ed in male chorus singing is invit­ tend the dedication of their newly Injured tically engaged in it, they have a 600 Dead and 2,600 at 6:30. ed to be present. The club is striv­ completed camp on Daley Road, ing to increase its membership by Coventry lake tomorrow after­ building that fits in well with its at least 15 members over last noon. The exercises- will take .surroundings and one which will Center Church Women’s Guild year’s enrollment and many new place at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. Wil­ give them the opportunity for will open its season with a dessert- members have already been ac­ liam T. Wallace, pastor of the countless good times and recrea­ bridge Wednesday, September 11 cepted. Manchester Methodist church, will tional activities in the years to at 1:30 p. m. There will be no fee Fred Werner Director be the principal speaker. Father and it is hoped many will attend The Beethovens will again be Kelly of South Coventry. Walter this first get-together. Miss Mar­ directed by Fred Werner, who la Leclerc, Hayden Griswold, scout During Night Assaults on London ion Washburn, chairman of itie widely known for his musical abil­ commissioner for Manchester; ity. Mr. Werner spent part of the Raymond Mercer of the Manches­ Book Club comiiiittpe. announces Stephen D. Pi H Gilbert E. WlUto that this will be the final oppor­ past summer at a training school ter Court of Honor will be among TAXI? tunity to sign lup. A li.st of the for chorus directors, conducted by Stephen D. Pearl of 100 Woodland street (left above) and Gilbert the ajther speakers. A patrol Professor Williamson of the West­ CALL books vHll be available to those E. WllltS' (right) remember the old time fairs which attracted all of from Troop 58 of East Hartford British Bomb Famous Berlin Court interestild. minister School of Music at the famous old drivers of harness horses at tracks in this vicinity. will put on a patrol cooking dem- 6588 Princeton, N. J. Mr. Werner will Pearl aifd Willis both owned and drove their own horses on Fair cnstratlon. be assisted by G. Albert Pearson, Prompt! avy Aets Quiekly British Hit Hamburg, tracks in various sections of Connecticut and other New England Scout Oommlttce. Safe! Manchester Assembly, No. l.’5. former director of the club. Mrs The Scout committee conalsta Order of Rainbow, will hold its Ernest Clough will accompany the states. :4-Hniir of Alexis Tanner, chairman; Service! first fall meeting Monday evening singers at the piano. Several con Charles Field, Harold Bennett, at 7:30^ at the Masonic Temple. cert dates have already been ar­ Ralph Pearson, WilllanT' Barclay, To Order Largest The busines.s will include the elec­ ranged and a busy season is an­ SE, and Fred McMurray. There Manchester Taxi tion of officers: ticipated. French Coast Barges; It’s Fair Time Again are at present 23 scouts in the Jos. M. Oriltell, Prop. The social committee has pre­ troop, with Charles Edgerly. scout- Oflice fit The Tea Room A special meeting of the Private pared an interesting program for masters Charles Field, assistant Fleet of Vessels Duty Nurse's Association will be the singers and their guests. Rev. and the following patrol leader.s: held Tuesday evening at 7:30 L,. Thcron Ffench of the Rockville But Where Are Fairs? Sherrill Moore, Charles Hill. WIK- o'clock at the chinic building on Methodist church will be the prin­ Ilam Barcla.v, Jr. Assistant pa­ cipal speaker. Thomas Cordner, Seven Battlefihi|>a, Eight' Flier Lands Safely Fires Guide Bombers Haynes street. As this is the first trol leaders included Richard Dol- session of the fall season, all mem­ newly elected president of the side show tents, and the shell game sen. Howard Gibson, William Mar- Aircraft Carriers Put Atop Barrage Balloon bers are asked to attend. club, will serve as toastmsister. Gilbert Willis and Ste­ manipulator (a few steps ahead of ceau, Glen Law and Richard Hub­ -FREE phen Pearl Hark Back the county sheriff). You tried out bard. USE OF CAMERA Under Contract Today, New York, Sept. 9.—OP)—The Destruction Wrought in Srarfi of Front Line War­ the Ferris wheel and looked down Purrhaaed Lot. Frank P. Clancy British Broadcasting Corpora­ King Visits Housino; Plan i To Time When They on Billy Simma, far below. How The lot or building site near the DURING OUR Immediately After the tion reported today that one of British Capital to 10th fare Run Through small he looked—'bout as small aa PICTURE CONTEST the Britlah fliers In last night’s Public Stenographer r * Drove Speedy Trotters President Signs De­ Of What Is to Come; City; Tons of Bombs a fly. You waved at him con­ fight parachuted from his dis­ A rea s H ard Will Do Work During Spare Address Topic descendingly, remember. That he WEEKLY PRIZE! fense Appropriation. abled plane, waa machine-gun­ Admit ‘Major Attack’ Start Fires in Ger­ Time. Nest Work Guaranteed. By A. Kilpatrlrk saw you and looked up with invy MARJORIE NELSON Attention— Repuhliean Voters! ned by German fighters aa he For Further Information and g;reen-eyed Jealousy in his SOPRANO ENTER NOW! fell, but made a safe” landlng’’ Bv Roval Air Force on man North Sea Port; eyes, because he didn’t have the Washington, Sept. 9.— —atop a barrage balloon. Hit in Raids Write P. O. Box 91, Hartford Speaker to Ex­ ■’Sally git your glad ray* on Teacher of SiaginR Go to the Polls Tuesday as Free .Ynierieans. lyondoners Assess Manenester Green And quit ycr work, I say . courage to try it, was one of the (A P )— The greatest fleet of According to this report, llanihlirg; Bombs Arc plain Projects Before For all the folk this fallish morn crowning events of the day. Studio: 59 Delmont St. K E M P '8 fighting vessels ever put un­ pleKcd up here by NBC. the air­ Rained on Residences, Daniape from Greatest Will to the Fair away . ’’ Remember the free catalogs you Don’ t he the political bosses’ slave. man wa.s hauled to safety by Makes Three-Hour Tour The University Club. acquired ? Mother said after­ Tel. 3563 der contract at one time, in­ the balloon’s ground crew. He M iss Military Points. A.<D8aiilt8 Against City* Do you remember when you wards when you hauled them into cluding seven battleships and waa unhurt. O f East and South- Clifford Larcum, who Is In the house: "Land sakea alive— eight aircraft carriers, was were knee-high to a graflehopper, where do you think you’re going to Berlin, Sept. 9.— (AP) — east Districts; Still Bulletin! Free Enlargement charge of research for Ahe Hart­ ordered today by the Navy ford Housing Authority, will be how excited you became when Fair put all that trash?" Gem.an bomtjers, guided to Searching for Bodies. London. Sept. 9.— (A P )— With Every Roll of Film the guest speaker at a meeting of lime came around? Everybody in Night and home going came all immediately after President London’s war-wise populace Developed and Printed 4 w C too quickly. At sunset it was all London by fire.s started previ- the University Club next Wednes­ town talked about it; mother was Roosevelt signed the 35,251,- Senate Group took to air raid shelters late day night at 8 o’clock at the Y.
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