EXAM SCHEDULE Page 6 PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., MAY 6, 1964 10 CENTS A COPY Cowl Junior Queen Candidates EILEEN MIRANDO LINDA O'CONNOR CATHY COLLINS JANICE COTE MAUREEN CASEY Winner of Nobel Prize Five Pre-queen Candidates Selected In Cowl Contest The young ladies pictured above will be among the To Speak at Albertus lovelies to be escorted by Providence College men to the By Richard G. Pendola est in genetics lead him to the 1956, he became a member of Junior Prom this Friday night. They, along with all the On Monday, May 11, Dr. outstanding laboratories of Na• the Harvard Biology Depart• young Ladies present, will be considered for the honor James D. Watson, professor of ples, Copenhagen, and Cam• ment where he continues to of becoming Queen of the Junior Prom for the class of biology at Harvard University bridge where he worked with work. 1965. The prom is to be held at the Jolly Miller Club and 1962 Nobel Prize winner, noted scientists as Wilkens Dr. Watson's honors include: of the Old Grist Mill in Seekonk, Massachusetts. will speak on "The Role of and Crick. Back in the U. S. in the Eli Lilly Award in Bio• Ribosomes in Protein Syn• chemistry in 1959; the Lasker The pictures are among those sentatives of the junior class thesis." The lecture will take Award with F. H. C. Crick and submitted to the pre-queen con• and The Cowl chose the five place in the auditorium of Al• M. Wilkens in I960; Nobel test sponsored by The Cowl in which they considered to be bertus Magnus Science Hall at Prize for Medicine with Crick conjunction with the junior the best entries. and Wilkens; and membership 7:30 p.m. class in preparation for Junior Miss Eileen Mirando, a senior in the American Academy of at St. Mary's Academy in New Dr. Watson became renowned Arts and Sciences. He is also a Weekend. Seventeen entries were received and from those a Haven, Connecticut, will be es• in 1962 when he, along with F. member of the American So- corted to the Prom by Paul H. C. Crick and Maurice Wil• (Continued on Page 2) committee composed of repre- J. Coppola of New Haven. kens, received the Nobel Prize for Medicine. The trio received Miss Linda O'Connor of West the prize for their discovery of Hartford, Connecticut will be the structure of DNA (deoxyri• escorted by Anthony V. Parlato bonucleic acid) which is a cell Commencement Weekend Nearing; of Yonkers, New York. component responsible for he• Miss Cathy Collins, who at• re d i t a r y characteristics in Co-chairmen Announce Final Plans tends Emmanuel College in plants and animals. Today bi• Boston, Massachusetts, will be ological research in genetics Final plans for the Com• Following dinner, an infor• escorted by Joseph A. L'Annun- continues with this discovery as mencement Weekend of the mal dance will be held in the ziata of Springfield, Massachu• a foundation. Class of 1964 have been an• ballroom of the Ocean View setts. nounced by co-chairmen, Art Hotel. Beginning at 7:30 p.m., Miss Janice Cote of Paw- A native of Chicago, Dr. Wat• Parrin and Steve Kane. The this dance will extend until son received a B.S. in Zoology events will be held on the week• 10:30 p.m. Music for the event tucket, R. I. will be escorted from Chicago University in end of May 29, 30, and 31. Bids will be provided*' by "The Sons by Leo J. Meunier of Paw- 1947; three years later, he re• are priced at $12, and mini• of the Beach" led by John Cic- (Continued on Page 7) ceived a Ph.D. in Zoology from mum down payments of $2 chitto, a member of the senior Indiana University. His inter• DR. JAMES WATSON must be made by May 15. class here at the College. Formal and floral, the Com• No New Strategy mencement Ball will be held at Dress for 'the informal dance the King Philip Ballroom in is skirts and blouses for the Planned This Week Dorm Workers Strike! Wrentham, Mass., on May 29. ladies and sports shirts and Dancing at the Friday evening trousers for the men. Facili• event will be from 9 p.m. to 1 ties will be provided for chang• By Fr. Murphy ing from afternoon attire. Progress Halted Again a.m. Suggested dress is black With three concurrent Class tuxedo and floor-length gown. The boat will depart from weekends in the offing this Construction of P. C's new ed all Saturday night and well On Saturday, May 30, a day dormitories has again been into Sunday morning. Block Island promptly at 11 coming weekend, one might ex• of activities on Block Island p.m. for the return trip to pect a bit of confusion with late halted because of striking What is the outlook for the will be featured. At 11:30 a.m., Point Judith. Those attending curfews et al. However, the workers. The workers are mem• resumption of construction on the "Block Island" will leave the dorms? Mr. Donatelli of the the weekend are reminded that Reverend James M. Murphy, bers of the Laborers Union Lo• Point Judith and dock at Block they must be on the boat at 11 O.P., Dean of Men, viewed the cal 271, that went on strike Donatelli Construction Co. has Island at 1 p.m. A beach party said that as far as be knows p.m. since only one boat will events with an air of optismism. Monday morning. The union will be conducted with lunch• the isues are siill not clear. return to Point Judith. "It should be an interesting ex• has failed to come to an agree• eon and refreshments to be periment," he said. On Sunday, May 31, the week• ment with the Associated Gen- He said the workers them• served on the beach. Approvimately at 5:30 p.m., end will be concluded with the He expressed the hope that earl Contractors of Rhode Is• selves do not seem to under• stand the issues. However, his there will be a catered cookout celebration of the Baccalaureate those attending the weekend land, in deciding on a new con• conjecture is that they will re• on the beach near the Ocean Mass at 10 a.m. All seniors, would act with maturity so that tract. sume work soon because of the View Hotel. The meal will in• their dates, and parents are in• problems will be kept to a min• imum, and concluded by stat• The strike occurred in def• last winter's strike. The Cowl clude steak sandwiches, potato vited to attend. Following this Mass, a Commencement re• ing, "I have planned no special erence to an all-night attempt was unable to contact the bar- salads, and the usual accom- rtanvine menu. hearsal will be held. strategy." at agreement. The meeting last• continued on Page 2) 2 THE COWL, MAY 6, 1964 MEMO FROM THE EDITOR: Head of ROTC As we see the seniors about campus Is Reappointed wearing their academic gowns, we know To Camp Drum again that graduation is not far off. Lt. CoL Lawrence V. Troiano. the Professor of Military Sci• But this year, unlike other years, the ence at Providence College, has graduation exercises will not be held in been reassigned to Fort Drum. New York. Col. Troiano, origi• their traditional spot—the "terrace" nally assigned to PC in 1959, is scheduled to take over the du• of Aquinas Hall. ties of executive officer of that post on July 1, 1964. That area is unavailable because of Col. Troiano, a native of New York City, graduated from City the construction work taking place College of New York in 1940 He entered the Army in 1940 there. The commencement exercises have through the ROTC program ai been scheduled for the confines of Alumni that school. Col. Troiano served in the Hall. This move presents definite Chinese Theater during World problems both for the graduates and War II. and with the Opera• tions and Planning Staff of the Col. Lawrence V. Troiano will be leaving Providence Col• their guests. Eighth Army during the Korean lege after five years as Professor of Military Science. War. He has served as bat• The atmosphere of the outdoor cere• talion commander on three separate occasions with the 31st Strike . mony is lost. The heat and humidity that Division and the 8th Division. He has been the Assistant Chief (Continued from Page 1> will build up in Alumni Hall may prove of Staff, G2 (inteUigence). of gaining parties when this ar• the 8th Infantry Division, and ticle was written. What ever OVER 21 CO ED DANCE [ unbearable to many, including the gradu• later, the Assistant Chief of the immediate outcome of the EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT J Staff, Gl(personnel), for that strike is, he said, the results New Grist Mill Ballroom ates who will be crowded together in same organization while sta• are already being felt. His Com• tioned in Germany. He gradu• pany has been trying to make Route 114A off Route 44 their caps and gowns. Many of the guests up for the lost time during the ated from the Army's Command (Taunton Ave.) will be forced to sit in the uncomfort• and General Staff College at last strike, and the present sit• Fort Leavenworth in 1946. uation can do nothing but set TONY ABBOTT able bleachers during the lengthy cere• things back.
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